Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 111 Cat and Mouse Game

Although Zhang San was very curious about what was behind the door, his intuition told him that if there was something behind, he couldn't afford to mess with it.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, and besides, this door looks perfect. There is no door handle, no keyhole, or even a door frame. It looks like a door standing on the wall, and I have no idea how to enter.

So Zhang San wisely chose to turn around and leave.


However, just as Zhang San was about to leave, a hidden stone door nearby suddenly opened, and a group of robed priests walked out.

Zhang San, who was about to walk through the passage just now, froze as soon as he heard the noise, especially when he immediately felt the strong energy from a group of high-level soul masters that caused the surrounding air to become chaotic. The soul power suddenly made Zhang San so scared that his face turned blue.

Realizing that a group of unknown and powerful enemies far above him were approaching, Zhang San went into hiding without thinking, climbed up the wall and hid along the stone wall at the top corner where it was least noticeable.

"Really? Leon, he..."

After a while, the robed priests holding a piece of luminous purple crystal were talking and formally entered Zhang San's field of vision step by step.

Seeing these Rakshasa priests gradually approaching his position, Zhang San was naturally frightened and did not dare to express his anger.

None of the auras that these robed priests exuded unconsciously were inferior to those of the Soul Emperors that he had encountered before, which meant that these people were all powerful soul emperors of level [-] or above.

There were nine Rakshasa cultists in this group wearing priestly robes, all wearing white masks that were obviously used for rituals, and they walked towards the gate in a relatively orderly formation.

The robes of these Rakshasa priests are of different colors. The first four Rakshasa priests all wear black robes. They are dressed the same as the flying soul emperor Zhang San met before. They should be Rakshasa priests of the same level.

The three Rakshasa priests walking in the middle are wearing red robes with richer colors. Their rank should be higher than the black-robed priests in front.

But the two priests walking at the back were wearing purple robes and blue robes. It was difficult to tell which of them had a higher status.

In particular, Zhang San saw a familiar figure among them. The female soul saint who suppressed the soul beast riot with a single magic sound seemed to be among them.

She was wearing a red robe, standing in the middle of the team, and the style of her red robe was different from the robes of the other Rakshasa priests on both sides. It was as if it was specially customized, and the pattern could clearly be identified as a Rakshasa ghost.


What's even more terrible is that when Zhang San was sizing her up, the other party actually raised his head and looked in his direction.

A red-robed priest next to him noticed the strange movement on Zhu Huayin's side and immediately asked:

"What's wrong? Otohime-sama?"

"Nothing, I just feel like there's something strange here."

Zhu Huayin looked at the dark corner at the top, frowned slightly and said:

"It's probably just an illusion."

At this time, Zhang San had closed his eyes and suppressed his breath to a minimum.

After a soul master's level increases, not only will his martial soul, body, and soul power grow, but he will also increase the intensity of his mental power.

Mental power is linked to perception. A powerful soul master can tell the male or female of a mosquito a hundred meters away, even with his eyes closed.

This is the reason why Zhang San didn't just hide and run away. He might be able to deceive ordinary opponents through the "hidden" passive of "Blade of Night", but in front of a truly strong person, even if he causes only the slightest Every movement is as noisy as thunder.

Therefore, if he chooses to run away quickly, he will inevitably make a certain sound under his feet, attracting the attention of these Rakshasa priests. If he moves forward cautiously and slowly, he will directly collide with these Rakshasa priests.

So Zhang Sancai had to shrink to the corner next to the gate.

After all, this door itself exudes a strong ominous aura, which is enough to interfere with the normal perception of these strong men. It is also the most likely place to help Zhang San hide himself.

Facts have proved that this is indeed useful. Zhang San thought that he had been discovered, but the female soul saint just glanced at him and then turned to look elsewhere. Obviously, he did not really discover his existence.

However, no matter how safe it is here, Zhang San is forced to be in the same space with these Rakshasa priests who can easily turn him into a sacrifice here, and they are less than ten meters apart from each other.

"how can that be?"

The purple-robed priest behind Zhu Huayin heard Zhu Huayin's doubts and sneered directly and said:

"Ha! The evil spirit of the altar is so strong that others will lose their minds and go crazy even if they stay outside for a moment and a half. But in front of the divine gate, even we can only rely on the purple demon given to us by the Rakshasa God. Only the protection of Shi can avoid the impact, how can outsiders come here?"

In fact, the purple magic stones in the hands of these priests not only isolate them from the influence of the outside world, but also forcibly lower their ability to perceive external situations.

Otherwise, even if Zhang San is "hidden" and masked by the aura of the Rakshasa Gate, he will definitely not be able to escape their perception.

Zhu Huayin here heard that it made sense and nodded and said:

"Indeed, I think I was just a little suspicious because Leon was severely injured by the intruder."

The purple-robed priest stroked the long beard under his mask and smiled:

"The intruder should have been crushed to death under the ruins. Even if he was alive, he would not be able to come here."

After saying that, the purple-robed priest put his hands behind his back and said in a stern tone:

"As for that kid Leon, if he's not good at studying, he should suffer a little."

Next to the purple-robed priest, the priest in dark blue robes suddenly said:

"Zixuan, don't you think the evil spirit here is much lighter than the last time we came here?"

"It seems a little bit?"

After looking around, the purple-robed priest said suspiciously:

"Maybe it's because Her Royal Highness the Saint is about to leave seclusion, so she's like this?"

After thinking for a moment, the blue-robed priest nodded and said:

"It is also possible. Her Royal Highness the Saint is the only son of God chosen by the Rakshasa God that our Rakshasa Cult has found in the entire continent for thousands of years. We cannot predict what changes she will cause."

When are these guys going to leave?

While these Rakshasa priests were chatting away, Zhang San, who was hanging in the corner of the ceiling, was already sweating like rain.

Not only did he not dare to breathe, he also didn't dare to make any movement, and he didn't even dare to look at the priests, lest his gaze be perceived by them.

After all, sight can be captured by people's sixth sense, and these people are mainland powerhouses far beyond ordinary people. Especially after fighting against the Soul Emperor, Zhang San certainly does not dare to underestimate this place. any Rakshasa priest.

Now he was like a mouse trapped in a cat cage, huddled in the darkest corner, shivering, and praying in his heart that these "cats" would leave soon.

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