At the intersection of Privet Drive, a shorthair squatted under the street sign.

"Oh my God." Professor McGonagall saw Andy struggling in Hagrid's arms at a glance, and performed a great transformation: "Put him down, Hagrid. I remember Professor Dumbledore let him You brought him here, but I didn’t ask you to kidnap him.”

"Professor McGonagall, you don't know how difficult it is to bring this little guy." Hagrid did not let go, for fear that Andy would run away: "Harry, Andy, this is the deputy principal of Hogwarts and the transfiguration teacher. , Professor McGonagall."

"Hello Professor McGonagall." Harry greeted politely: "You are so awesome, this is amazing!"

And Andy was sulking like crazy.

"Thank you, Mr. Potter. It's been a long time."

"haven't seen you for a long time?"

"I was waiting for Professor Lido, Professor McGonagall and me to send you here together."

"Then...Professor McGonagall, can I ask you a question?" Harry blinked his emerald green eyes: "Andy is really my brother? But why are we separated?"

"Of course, you are brothers. You see, Mr. Andy Potter did not deny it. Professor Dumbledore will explain it to you later." She looked at Hagrid: "But now it is time to take Mr. Harry Potter to the London, and then go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to prepare school supplies, right?”

"Okay Professor McGonagall, but you have to keep an eye on him." Hagrid put the reluctant Andy down.

"Isn't he going with us?"

"Oh, Mr. Potter, Andy is not old enough to enroll in school. Professor Dumbledore needs to go through some procedures for him to allow you two to study at the same time."

thank you!This is a lie without blushing. Are you still going to go through the formalities for me?Isn't it necessary to stare at the eyes and read Legilimency dozens of times?

But Andy reluctantly followed Professor McGonagall based on the mentality that it was a blessing rather than a curse and that it was a curse that could not be avoided.

"Goodbye, Andy!" Harry said goodbye with some reluctance: "We will meet at Hogwarts!"

"Goodbye Harry." Andy waved his hand.

"We should go, Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall urged: "Take my right hand. We have to apparate to Professor Dumbledore's office. It may be a little uncomfortable."

"Good professor"

As soon as he grabbed Professor McGonagall's hand, Andy felt a huge feeling of being thrown away. He couldn't help but grab the other hand. The surrounding environment turned dark, and a violent squeezing feeling swept through his whole body, as if he was being sucked in. Use a front-loading washing machine to spin dry.

After a few minutes that lasted as long as a century, a bright light finally appeared in front of his eyes, but before he could stop, Andy vomited on the floor of the principal's office.

Too bad Aunt Petunia's delicious food.

Then, the high-speed rail is still easier to ride.

Also, it is true that my motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment.

"Andy, you're here, thank you Minerva."

"I think a cleaning spell is needed here." Professor McGonagall waved her wand gracefully, and the miserable floor returned to its original state.

"I think you need a cup of tea, Andy, and some sweets."

Thank you, grandpa. Do you think I can still eat it?

Then Andy saw Snape standing next to him with a speechless expression: "I think what Mr. Potter needs is a dose of anti-nausea medicine."

Wait, are these three trials going to be held together?

"You can call me Lawrence, my father's last name is Lawrence, and Potter reminds me of Harry."

Snape's face turned gloomy and he looked even more dissatisfied.

"We respect your wishes Andy." Dumbledore said very kindly: "Sit down and take a moment. Professor McGonagall has introduced you to Hogwarts."

"Not yet, Professor Dumbledore, it was Hagrid who picked up Mr. Lawrence. He was at Harry's aunt's house at the time." Professor McGonagall said, "But I explained the situation to his adoptive parents."

"Look how amazing it is, Andy, blood relatives will always come together." Dumbledore's eyes were bright under his half-moon glasses: "According to Professor Snape, your memory is very good, which is really rare. "

Andy immediately felt guilty about love?How good is it?In a previous life?Is our Muggle technology about to be exposed?Do they know the novel and the movie? Is Hogwarts Legacy going to be developed ahead of schedule?

Snape snorted coldly: "Professor, I feel very suspicious whether Mr. Potter is really Mr. Potter."

My name is Lawrence!

"No problem, Severus. I believe Andy won't lie to us." Dumbledore blinked: "It's just a magical talent that you have as a baby, right?"

Snape didn't say anything, but he looked vaguely relieved.

Thank you principal, I received your Legilimency.

But Andy's worried heart was put into his stomach. At least it was only in the infancy, and my identity as a time traveler was not exposed.Andy was ready to confess directly. After all, it was impossible for a young man who was only thirty in his two lifetimes to outplay two old men who were over 100 years old.

"So Andy, can you remember the day Sirius found you?"

"Emmmm...who is Sirius?" Andy pretended to be confused, pretending to understand.

"Professor Dumbledore, there is no rush at this moment." Professor McGonagall wanted to stop him.

"It's okay Minerva, I'm just chatting with Andy. Don't be afraid Andy, we just want to help your godfather. A tall man with gray eyes and long black curly hair."

"I... seem to remember." Andy said hesitantly.

"Do you remember who he chased on a street while holding you in his arms?"

"A...a short, fat man? A bit buck-toothed?" Andy felt that he couldn't pretend anymore.

"Peter Pettigrew." Snape said suddenly.

"Can you remember anything after that, Andy?"

"I don't remember much... The fat man seemed to emit a light? Then there were explosions everywhere?"

Snape looked over with a frown, and Professor McGonagall also showed a surprised expression.

Well, I pretend to be so. It would be a pity not to act in movies. Why should I study engineering?

"Thank you Andy, it seems that the Ministry of Magic has wronged your godfather." Dumbledore was very calm.

"But... can the Ministry of Magic believe the testimony of a child..." Andy wanted to cover his mouth as soon as he finished speaking. Dumbledore's eyes suddenly became sharp when he stared at Andy, but after It returned to its original state in an instant.

"What little Andy said does make sense, but it's so late, it's time to rest. I'll take you to Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy supplies for admission. You will fall in love with Hogwarts." Dumbledore winked mischievously again, Let Professor McGonagall take Andy to rest.

After the two left, Dumbledore returned to his serious look.

"I want to put him in Hufflepuff, Severus."

"But he's a Slytherin through and through, look at how cunning he is."

"You know Severus, I have never interfered with the sorting of any student in these years, including the one who cannot speak."

Speaking of that person, Snape's expression looked a little painful. "Yes, Professor."

"You know, Severus, he wrote to remind me to pay attention to this child. I was wondering if I could intervene in it and see if it would develop in a good direction and give him more love and a relaxed environment. Maybe we, Harry, and he will all have a chance."

Snape was noncommittal.

"I know you care about her children, so we should get along better. Maybe the future will be different."

"No professor, I support your decision."

The two talked for a long time in the office, until the fire went out and Snape walked out of the principal's office.

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