Andy spent a week practicing spells on all inanimate objects and some unlucky bugs in his backyard. Fortunately, his house was in a private courtyard with high walls, otherwise he would have been invited to tea by the Ministry of Magic.

On the day of the appointment, Andy had changed into his wizard robe early in the morning.Sitting in the living room practicing hanging the golden clock upside down while waiting for Dobby.

While Wendy was going to the amusement park with her annoying girlfriend, Andy stole her velvet and used it as the subject of a sinful experiment. The little guy was hung upside down in the air and fell on the sofa, whining silently. ——It has a throat lock at the same time, so it won’t be good if the mother hears it.

There was another bang, and Dobby appeared in the Lawrence living room, respectfully begging Andy to give him his hand so he could Apparate him to the meeting.

Andy easily solved the curse of Pu Rong Rong, lifted up the small black box and stretched out his hand to him. Immediately, he felt the squeezing feeling that his whole body was about to explode.But this time it was shorter. Almost in an instant, he arrived outside a magnificent manor.

Andy held his knees dizzy to relieve his discomfort.This move frightened the house elves on the side.

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!" Dobby kept banging his head against the doorpost: "Dobby has made the distinguished Mr. Lawrence uncomfortable, bad Dobby!"

"That's enough, Dobby, lead the way." Andy didn't want to see him "entertaining himself" here, so he stopped him with words.Anyway, Dobby will be free next year, so why bother asking him to punish himself here?

"It's...Dear Mr. Lawrence." As soon as the house elf's fingernails touched the door, the wrought iron carvings began to dissipate from the center. After the two passed through the door, the carvings returned to their original state at a speed visible to the naked eye: "Please Follow me, Master Malfoy is waiting for you in the drawing room."

What caught Andy's eyes was a magnificent manor. The cedar trees at the door towered into the sky, and the layers of green branches stretched out into a magnificent green tower, which seemed to reflect the long history of the Malfoy family.

They passed through an open-air corridor trimmed with green plants. On the outside of the corridor was a neat piece of grass. Each piece of grass had a stone fountain. The intricate carvings were washed away spotlessly by the clear spring.

As the two of them walked, Dobby did not dare to talk to each other. He only dared to lead the way with his head bowed until they reached a castle-like building.

A typical Elizabethan building, the whole building looks light brown, with Renaissance architectural style and Gothic spire.The main building has three floors, plus four towers located at the four corners.Andy found that the proportions of the windows and masonry in the Malfoy mansion were very strange. The large "field"-shaped glass windows gave people a slight sense of intimidation but also mystery.

"Please come in." Dobby nervously opened the door and led Andy from the quaint and gorgeous lobby on the first floor to the reception room on the second floor.

The living room was huge, and Andy felt that it was overkill for entertaining him. He saw Malfoy and his son waiting for him.

"Madam." Dobby gingerly reminded Narcissa Malfoy, who was watching her son play the organ, and then quietly exited the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Malfoy, Hi, Draco." Andy said hello and walked towards the two of them.ha!Malfoy, you are also here today - Andy received a lot of Mrs. Lawrence's tiger education when he practiced piano.

"Hello, Andy." Narcissa smiled softly: "I'm glad you agreed to come to the manor. Draco, you can practice for an hour less today and use the Malfoy family etiquette to entertain your guests. "

"Yes, Mom."

"Lucius went to the Ministry of Magic. He may not come back before dinner. If you need anything, please ask Dobby to tell me. He is always on call." Narcissa herself is extremely beautiful, and her smile is even more gentle. Generous: "Dobby."

"Yes, Mistress." As soon as he finished speaking, Dobby appeared in front of the three of them: "While Mr. Lawrence is at Malfoy Manor, you must be on call and try your best to meet all his requests."

"Yes, Mistress." Dobby bowed deeply again to show his submission.

"Okay, Draco, take your guests to play. Professor Snape will make up for you tomorrow. In two days, Armstrong's principal, Professor Karkaroff, will also come to the banquet. , then I will suggest Lucius to ask him to tutor you in magic."

"Thank you, ma'am." Andy thanked him politely and followed Malfoy, who was unwilling but pretending to be serious, to leave the living room.

I'll go, the Malfoy family is doing well, and the dark wizards are getting along quite well!

Before Andy could finish his emotion, Malfoy began to introduce: The ground floor is the lobby, ballroom, and restaurant, the first floor is the reception room, library, game room, chess and card room and other functional rooms, and the second floor is...

After walking to the third floor, Malfoy opened a door and handed the key to Andy: "This is your room, which my mother carefully arranged. From now on, no one can enter without your permission." .”

After saying this, he still pursed his lips, as if he could not accept his mother preparing a room for others.

"Thanks, Malfoy."

"You're welcome." Aojiao Ma became awkward and said, "I really don't understand why dad invited you here."

"I'm afraid there's some reason?" Andy said deliberately.

"What's the reason? Huh, I didn't know that two days ago that bastard pretended to be me and stole a sheep from a poor tavern. He's really looking for trouble."

Andy suddenly felt that Draco's over-sharing habit developed by his native family might be an effective information channel.

"I heard from Mrs. Malfoy that there will be a large banquet at the manor?"

"Of course! The Malfoy Manor holds a midsummer banquet every June. All the Holy 6 families will participate, and famous wizards from all over the country will gather here." Malfoy showed off, with a proud look on his face.

"Then I'm so honored."

"Then... your arrival is also an honor for our manor." He seemed to remember the etiquette of the Malfoy family again, and immediately changed his tone: "You can put down your luggage first, and I will go and see how the lunch is being prepared. Let's start the meal. Dobby will inform you soon."

Andy looked helplessly at this child pretending to be an adult, shrugged helplessly and walked into his bedroom.

As expected, it was the luxurious Malfoy. Even though Andy's family was in good condition, it couldn't compare to the famous nobles.The room is large and still retains candlesticks and other non-electric lighting fixtures - all made of solid gold.The carpets are intricately woven, the furniture is almost all antiques, the decorative textiles are almost all silk, and even the fruit plates in the room are made of sterling silver.

Ah...what a treat!

Andy was about to put the box on the desk and open it, but he saw a piece of gilded kraft paper:

Dear Mr. Lawrence:

Welcome to Malfoy Manor, please enjoy yourself at the manor.

On June 6th, the manor will hold a Midsummer Eve dinner. I hope you will deign to attend. The dress customized for you has been put in the wardrobe.

You know, a legend is looking forward to meeting you and I hope you can make the right time.

I wish you happy!

a legendary person?Voldemort, who else but him? I'd better practice more life-saving spells in private.

Andy was thinking while checking the house for anything that could monitor him, and soon he heard Dobby's voice inviting him to dinner.

He locked the box and walked out the door. To be honest, he was still looking forward to the noble lunch.

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