Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 43 12 Grimmauld Place

Andy changed into the morning clothes Dobby sent him and went to have breakfast early the next morning.The richness of the buffet breakfast taught Andy another good lesson.

There were only men in the breakfast room, and Lady Narcissa was not present.Professor Snape told the two boys early in the morning with a straight face that he would teach with Karkaroff after the party.

After breakfast, Andy told Dobby that there was no need to prepare lunch for him. He was going to Diagon Alley and to visit Hagrid.Afterwards, he took his stretch bag and invisibility cloak and secretly went to Grimmauld Place.

Wiltshire is quite far from London, and it takes a lot of effort to get there by subway.Or take the Knight Bus!According to conductor Stan Sampack, "You just hold out your wand hand, get on the bus, and we can take you wherever you want to go!"

So which hand should I reach out for?

Andy stretched his hands back and forth at the door of Malfoy Manor as if he were breakdancing. Draco, who was practicing Quidditch in the yard beside him, looked at him strangely.

Suddenly there was a deafening bang, and a three-story, bright purple bus hit the street light in front of the gate. The words "Knight Bus" were written in large golden letters on its windshield.

Andy was so frightened that he tripped over himself, and Draco lost his balance and fell off the broom.

The car shook, and the street lights and the flat front of the car returned to their original state.The car door opened, and a young man of about [-] years old came over. He was wearing a purple uniform, had a pair of big fan ears, and had a few small pimples on his face: "Welcome to the Knight Bus - used to transport wizards in trouble. Emergency traffic... Hey! Ern, this is Malfoy Manor! Were you kicked out of Malfoy Manor, little wizard?"

"You - fart - I'm going to tell - me" - dad - dad -!Andy heard Draco roar.

"Draco are you okay?!"

"I am fine!"

It was probably a heavy fall.

"You misunderstood, I was just in a hurry."

Stan Sampac shrugged nonchalantly: "Well, the fare is eleven silver sikols, where are you going."

"London Grimmauld Place, I'll add three Sicos and I'd like a cup of hot cocoa." Andy said as he handed over the money, entered the carriage and quickly found a bed to sit down - he had no intention of eating the original Harry had eaten. loss.He had just sat down, and almost instantly (every hop of the Knight Bus was 100 miles, and the straight-line distance between Wiltshire and London was about 82 miles) the Knight Bus stopped again.

"Here you go, your hot cocoa, welcome to your next ride."

Andy was wandering around the square while drinking hot cocoa. People who went to work in the early morning were all passing by in a hurry, and they had no time to pay attention to this strangely dressed child.This building is hidden, and the surrounding Muggles are used to the "ridiculous mistake" that Building 11 is next to Building 13. It is quite difficult for Andy to find it.

But—you have to find No. 11 to determine the direction first, right?

After walking through the open space of the square, Andy looked at the building numbers one after another, especially the kind-hearted old British lady. He soon came to between No. 11 and No. 13.

Andy recalled that in the movie, Moody knocked on the ground three times, and the folded Building 12 moved out from between the two buildings. Harry was able to enter because of a piece of parchment written by Dumbledore with an address. strip.But after all, this is what happened after Sirius donated the house to the Order of the Phoenix in 1995, and it is now 1992, so what should we do now?

12 Grimmauld Place.

As soon as these words crossed Andy's mind, a shabby door appeared out of nowhere between No. 11 and No. 13, followed by dilapidated walls and windows. It looked like the whole house had started from No. 11. They squeezed out between No. 13 and No. 200, and pushed the other seats to both sides, and the residents in the building and the people passing by did not notice it - this dilapidated building that had not been cleaned for [-] years was being renovated throughout the entire building. The new streets look extremely disharmonious.

No matter what, Andy yelled without any knowledge, "Oh my God, I'm so awesome, I caught the Order of the Phoenix headquarters that Voldemort didn't even notice!"

He was excited for a long time before he remembered his business.Andy looked at No. 12 carefully. From the outside, the house looked like a dangerous building. The bricks on the exterior wall were covered with filth. The dark windows automatically acted as curtains, and one of them was covered with scratches. The black door is located in the middle of the house. There is a big snake coiled on the silver door handle. There seems to be no door lock, so magic must be used to open the door.

"Open the Alajo!" Andy tried. The snake head of the door handle did not move at all, and the door remained tightly closed.Presumably a specific password is required, and a way must be found to get in.

Andy saw a doorbell. If he pressed this doorbell, the portrait of Mrs. Walburga Black in the house would scream crazily, which would inevitably alert the wizards staying at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters.

So... Andy threw away the paper cup and pressed the doorbell without hesitation.

"Ah——" A shrill female voice shouted over the doorbell: "Kreacher! Those dirty bastards who defiled my ancestor's home are here again! Let them go! Get out of here——"

Andy quickly took out the invisibility cloak and quietly stood aside, while Walburga Black was still cursing crazily, with screams from time to time.

Within a few seconds, the door was opened. To Andy's expectation, the person who opened the door was not a member of the Order of the Phoenix holding a wand, but actually Kreacher.

Andy took off the invisibility cloak on his body and slowly put it into the telescopic bag. Fortunately, it was not the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix yet. If any Auror, or even Moody, rushed out, it would be a disaster - invisibility Even clothes can't save him.

"Kreacher, are you the only one in there?"

"No, there is also the noble hostess, the respected Master Potter."

Oh, that portrait, Andy looked at Kreacher's wrinkled face with interest, wondering how this wrinkled house elf knew his name.

"Kreacher! You useless thing, you always let those dirty things in!"

"Ma'am, it's Master Potter."

"Let him go away! Let him go away with that traitor - it's really an insult to our family! Get out of here -"

"Okay ma'am... But ma'am, here it is... another Master Potter is here..."

The portrait was silent for a while, and Kreacher could only be ordered to let him leave.

"Kreacher." Andy heard the portrait sobbing. "Invite him in Kreacher."

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