Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 75 Ghost Ship Miyun


After knowing that his biggest supporter suddenly went offline, Zhang San's scalp went numb.

"Something went wrong!"

Zhang Sanyi stamped his feet, then ran straight up the stairs. He had to get out of this hellish place quickly.

cluck, cluck...


Zhang San found that the stairs under his feet suddenly began to groan. He looked down and found that the originally sturdy and gorgeous stairs had suddenly turned into old and decaying wooden stairs. Every time he took a step, the rickety wooden stairs were creaking and the wooden boards were creaking. It will also sink.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Although Zhang San thought that he must have been under an illusion, he was caught off guard by this sudden change.

But the top priority now is to get out of here.

So Zhang San ignored the risk that the stairs might break at any time, grabbed the cold and slippery handrail and rushed up.

and many more? !

Cold and slippery?

Zhang San turned to look at his hands and found that his hands were full of water and there were a few pieces of seaweed.

Now Zhang San realized that the entire staircase had been soaked in water for decades, so he felt that the wooden boards on the staircase were all soft.

Could it be that I am actually on a "ghost ship" that has suffered a shipwreck?

When Zhang San thought this, instead of feeling calm, he became even more panicked. He stumbled directly up to the sightseeing platform connected by the stairs, and returned directly along the corridor.

However, it obviously did not go so smoothly. When Zhang San ran to the original hatch, he found that the hatch had been wrapped by a vine creature. There were many vertical eye-like markings on the vine. Goosebumps all over.

But the weirder this place is, the less Zhang San wants to stay here.

He directly possessed the spirit of martial arts, and then slapped the vines with his claws.



The weird vines wrapped directly around Zhang San's hand like a snake.But this was not the main reason for Zhang San's scream. It was because the vine was wrapped around a tiny arm, not the pitch-black claws.

Yes, he did not summon his own martial spirit.

Zhang San felt it carefully and found that not only his martial soul was gone, but his soul power was also gone.

Zhang San, who understood all this, looked extremely pale, and he was really panicked now.

Not only was the system offline, his martial soul and the soul power he had cultivated for many years disappeared.

Now I have become a real ordinary person, and I am still a weak brat.

"Tsk! Who is it? What are you trying to do?!"

Zhang San raised his head and shouted to the still magnificent space, but of course he did not receive any reply.

For this reason, he struggled to pull back his arms that were bound by the vines. The vines did not embarrass him and quickly let go of Zhang San's hand, letting Zhang San free.

"Damn it...I shouldn't have come here."

After looking at the hatch blocked by strange vines, I realized that I might not be able to go back.

Zhang San really regretted it now.

Zhang San, who fell to the ground due to inertia, struggled to stand up from the ground.

He should have understood the dangers of this strange place, and he should have been more careful with his actions. It can be said that he was in this situation at his own fault.

Perhaps, his mentality has really become a little wandering recently.

Of course, maybe the time can be advanced a little earlier. After he obtained the mysterious system, he felt that he could have everything under his control.

After all, this thing is like cheating. He can easily obtain treasures that others may never get in their lifetime, and he can also obtain powers and props from other worlds and time and space.

Not long ago, he even successfully defeated the Soul King of the Soul Sect, who was several levels higher than himself, and accomplished something that a first-level soul master could not possibly do.

With that system by his side, Zhang San also began to think that he was omnipotent, as if all problems were no longer problems. He did not need to make long-term plans or consider dangers, thus losing his awe of the unknown and dangers. .

He should have known that there were countless things on the Light Douluo Continent that could take his life, let alone looking at the vast world. Even if he could become a god like Tang San in the future, it would probably only be in that vast universe. A little dust.

Just like now, I am trapped in this strange ship, like a fallen leaf blown by the wind, or like a fish and shrimp in a cage, weak and helpless, at the mercy of others.

Of course, even if he wasn't in this hellish place, he, who was originally weak, would still be played by fate at will.

"But... who wants to accept fate!"

Zhang San gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

"I don't care if you are ghosts or something else, I will never admit defeat!"

The physical body of the three lives died in vain, and the ideals of the three lives were disillusioned.

Zhang San no longer has any respect or patience for the so-called heaven that controls his own destiny. He has made up his mind to fight all this injustice to the end.

Even if the opponent is a god with the power to wipe him out in a blink of an eye, he will pounce on him without hesitation, just like the moth rushing to the fire, knowing that he will die without hesitation, even if his burned body will only let that person The flames are even more rampant, and he also wants the blazing fire to tremble with his fearless wings even before death!

Zhang San raised his head and roared at the ceiling:

"If you want to kill or behead me! Come directly!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang San suddenly felt that the entire hull was shaking, the smooth walls were peeling off, the spotless floors were covered with mold, and the bright red carpet turned into a pile of rotten meat.

"Tsk! Is this the original appearance?"

Although this scene was truly terrifying, Zhang San only frowned and was not as confused as before.

Now that he has given up on life and death, there is nothing to be afraid of in this world.

And knowing that this place was really a "ghost ship", he didn't panic.

After all, high energy has always been predicted before, and now that high energy has finally arrived, I have been prepared in my heart, so I don't have to keep hanging on.

"Although he hasn't shown up yet, it means that the guy who controls this place must have heard what I said."

Zhang San analyzed the current information while walking in the rancid corridor.The surrounding silvery-white lights had turned into blood-like scarlet, making the entire environment seem extremely strange. Coupled with the terrible rotten smell in the air, it seemed like there was blood and rotten meat everywhere.

"But I'm still alive now. Does that guy want to continue playing with me?"

No matter what happened to this ship, if he couldn't see through it with his current purple demon eyes, then the opponent's power must be greater than his own, and it should be very simple to kill him.

However, Zhang San can walk freely in this space that is completely controlled by the other party, and the vines on the other side of the gate took the initiative to let go, which shows that the owner of this place does not seem to have the idea of ​​killing him at the moment. Of course, it is likely that this is only temporary. of.

If the other party wants to rely on weird things to make him have a mental breakdown and make his life worse than death, it is not impossible.

However, he has already issued a challenge, so there is no possibility of retreating.

So Zhang San continued to walk steadily in this world that was completely wrong, while keeping an eye on all directions and listening in all directions to pay attention to possible attacks.

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