Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 53: Operation to Save Harry

After the pleasant dinner, Vernon successfully placed a huge order. After the Masons left, the obese family cheered and hugged each other. Then Andy was caught off guard and was hugged hard by Dudley - he burst into tears. They were all strangled out.

"Boy..." Vernon gasped, his fat face flushed with excitement, and the flesh of his cheeks trembled with excitement: "Uh... thank you."

"You're welcome, Uncle Vernon" Andy accepted happily, the words coming out of this Muggle-strong man's mouth were like 'I love you'.Aunt Petunia looked at Andy and wanted to say something, but Dudley dragged her away before she could: "Mom, I took Andy to play the game console!"

"Go." She touched the heads of the two children and said softly.

This time he didn't forget Harry. When he went upstairs, he gave Harry a lot of chocolates that Draco had given him, as well as the beef pies baked by his mother - originally Andy wanted Kreacher to Cooking for Harry, looking at Kreacher's expression as if he had eaten a lot of Hippogriff dung when he agreed, I would not bother him if I didn't bother him - is he really so discriminatory?He is the savior!

However, Andy turned around and saw Dudley looking at him pitifully, Brother, have you just finished dinner?He had to pass another piece of pie to Dudley and watched him eat it with gusto.

Dudley was so full that he fell asleep on the carpet with his fat butt stuck out in the middle of the game. Andy was able to get out and go to Harry's room.

As soon as he opened the door, Andy saw Kreacher beating Dobby severely. Harry was probably tired of persuading him and was lying on the bed pretending to be dead.

"Dear Master Potter." Kreacher bowed when he saw him walking in.Harry heard Andy's movement and immediately jumped up from the bed: "Is he your house elf? Stop him quickly, he is bullying his own kind." Kreacher began to curl his lips again, getting it from the foul-mouthed old lady. The true story began to come out of his mouth in a low voice again, which made Harry furious.

"Stop it, Kreacher, he doesn't understand the situation."

"Kreacher shut up, respected Master Potter, Kreacher feels sorry for Master Potter to have such a stupid relative."

"You!" The Gryffindor lion jumped up, and his wand almost poked Kreacher's ear.

"Okay, okay, big brother, it's my fault! Don't be angry, don't be angry, there is no one to take care of you when you are sick. If you are angry to death, Voldemort will be happy." Andy put his hands on his shoulders and made him sit on the bed: "Besides, you There are traces monitoring it.”

"But you also used magic just now?"

"I didn't enroll normally, so I didn't register."

As the two said this, an owl tapped its beak on the glass.Andy opened the window and took a handful of bread crumbs from Hedwig's food bowl and threw it to him. Hedwig was so angry that she wanted to peck his hand.

The owl handed the letter to him, pecked the food clean and left: "Here, your letter."

Harry took the envelope and looked at it with Andy:

Mr. Porter:

We received a report that you used a hovering spell at your residence at [-]:[-] tonight.

You know, underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside the school. If you continue to do this kind of behavior, you may be expelled from this school ("Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act", [-], paragraph [-]).

Also, please keep in mind that according to Section 13 of the International Federation of Wizards' Secrecy Act, any magical activity that may attract the attention of non-members of the magical community (Muggles) is a serious offense.

Have a nice summer!

Mafalda Hopkirk

Ministry of Magic

Prohibition of misuse of the Magic Office

"I didn't, it was him!" Harry roared, and big tears flowed from Dobby's eyes: "Dobby can only do this, sir, this is for the good of Harry Potter."

Andy was unmoved and turned to Kreacher and said: "Kreacher, write back to the Ministry of Magic and say that Dobby from Malfoy Manor went to a Muggle residence to perform magic to frame Mr. Harry Potter. If necessary, Mr. Harry Potter is willing to be examined for the Flashback Charm."

"No! Dobby, please!" Dobby, who was bundled into a ball, cried harder and harder, rolling on the ground and begging Harry for forgiveness.

Holy Mother Ha relented.

"Oh, okay..." Andy was not very happy. He would have to go to Malfoy Manor to do this to him: "Kreacher, let him go."

"Yes, respected Master Potter." Reluctance was written on every wrinkle of Kreacher. He snapped his fingers, and the rope on Dobby disappeared, and Dobby bowed and disappeared into the air.

"Dear Master Potter, his kindness is not rewarded, his idiot relative ¥#¥#@4, oh my god, how sad Mrs. Black will be when she knows about it, *%¥!"

This telegram to Kreacher angered the Savior. Andy held on to Harry desperately, but did not dare to let him recite the spell again. Kreacher also disappeared in time.

The roar of a car interrupted the two of them. After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Harry opened his mouth wide.Ron was looking at him from the rear window of a green car. The car was parked in mid-air. Ron's twin brothers Fred and George were sitting in the front seat, grinning at them: "How are you doing?" Harry? Hey! Andy, you’re here!”

"What's going on?" Ron said, "Why haven't you replied to me? I invited you twelve times, and then dad came back and said that you used magic in front of Muggles and you were warned..."

"The house elf from Malfoy Manor came to cause trouble." Andy frowned: "Harry even let him go."

"I knew it! There is no good person in Malfoy Manor!" Ron was so angry that he smashed the car door.

"Oh - Harry the Savior!"

"He has a big heart!"

"He is philanthropic!"

"He is great!"

"He is kind to everyone!"

“So we wrote this hymn for him!”

Help, I'm going to die laughing. Andy couldn't help laughing. The improvised song composed by the twin brothers making faces made Harry blush, and he had to change the topic. : "Why are you here?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm here to save you! Pack your things quickly!" Ron opened the car door and stepped in through the window.

Andy, Ron and Harry hurriedly packed up their things and handed Hedwig in through the window. Ron and Harry climbed back into the car and pulled it together. Andy pushed the box in the room, bit by bit. Sliding toward the window, the box was soon stuffed into the car. Harry stretched out his hand and pulled Andy out of the window. Suddenly, the bedroom door banged. Fred, who was driving, was startled and the steering wheel was hit by him. Partial.

At this moment, Andy's call for help was heard in the air - he was hung in the air, and only one hand was grabbed by Harry: "Help! Damn Harry! Don't let go! I'm so helpful." You prevented disaster!"

The door bounced against the wall for a moment. Uncle Vernon was stunned at the door, and then he yelled like an angry bull: "You bastard! You have trouble with your shabby friend again." ! Even your brother will not be spared!" Then he rushed towards Andy and grabbed his ankles to pull him back.

When Fred saw something was wrong, he stepped on the accelerator and was about to run away. Ron took action, and together with Harry, he grabbed Andy tightly and dragged him into the car with all his strength.The car was very powerful, and Vernon was pulled out of the window in an instant.This is hard on Andy, Mr. Dursley's weight is no joke.

"Fuck Fred! You killed me!" Andy shouted in pain. If he had known better, he would not have done anything with these unreliable bastards!It would be great to play with Dudley on the game console!

"Hold on! Boy!" The uncle did not forget to comfort him.

Fred felt bad, so he stepped on the accelerator, and with a flick of the tail, Vernon fell out. Andy was finally put into the car, feeling that his legs were about to be broken.He cast a transformation spell with his backhand, turning the grass into a spring bed, which could not kill anyone.

The Ford car sped away in the night, heading towards the Burrow, and the only thing left in the sky above No. [-] Privet Drive was the screams of the Dursleys - and, of course, Vernon flying up and down, his round figure making him He looked like a flying toad.

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