Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 197 Rakshasa Cult and Wuhun Palace

Zhang San remembered that when he was awake, it was still broad daylight, but now it was getting late and the sky was filled with stars, but he only slept for a few hours at most. After returning to his seat, Zhang San couldn't help but sigh:

"So we are so close to Wuhun City? It's less than a day's journey."

Bibi Dong turned her head and looked at the night outside and said:

"Yes, it is true that the distance between the branch and the Wuhun City is not far. If you are a fast horse or an agile soul master, it may not take half a day."

"But we have only entered the range of Wuhun City. It will take at least half a day to get to the real city."

Bibi Dong said while squinting slightly to admire the stars in the sky:

"But it's getting late now and it's not safe to continue on the road, so we'll rest for now."

Not too safe?

It was hard for Zhang San to imagine that anything could threaten Bibi Dong, an Eight-ring Soul Douluo. He thought about it carefully and remembered that they were traveling in secret now. Bibi Dong probably didn't want to cause trouble, so he planned to rest and wait for dawn. On the road again.

At this time, Zhang San thought of another question and asked:

"Is it safe for the sub-rudder to be so close to Wuhun City?"

The branch of the Rakshasa Sect that he was in before was not a small one. There were probably nearly a thousand people in total, many of whom were soul masters. There were even double-digit high-level soul masters, including soul saints, soul douluo, and even titled douluo.

This power can already directly threaten or even defeat the national defense of some small countries. It is like a mace full of spikes. As long as it is not held in one's own hand, it will not make anyone feel comfortable if it is next to it. Think about keeping it away from you, or simply letting it "disappear".

Of course Bibi Dong understood what Zhang San meant, she said:

"The location of Wuhun City is between Tiandou and Xingluo. In principle, it is a neutral city. It is difficult for the official forces of either Tiandou or Xingluo to reach here, so this place is actually safer than you think."

And Zhang San immediately asked:

"Then... what about Wuhun Palace? Isn't Wuhun City under the jurisdiction of Wuhun Palace? Are the Rakshasa Sect and Wuhun Palace actually merged?"

In Zhang San's impression, the Rakshasa Sect and Wuhun Palace should be two opposing organizations. The two major forces were mortal enemies hundreds of years ago. The two major forces fought for the two great empires of Xingluo and Tiandou respectively.

However, in the final showdown between the two empires, the Tiandou Empire, which relied on the help of Wuhun Palace, narrowly defeated the Star Luo Empire. Wuhun Palace, which made the most contribution, received a large area of ​​land as a reward and built a temple belonging to the soul master. Xiongcheng, Wuhun City.

After the defeat of the Star Luo Empire, in addition to ceding territory and paying compensation, the political situation also underwent drastic changes. Since the Rakshasa Sect was the main fighting faction in the war, the Rakshasa Sect, which was the main fighting party, made the Star Luo Empire pay a huge price, but failed to He led the Star Luo Empire to victory in the war, causing the Rakshasa Sect's prestige in Star Luo to be severely damaged. The Rakshasa Sect also lost a large number of elites in the war. Even the once powerful high priest died in the battle. He was the most powerful person in the sect. In times of weakness.

Dai Tianwen, the Emperor of Star Luo at that time, had long been dissatisfied with the huge power of the Rakshasa Sect in the Star Luo Empire and even the way the priests and elders were coercing the government.

This promising emperor wanted to monopolize power, so he would not miss this opportunity to attack the Rakshasa religion, which was originally the state religion.

As a result, within only ten years, the Rakshasa Cult was demoted from its altar.

So far, the Rakshasa faith has been openly banned in the Star Luo Empire, and the shrines and temples of the Rakshasa God have also been torn down and closed.

In Zhang San's impression, although this thousand-year-old sect has not disappeared, in fact it can't afford much waste.

However, after seeing the branch of the Rakshasa Sect, Zhang San understood what it means to be a centipede insect but not stiff. Even though the Rakshasa Sect has been suppressed for more than a century, they still have a size that exceeds that of ordinary civil forces.

Although the decline of the Rakshasa Church is inseparable from the Star Luo Empire, especially the royal family, the direct cause of their decline is the great battle between the Rakshasa Sect's high priest Leanderna and the Wuhun Palace's chief priest Qian Daoliu. It is said that that battle The fighting was so intense that it changed the local landscape, causing the area to change from mountains to valleys, causing the map to be redrawn.

The final result of this battle was that the high priest of the Rakshasa Cult was defeated and killed. His death directly determined the subsequent war situation, tilting the balance of victory towards the Tiandou Empire.

If this peak powerhouse had not died, the Rakshasa Sect would never have fallen into this situation in the Star Luo Empire.

It can be said that the Liangzi of Rakshasa Sect and Wuhun Palace are really big.

At least in Zhang San's understanding, Wuhundian could not rest assured that the branch of the Rakshasa Sect would be built near its base camp.

Bibi Dong was not in a hurry to answer, she asked instead: "Don't you know these things?"

"Uh, yeah, I don't know."

Zhang San had never heard of the relationship between Rakshasa Cult and Wuhun Palace in his previous life. After all, Zhang San's power in his previous life was so low that he was not qualified to participate in many things and even had no way of knowing about them.

"Okay, let me explain to you."

However, Bibi Dong had already learned from Zhang San that he was actually just a deacon and not an important person. It was indeed normal not to know.She asked back at this time just to confirm whether her secret would be known to the world in the future.

And since I have accepted Zhang San as my disciple, I will inevitably take Zhang San with me in the future, so it is still necessary to explain these things clearly to Zhang San.

"My identity in the Rakshasa Sect is now a secret to Wuhun Palace. No one there knows that I am actually a saint of the Rakshasa Sect."

Bibi Dong explained to Zhang San:

"As a Saint of Wuhun Palace, I still have some power. For example, I can set up blind spots in some places that are not important to prevent people from investigating, or block out some more dangerous information. I can still do it. of."

So there was something going on behind the scenes?

Zhang San understood and said:

"So Master, did you use your own power to keep this branch?"


Bibi Dong nodded and continued:

"If I want to maintain contact with the Rakshasa Sect and accept the Rakshasa Sect while being a saint of the Wuhun Palace, it is necessary for the Rakshasa Sect to set up a branch in the area near Wuhun City."

"But what if there is a traitor among the Rakshasa Cult and your identity and position at the helm are exposed?"

As soon as Zhang San finished speaking, he covered his mouth.

Dry!Why don’t I open which pot?

Why do you think I am the most suspicious candidate for "traitor"?


Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows and said nonchalantly:

"The people who have access to me at the sub-rudder are die-hard Rakshasa cultists. They understand that they cannot ruin a major event, and the access control of the sub-rudder is very strict, so it is not easy to bring the news out."

Zhang Sanben wanted to refute. After all, he clearly remembered that there were many ordinary migrant workers in the helm, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that whenever Bibi Dong appeared, Bibi Dong was always surrounded by a group of high-level priests of the Rakshasa Sect. There are no ordinary people around, they are basically members of the Rakshasa sect.

The guards stationed at the sub-rudder were even moved directly from the Star Luo Empire, and they were indeed die-hard loyalists of the Rakshasa Cult.

While Zhang San was thinking carefully, Bibi Dong continued to say calmly:

"Of course, this matter may not be hidden in the future, but it doesn't matter. Whatever is supposed to come will come anyway. It's just a matter of time, and you should be prepared..."

"Of course I do too."

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