Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 196 Returning to Wuhun City

Zhang San didn't know if Tang San practiced in full accordance with Yu Xiaogang's instructions. If so, then the content of this book might be of some use and could be used as a reference for his future practice.

However, some of the cases and speculations recorded in this book gave Zhang San a "taken for granted" feeling and were not particularly reliable.

But it's normal. After all, this is just a first draft. Judging from the texture of the pages, it was estimated that the book was written ten years ago. What is recorded in it may not necessarily be the theories and plans used by Yu Xiaogang when he taught Tang San 16 years later.

And it was also a blessing that Yu Xiaogang met Tang San. As a son of fate, Tang San was unlikely to suddenly die suddenly on the way to practice.

Even in the most dangerous stage of absorbing soul rings, he possessed the Tang Sect's top skill, Xuantian Gong, and could absorb soul rings much more efficiently than ordinary soul masters, making him less likely to encounter danger.

In addition, Tang San's own understanding and adaptability are also amazing. Even if there are omissions in Yu Xiaogang's theoretical guidance, Tang San can solve sudden troubles on his own.

In addition, when Zhang San investigated Tang San, he also found out that Tang San had only been under Yu Xiaogang's guidance for only five to six years. After the Elite Soul Master Competition, Tang San, who was still the Fourth Ring Soul Sect at the time, was... Father Haotian Douluo picked him up.

After that, Tang San basically disappeared. As for Yu Xiaogang, he was just teaching at Shrek Academy and had no chance to come into contact with Tang San.

Obviously Tang San did not achieve his subsequent achievements solely by relying on Yu Xiaogang's guidance. On the contrary, if Yu Xiaogang had not been a good apprentice like Tang San, he would probably never be able to get rid of the title of "waste" in his entire life.

When you think about it this way, the value of this book seems even lower.

After Zhang San flipped through the "Ten Basic Principles of Soul Master Cultivation" for a while, he gradually lost interest.

So Zhang San placed the book on the small table fixed under the window and pushed it to Bibi Dong who was reading another book opposite.

However, Bibi Dong pushed the book back and said:

"Don't give this book to me."

"Ah? But..."

Zhang San was very surprised. This book was obviously Bibi Dong's treasure before, so why doesn't the original owner want it anymore?

Bibi Dong continued to look at the book in her hand and said calmly:

"This thing is given to you. If you think it is useless, throw it away. Throw it into water or fire, as you like."

"Ah? Then, I'll accept it."

Zhang San couldn't guess what Bibi Dong was thinking, but this was just an old book. If you don't appreciate it, then it's just a pile of waste paper.

However, Zhang San knew that this book might have value other than its own content, such as a disappeared relationship or a dusty memory.

Although he did not know the story behind the book, this did not prevent Zhang San from having the idea of ​​collecting it.

[Master, congratulations on obtaining the key mission item "Waste Book". It is recommended that you keep it well and don't lose it! 】

As soon as Zhang San got back this old book, the girl incarnated by the system suddenly appeared in front of Zhang San. "She" was now only two inches tall, with a pair of wings as white as snow behind her, like a miniature angel standing close to Zhang San. The feet are hovering.


Zhang San quickly glanced at Bibi Dong and found that she was still reading a book and there was no need to turn her eyes towards him.

The girl covered her mouth and chuckled:

[Master, don’t worry, she can’t see me. Only you can see my existence in this world. 】

Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief, and he started communicating with the girl with his thoughts as usual:

"That's good. What do you mean by 'mission-critical props' you just said?"

[It is a special prop that once lost, you will have a high probability of causing mission failure. 】

"Is that so? Then what mission-critical prop is this?"

The word "extremely likely" is a rare description in the system's mouth, and Zhang San couldn't help but pay attention to it.

Zhang San opened the system panel and found that the tasks column was still the same, with no changes and no red dot prompts.

The girl looked embarrassed, lowered her head and answered:

[This... I'm sorry, Master, I can't answer it either. It should be a follow-up to the series of tasks you are currently performing. 】

"You mean you don't know about the unlocked content?"

Zhang San couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

The girl nodded and responded:

[Yes, I can only bring you the information that can be disclosed in the system. We don’t know the information that cannot be disclosed. 】

Zhang San felt very strange and asked:

"Don't you know? Isn't this system all about you?"

The girl explained:

[We are just the "spirit" of the system, just like the crew on a ship, and the system in your mind is the ship. We can operate it and control it, but it is not completely controlled by us. It will If we move forward or turn according to certain rules, we can only make some adjustments. 】

"Is that right?"

Zhang San originally thought that he was just going to treat the system as two different parts, but now it seems that he has to divide it again.

The girl flapped her little wings and flew to Zhang San and said seriously:

【So!Master, there are some things that we really can't do. As long as it violates the rules, we can't help you even if we want to. 】

Zhang San sighed and asked:

"Like missing points?"

The girl nodded and said:

[Yes, points are the "price" you provide to the system, without which the system will not act. 】

"I see."

Zhang San glanced at the more than 10 system points under the system panel. These points seemed to be many, but they could only be exchanged for one or two red mythical items, and they were the cheapest ones, such as 10 Thousand-year soul bones, among which the cheapest 50-year soft-bone charm rabbit soul bones cost [-] yuan.

The exchange limit for the Poseidon Trident that Tang San used back then reached 130 million.

Of course, Zhang San has used some low-point, high-value props. Many props worth tens of thousands of points in Tang Sect are not as useful as props worth hundreds or even dozens.

The system itself also indicates that the levels of its mall props are divided according to rarity, and rarity does not mean ease of use.

He had to use these more than 50 points carefully.

Zhang San also learned some basic rules of the system from the girl. After he had almost figured it out, he asked the girl to go back.

As for Bibi Dong, who is still reading, Zhang San can directly see the title of the book she is reading this time. It is called "Douluo, the Rise of Two Empires". It is a historical work that is obviously better than the one in his hand. Long papers need to be interesting.

But Zhang San didn't have the shame to ask Bibi Dong for help, so he flipped through the book "Ten Basic Principles of Soul Master Cultivation" in his hand. As he flipped through it, he felt his mind getting more and more drowsy. He couldn't help but lie down on the table and fell asleep directly. .

"We're almost there."

Bibi Dong tapped her index finger on the table next to Zhang San's ear. Of course, she paid attention to avoid the small puddle of Zhang San's saliva next to her.

"Ah? Master, master?"

Zhang San, who was woken up by Bibi Dong, stood up in a panic and shook his head quickly to make his muddy consciousness slightly better.

"Have we arrived at Wuhun City?"

"Yes, we are here."

This time Bibi Dong took the initiative to open the curtains. Zhang San, who had been bored in the carriage, immediately pressed his hands on the table and looked outside. As expected, he saw a majestic city entrenched in the distant night like a giant beast.

Especially those temples and temples built on the mountains, the higher you go, the more connected they are. They are so recognizable.

That's right, they finally returned to Wuhun City, the holy land of soul masters.

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