Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Doesn’t Chapter 6 say that you can only enter school at the age of 11?

its not right?Isn’t this consistent with both the original work and the movie?If today was Harry's birthday, shouldn't the Dursleys be dodging a sea of ​​envelopes on some stormy island in the Alba Peninsula?

While Andy was wondering, Penny came to comfort the two frightened children and told them not to go downstairs.

When the Dursleys walked up the stairs tremblingly, Hagrid was already communicating with Harry cordially and friendly.He was unwrapping a pink cake with the words: happybirthdaeharry written on it in green buttercream, and apparently the cake was squished by him.

"It seems that I accidentally pressed it, but the taste should still be as delicious."

"I ask you to leave immediately, sir. You are breaking into a house without permission!" Vernon was holding a gun and was so frightened that his pants almost fell off. Petunia, who had curly hair, also held her husband's shoulders tightly and hid under his fat body. behind the body.

"Shut up, Dursley, you old bastard!" Hagrid bent the barrel of the rifle, scaring the Dursleys and screaming.

When Andy heard this loud and rude voice, he was even more certain that the person coming must be Rubeus Hagrid, the keykeeper of Hogwarts, the gamekeeper, and the half-giant who grew up drinking Veritaserum.

He decided to wait and see what happens. Anyway, he only entered school at the age of 11, so there is nothing wrong with him now.Vaguely, he heard Hagrid telling Harry about Hogwarts and his parents, telling him that he was actually a wizard and praising Dumbledore crazily, and then there was the argument between the Dursleys and Hagrid, and Petunia Scolding the Potters.

Andy became anxious when he heard the curse on the Potters. Although he had no feelings for Lily, James, who died to protect him, was already an irreplaceable father in his heart.

I'm going to go downstairs and squirt her!How dare you greet my parents? !Let me show you what it means to be the number one troll in the Chinese server!

When Andy was about to rush down to confront Penny, Dudley was already lying on the table enjoying the cake. Of course, he found that Dudley was eating the cake as well as Hagrid, so Hagrid decisively picked up his umbrella and happily and happily Added a pig tail to him.

Dudley had both hands to cover his fat butt, and a curly tail was exposed from the middle of his butt. He screamed and ran to his parents. Petunia and Vernon hugged their son in panic, and the family was in chaos. A ball.

In a panic, Hagrid found the red head peeping out, "Why are there Muggles here?!" Hagrid was about to go up and cast a forgetting spell.

Vernon was stunned for a moment when he was asked: "This is my partner's son, Andy Lawrence, what are you going to do?"

"Oh God! This damn old bastard! You actually hid him here!" Hagrid strode up the stairs, the wood creaking under the pressure.

Vernon didn't know whether it was out of good intentions or because he was worried that Andy would fly away if he was hurt, so he took Andy behind him.

"Don't come here you monster, this child has nothing to do with any of this! I forbid you to talk to this child!"

Hagrid looked surprised and said angrily: "Dursley, don't you know?! He is Harry's brother! He is Andy Potter! The nephew you lost!"

sharp!As expected of a Gryffindor, are you so reckless? !And who told you these things? !Could it be Snape?It shouldn't be. He used Legilimency on me. Didn't he already know that I traveled through time?I go?Could it be that Dumbledore is going to attack me?

Andy's mind was in a mess, and Petunia and Vernon next to him were even more shocked.

"Don't be afraid, little one. Professor McGonagall has picked you up at your home tonight. I didn't expect you to be here. Dumbledore said that he must take you back to Hog tonight... Oh, Merlin's beard , I shouldn’t have said this..."

Thank you for listening to me, Mr. Veritaserum. It seems that the White Devil already wants to kill me. Between magic and life, I still choose life, Shuan Q.

The Dursleys looked at Andy in horror. The three people sandwiched between the two magicians were so scared that they clung to the wall, while Andy was racking his brains to think of a way to escape.

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about, I've never met you, and it's illegal for you to come in here."

"Andy, don't you understand? You are just like Harry, you are a wizard! Think about it, nothing magical happens around you?" Hagrid tried to remain gentle, but his small eyes were covered with thick eyebrows. The middle glare came out.

"No, sir, never, except for you." Andy lied. He concealed the encounter with Snape. Andy guessed that Snape did not rat him out. "And I've just applied to Eton, where I have to go to school, and you must be mistaken."

Speaking of pretending to be confused while pretending to understand, Andy was very good at it in the project department.

Is it a squib?Hagrid became depressed. There was a squib in the Potter family?Just like that annoying Filch?

"He's right! Stay the hell away from him!" Penny didn't know where the courage came from, but she was trembling as she said: "He is different from them, he is a normal - not that weird - weird Fetus!" Her voice was clearly screaming at the end.

Vernon accidentally noticed the change in his wife's attitude, and stood up in front of her again, still holding the ridiculous bent pipe rifle in his hand.

But it didn't work.

"Okay, Andy." The giant's powerful force waved the Disley family aside: "No matter what, I will take you away today." Hagrid "cautiously" carried Andy over, and Andy I found that I couldn't struggle at all, so I could only kick and hit me and yell to let go of me, but the 9-year-old child's attack on Hagrid was like scratching an itch.

Are you sure Dumbledore gave me the death order to arrest me? !Does he look like this kind of person? Think about it, Hagrid. Didn’t you just praise him? ! "

"It's getting late, Harry, we have to go."

Harry was obviously hesitant when he saw the squealing Andy, but as soon as the squealing Andy saw Harry Potter hesitate, he immediately shut up and quieted down, okay, don't go to Huo Huo again because of me. Gwartz, Old Deng must not kill me.

Hagrid thought Andy had given up his struggle, and patted him on the back to comfort him: "It's okay, little guy, don't be afraid. Harry, do you want to stay in this terrible place?"

Harry looked back at the family clinging to the wall, and immediately followed Hagrid out the door.

At this point, Andy felt that his bad magic career was about to begin.

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