Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 31 The Centaur's Prophecy

"Severus, don't be too harsh on him." Dumbledore: "Harry did not receive any education about magic before entering school."

"Yes, Professor."

"Okay, Harry, you and Justin go back to class. Severus, if you see Andy, I hope you tell him that I need to see him." Dumbledore took the two children away kindly, The cellar door was closed.

"Why did you put me on the table?" Andy got out of the cloak.

"Professor Dumbledore's senses are very keen. Perhaps Mr. Potter really hopes that he will use detection magic to find you. After all, the ground is the easiest to sense."

"Thank you, Professor." Andy came out of Snape's office and secretly returned to the dormitory, still holding Harry's invisibility cloak in his hand.

"Babu." Andy threw the invisibility cloak on the bed and touched the spider's belly: "Do you know the inexplicable prophecy of the centaur?"

"The one about Sirius? I haven't heard much about it. Didn't you say that your godfather has been imprisoned in Azkaban?"

Andy sighed: "That's why for no reason, since I've already missed class, let's go find Hagrid."

One person and one spider sneaked around various places where Dumbledore might appear and arrived at Hagrid's hut. As soon as Andy entered the door, he saw the same three people who had skipped school - he was warmly welcomed by Ron.

"bloodyhell!" Ron hid behind his teeth: "Why did it become so big?"

Hagrid: "Babu Clapper, have you grown so big?" Hagrid bent down and touched its belly. Babu touched its fangs happily: "As cute as Aragog when he was a child." He pushed. Go out and get ready to dig some potatoes for pie.

"Oh, my God." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Snape asked you to leave school yesterday?" Harry asked worriedly, frowning as he avoided Babu's paw.

"I knew he had no good intentions." Ron was so frightened that he felt a little angry.

"What?" Andy said as the subway man looked at his phone: "Didn't you listen to the corner yesterday? What did you listen to?"

"Uh...he asked you to go to his office often..." Harry looked at Hermione and Ron worriedly and stopped talking.

"Whatever you say, Harry."

"You said you wanted to drop out of school if you didn't want to cause him any trouble, but he said he would do it for you right away... Andy, you're not going to join Snape, are you?"

"Ah...that's why you heard these words?"

"This year's potatoes are really not that good... Did you have a fight?" Hagrid looked at the four of them and looked at each other awkwardly.

Hermione suddenly thought of something: "No Hagrid. By the way, who gave Noble to you? What does he look like?"

"Why do you suddenly want to ask about this? I don't know, he always wears a hood."

"You must have spoken to him, what did you say?" Harry asked next.

"He wanted to know what animals I had raised before, and I told him, 'I've even taken care of fur, let alone a dragon.'"

"Is he interested in Maomao?"

"Of course! Of course he is interested in Maomao! Even rare animal dealers rarely see three-headed dogs. I said to him: 'The key to dealing with ferocious beasts is to know how to calm them down. For example, Maomao, please give me some I fell asleep to the music, oh, I again..."

"Thank you Hagrid!" The three people ran out.

"Uh... you're not going to follow them?" Hagrid turned to Andy and asked.

"Don't worry, hurry up and bake the potato pie. I'll go there after I finish eating. They must have looked for Professor McGonagall first, and then Professor McGonagall told them to ignore it and take action at night.

After a while, the steaming potato pie was placed on the wooden table by Hagrid. It looked like it was high in calories!The golden mashed potatoes are squeezed on the top layer like cream decoration, and the lace lines are burnt. The bottom layer is the fried tomato and onion beef stuffing, which also has the spiciness of black pepper and the unique fragrance of rosemary. The spoon dug out a piece deeply, and the thick cheese flowed down Andy's hands.

"Ahhhh! Hot, hot, hot, hot!" Andy shouted while stuffing it into his mouth!

"Slow down!" Hagrid was very happy that someone was appreciating his delicious food. This was his best dish.

"By the way, Hagrid." Andy filled his mouth: "What was the centaur prophecy you mentioned last time?"

"I only listened to Sirius. They always don't explain clearly, but I feel that your godfather... God, I forgot again, Dumbledore didn't let me talk about this person."

"The rising dawn of Sirius and the sun will bring about the end of the solar day!" Babu came to claim credit again: "I just went back to find out!"

Everyone was just being awkward, Andy just thought it was an awkward atmosphere and ran away.

"Look, let me tell you, centaurs' astrology is always difficult to understand, so you don't have to worry about it." Hagrid took out the eggs, knocked them on the plate and fed them to Babu.

"Is it Sirius? The plot has changed again? Is it bad if he escapes from prison? Or will I help him escape from prison in advance? And this will benefit Voldemort?" Andy thought to himself: "How about anonymously reminding the Ministry of Magic? , strengthen the precautions so that he can’t get out, we don’t want the third part!”

"What do you think it could be? Why are the centaurs so hostile to me?" he asked aloud.

"Andy, don't worry about this. Maybe you are friends with the Acromantulas?"

"That's right! Can you believe what the stupid horses say..." Babu also came to comfort him.

"Or will I help Sirius escape from prison?"

"It's impossible, no one can escape from Azkaban." Andy really didn't believe Hagrid's words.

Forget it, the trio is probably going to cause trouble tonight. I'll go with Voldemort, and then... I'll have to take Snape's back!Let their former master and servant reunite.

Andy said goodbye to Hagrid, and then packed up a large piece of potatoes to send back. He would be hungry after the battle anyway.

And now, just wait for night to fall!

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