Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 34 Nico Flamel’s Intentions

Andy was wrapped in a blanket and sitting in the principal's office. Dumbledore was pacing back and forth, McGonagall was frowning, and Snape was being watched by a lot of Aurors - he had just been arrested by them for using the Unforgivable Curse. Hit hard.

First, Harry madly revealed that Snape was Voldemort's spy. Second, he strongly condemned Andy's defection to Voldemort. Finally, he revealed that the two of them had used the Death Curse at the same time, which scared the Aurors to immediately block the news and send the two away overnight. Finished Azkaban.

Then Snape and Andy brazenly said that Harry, you were under the Imperius Curse, and what they saw was not true. We tried our best to save you, but unexpectedly, Quirrell ran away.

As for why the two of them cast the Unforgivable Curse?Of course there's also the Imperius Curse!

The soul-stealing technique is a basket that can contain any crime.

——Lucius Malfoy

Under the pressure of Dumbledore's guarantee and the title of President of the Wizards' Federation, the Aurors compromised, but they were required not to leave the school during the observation period.

After the Aurors left, Professor McGonagall took Harry to Madam Pomfrey for a physical check-up, Snape returned to the crypt, and Andy was left in the Headmaster's office.

Dumbledore paced back and forth. He had too many questions, and even thought about whether his decision to reject Gale's proposal was right: "Andy..."

"What do you want to say?" Green light flashed on Andy's fingertips again: "It's bluffing. You know, I use my fingers to cast the spell, and the light is emitted from my fingers. Since the human body has a certain degree of permeability, ..." Andy extinguished the light, revealing his green fingertips.

"Color-changing spell." Dumbledore smiled.

"With my weak magic power, even if it hits Harry, he will only get a nosebleed at most. Why bother trying it on my own body?" He looked innocent.

"Then... maybe you would mind - I mean how did you contact Nico Mele? ​​How could a man who little wizards have rarely heard of find his exact address?"

"Uh...how should I put it...it's a coincidence."

Dumbledore walked up to him and expressed that he didn't care about the method and encouraged him to continue speaking, which only made Andy more nervous.

What do I say?From Baidu Encyclopedia in a previous life?I just wrote a letter to try, but I didn't know he was really there!I myself thought I was in Devon.

"Headmaster of Hogwarts, President of the International Federation of Magicians, Chief Magician of the Wizengamot, recipient of the Order of Merlin First Class, the great Dumbledore! Don't make things difficult for him." The fireplace in the principal's office turned green. A trembling, dry old man came out of it. It seemed that the Floo powder made this 600-year-old man very uncomfortable.

Better take the high-speed rail!

Then he refused Dumbledore's support and came to Andy with the small steps of 0.1km/h that are unique to more than 600 years old: "Forgive my fragile spine, I won't bend down to shake hands with you. I must be Mr. Lawrence I don’t want me to stand up straight in front of Dumbledore either.”

(Nicole Mele is French. The "you" here is not an honorific. Generally speaking, "you" in French is very common for people who are not familiar with each other. It is only called "you" between friends and acquaintances.)

The words were obviously loaded with guns and sticks, and Dumbledore was a little embarrassed. Andy quickly stood up and asked the alchemist to sit down. Well, it's not a light offense to offend someone.

"Master Mailer." Andy bowed politely.

"It's been solved, but the thing got away."

"So fast?"

"Do you think I'm just a sad old man who sits there helplessly begging for mercy and wailing in front of a third-rate black mage?"

Andy was so happy that he laughed, but Dumbledore was still smiling, letting Nico Mele vent his dissatisfaction, and then the alchemist master wanted to break up with him like a child.

Andy Lawrence made the right bet. In the original novel, Nico Mailer certainly did not put the Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts without any grudges, nor did he accept completely willingly the destruction of the Philosopher's Stone. 600 years old is enough. ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!He would have died long ago!Albus Corleone Dumbledore must have given him a reason he couldn't refuse.

Taking advantage of Dumbledore's difficulty in maintaining friendship, Andy planned to sneak out of the office to explain to his good brother, but the master alchemist's voice sounded from behind: "Don't leave yet, Mr. Lawrence."

Andy turned around with a guilty conscience.

"Would you like to transfer to Bubbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

"I do! I do..." Ah, I saw Dumbledore's black face.

"Don't think about him." The old man replied simply and neatly: "Principal Dumbledore, can't I, a "dying man", not be able to have a few words with Mr. Lawrence alone?"

Andy wonders if it was the battle 50 years ago that made Master Alchemist think he was good again, so he actually fought against the White Devil.So the speechless Dumbledore was kicked out of his office, taking his phoenix with him.

The alchemist master waved his hand: "Okay, we can talk seriously now." - It's an anti-eavesdropping spell.Andy was obviously not used to the old man's transformation.

"You are not an ordinary child, or in other words, you know the world very well - at least you know the future."

"Uh..." Andy was speechless.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care either. Thank you very much for saving the Philosopher's Stone for me, so I came here to help you out. Are you willing to come to Bubbaton?"

"Why do you want me to transfer to another school?"

"I sponsor Bubbaton School, and I am also willing to teach you alchemy."

Andy didn't speak. He felt that Nico Mellor's purpose was not here, but he also felt that he had something to plot.

"I'm tired of Dumbledore. There are endless Dark Lords. Without Tom Riddle, there will be Tom Bryan, or Riddle or something like that. The law of secrecy restricts wizards. As long as there are boundaries, there will be Someone crossed the line, but Dumbledore went too far."

"There is no secrecy law but there is a witch hunt. What's more, the modern politeness of Muggles far exceeds that of the Middle Ages."

"That's right, but why should I sacrifice my...er...for 600 years, I only..."

He spoke very vaguely, with a thick French accent, and Andy didn't hear it clearly: "But victory is not forged by sacrifice... I was wrong, just pretend I didn't say it."

But something was still wrong with Andy. Nico Mellor was here for him, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed so easily to drag him down. "Just tell me."

Nico Mele laughed: "I told you that you are special, and I can help you deal with Dumbledore. You know, the prophecy cannot be changed, so... I ask you to make an oath. "Nicole Meller became serious - not at all like the cute little old man in God of Action 2!

"You will make an unbreakable oath - never to invade France."

Andy:? ? ?

"What's going on? I'm the third generation Dark Lord? Just kill me now."

"I'm happy to oblige."

"I was wrong Master!"

"Come on, this is a turning point, please believe me." Nico Mele stretched out his hand, and Andy carefully held his arm - he still remembered that the old man's head was osteoporotic.

As the golden rope climbed up the arms of the two people, forming a net, and as the oath melted into flesh and blood, an unbreakable oath was established.

"Thank you, child. In return, I can provide you with the best alchemy education. If you are willing to come to France to study, I am very welcome." He returned to his amiable appearance. "Okay, it's time for me to go." Nico Mele tremblingly walked into the fireplace and disappeared into a blaze of green flames.

Dumbledore walked in, as if he had already anticipated the purpose of the alchemist's visit.Andy felt that he could not defeat the old men even if he died.

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