Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 5 The first meeting of brothers

Andy was immersed in the anticipation of meeting his savior and good brother all night long. He was so excited all night thinking about how to save the savior who was in dire straits that he didn't fall asleep very late.

But the heavy rain in the morning almost made Andy think that the great meeting with the savior brother would be ruined. Unexpectedly, the weather on Saturday was very good. Although it was cloudy, it was not raining at all.

Mr. Lawrence led a carload of people to Privet Drive, discussing the movie they went to see together last night.

Andy felt that he could not understand this semi-magical and semi-staged masterpiece, and the style was too high.On the contrary, my sister Wendy Lawrence is very fond of Shakespeare.In contrast, brother George Lawrence was as passionate about the film as Andy.

Soon, the family arrived at No. 4 Privet Drive. From a distance, Andy saw Mr. and Mrs. Dursley greeting them cordially at the door.Vernon's round figure looked like a panting rhinoceros hidden in his dark suit, which made Petunia next to him look disproportionately thin.

"Welcome to my home!" Penny warmly welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence into the living room.

"Welcome too, kids!" Vernon's voice proved that he was definitely a genius.

"Can I get your coats, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence?" Dudley opened the door with a false smile. "We are honored to have you here!"

Andy looked at the family catching the horse and felt desperate. Ah, this...is this my aunt's family?It has a much greater impact than the movie.

Then Andy smelled really good.

To be honest, foodie Andy has to admire Aunt Petunia's cooking skills, especially the meat and desserts, which are really amazing.That's right, before today, Andy had lived in this world for nearly ten years without finding anything to eat except fish and chips, including his mother's English stew and oxtail soup.That cliff was Andy's nightmare.

Moreover, Andy felt that Penny seemed to be quite friendly to him. She frequently added food to him during the dinner, hoping to feed him into another Dudley.

But the most unexpected thing is that Andy never thought that he would form a strange and deep friendship with Dudley because of the game console.At the dinner table, Dursley found that the two children with ADHD were obsessed with business and literature, so he asked Dudley to take Andy to the room to play the game console "but imported from abroad."

Wendy Wendy glared at Andy dissatisfied, as if she was dissatisfied with his lowering of her family's table manners and literary literacy.

Thinking about it, I have preconceptions. Apart from bullying Harry, hating magic, and being a little hypocritical, this family is nothing different from normal people. We are all human beings and have shortcomings!It turns out that I don’t like my cousin sleeping at home (a humanoid Lego crusher).

Then my attention was attracted by a Nintendo SFC. Oh my god, this was discontinued in 2003!Can a computer simulator feel the same as a physical machine? !Get started quickly!

In fact, the establishment of friendship between boys is too simple. The two of them played games in the room in the dark all afternoon. The food and games made Andy, who was usually strictly managed by his father, not want to leave. Fortunately, the order cooperation went smoothly, and with Da By asking for mercy and his mother's soft-heartedness, Andy successfully lived in the Dursleys' house.

As for big brother Harry?Harry?What's the point?Andy had long forgotten about it.

They played until dinner in the evening, and then the two boys went downstairs at Petunia's urging. Andy found that Dudley seemed to have few friends, so he cherished their friendship very much, and Dursley also had an upcoming plan for his son. His friends who were promoted to Eton College were very satisfied. He felt that they would all be decent people in the future, with serious jobs and families.

Nonsense, don't you know if your son's bad temper can make friends?

Just as the two of them were feasting under the admiring eyes of Aunt Petunia, there was a noise from the utility room on the stairs. It was Harry who was starving.

"Is it a dog? Dudley, you have a dog?" Oh, let's go. After Andy finished speaking, he wanted to scold himself, what a pig brain!That's your good big brother!The good brother you forgot about!

Vernon was just about to use the excuse of a dog to cover up the past, but Dudley interrupted him: "That's my cousin, he's a little confused."

Andy tilted his head, deliberately showing a puzzled expression. In order to cover up his embarrassment, Vernon opened the door latch of the utility room, and a green-eyed boy with messy hair came out.

When Andy saw this Harry who was two inches thinner than Dudley, he instantly felt that he was not worthy of being a human being: he was sitting on a stool while his elder brother sat on the ground; he was eating delicious food while his elder brother was hungry, so where was his conscience?Comrade Andy, all the great ideas last night were eaten by dogs? !

"Harry, say hello. This is Mr. Lawrence's son and Dudley's friend. I taught you how to say hello."

"Hi, hello, I'm Harry." Harry was a little unhappy when he heard that he was Dudley's friend.

"Hello, Harry, Aunt Petunia, can he come to have dinner with us?"

"Of course, dear." Petunia smiled a little reluctantly: "We are just afraid that he will ruin the tableware and dishes and affect you and Dudley's meal."

"Then come on, Harry." Andy finally did something right and conscientious.

After the sumptuous dinner, Aunt Petunia asked Harry to clean up the leftovers. Andy strongly asked to clean up with Harry, but she stopped her and went back to the room with Dudley to play. "How can you ask the guests to clean up, don't you think so, Harry?" "

Andy was a little helpless, after all, he was at someone else's house, but he seemed to hear Harry say a small thank you to him, which made Andy feel a little depressed and guilty.

But as soon as his mind changed, he had another plan. Could he invite Dudley to his home and take Harry away as an excuse to improve his life?right!Just do it!

Harry naturally couldn't participate in the game he and Dudley played. After finishing his housework, he was immediately locked in the stair storage room, while Andy Andy upstairs absentmindedly played with Dudley until the evening.

After Vernon and Petunia said goodnight, the two boys, exhausted from playing, quickly fell asleep.

The night is peaceful...

But come on, the two protagonists are together, how is it possible?

Suddenly there was a loud bang downstairs, and the house shook. Andy was so frightened that he got up immediately. After all, which country has more reliable security than China!

Andy slapped Dudley's fat face and lifted him up while shouting for Vernon and Petunia.

Then I thought about it, that's not right, if it depends on the plot...

"Dudley Dudley! What day is it today?"

"Um...Wednesday...um...31..." Dudley obviously didn't want to get up.

It's Hagrid!

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