Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 33 Sorcerer's Stone

When Andy was wailing and being dragged into the last door by Snape, Harry Potter and Voldemort were both looking at each other and fighting for the Sorcerer's Stone, and Andy felt a little headache.

Of course, Snape was at gunpoint, and Quirrell had already told Harry that Snape was reciting the curse to save him.

"Ah, Professor, we're late, you hit the gun." Andy joked, and Snape immediately thought of Avada, this bastard.

"Ah... Snape, my loyal servant..." Voldemort's voice was like a snake spitting out a message: "Can you explain, protect our great Potter... .What’s going on?”

Oh my god, let me go. When Andy saw the face stuck behind Quirrell's head, he was curious as to why Harry wasn't afraid. Is the eldest brother indifferent to the uncanny valley effect?

"I didn't know you were here at the time, my master. I just wanted to act more like a teacher to maintain the fairness of the game and reduce Dumbledore's wariness." Snape lied without changing his face and heartbeat. Pushing Andy through Quirrell's wall of fire, the latter was grinning from the fire spots stuck to his body.

"Andy! Damn Snape!"

"Imprison him quickly!" Harry just wanted to rescue him when Quirrell pushed him down. "

"My Lord, I know you have been looking for him," Snape added.

"Very good, very well. Mr. Lawrence, or... I should call you Mr. Potter, I said... we will meet again." The face smiled a little distorted.


"It's this guy who messed up your face!" Quirrell suddenly added another blow, and as soon as he finished speaking, Andy saw that strange face becoming ferocious.

Merlin!Uncanny Valley, Uncanny Valley, I’m scared!I'm scared!Andy was so frightened that he didn't dare to open his eyes, and the rope on his body was still tied tightly. Snape made a mistake!Snape made a mistake!

"My master, don't let this idiot Quirrell mess up your plan just for the sake of anger." Snape said: "He doesn't know you are there, and besides, the prophecy..."

"I surrender! Harry, give him the Philosopher's Stone!" Andy's operation confused everyone: "Anyway, everyone around me played riddles for a long time and didn't tell me what the prophecy was. I failed. Yes, I have become a black man."

Snape calmly chanted a spell in his mind and tied the rope tighter. He wanted to strangle Andy on the spot.

"Untie me! Untie me! I'll get you the Philosopher's Stone." Not only did Andy have a headache, but he was also strangled and breathless. Quirrell, with Voldemort's consent, untied him.

As soon as he was untied, he took out the Philosopher's Stone from Harry's trouser pocket and gave it to Quirrell.What surprised him was that the moment his two hands touched each other, his headache eased so much that he could hardly feel it anymore.

"Hehehe... Quirrell, what did I say..." Voldemort smiled treacherously.

"Yes..." Quirrell was obviously reluctant.

"Asshole! You-" Andy waved faintly, and Harry fainted, and then his fingertips flashed green.Slowly walked towards Harry.

Snape cursed him mentally, but couldn't do anything.

"Wait...wait for me to recover..." Voldemort hissed: "I'm going to kill him myself."

Andy shook his shoulders: "Uh, okay... I'll ask an inappropriate topic... Do you know how to alchemy?"

Voldemort was stunned when asked.

"Then...then this is a trap...you don't know how to alchemy. First, let out the news that there is a magic stone, and then lure you in before you recover, and then annihilate it in one fell swoop?"

The weird face thought for a moment, then immediately became resentful, staring at Snape, while Snape looked at Andy hatefully.

Andy pretended not to see it and continued to do things: "Shouldn't the correct sequence be to first steal Nico Mele's elixir, then tie him up, then recover his strength and drink the elixir, and finally take the magic stone as a backup? "

"Damn Dumbledore..." Voldemort realized this logic, and then he looked at Andy suspiciously: "Oh, you want to confuse me with a few sentences of analysis... You think I believe you? You... ....”

"I know where Nico Mellor lives."

"Huh, Devon?" Snape sneered.

Andy rolled her eyes at him and walked up to Voldemort: "Please forgive me for being rude. Please lean down. I'm too short."

Voldemort was reluctant, but he didn't show it in order to live forever.

"51 rue Montmorency, Paris. To Muggles, it's just a restaurant."

"Heh, Mr. Lawrence...could this be another trap?"

"Can I give you all the magic stones..." Andy was speechless.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Voldemort laughed: "Look what I said... Quirrell..."

"Damn it, Andy! Expelliarmus!" Because Andy's magic power was too weak, Harry had already woken up. He was tied up, but he took out his wand from somewhere and cast a disarming spell on Andy.

Andy:? ? ?

Snape: ? ? ?

Quirrell Voldemort:? ? ?

"I have no weapons?" Andy was confused, and Voldemort was happy: "The stupid savior cast a spell on his brother, look at your brother... He is wise, join us Well, we can do something earth-shattering."

"Andy! Don't be fooled by him, Dumbledore said! Fate can't be determined by prophecies. The kind of person you want to be can control your future more than prophecies!"

"Hehehe, Harry Potter, Dumbledore said that fate cannot be determined by prophecy, but he himself... firmly believes that you are the son of destiny who can defeat me. Don't you think he is ridiculous?"

Harry couldn't find the words to reply.

"I think it makes sense..." Andy shrugged: "It will save me more than ten years of detours."

"Quirrell, let's go, Snape, I hope that the next time I see Mr. Lawrence, his magical abilities will have improved." He limped up to Snape, and Andy saw him Horrible gash on the leg - bone deep.

Snape lowered his body and Voldemort whispered: "Tell Lucius to let him come to France... Also, keep an eye on him and don't let Dumbledore find any obvious evidence."

Quirrell wrapped his turban around his head, walked out, and disappeared after a while.

"Avada Kedavra!" Snape struck.

"Professor, have mercy! Listen to my explanation!" Andy quickly hid behind the Mirror of Erised: "This is a plan! Do you still believe that Nico Mele can't defeat Voldemort! People get better as they get older."

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Tomorrow I guarantee that Quirrell will be gone! His ashes will be scattered! I have contacted Nico Mele a long time ago! They are not willing to destroy the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Real professors can only outwit us! The three of us can't beat these two! Harry and I are only in the first year, so even if we know the Death Curse, it's not very powerful!" Andy ran around frantically to avoid the deadly green light. "


"Stop Snape!" Professor McGonagall appeared at the door, bringing with him the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic.

Andy just felt that I needed to explain.

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