Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 74 About Fudge coming to Hogwarts to fight with Lockhart

Book next time.

Unable to talk about revenge, Andy delivered a letter to the British Magic Yamen overnight, and the county magistrate Fudge——

Ahem, that’s it, the Ministry of Magic, this made Fudge, the Minister of Magic, very excited - he was originally helped up by Albus Dumbledore, and he really didn’t have much confidence in his abilities at the beginning. Everything needs Dumbledore's guidance.

But in Andy's opinion, this is just a puppet minister, and the old bee's hand is really long enough.

However, after working as a puppet for a long time, there were times when he was disobedient. He became obsessed with the feeling of being the Minister of Magic and everything this position brought to him, and began to gravitate towards some pure-blood families - those who liked his position and money. .

This old man has been in his position for a long time. Although he has no ability, he has become swollen after being flattered for a long time. Instead, he suspected that Albus Dumbledore wanted to usurp his position as minister. When he dared to refuse Dumbledore himself, When Blido arrived, he thought it was a good time to get rid of him.

Andy said, Dumbledore just took off his pants and farted, so you just became the Minister of Magic and the Headmaster of Hogwarts soon?Isn’t this just creating an enemy in vain?

This guy brought me a pillow - a letter from someone is a big help.

Yesterday, as soon as the old fat man received the letter, he got up from the bed and informed the Aurors. He didn't even have time to put on his underwear just to leave a glorious image of Grimmauld Place, so with the help of an unknown person, Sirius has been successfully arrested!

So he felt that he was good again, and he arrogantly took the Auror to Hogwarts the next day - that is, when Lockhart was training 20 kilometers in Hagrid's vegetable garden - to investigate the so-called principal's indifference at Hogwarts. Basilisk.

This gave Dumbledore a headache, and his information was very good - he started running as soon as Sirius was arrested yesterday.

You're so tired, you old bee!Andy thought unkindly.He had already seen Filch leading the fat old man in with his teeth and claws. The four Aurors next to him were far away from him - Andy could see the embarrassed expression on the second floor.

On the other hand, Fudge also felt that Dumbledore was getting old and was having trouble with his brain. The main reason was that when he first entered the gate, he saw a man who was chased away by a big snake - the little wizard passing by said that it was them. Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, that’s really puzzling.

Can Andy be idle at this time?Of course, he couldn't. He decisively volunteered and led Fudge to Dumbledore's office with a nod and a bow. He had to use the old man to defeat the old man.

Then decisively stop the snake curse behind Lockhart.

After returning to the castle, Lockhart actually took Andy to the principal's office for review, and maintained his demeanor along the way - saying that he was looking for Andy to help him answer fan mail.

Faced with Lockhart's furious behavior, Andy had his own trick: "Hey, Professor, our internal conflicts are easy to resolve internally. The main reason is that the old man who brought people here just now is the director of our school, and he is planning to I’m trying to persuade Principal Dumbledore to fire you, it’s almost a career crisis, why don’t you try to persuade me?”

"You have done a good thing, Rolex!" Lockhart's cheeks trembled with anger. Because someone was watching the fun, he did not make any drastic move, but went straight to the principal's office.

Ah, here, I will go by myself, please put me down quickly.Hey, your arm strength is really good, how about you change your profession to an epee knight?

Andy decided to start drinking milk from tomorrow and must grow to 1.8 meters.

Lockhart burst into the principal's office without even announcing the news - taking Andy with him.

"Professor Dumbledore, please don't easily listen to the spouting of some second-rate wizards. This kind of jealous nonsense is really ridiculous. You must know that although I didn't show my true strength because of this kid's troubles, I still have A wealth of experience—like…Secretary Fudge?”

"Am I the second-rate wizard you are talking about?" Fudge's fat face, all the features gathered together, and he raised his neck and asked, just like an angry Lear: "This wizard, do you dare to mock the Minister of Magic?"

"Ah, no no, please listen to my explanation..." Lockhart immediately panicked. Fudge squinted his small eyes and brought his fat face to the tip of the idiot king's nose: "Sir, Lockhart, in view of What I saw this afternoon, I have the right to suspect that you and your works are all fabrications - I will publish your true identity to the Daily Bugle!"

"You can't do this! You are avenging a private vendetta!" When it came to his public image, Lockhart instantly became confused.

This actually aroused Dumbledore's interest. : "Maybe Girod needs a chance to prove himself, Connelly."

"No, he doesn't need it. It will be in the newspapers tomorrow." Cornelius Fudge turned and left: "Don't forget our agreement."

"Wait!" Lockhart wanted to grab Fudge's arm, but instead grabbed Fudge's lapel. This angered the Minister of Magic, who had the lowest self-esteem in his body.

"You second-rate liar who can only write articles! What do you want to do?" Fudge put his wand against Lockhart's chest and forced him to the wall: "Watch, you will be on the headlines tomorrow! Everyone will know you He’s a lying bastard!”

Lockhart, who was so frightened that he lost his sense, began to fight for the wand with Fudge for the last bit of his dignity. Fudge kept kicking the opponent with his short legs like a wind-up toy, but Lockhart's goal was clear. Standing taller, he pulled out the magic wand held in the long pig's trotters, and the two quickly rolled to the ground, fighting and bumping into a bunch of gadgets on the desk - the bottle that was poured on the corner of the table poured blue on Fudge's face.

Until the four Aurors outside the door were called in by Dumbledore.Lockhart entered the Ministry of Magic, and it was difficult to get out again. Fudge took advantage of the situation, exploded, and even made harsh remarks about a certain club.

Andy couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering, maybe Lupine would have a chance to come online early!

"Are you okay, Andy?" Dumbledore seemed quite satisfied with the result, and Andy was also a little confused.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Andy was really a social nerd, greeting the principal with a playful smile. Even the portraits couldn't stand this thick-skinned boy and turned away one after another.

"It's you again, Andy." Dumbledore felt that this kid was like James in the world, and he didn't know how Snape could stand him.

"Ah ah, I'm fine! I'm leaving. I was arrested in the first place." Andy pretended to go out, thinking about how to get the diary.

After he left, Dumbledore immediately had a candidate for Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in his mind.

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