Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 71 Where did Zhang 3 go?

"What exactly happened that night? Have you figured it out?"

A tall lady with fox fur on her shoulders, a yellow silk lily dress, a bright yellow long-brimmed dome hat, and a hat with black diamonds and white feathers on her hat frowned tightly and spoke with a stern expression. His eyes were fixed on the man in front of him wearing a guard uniform.

"Madam, we are still investigating the specific situation, and we cannot give a result yet."

This man is the director of the Wuhun City West Public Security Station. He has never been afraid of anyone in his own area, but just when this lady stands in front of him, he feels uneasy, and he even has a feeling that he is a dignified director. The sense of déjà vu being tortured.

The lady who didn't get a satisfactory answer said angrily:

"Is this how efficient you are? What have you done with the family's annual donations?"

"no no……"

The man's forehead was already covered with sweat. It was clear that this woman was actually a bit shorter than him, a strong man, but now he seemed to be looking down at her.

"Madam, this matter is very involved. We have reported it to the Wuhun City Sheriff. I believe the city lord has also obtained the information now. We will definitely use all our strength to get to the bottom of this matter."

The lady knocked the handle of the folding fan on the table next to her, and then said in a cold tone:

"Our Lord has already personally negotiated with the Elder Hall. This matter is of great importance. You errand boys had better give the results as soon as possible, otherwise you will lose your job."

The man nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, yes, we will do our best to complete our duties."

The man behaved in such a humble manner precisely because this woman was telling the truth.

If the case they are taking over now is really not handled properly, he will really lose his job.

And if he dares to neglect this woman, he doesn't need to wait until he screws up the case, he should just pack up and leave now.

The Fox family has such power.


The lady snorted coldly at the man who nodded and lowered his eyebrows, and then she asked:

"What about the kids? How are they doing now?"

This time there was a little more urgency in her voice, and the man immediately replied:

"Madam, the two young masters and ladies are under our strict protection. They are all safe after escaping from the gangsters."

"Take me to see."


The man had no objection to the noble lady's request and set out directly to lead the way for her.

As soon as he walked out of the office door, this man who had seen many big scenes was sweating profusely.

In the corridors on both sides, a group of neatly dressed male and female servants have been waiting for a long time. They have professional smiles on their faces and wear uniforms. They are all handsome men and beautiful women. When they see men coming out, they nod and salute very politely, and their movements are uniform. Obviously, They are all top-notch servants who have been strictly selected and trained.

A cyan fox is embroidered on their collars, indicating their identities and belonging to the Fox family.


Suddenly, all the male and female servants bent down to salute, and the etiquette suddenly went up a notch. It turned out that the lady appeared at the door.

"Lead the way!"

Seeing that the man was still stunned, the lady frowned slightly.


The man immediately showed the lady the way respectfully. After a while, the lady saw the two children who were guarded by many Wuhun Palace guards.

"Aunt Yuxiang!"

Xie Yue and Hu Liena, who had tired faces, immediately showed expressions of joy when they saw the noble lady's face. This noble lady who had always frightened them seemed so kind to them now.

"Kids, you've suffered."

The cold lady's eyebrows also showed a rare expression of sadness and affection. She walked up to the two children who had survived the disaster, and then took them into her arms on her knees.

This noble lady called Aunt Yuxiang by the brothers and sisters is the biological sister of their mother Camilla, Della. She is very similar to her sister, and the two brothers and sisters who are embraced by her at this moment are also born. Realizing the illusion that they were in their mother's arms, both brother and sister burst into tears.

Normally, this lady, who was a bit more stern than their mother, would definitely scold them loudly for not acting like direct descendants of the family, but today was an exception. She chose silence and patted the two brothers and sisters' backs with both hands. Back, giving them a small amount of relief.

When the brother and sister cried until their eyes were filled with tears and they were just sobbing slightly, Della took their little hands and took them directly away from the guardhouse. Originally, the director had something to say. After all, the brother and sister were also involved in this major case. key witness.

But Della gave him a slightly unkind look, and this arrogant director shut up and let him go.

Although both brothers and sisters survived with the help of an unknown strong man, because this incident involved the direct heirs of the two major forces of the Evil Blade Sect and the Fox family, there was no doubt about the evil mastermind behind the kidnapping of the brothers and sisters. The soul master organization "Ghost Skeleton".

Both of these major forces claimed that they would never tolerate it and would investigate thoroughly, and would dare to retaliate against the forces they attacked. Moreover, since the Wuhun City where the incident occurred is the most solid base of Wuhun Palace, those evil soul masters had no control over Wuhun. If the city commits crimes, they are also slapping Wuhundian in the face.

Therefore, Wuhun Palace also immediately provided support. After investing more resources in investigating the intelligence of "Ghost Skeletons", Wuhun Palace directly listed many high-level officials of "Ghost Skeletons" who had been identified. wanted list.

Of course, because Pope Qianxun Jimian is currently leading several elders and many powerful men to hunt for soul beasts, the entire Wuhun Hall has no one in charge for the time being, and unless it is a major event that the sky is falling, it is impossible for the Enshrinement Hall to come forward.

Therefore, Bai Mianfeng, the Chief Jade Phoenix Douluo of the Elder Hall, took charge of this matter.

Later, the Wuhun Palace, the Evil Blade Sect, and the Fox Family each sent a certain number of soul masters and troops to form a crusade, destroying several "ghost skeleton" dens and killing the evil souls. With hundreds of divisions and thousands of comrades, this organization of evil soul masters has finally made some progress in recent years, causing a major blow.

Of course this happened several years later.

It turned out that the Fox family made an arrangement to place the brother and sister in an orphanage, with the original intention of resolving conflicts within the family.

After all, this was obviously a deliberate act of alienation. It was a statement that the brother and sister had no real qualifications to inherit the family, so as to prevent some crazy people in the clan from taking action against the brother and sister.

However, after experiencing the danger that night, the Fox family, which was still fighting among themselves, unanimously passed a resolution to bring the siblings back and let them live in the villa originally named by their parents.

And not only that, they were assigned their original servants, and private guards from the Fox family were also sent to guard outside the villa to ensure the safety of the brother and sister.

Therefore, Xieyue and Hu Liena, the brothers and sisters, returned to the aristocratic life of fine clothing and fine food. Apart from being less free, they basically had no worries in life.

Of course, Xie Yue and Hu Liena were still worried.

The brother and sister are both worried about something. If they don't let go of that worry, they may never be able to smile again on their immature faces.

"It's strange."

Jack, the valet in a tuxedo, looked at a letter in a brown envelope in his hand, while beside him were his two brothers and sisters who looked at him expectantly.

Seeing a big change in the manservant's face, it was obvious that there was a lot of nutritious content in the letter this time.

The anxious Xie Yue immediately urged:

"What's written on it? Tell us!"

Although Hu Liena did not speak, she was obviously looking forward to the content of the letter just like her brother.

So Jack didn't show off, and seriously explained the contents of the letter to the brothers and sisters:

"The guards and our hired detectives found detailed information about the boy named Zhang San that the young master and the young lady were looking for in the orphanage. He was indeed born as an orphan and has lived in the Sacred Heart Orphanage for six years. For a long time, the physical examination information and evaluation reports for each year have been sent over.”

Hu Liena reached out for the report. She looked through the information inside and said:

"Is the news true? It's not forged information, right?"

Jack said: "Probably not. The content of this information has been confirmed by special personnel. There are many parties in the orphanage who can testify."

"And we, Miss, did find very obvious traces of battle at the location you mentioned. Someone did engage in a very brutal battle here. But there we only found a seriously injured evil soul master who was on the verge of death. There was no Found the woman Miss Hu Liena was talking about."

"And the woman who fits the description of Miss Hu Liena was also the evil soul master who kidnapped Young Master Xie Yue that night. At that time, she had been detained deep in the dungeon for treatment. It was impossible for her to meet Miss Hu Liena, and she was a kidnapper. Maybe it’s better to save the young lady suddenly.”

"We tried to get the truth from the two captured evil soul masters, but they were always in a coma. Although we hired a hypnotist, due to the physical condition of the prisoners and their own willpower, we In the end, the information we could get from them was still very limited."

"Especially the male evil soul master. When he was discovered, he had already lost an arm and was covered in blood and flesh. If there had not been a healing soul master present at that time, we might not have been able to capture him. And on the [-]th of this month, The prison where we hold serious criminals was attacked, and the two prisoners have now escaped, and we have no way to obtain information about the boy named "Zhang San"."

"But according to the male prisoner's confession, at the end of his fight with the woman suspected to be 'Zhang San', he was attacked by an explosion caused by a strange object, and at the moment when the explosion occurred..."

"'Zhang San' disappeared."

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