Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 72 Zhang 3’s Funeral

"However, we think this is nonsense. Our people found blood and pieces of clothing in the area and determined that Zhang San was dead."

"How is this going?!"

After listening to the servant's story, Xie Yue suddenly became angry.

"Are they kidding? What nonsense are they talking about? Third brother must still be alive!"

Xie Yue, who was rescued by Zhang San, truly recognized Zhang San as her elder brother, and after Xie Yue knew that Zhang San could defeat a soul sect by herself after that night, he would not believe that Zhang San was dead at all.

"That's right! How could a living person disappear? And it's just a little blood and rags. Why do you say that the third brother is dead? It's been a week, and they still haven't gained anything useful?"

Hu Liena and Xie Yue had the same attitude. She didn't think Zhang San, who had great supernatural powers, would really die like this.

"This... is the conclusion drawn over there, and there's nothing I can do about it."

In fact, the valet Jack feels very incredible and helpless now.After all, if what these two parties said is true, then the orphan named "Zhang San", as a six-year-old child, can make mysterious explosives, master the art of disguise, and ride a horse. He also has the strength to defeat the Soul King, which is a fantasy no matter how hard it sounds.

So the people sent to investigate were confused after hearing the confessions of the brothers and sisters, and they couldn't even figure out whether they were crazy or whether the brothers and sisters were stupid.

If it were not for the identities of Xieyue and Hu Liena, as well as their repeated requests, I am afraid that this report would not have been written.

Of course, what shocked the inspectors and detectives who had many years of experience in handling cases was that the clues at the scene and the confessions of other parties could mutually prove the information provided by the brother and sister.

In other words, the siblings were not lying or insane, they were telling the truth.

However, this is too magical. Not only is it confusing, it also makes it impossible to come up with a logical "truth."

If everything is written exactly as it is based on the information already available, the writer will definitely get scolded.

Fortunately, the focus of this case is the murderer and the forces behind the murderer, not the rescuer.

Therefore, in order to successfully close the case, the existence of "Zhang San" was even omitted from the final report on the case. Everything became the result of the internal fighting among the evil soul masters.

As a result, the whereabouts of "Zhang San" have completely become an unsolved mystery.

Of course, what has also become an unsolved mystery is the whereabouts of the real Klaus and Mary Sue, and the two evil soul masters who were rescued by their companions are also missing... With so many mysteries, obviously this Everything is not over yet, but because the clues are completely broken, Wuhun Palace, Fox Family and Evil Blade Sect can only suspend the exploration of this matter.

So although Xieyue and Hu Liena both believed that Zhang San was still alive, they could only accept the fact that Zhang San was missing, and they had to arrange a funeral for Zhang San, who might have been killed in the explosion.

Therefore, half a month after that night, the brother and sister attended the funeral of "Zhang San" accompanied by the guards and servants.

Since the news of the real incident has long been deliberately controlled by major forces, the cause of Zhang San's death was also said to be that he was killed by gangsters. The details were not disclosed, and it was not even said that it was related to the kidnapping case.

Therefore, the funeral was not too grand. They just prepared a large and elegant white stone coffin, a good cemetery and a complete burial ceremony for Zhang San.

The funeral was a complete set, with dedicated personnel responsible for the operation. The sarcophagus and tombstone were made of the best materials, and the considerable funeral expenses were of course reimbursed by the Fox family.

Obviously this was just the funeral of a six-year-old orphan, but there were many people attending the funeral. The old nuns who had taught or cared for Zhang San in the orphanage, and friends who had friendship with Zhang San also attended the funeral. The funeral, coupled with the servants sent by the Fox family and the priests from the Wuhun Temple, was surprisingly lively.

Maybe they didn't spend a long time with Zhang San in the orphanage, but the eccentric and cheerful Zhang San did leave them with many good memories.

Seeing Zhang San’s coffin and tombstone, the children present burst into tears at the thought of never seeing the good friends they once knew.

Zhang Xiaobiao, the boss of Jiushe, stretched out his hand to hold the upper edge of the newly carved stone tablet. He couldn't help but think of the fist-bumping scene when he and Zhang San first met. When his right fist touched the word "Zhang San" on the stone tablet, it was already in his eyes. Tears welled up.

The desolate atmosphere continued to spread. Parting was destined by life and death. The old nuns who were used to seeing farewell were touched when they saw the orphans so sad, and they also shed tears.

If Zhang San could see this scene with his own eyes, he would definitely be filled with emotion.

He lived for decades in his first two lives, and no one was willing to mourn for him even for a moment before his death. But now, it's good that he has only been reborn for more than a month and so many people are willing to shed tears for his death.

"Third brother, he must still be alive..."

Xie Yue, who was guarded by the servants, held back her tears, looked at Zhang San's tombstone in the distance and murmured unwillingly.


Hu Liena on the side clenched her little hand, pursed her lips, and said firmly:

"He is not an ordinary person. He is like a god and cannot die."

Hu Liena knew why those people couldn't give an answer to how Zhang San saved their brother and sister.

Because they all regard "Zhang San" as an ordinary person.


Ordinary people cannot bring about this miracle.

However, Hu Liena, who was rescued by him, believed that Zhang San was not a "human" but a "god", a "god" who was demoted to the human world.

It is precisely because he is a "god" that he can do so many things beyond common sense, defeat enemies with evil intentions, and bring light back to himself who is trapped in the quagmire of despair.

Third brother, you must be my patron saint, right?

Hu Liena thought so in her heart. She put her hands on her chest and held the pendant on her chest. The thing on the pendant was the badge that Zhang San handed back to her.

If Zhang San hadn't come to the rescue at that time, she didn't know what would have happened to her, and she didn't dare to imagine the answer.

When Zhang San in the stable stretched out his hand to Hu Liena, it was like grabbing a life-saving straw for someone who was about to drown.

Later, Zhang San took the initiative to dismount and meet the powerful enemy, which really captured Hu Liena's already trembling heart.

This was the first time since she was a child that she truly felt warmth and security. She will never forget the smile Zhang San showed to her at the end, and his thin but resolute back in the morning light.

Therefore, Hu Liena is willing to regard him as her god and firmly believes that Zhang San will not perish.

So is Zhang San really dead?

"Cough! Cough!"

Zhang San, who suddenly fell from mid-air, coughed desperately as soon as he landed. It took him a while to recover, then he propped up his upper body on his elbows, looked around and muttered in his mouth:

"Where is this?"

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