Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 58 Entering the principal’s office right after school starts

Andy wandered back and forth in front of the office door on the seventh floor for a long time, causing the portrait opposite to stare at him.To be honest, it was impossible not to be frightened. From Filch's tone and the fact that he was not allowed to attend the opening banquet, it seemed that the situation this time was indeed a bit tricky.

It would be impossible to stand up to Dumbledore, but defecting is also impossible - his home has been visited by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, members of the Order of the Phoenix, and Dumbledore might not even know where his socks are. Clear.There was a wolf in front of him and a tiger behind him. He gritted his teeth and entered the principal's office.

Dumbledore was not inside, probably to host the opening ceremony and sorting ceremony. Andy could only wait for him in the office.A pile of portraits of old principals on the wall started pointing at him again. The female principal who saved him last time no longer paid attention to him, and Phineas Nigel, who had raised eyebrows at him last time, S. Black didn't scold him this time.

He had no intention of chatting with the portraits now. He was searching for the best escape route from the principal's office.After turning around, Andy found a letter on Dumbledore's desk that he had not yet opened. It was inconspicuously sandwiched between two books, with only one corner exposed.

The more important something is, the more inconspicuous it will be!Andy carefully moved the book away. It was a letter from Austria.He looked down at the scrawled handwriting on the envelope, and his hair stood up instantly.His brown pupils reflected a familiar address - Nurmengard.

Sure enough!No wonder he was eaten to death every time. It turned out that Dumbledore was related to that person! Fortunately, the portraits were hung outside the arch, so no one could find out what he had done.Andy suppressed his curiosity and changed the book back to its original position.

You can't watch it now, in case what you know now will be revealed during the principal's interrogation later.But I have to improve my skills quickly and go to Austria as soon as possible.

"Andy, good evening." Andy, who had eaten a lot of sweets on Dumbledore's table, finally waited for Dumbledore. This time he was alone, without Snape or McGonagall.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." Andy felt that there was nothing strange about the old man.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Harry and Ron drove a flying car to school together and hit the Whomping Willow." Dumbledore looked at the pile of candy wrappers and snack wrappers on his table, and tugged at the He tugged at his beard and said, "Many Muggles saw them. I'm going to deal with this matter. I'm sorry for being late."

"Ah? Really? So, did Mr. Weasley arrest him?" Andy disagreed. Wendy has already walked around Diagon Alley eight times. What do they mean? There is no reliable person in the Weasley family. .

"Of course not. I thought you would care about your brother." Dumbledore began to clear his table: "I know there is a conflict between you brothers."

Well, if I want to get downstairs alive today, I have to ask if half of England knows that my brothers had a fight at someone else's house.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore." Andy replied obediently.

"Goed to Malfoy Manor?"

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore."

"So just like what Harry said in his letter, you really..."

"Yes...but I had no choice at the time. That was not my intention, Professor. I wasn't going to do anything. I didn't want to get into any fight."

"Don't stand between two fire dragons, Andy." Dumbledore held a stack of books and walked to the bookshelf at the back: "Not offending either party is equivalent to being regarded as an enemy by both parties."

Andy laughed and asked Dumbledore: "But Professor, what would you have done if you were me at that time?"

"It's very simple, Andy, it's very simple. As far as I know, Professor Snape gave you a better choice at that time, didn't he?" Dumbledore turned around and looked at him through the lenses with his blue eyes. Andy's pressure suddenly rose.

"That's it. It seems that Professor Snape is your spy who broke into the Death Eaters." The red-haired boy lowered his eyes: "But I am not willing to take risks for this. I mean you are a person who can accept sacrifices for the sake of justice. And I can't accept that."

"It's a very kind idea, so I would be surprised that you would make that choice, but you don't have to worry that Snape will not be in danger, he can protect himself very well."

Yes, protecting himself will lead to death in the end. Andy complained secretly in his heart, and he said: "Don't worry, Professor, I won't do anything harmful to nature. I just want to find some way to avoid unnecessary sacrifices."

Dumbledore seemed to hear something in Andy's words. He walked over to the boy and sat down: "I feel like you misunderstood me a little Andy. I don't want to see sacrifices. I remember he also wrote that in Harry's letter. You are struggling with this problem." He turned his head and looked at the boy's face: "I don't understand why you think that I treat the people around me as pawns. I will feel pain if I lose anyone. I will not take advantage of it. anyone."

"Except me, right?" Andy smiled a little reluctantly, cursing in his mind his incompetence for not daring to tell everyone's ending. He took a deep breath: "Do you think I can't see your caution... ..Or why don’t you help me?”

This stopped Dumbledore.

"I have fallen into a deep quagmire, Professor. When the semester started, I thought that you really cared about me as a student. I also thought about doing my best, but your temptation and precautions against me made me think of that prophecy. . I guess, or maybe my paranoia made me think, is it just because of that prophecy - it can't be only half fulfilled? For example, if Voldemort cannot return, he must not be eliminated, and I am an important part of it. ?”

"How about he..." This sentence suddenly flashed in Dumbledore's mind, but he quickly swept it away. He knew that Andy was half right, but it was not. All because of the integrity of the prophecy - which he was also trying to change in a gentle way: "Andy, I'm not like that. That's why I wanted to sort you into Hufflepuff. You're a complicated boy. , a more relaxed, friendly environment might allow you to open up.”

"But what about my parents? I asked you for help, but you ignored it." Andy raised his head and stared at him: "Even if they are Muggles, they are still my parents."

"I guarantee that they will live in safety from now on." Dumbledore solemnly promised.

Andy nodded and thanked Dumbledore.

"Go ahead, you're hungry enough now. I heard Hagrid baked you a pie, right?" Dumbledore blinked: "Don't let Mr. Filch find out."

Andy walked out happily under Dumbledore's gaze.When the statue door of the headmaster's office swung back, Andy's smile disappeared. He thought about what he had ventured to say with fear. He was glad that Dumbledore didn't have any dangerous thoughts about him - and the family relocation should also be put on the agenda. .

Dumbledore, who was separated by a wall, was also lost in thought. He didn't know if Andy could believe his words.He felt ashamed of his fleeting thought and doubted his decision.He should do the right thing, but if that day comes, both boys will have to die, and one of them will even die by his own hands. What is the meaning of creating a beautiful life for them in the past few years?

Should they face their destiny and resist, or should they continue to weave these beautiful lies?

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