Harry Potter: Man at Hogwarts but no wand

Chapter 30 Conversation in the Cellar

"I haven't had a good night's sleep since I became friends with you!" Justin madly scolded Andy in front of the Hufflepuff long table: "If you wake me up with the "Spider Alarm Clock" again, I will wake you up. Break off the relationship!"

"Hehehehe." Andy smiled maliciously. During class, Justin kept slapping him with his eyes until he had lunch.

"Hey Justin! Andy!" The trio came over for lunch after class.

Escaped from Quirrell's clutches last night, which made Andy feel so good that he even ate two more fried sausages.The trio who heard that Snape was saved by Dumbledore were very dissatisfied.

"Dumbledore actually bailed Snape out yesterday." Harry bit into the fried egg angrily, as if it were Snape's head: "He actually didn't believe that Snape was working for the mysterious man."

"I think he just wants to kill you two brothers!" Ron's mouth was stuffed with chicken drumsticks, which were not too greasy in the morning. "He must be—"

"He is the humble old father of the crazy dark wizard Andy, so shut up Weasley!" Snape appeared behind Harry and Ron in anger, and slapped his head with the parchment in his hand. one time.

"Professor, you've hacked me for two chapters with just one joke. I'll never make fun of you again." Andy was about to cry, but he realized that Snape didn't seem to be joking specifically. He seemed to be someone from trash. The bucket looked like it had just been picked up, and it was dirty.

"Follow me!" He looked very anxious: "And Mr. Finch-Fletchley, if you still want to learn your rag cleaning magic in Hufflepuff safely, stay away from these troublesome brothers. Leave quickly. !!!”

Andy quickly followed behind the black robe.The last time I saw Snape angry was when Harry Ron was driving a speeding car in the second movie. "It's so magical. Now I think back to the future I saw in the past." He laughed out loud thinking about it, and won Snape's favor again. A knife in the eye.

"Stop, Professor Snape. You can't always lead the children in our hospital to violate disciplines!" Professor Stroup, who had just come to eat, stopped them: "Every time I meet a child like you, something bad will happen!"

Praise Merlin!And I have to say Professor Stroup!

"Before this silly boy is destroyed, I believe you will not stop me."

"No!" Stroup stood in front of the door: "You keep him, leave Andy quickly, go find Dumbledore!"

"Huh, he's looking for Dumbledore, and Dumbledore is looking for him all over the world." Snape started dragging someone for the first time, and Stroup even saw the wand hidden in his right sleeve.

Snape dragged Andy all the way into his cellar office. There were many students watching the excitement on the way - look, when Professor Snape targeted Hufflepuff.

The remaining four people prepared to rescue.

"You go to class first, and I'll go find Professor Dumbledore!"

"Then I'll go to the cellar." Harry hurried back to the dormitory to get the Invisibility Cloak, Hermione went to find Professor Stroup to find a solution, and Ron went to Hagrid.

In the cellar, Snape pushed him down on a chair and pointed his wand at his neck: "Tell me, Mr. Potter, who are you?"

Courtesy Andy: You?

"Andy Lawrence?"

"It seems that our Mr. Dark Wizard is really tough. How do you know about the seven Horcruxes?"

"What seven Horcruxes?"

"Stop being pretentious, what does this coin mean?" Snape took it out of his pocket and put it in front of Andy's eyes.

"Pay 50p to bribe Dumbledore to save you?"

"Ha, it seems that you are not going to say it anymore, so I can only use a little trick." Snape stretched out his hand that was covered by the sleeves of his black robe, and a vial flew out from the shelf.

"This is Veritaserum." Snape waved the bottle in front of Andy's eyes: "This is Veritaserum. With just three drops, a mysterious person can spit out his darkest secrets."

"Then why don't you give the mysterious man a medicine?" Andy felt that he was becoming more capable and openly contradicted the old bat. He was sure that Snape just wanted to scare him.

Snape opened his mouth and poured it inside.

"Hey, I was wrong, I was wrong, Professor! I said it, I said it!"

Snape stopped and looked at him coldly.

"Listen to me first, don't worry." Andy straightened his robe: "I just reminded Professor Dumbledore that the man is behind Quirrell's head. What is a Horcrux? He is over-interpreting it. Already?"

Snape thought he was talking nonsense and was a little impatient, but Andy still went on. "But I think you have been protecting me and Harry - although we two always get you into trouble, so I hope Professor Dumbledore bails you out. I originally thought Quirrell was easy to deal with - this is why I Arrogance is the reason to cause a lot of trouble. But I found that he is very cunning and has even come to my house to threaten me. I can't play with him, so I can only rely on you."

"Ha." Snape snorted coldly: "Mr. Potter didn't go to Principal Dumbledore, but came to me instead?"

"Professor, although I don't know what the prophecy is, I definitely say that I am not a good person. Professor Dumbledore's attitude is too obvious, and I also heard something from the Centaur. He wishes what happened to me. Or what he would do to me. I had to be on guard. I don’t know about Harry. I used to think he was very good to me, but there were times when his eyes looked like I didn’t trust him.”

Andy lied half-truthfully, and he wasn't sure whether Snape believed what he said. Snape lowered his head and stared into his brown eyes. Andy knew that he was using Legilimency. After a while, Snape Nep looked away.

Andy's bet was right. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "But do you know what that prophecy is?"

"You don't need to know." Snape interrupted him: "Professor Dumbledore may ask you something in the past two days. You can come to my office as much as possible."

"Then I'll just drop out of school." Andy said helplessly, "I can't hide here and cause trouble for you."

"If this is what you really think, I will withdraw you from school now."

"Ah, this... By the way, Professor, this is for you."

Andy took out a small bottle and handed it to Snape. Snape shook it towards the light, and the dark green liquid in the bottle glowed: "You are the only one who can get the venom of the Acromantula. "

"Use with caution, Professor!" Andy opened the door and hit the "air": "I'm going to Harry!"

"I thought Snape was going to do something to you..."

"What did you hear, Potter." Snape looked at him calmly.

Without waiting for Harry to answer, he suddenly closed the door and pulled the two people over. He lifted Andy to the table and covered it with an invisibility cloak. Then he picked up a piece of parchment and stared at Harry fiercely.

"Severus, have you seen Mr. Lawrence?" Dumbledore opened the door and came in, followed by Justin. He saw Snape severely reprimanding Harry for the potions paper.

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