Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 198 The robber is here

"That's it, I know."

Zhang San understood that Bibi Dong had other back-ups to ensure that even if his identity was exposed and the co-ruler was discovered, he escaped unscathed.

As for the specific method, Zhang San, who understands the world, also knew that it was best not to ask more questions, lest Bibi Dong suspect her ulterior motives.

Moreover, in addition to Bibi Dong's own means, the combat power gathered by that sub-helm is also very strong, and the defenses are also extremely strong. Even if the Wuhun Palace wants to destroy them, it will not be that easy.

Moreover, since the Rakshasa Cult dared to bring so many people and resources under the nose of Wuhun Palace, they were probably sure to be safe and sound after being discovered.

thump, thump...

When Zhang San was about to chat with Bibi Dong again, there was a gentle knock on the door of the carriage.

"Eh? This is?"

Zhang San was a little surprised. He didn't know who would disturb him and Bibi Dong at this time.

Bibi Dong glanced at the car door and seemed not surprised by this, but she still asked:

"Is there a problem?"

At this time, a man's voice came, and he said respectfully:

"My lord, your dinner is ready."

"Okay, serve it."


With Bibi Dong's permission, the car door was opened immediately, and a tall and thin man walked in carrying a large tray full of food.

"Wow! So many delicious foods?"

The most eye-catching thing is a big animal's hoof full of boiling heat and grease, and a plate of fragrant skewers, followed by a brightly colored fruit platter, a hot soup, and two hot teas.

Although it’s not a long trip, it’s nice to be able to eat food like this during the trip.

Moreover, Zhang San hardly ate anything in the Rakshasa Cult, which made his eyes wide open, and at the same time, his stomach began to sing about the empty city plan.

The man placed the food on the large tray on the table in front of Zhang San, then placed the knives, forks and plates in front of Zhang San and Bibi Dong, and finally placed two servings of hot black tea.

After finishing the work at hand, the man put the tray aside, then bowed deeply to Bibi Dong and asked:

"Sir, do you have any other food requirements? We can do it right away."

"Well, that's it for now."

Bibi Dong glanced at Zhang San who was already swallowing his saliva, and then said to the man:

"Leon, you can go down now."


The man who received the order immediately took the tray and prepared to turn around and leave.

"Wait! Have I seen you?"

However, Zhang San, who was about to feast, suddenly stopped him.


Leon did not deny it. He turned his head and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner:

"I was the one who fought against you in the granary."

"Damn! It's really you!"

Zhang San felt that this person seemed familiar from the beginning, but he didn't think much of it for a while.

Zhang San originally thought he was an ordinary person he met by chance in the Rakshasa Cult, but seeing how effortlessly he could hold up a tray weighing dozens of kilograms with one hand, it was obvious that the other person was not an ordinary person, but was just hiding his soul power fluctuations. That’s all.

So Zhang San thought about it seriously and remembered this face. Wasn't this man who looked like an ordinary servant the flying soul emperor who had been chasing him all the way?

"I'm sorry about what happened then."

Leon bowed and apologized to Zhang San, and directly knelt down on one knee in front of Zhang San’s surprised eyes and said:

"Do you still hate me now? Then please punish me as you like."

"Uh, this..."

Zhang San felt a little embarrassed now. He understood that he was an "intruder" at that time, and the Rakshasa Cult regarded him as an enemy, so it was Leon's duty to hunt him down.

Speaking of hatred, Zhang San couldn't hate it, but just like Zhu Huayin's situation, he couldn't easily write off this debt.

It's just that Leon's attitude was much more sincere than Zhu Huayin's. Even if Zhang San had any resentment, it was half gone when he saw the other majestic Soul Emperor kneeling to him.

And even if he had to punish him, he didn't have the power to punish the people of the Rakshasa Cult. He had to look at Bibi Dong's wishes on this matter.

As a result, Zhang San turned to look at Bibi Dong, only to see him drinking hot tea calmly, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"Forget it, get up..."

Bibi Dong did not express his position. After thinking about it for a while, Zhang San finally said:

"You didn't know my identity at the time. It was just a misunderstanding. Since it is a misunderstanding, it can be resolved after it is solved."

After getting up, Leon said in confusion:

"Aren't you going to hold me accountable?"

"Well... Then you can recognize me as your eldest brother from now on. You can be my younger brother for a few years and then this matter will be settled."

Of course Zhang San didn't intend to let Leon go just like that. He tried to make a bold request that he thought of.

If he could recruit Leon, the soul emperor, to be his subordinate, then he would at least be arrogant for a while, not to mention walking sideways.

Leon said with a look of astonishment:

"But, I am subordinate to Mr. Yinshi..."

Let yourself be the younger brother of a great soul master?

Even if Zhang San's performance in that battle impressed Leon, Leon did not accept it in his heart. He was originally a subordinate of Zhu Huayin, and he was convinced only after following a proud woman like Zhu Huayin.

After all, he has just reached thirty. As a 30-year-old soul emperor, his talent is definitely not low, and he is also arrogant. How can Zhang San, a great soul master, be able to control him?

"It's okay, Leon."

However, Bibi Dong spoke up at this time, she said:

"I will inform Hua Yin. You will listen to Zhang San for the time being. The time limit is three months. This can be considered as a way to relieve his anger."

"Yes, my lord!"

Once Bibi Dong opened his mouth, Leon no longer had any objections either on the surface or in his heart.

"Uh, okay, that's it."

Zhang San also knew that this matter had been finalized by Bibi Dong, but his idea was indeed realized, but it was also reduced from several years to three months.

Of course, he can still make a lot of money if he has three months to dispatch a flying six-ring soul emperor at will, and Zhang San also understands the principle of quitting when he gets the chance.

"By the way, Leon, let me ask you something."

Zhang San remembered something at this time and called Leon again who was about to leave. Leon turned around and replied respectfully:

"Lord Zhang San, please tell me."

"I heard Zhu Huayin say that you turned the remains of the Barbarian Beast into dishes. Is it true?"

Zhang San glanced at the large animal hoof weighing at least ten kilograms on the table. This animal hoof should be low-level soul beast meat caught and cooked in the surrounding forest by Leon and other entourage.This reminded him of what Zhu Huayin said before about dividing the Barbarian Foot into pieces and eating it.

Although he believed it at the time, now that he thought about it, as a thousand-year-old soul beast, the meat of the Barbarian Foot was quite poor and difficult for most people to swallow.

After all, the skin and flesh of the Barefoot beast is nearly invulnerable, and coupled with the fact that it is rich in stagnant soul power and muscle fiber, it is not easy to cook the meat of this soul beast to an edible level.

Leon said in surprise:

"Ah? You are talking about the Thousand-Year Barefoot Beast. No, its body is now in the cold storage. We haven't processed it yet."

"That's good……"

Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, his guess was correct. It was just something Zhu Huayin made up to deceive him.

However, Zhang San had just breathed a sigh of relief when suddenly there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside. It seemed that many people were rushing towards this direction. At the same time, a man's sharp shout pierced the quiet night sky.

"Don't move! Robbery!!"

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