Andy had been looking forward to the aristocratic lunch all morning, but it was not satisfactory. It was not until he saw French-style pan-fried halibut with grilled tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes that he remembered that the main meal in Britain is dinner.

Fortunately, the halibut steak tastes very good and is delicious in the mouth. It seems that even the house elves of Malfoy Manor do not dare to slack off.

Mrs. Malfoy was not there, and the only person sitting across from Andy was Malfoy, who was eating roasted eggplant with a sad face. He swallowed hard as if he was swallowing poison.Maybe it could be made into the roasted eggplant with minced garlic and minced meat that is sold at the school entrance stall, and this young master would be able to devour it.

Andy was a little absent-minded. He felt that the calmer he was now, the more he would fall over later. This was his experience in this school year at Hogwarts.

"What? Mr. Lawrence is not satisfied with the Malfoy's lunch?" Draco raised his eyebrows. He finally finished the most disgusting eggplant first.

"Oh, no." Andy's thoughts were interrupted: "I was just thinking about Professor Snape coming to make up classes. How did he agree?"

"He will come in the afternoon. Professor Snape and my father are very good friends. They were in Slytherin when they were in school. My father was a prefect at the time." Draco was very proud of having a prefect father: "I Potions classes before school are all taught by Professor Snape."

Andy nodded: "But you want to invite me here just to improve my grades?"

"I'm not happy. It was my father who invited you in my name, and he didn't tell me the details." Malfoy ate the halibut with satisfaction. It seemed that this one was more to his liking.

"Oh——" Andy said deliberately.

"What's wrong with you?" The young master frowned: "This is not a dishonorable thing. Maybe you have some talent, so my father wants me to be friends with you."

"It makes sense."


After lunch, Andy strolled around the garden, feeling that there was nothing interesting. Mal was either holding this book or that book, or practicing Quidditch. The two of them really didn't get along.

Might as well play the game console with Dali!

With nothing to do, Andy returned to the room, preparing to take a long nap and then get up to have dinner. However, the Malfoy bed was so soft and comfortable that he didn't want to get up after lying down. It was indeed an aristocratic bed, big and nice!

(Is this the end of the world? Don’t you want to fight anymore? - Author)

"Dong dong, dong -" A knock on the door woke Andy up. Andy, who was so sleepy, sat up suddenly.

"Dong dong, dong!" There was a rush outside. Andy thought it was Dobby, holding a chicken coop on his head, grabbed his robe, put it on himself and went to open the door.

He opened the door impatiently: "Come, come, Dobby - hello Professor Snape and Mr. Malfoy."

It was so embarrassing that Andy planned to show them how to die on the spot.

Destroy it, withdraw from the circle, withdraw from the biosphere.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with the comfort of the Malfoy family. I am honored, Mr. Lawrence." Lucius Malfoy, who had always been serious, could not control his expression.

Snape on the side had already emitted death rays from his eyes. He nodded to Malfoy and walked into Andy's room. Dobby behind them closed the door quickly with quick eyes and hands.

He cast an anti-eavesdropping spell and looked at the "protagonist" in front of him with anger: "So the great Mr. Potter is already at home? It seems that his incompetent potions teacher should not disturb his sweet dreams. It turns out that the great Mr. Potter is already at home?" He finds it unchallenging to sleep at home, and looks for excitement right under the Dark Lord's nose, right?"

"I was wrong!" There is no harm in admitting mistakes, but what makes Andy curious is that Snape didn't support him?He also got himself a small box.

Snape looked around the room, and then said to Andy: "Try not to attend the party on June 6rd. Just stay in your room and practice your spell." He finished this sentence Huo, after venting his emotions, left, leaving only a confused Andy.

What is this? Sometimes you come and sometimes you don’t come, sometimes you join and sometimes you can’t join. Are you following the Malfoy family to tell me the rules and weird stories?

Andy now felt that the most normal person in the manor besides Draco was Dobby. He arranged his clothes and planned to go to Draco to find out.

"Dobby" As soon as Andy finished speaking, the house elf appeared at the door: "Dear Mr. Lawrence, what are your orders?"

"Dobby, where is your young master now? I want to go and play with him for a while."

"No problem Mr. Lawrence, Master Malfoy is in the library now. Please allow Dobby to guide you."

Since Andy asked about the structure of the manor along the way, Dobby respectfully introduced the functions of each floor, but he told Andy an important piece of information, that is, the owners of the two towers on the west side do not allow house elves to go there.

The tower to the west?Is Voldemort up there?And there's more than just one house elf in the Malfoy family?

Andy thought about it and came to the library. Malfoy was wearing a black wizard's three-piece suit and was holding an ancient book with a rune cover in his hand.After Dobby politely disappeared from their eyes, Andy spoke first.

"Hey Draco, can you tell me about the Midsummer Supper?"

"What? Can't wait?" He closed the book and put it aside: "You've never been to a decent party with Pot and Weasley?"

"Ah, yes, yes, so can you please introduce the main content of this banquet to me, an ignorant poor citizen?"

"Okay." Draco was very satisfied with Andy's statement: "The guests will be received in the afternoon of the dinner, and then it will be time for the guests to interact with each other, and then there will be a dance, but generally I will not go dancing. After the dance The dinner will start in about an hour, but my dad said that this dinner will introduce an important person to the wizards, but he didn't even tell me who it was."

Looking at Draco with a complaining face, Andy felt that this young master was not as bad as the pure-blood family described by his classmates.But it seems to be true, the Malfoy family announced to his dark wizard friends that their master is back.

The two chatted for a while, mostly with Malfoy talking about Quidditch, and he speculated that the Irish team could defeat their opponents in the 1994 Quidditch World Cup.

But come on, no one had an easy time in Quidditch in 94!

After this, Dobby suddenly appeared and reminded the two that dinner was about to begin and they should go back to the room to change clothes.

"This is what I hate the most. Having to change clothes after eating at home is really not as good as at school." Draco shrugged helplessly: "But my father insists on such aristocratic traditions."

Andy returned to the room under the guidance of Contrast, and Dobby took out a wizard-style tuxedo for him.

"Dobby, do you want to wear a dress for dinner at Malfoy's house?" Andy was shocked and took the dress from Dobby's hand.In the original novel, didn't Draco end up wearing a black suit every day?Where do you come from to be so particular?

"Sorry, dear Mr. Lawrence, your noon uniform was not delivered today, so Dobby didn't bring it to you. Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!" He started to pinch his head again.

Andy stopped him and asked him to lead the way to the restaurant.After arriving at the restaurant, Andy realized that this first meal was not simple.

(ps: Sorry readers, I really can’t imagine what life is like for aristocrats in the wizarding world, so I looked up information on daily life, etiquette, meals, etc. and wrote it down according to British aristocrats. I guess the financial resources of the Malfoy family are also up to standard. After all, Did your ancestors chase the Queen?)

Also: Sorry for being late today, I will update another chapter after dinner.

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