The blue-green old Ford was speeding crookedly over Surrey County. Andy dared to bet the Dursleys that Fred would never know what a motor vehicle driving license was.

But what the heck, there is no air traffic control at low altitudes at this time anyway.

"How did you provoke Malfoy?" George said straight to the point: "You have to be careful. I heard my father talking about him. Lucius Malfoy is the best friend of the mysterious man."

"After the mysterious man disappeared," Fred turned to look at Harry: "Lucius Malfoy said that everything had nothing to do with him. This is a lie - dad guessed that he was the confidant of the mysterious man."

Fred, please turn your head and look at the road - you are about to hit the transformer tower, and the electricity will be discharged within three meters!

Andy yelled to be careful, Fred turned the steering wheel coolly, and Ron sat down on Andy's lap.

"Sorry brother!" Ron moved his butt away from Andy who was sitting half dead: "I may have eaten a little too much during the summer vacation."

"Stop, stop, Ron, that's not called eating, that's called showing off." Andy rubbed his knees and looked at Ron complainingly. His face turned red after being told that, and the Weasley twins started teasing themselves again. younger brother.

Harry had heard these rumors about the Malfoy family, so he wasn't surprised at all.Compared with Malfoy, Dudley is simply a loyal and sensible boy: "I didn't know if Dobby was from Malfoy Manor at first, until Andy wanted to write a letter to the Ministry of Magic - I mean writing a letter to complain about Malfoy Manor, he panicked.”

"The family with the elf must be an ancient wizarding family, and it is very rich - the Malfoy family has this strength." Fred turned his head back again.

"Mum has always wanted an elf to help us iron our clothes, but we only have the nasty ghoul in the attic and the gnomes in the garden. House elves are the kind that only exist in old manors and castles. In our I can’t find a home...”

Then the three brothers talked a lot about their father's addiction to Muggle items, and then complained about Percy's ridiculous behavior of using chicken feathers as arrows after he became the chief accountant. Finally, they described the situation at home in detail.

Well, your dad has a Death Eater in his car.

A faint red glow appeared on the eastern horizon.Fred lowered the car a little, and Harry saw a dark pattern of fields and clusters of trees.

"We're a little outside the village," said George, "Ottery St. Catchpole..."

The car flew lower and lower, and a red sun had already appeared among the bushes.

"Landing!" Fred shouted, and the car touched the ground with a slight jolt.They landed next to a shabby garage surrounded by a small yard.Harry looked at Ron's house for the first time.

This stone house was at least four stories high and was built crookedly. The upper floors seemed to have been added later. Andy judged from four years of civil engineering experience that it must have been built by magic - —If this were true of architectural engineering, Newton's coffin boards would have served as long tables at Hogwarts.

There are four or five chimneys on the roof of the red house, and a sign is inserted diagonally in front of the house that reads "Burrow".Beside the gate were some high-top leather boots and a rusty cauldron.Several fat brown chickens were pecking in the yard, and a few screams came from the attic.

"It's a little rough, but it's still a home," Ron said.

"That's great," Harry said happily. It would have been fine anywhere, as long as it wasn't the Dursleys'.

"Now, let's go in quietly and don't alert mom." Fred said, "If he knows we stole the car—"

"You two will find three new graves under the big tree in the backyard." George continued.

"Ah, how about I dig a hole?" Andy pointed to the door. Mrs. Weasley was walking quickly from the other side of the yard, and the chickens fled in all directions.Wearing a printed apron and a wand in her pocket, she came to the boys menacingly.

"Where are you all? Harry, Andy, it's so good to see you!" She opened her arms and took the two boys into her arms.

Then he turned to his sons and yelled: "The beds are empty! There is no note! The car is missing! You may die, or you may be discovered!" Then he turned around like a Sichuan opera actor: "Of course I don't blame you, my dear, Okay, come in and have breakfast."

Mrs. Weasley hugged the boys into the house, and Andy hesitated and stopped behind.

"What's wrong, kid?" She drove the others into the house like chickens, and walked towards Andy: "What's wrong, my 'little son'?"

"Uh... I won't go in. I'll be relieved if Harry is sent to you. Thank you." Andy lowered his head, not daring to look at the gentle and kind face.

"Don't be shy, kid, look at Harry, that's what he looks like." Molly pointed at the boys in the window, where Harry was wolfing down a whole omelette - making two extra breakfasts. Mrs. Weasley had expected their arrival.

"Uh... thank you. I'm not in a good position right now. I just remembered it suddenly." Andy bowed, turned around and ran away.

"Andy?" Mrs. Weasley was confused, looking at the boy's back, looking a little frustrated.

"Hey boy, where are you going?" Andy hurriedly put him in a hug - Mr. Weasley picked him up: "When you come to the Burrow, don't even think about running away!"

"Ah Mr. Weasley! Listen to me, that me - is really inappropriate!"

"We'll talk about it after breakfast." Arthur patted the boy on the back and carried him into the house, making everyone in the room laugh.

Andy followed the attitude of eating as he came, and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. The bright yellow liquid of soft-boiled eggs flowed on the crispy bacon, and there was toasted bread with butter underneath. A full glass of orange juice will activate all your brain cells.

"So - what's inappropriate?" Molly scolded as she added another egg to the brothers: "Eat more, you two brothers."

Weasley on the opposite side became dissatisfied again: "I said George, the annual grand festival is about to begin, how about it."

"I'm feeling great, Fred. Next Door Neighbor Week was great!"

Molly pinched two more eggs for them, and the twins laughed strangely.She looked worriedly at Andy, who had his head lowered, and winked at Arthur.

"Oh Andy, I know you know a lot about Muggle stuff, tell me - what exactly is a rubber duck for?"

Andy burst out laughing. Even though he had watched the movie several times, he still found it extremely funny when it happened to him. He lowered his head with laughter and almost buried it in the plate, and patted Harry on the shoulder. : "Quick...hehehe...Harry, tell Mr. Weasley..."

Harry was also overjoyed, but Mr. Weasley looked confused.

"Oh, sir, a rubber duck is a bath toy."

"Jesus dad, please stop hoarding Muggle stuff." Percy said seriously. "If they come to my house and search, you'll have to arrest yourself."

"Bloody hell! Minister of Magic Percy issued his new rules again?" Ron said sarcastically, prompting Molly to warn him not to use bad words.

"Thank you..." Andy's heart also broadened, and he took courage - even if the family fell out, he knew that Molly hated Death Eaters.

"Oh, kid..." Molly touched his head, and Harry shook his hand from below.

"It's okay. Speak slowly." Mr. Weasley put down his fork.

"I'm so sorry...I had no join the Death Eaters."

Everyone was stunned. Andy didn't dare to look at them. He didn't have the courage to face the eyes of this family.

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