Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 55 The breakup of brothers

"Children, get off the table!" Arthur Weasley pulled out his wand: "He may be under the Imperius Curse."

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley frowned and stopped her excited husband.

"Children, Molly, come behind me." Arthur was quite scary when he looked serious: "No child can take the initiative to admit that he is a Death Eater in front of the staff of the Ministry of Magic, unless this is a trick of a mysterious person. It seems We need to move out as soon as possible - after I help him break the curse."

Arthur was guarding his wife and children behind him with a guarded look on his face, Molly's face was full of worry, the Weasley boys were full of confusion, and the fire in Harry's eyes seemed to be engulfing Andy.The wand in his hand was facing Andy: "Andy, you have to try to hear what I say and use your willpower to resist - otherwise I will have to tie you to Gringotts' Thief-proof Falls!"

"Arthur, I think you are crazy!" Molly slapped her husband's shiny bald head and said impatiently: "Didn't you hear he said he was forced? Listen to his explanation and tell me everything. Go back and do a good job and listen to Andy slowly."

Mrs. Weasley drove the children to sit down at the dining table. Arthur was pushed on the chair by her: "Andy, don't worry, if we can solve it, we must say it."

Andy nodded and told the story about Malfoy Manor. Of course, he concealed that Snape was a spy and their conversation in the courtyard: "That's it, I have no choice."

"You coward!" Harry's eyes were filled with anger: "Are you worthy of your father and mother? Are you worthy of Dumbledore?"

"Don't call me a coward! Haha, I'm sorry for Dumbledore?! Why should I be sorry for him?" Andy was so angry that he laughed: "Can't you see that he doesn't care who will sacrifice? I'm not that noble, I What's wrong with their adoptive parents? Voldemort and Malfoy have already blocked their way!"

"Child, you -" Mr. Weasley was about to speak when Harry's anger grew and he grabbed Andy by the collar. Ron was so frightened that he quickly hugged his waist, but he still refused to let go: "You traitor! He is the enemy who killed your parents! He is the enemy who killed our parents!"

"Do you think I feel better?! You listen to Dumbledore's praise and become your savior. Use your brain. This ridiculous title of yours means losing everything!"

"Shut up, Lawrence!" Potter yelled Andy's adoptive father's last name and struggled to free himself from Ron's arms.Andy was stunned, and he lowered his tone: "I can't accept loss, Harry, think about it, even if you defeated the mysterious man, you lost all your friends, or Hedwig? Maybe the Weasley family lost their relatives because of you. ?Dumbledore himself will die, I wonder if this result can be changed."

"Child." Arthur hugged his wife: "If it's because of this, we will die without regrets."

"There will always be sacrifices in war, and that's the case for Ron's two uncles. I'm proud of them." Tears flashed in Molly's eyes.

"I hope there is still room for change." Andy was still struggling to explain.

"I think you are stubborn!" Harry broke away from Ron and punched Andy in the face. Andy was also very angry. How dare you compete with me?If it weren't for a brother like you, why would I be in a dilemma now?He went up and struggled with Harry, and punched the savior's glasses off.

Harry's eye sockets were scratched by glass particles, and he stretched out his foot to push Andy on his stomach, trying to push Andy against the side of the stairs.Andy didn't show any signs of weakness. He ducked out of the way, moved his feet away from Harry, grabbed the back of his collar and pushed Harry to the ground, knocking over a row of dining chairs.

Ron was so angry that he tried to start a fight, but was accidentally injured by Harry, and the Gemini quickly pulled him away.

"Oh my god, Arthur." Molly and Arthur hurried forward and pulled Andy and Harry away. Andy saw the right moment and kicked Harry in the stomach. Just as he was about to hit him, Andy was kicked. Harry clutched his ankle tightly.Andy was one year younger than Harry, and he was too weak to twist Harry. Harry used his brute strength to drag him to the ground.

The tables and chairs were knocked upside down by them, the tableware was smashed on the floor, and Andy's head hit the ground hard.He endured the headache and shot a red light from his fingertips, and Harry fainted instantly.

A scream woke everyone up. Ginny watched all this in horror. Mr. Weasley quickly let go of Andy and went to comfort his daughter.Andy looked at his brother and the Weasley family and realized that he had messed up what should have been a happy morning. He wanted to apologize sincerely, but he couldn't say anything while looking at the mess.

Andy snapped his fingers, and his figure gradually disappeared in the air - he felt that this was his first time and should be the last time he came to the Burrow.

Molly Weasley was the first to come to her senses. She took out her wand and cast a spell in the air a few times. The furniture was immediately intact, and the soup and grease stains on the floor were gone.

"Mum...should we report it to the Ministry of Magic?" Percy was busy cleaning up.

"What? Oh no, of course not, it's all your father's fault!" Molly glared at Arthur, who was undoing Harry's curse: "You actually pointed the wand at him. He trusted us by telling us!"

"He does have some ideas..."

"Shut up, Arthur! What's wrong with a child thinking about his Muggle parents?! Oh my god, what is Dumbledore doing? Listen! Voldemort has come to his house, this is the time to report magic Ministry!"

"Maybe it's because no one is standing by his side?" Ron suddenly said this.

"Yes Ron, you finally got it right this time." Molly praised her youngest son for the first time.

"Oh, my head..." Harry woke up, feeling a little dizzy and dizzy: "Damn... where is Lawrence? We have to tell Dumbledore."

"You need to slow down for a while." Arthur: "We will handle Andy's matter, don't tell anyone."

"But he..."

"We need to help him and bring him back, instead of pushing him to Voldemort or imprisoning him in Azkaban, right?" Arthur looked at Harry sincerely.

"Save Andy! From the clutches of You-Know-Who!" "We will be the heroes of Hufflepuff - preventing the birth of a notorious dark wizard!" George and Fred started to joke again.

"But I still can't forgive him..." Harry lowered his head.

"You need to figure this out slowly, don't be in a hurry...I know you can't accept it emotionally." Arthur comforted him.

Harry nodded and agreed to Mr. Weasley, but the huge disappointment in his heart was mixed with a trace of hatred that could not be erased. He quickly realized the source of this hatred-his blood brother betrayed their parents. !

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