Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 73 "Random" Teleportation

"Where is this?"

Zhang San looked around and found that he seemed to be in a giant cave. The surrounding light was very dark and there were many tall white buildings.

"Strange? Who builds a house in a place like this?"

Zhang San couldn't understand the situation here, and he sniffed and found that there was a strange fishy smell in the air.

"What exactly is going on? I remember that I should have died together with that old bastard from Guitie Pass. Why am I here?"

Zhang San is sure that he is not dead yet. Not to mention that this place is not like the underworld. In addition, he still has body temperature and heartbeat, and his body can still feel pain. At the same time, his current image still looks like a ghost, which all shows that he is still alive. .

But when Zhang San pressed the timer, he was already ready to die with Guitieguan.It's not that Zhang Sanduo has any backbone, it's just that he's going to die anyway, so it's better to pull that guy over to support him.

However, if it detonated at such a close range, even Gui Tieguan, the Soul King with a martial spirit capable of both offense and defense like the Blood Nether Dragon Turtle, would have lost half his life even if he was lucky enough to survive. Zhang San at that time would not have been able to survive. Just like the unlucky evil soul masters in the carriage, they were blown to pieces.

But he survived well, and there seemed to be no additional injuries on his body. At the same time, he appeared in a place he had never seen before.

Just when Zhang San was completely confused about his situation, a cold female voice sounded in Zhang San's mind:

[Since you completed the event "Rescuing the Twins", the system level has been upgraded to level 2 and the "random teleportation" function has been unlocked. 】

[In view of the fact that you have just been in an extremely dangerous state, the system has urgently enabled the "random transmission" service for you. Each "random transmission" will consume one thousand resentment points. Your current resentment points still have [-] resentment points left. . 】


Zhang San was stunned for a while and finally realized what was going on.

He noticed that the number "1" at the top of the system's home page had changed to "2", and at the same time, there was a red dot in the "Events" column.

After opening it with my mind, I found that the content is as follows:

[The special event "Rescuing the Twins" has ended. The final completion level is 100%. The additional completion reward is "System Level Improvement by 1"]

This is the first time that Zhang San has seen an additional reward that does not award points at all. After the system level is improved, the system interface has more complicated patterns and more functional modules, which presumably cannot be compared with ordinary point rewards.

"So you saved me?"

Combining the known information, Zhang San knew that he should have been dead, but the system teleported him to another location at the critical moment, saving Zhang San's life.

[You are my master and my host. Your life safety is my priority. 】

Although the system responded indifferently, it still admitted the fact that it had saved Zhang San.

"Anyway, thanks."

Zhang San sincerely expressed his gratitude to the system in his mind.Without this system, he wouldn't even have this life. He wanted to say thank you very early on.

The system did not respond to Zhang San's thanks. It was not that the system was indifferent, but that it never had the knowledge to deal with this situation.

As "systems", special high-latitude parasites, they themselves have a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship with their hosts. After getting them, the hosts only regard them as pure and simple "tools". No one will suddenly become involved with these "tools". "Say thank you.

However, Zhang San did not expect to get a reply from the system. After getting up from the ground as much as possible, he stretched out his hand to hold his face, then tried hard to recall his original appearance, and silently muttered "Come back, come back...".

Soon a lot of black ink-like substance emerged from his skin, and all of it rushed towards Zhang San's face.


Zhang San's body also had to endure a lot of pain during the recovery process, but fortunately he had the previous experience, so he behaved fairly calmly. After twitching all over his body, he basically stabilized his condition. .

When Zhang San completely returned to his original state, a thousand-changing mask like a yin and yang mask appeared on Zhang San's face. Zhang San took it off and put it into the "13th Floor Sun Covering Sky".

After the body returned to its original state, Zhang San looked at the wounds on his arms and back. The places where the tortoise shells should have been pricked with blood and flesh were all restored, without even leaving any scars.

This is the additional effect of the "Thousand-Change Mask", which can restore the injuries suffered by the original body shape when changing the body shape.

Therefore, in this way, Zhang San, who has recovered his body, can continue to act normally.

"By the way, where am I now? What is this place? Am I still in Douluo Continent?"

Zhang San looked around curiously, especially these white buildings that made Zhang San feel very strange. He couldn't help but touch these white dome buildings. The walls of these buildings were very unique and seemed to be integrated. I saw many even small dents, and it felt surprisingly okay to the touch.

"Also, what are these?"

[Here is the lair of the demon-eating black dragon in Elaiti Continent. What you are touching now is its egg. 】


At this moment, Zhang San's whole body froze. At this moment, Zhang San felt that the dome was shaking, and he also heard a "clicking" sound. Zhang San turned his head stiffly, only to see the eight-nine-foot-high dome. The dome has cracked a crack, and strange mucus is pouring out of the crack. At the same time, there is a giant golden eye behind the crack staring at the incomparably tiny Zhang San.


At this time, a huge whistling sound came from the sky above the cave, as if some giant creature was flapping its wings. Zhang San looked up and saw that it was indeed a black dragon hundreds of meters long with a horn half as big as its body in its mouth. The giant rhino descended from the cave with strong wind pressure.

At this time, the system asked very thoughtfully:

[Master, do you need the "random transmission" service? 】

"Do you need to say more?! Of course!"

As soon as Zhang San finished speaking, his whole body was wrapped in a dazzling white light, and Zhang San disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I go!!"

But Zhang San, who had just escaped from the dragon's nest, saw in the blink of an eye a group of unknown half-human, half-snake creatures in simple clothes holding spears surrounding him and looking at him with a pair of snake eyes.

Then they seemed to have decided something. After the leader of the snake men neighed, the other snake men opened their mouths and spat out snake letters. They raised their spears and threw them at Zhang San.

"Quick! Teleport!!"

Zhang San didn't want to be poked into a hornet's nest, so he immediately shouted to the system to teleport him away.

"Ouch! Holy shit!"

After a flash of white light, Zhang San found himself falling in the air. At the same time, the surroundings were extremely hot and billowing with thick smoke. Zhang San did not dare to inhale the smoke, so he held his breath and looked down.

Zhang San was immediately frightened and turned pale when he saw it. It turned out that below him was a volcano that was about to erupt. The red lava in the volcano was gushing out, and there was an unknown person covered in red in the hot lava. Living things are jumping and swimming in it like fish in the water.

[Master, are you...]

"Teleport! Teleport!"

Before the system could finish speaking, Zhang San shouted to teleport. After all, he would have been scorched if it had been any later.

As a result, when he was teleported again, Zhang San, who emerged from the white light, found that he couldn't breathe.

When Zhang San opened his eyes, he found that he seemed to be in the water, and there was a bright light above him. Zhang San followed the light and swam up. As a result, before he could swim far, the four or five animals were three or four times larger than Zhang San. A dark shadow appeared in the nearby water...

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