Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 74 The system is offline

Zhang San noticed the nearby monsters that probably belonged to another world, and in order to survive, he swam toward the light above at a high speed.

As Zhang San got closer and closer to the light, the huge black shadows that were about to follow him all disappeared.

Although Zhang San didn't know what was going on, because the oxygen in his lungs was almost exhausted, he had no choice but to continue swimming upstream to reach the surface of the water.

"Huh, huh..."

Finally, Zhang San successfully poked his head out of the water and gasped for air.

After regaining his composure, Zhang San turned his head to look around and found that the entire body of water was shrouded in a white mist.

This milk-like mist was so thick that Zhang San couldn't see through it even with his Purple Demon Eyes open at a distance of more than ten meters.

And the sky seems to be shrouded in this fog. Zhang San doesn't even know whether it is day or night, and the only light source here comes from...


Zhang San looked towards the bright light that had just attracted him, and found that it was a large ship with five floors. The lanterns hanging on the ship were the ones emitting light. Zhang San roughly counted the lanterns and the number was already over a hundred. Those on the ship were I don’t know how many lanterns were lit in invisible places.

These lanterns emit silvery white light, shining on the surrounding fog, as if there are beautiful women in silver gauze dancing in the wind in the air, and the big ship shrouded in white mist is like a fairyland, as if on the ship There were also people playing music and singing, and the laughter of men and women surrounded Zhang San's ears.

Zhang San just glanced at it, and his eyes gradually became blurred.


A sharp slap hit Zhang San on the cheek. Of course, the slapper was himself.

"Huh, huh...a little weird."

Zhang San gasped for air as he escaped from the dreamlike feeling. He looked closely and found that all the hallucinations just now had disappeared. The lights of the ship were still emitting silvery white light, but they were already extremely deserted. The sound of music and laughter disappeared.

The water was very cold, Zhang San was already exhausted, and now he felt like his hands and feet were cramping.Moreover, there are unknown monsters underwater, and he must go ashore if he wants to survive.

The surrounding fog was too thick, and Zhang San was very worried about what was weird about the fog, and whether there would be any monsters behind the fog.

Although the big ship in front of him is a bit weird, Zhang San doesn't feel any danger on the ship yet.

In addition, he could call for help from the system at any time (mainly because he was afraid of being teleported to another dragon or tiger's den), so Zhang San chose to get on the ship.

However, when Zhang San tried to swim towards the ship, he realized that the ship was ridiculously big. He found the system and spent [-] points of resentment to replace it with a small raft. It took him a long time to get to the bottom of the ship.

The deck of this big ship was so high that Zhang San could not see the top at a glance when he got under the ship. Moreover, the hull was hundreds of meters long. Zhang San felt that this was not a ship at all but an island floating on the water.

Who built such a big ship?

Is there any special significance?

Feeling extremely curious, Zhang San put his claws on the boat after being possessed by the martial spirit, and climbed up step by step.

When Zhang San's hands and feet were trembling when he climbed, he finally climbed onto the guardrail of the ship and climbed from the guardrail onto the deck.

"Huh... I'm exhausted."

Zhang San lay on the deck and breathed for a moment, then got up again and began to explore this mysterious ship.

There is no fog on the boat, as if the ubiquitous white fog doesn't want to come near here.

Moreover, Zhang San recalled the unknown creatures he had seen underwater before. It seemed that they were also very taboo about this place and were unwilling to approach the ship.

"Is there a barrier or..."

Zhang San came to explore this ship out of curiosity. This ship is full of secrets, and Zhang San also knows that such mysterious places probably contain many treasures. As long as you explore carefully, you will definitely gain something.

Although this ship is large, the doors and windows on the ship are all normal sizes.

This shows that the beings who built this ship are not too different from humans at least in terms of size.

There are many tables and chairs fixed on the deck, and there are sets of exquisite porcelain on them. Zhang San collected a set of relatively precious-looking tableware and put them in the "13th Floor Sun-shielding Sky".

Although it may not necessarily be of much value, he now has two storage items, so he can safely store more items.

After walking for a while, Zhang San saw the hatch that allowed him to enter the cabin. He tried to twist the door handle and found that he could easily open it. Obviously, the hatch was not locked.

"anyone there?"

Zhang San pushed open the hatch and shouted inside. He didn't know if he would attract enemies, but as soon as he sensed danger, he would immediately let the system transmit him away.

"It seems there is no one."

Zhang San, who didn't get any response, chose to walk into the hatch. The space inside was quite vast.

The silver-white lamp exudes soft light, and there is almost no haze in the entire space. There are many patterns with brown borders on the surrounding white wallpaper. Zhang San cannot understand whether these patterns have any meaning. He only knows that these patterns look very... Regular and beautiful.

"This place... feels like it used to be very lively."

Zhang San walked in the aisle covered with red carpet, his eyes looking around.

Golden handrails, boundless corridors, a luxurious and vast stage, hundreds of tables filled with various delicacies, guests listened to the beautiful melodies in their respective seats, watched the magnificent and wonderful performances, and prepared for the stage The dancers presented flowers.

But the guests were gone, and the dancers seemed to have left.

In the entire vast and gorgeous space, no one existed except Zhang San himself.

This glamorous scene was very strange. Zhang San bit his lip and plucked up the courage to go down the escalator in the corridor and walked to the venue where no one was having a banquet.

"This flower is very fresh, as if it was picked just this morning. Why?"

Zhang San first came to the stage and picked up a flower with twigs on the stage. There was even dew on the petals.


But when Zhang San blinked and looked again, he found that the flowers in his hand suddenly turned into gray gravel and fell on the spotless carpet.

There were no flower petals on the stage that he had seen before, only wooden floors that were as clean as if they had just been wiped.

Then Zhang San looked back and found that the tables behind him that were originally filled with countless plates full of food were empty.

"Hmm?! Illusion?"

Zhang San directly activated the Purple Demon Eyes, and his black eyes turned into a coquettish purple, but nothing in his eyes changed.

The Purple Demon Eyes can see through demonic miasma and illusions. If he uses the Purple Demon Eyes, he won't see any problems.

Either everything in his eyes is true, or he has met an extremely skilled illusion master.

"System! Teleport!"

An alarm bell rang in Zhang San's heart, and he immediately called the system to ask it to send him away.

However, the system... did not respond.

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