Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 32 Behind the Trap Door

Then Andy overslept.

Bang bang bang bang! "Professor Snape! Professor Snape! Open the door! Open the door!" Andy was awakened by Babu's paw, and then he hurried to the cellar office Smashing doors like crazy - Snape only comes home on weekends.

"Boy Potter, are you crazy!" Snape was finally hit: "Hufflepuff buckle——"

"Harry and the others went to the third floor to break through - to protect the Sorcerer's Stone?!"

"50 points."

"Ah this."

"Mr. Potter, please go back to the dormitory immediately, and ask your damn bird to deliver a message to Dumbledore!" Snape was tired of these bastard brothers, and he cursed with a face as he prepared to rescue Potter.

"I will go with you."

Snape strode forward and said sharply without looking back, "Obviously - no!"

"Then... you can deal with Mao Mao by yourself?" Andy healed his scar and forgot about the pain, and started to argue again: "Or - I will go to Madam Pomfrey's to occupy a bed for you now?"

Therefore, he followed Snape to the right side of the corridor on the third floor.As soon as he opened the door, Mao Mao's manic big head blocked the door, and neither group of people could guard it. This made him so angry that he tore everything in the room to pieces. It took Andy a while to get him to do it. calm down.

Snape was already impatient: "It seems that Mr. Potter is not as useful as a music box, so go back as soon as possible before it is dismantled by the machine."

"No way!" Andy smiled slyly, and slid a shovel into the trap door: "How can I go back when I'm here?"

Snape angrily cast a levitating spell on himself, and slowly descended from the trap door to the top of the devil's net: "Fire is blazing!"

Before the devil's net had time to retract its vines, it instantly withered and twisted in the fire until it turned into charcoal.Black scum fell all over the ground—and all over Andy on the ground.

"I said, Professor, you are really scared to kill me, and you are not afraid of burning me to death. Also - I can see that you don't need to take a shower, look at my whole body." Andy jumped on the spot and shook off the charcoal. He was afraid Rubbing his hands all over his face - it's like Finnigan, the blaster, blew himself up.

Snape slowly landed in front of him, and Andy was transformed with a cleaning spell.

Hey, it’s so easy to use. I even forgot I knew magic.

Then Andy was looked down upon by Snape again: "Mr. Potter's Muggle mentality seems to be so deep-rooted that it cannot be removed. Let's go."

"No, there's something missing."

"?" Snape looked like something was wrong.

"The clip I put is missing!" Andy didn't dare to look at Snape: "I don't know... who stepped on it, what if it was my good brother Harry..."

"Come on!"

"I want to go! Professor, let's see which one of us is better at riding a broom."

Snape stared at Andy.

"Uh...Professor, my flying class has been stuck on A all year round, and it immediately fell to P. Why don't you give it a try?" Andy made a sign of invitation coquettishly.

"I thought the Potters were all flying geniuses - get up!"

Andy had no choice but to grumble and climb onto the broom. Before he could react, the broom flew into the air and chased the key with broken wings - it had been scratched twice and half of its wings had been broken, and it was in an inconspicuous place. Swirling - Other keys swirl around to protect it.

Andy looked down and saw Snape chanting a curse and reaching out to control the broom to move in the air. He couldn't help but hold on to the broom, secretly admiring the Potions Master's powerful wandless casting.

The broom nimbly dodged among the key dragonflies and did not even cut Andy's robe. He took the opportunity to grab the key in the whirlpool of brilliant wings, tore off its wings and threw them to Snape.

Snape opened the door, threw the key that could no longer take off at the door, and controlled Andy to fly towards the door at a high speed - the keys swarmed behind the broom, Andy rushed into the door on the broom, and he quickly closed the door ——The door is already covered with key wings as sharp as flying knives.

Then the two of them saw the chess pieces shattered on the ground, and Ron was gone—perhaps he was taken away by Hermione?

"Fortunately, there is no need to play chess, and neither of us can play." Andy muttered, "I feel like this is a trick Dumbledore specifically set for Voldemort..."

Then there is Quirrell's level - the half-dead giant monster. It was really beaten hard. The head that was not proportional to its body was bloody and there was a big bulge on it.However, the smell in this level was not very good. Andy was brought to tears by the disgusting smell. Snape frowned. The two quickly walked into the next room. After closing the door, Andy I couldn't help but take a few more breaths.

As soon as the two of them crossed the threshold, black flames rose up behind them and in front of the two doors. On the table in the middle were seven bottles of different shapes, with a piece of parchment beside them.

Andy picked up the parchment, read it over and said: "There are seven bottles in total, two bottles of nettle wine, three bottles are poison, one bottle can go forward, one bottle can go back, so... Professor these two bottles No, just lower the flames."

Snape looked at Andy as if he were an idiot: "Mr. Potter, do you plan to stay here and use your own flesh and blood instead of fire to block the enemies who are escaping back?"

Andy pretended not to hear, Snape took out a bottle, poured half of it into his mouth, and handed the other half to Andy.

"Eh?! I thought you would give me the magic potion to take back." Andy drank it without hesitation.

"Imprison him quickly!" Andy was tied up: "Eh, eh, eh? Professor! I am one of our own, I am my own!"

Snape looked like he had succeeded in his evil deeds, and he sarcastically said: "I have already anticipated Mr. Potter's ill-intentioned thoughts. I am going to meet the mysterious man, so I must prepare some "little gifts"."

Then he dragged Andy inside. Although it was useless, Andy still struggled a few times, but within a few seconds, the only echo of his cry for help was left in the room.

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