Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 110 Rakshasa Altar

The way to get out of here is very simple, just push through the rocky obstacles at random places.

However, Zhang San is now trapped in a small passage built from the ruins. The rocks piled around Zhang San weigh more than a thousand kilograms each. It is definitely impossible for Zhang San to escape easily with his original strength.

But things are different now.

"Okay, let's give it a try."

After Zhang finished speaking, the soul mark on his right hand lit up.

Martial Spirit·Ghost Dragon!Possessed!

This time, black scales appeared all over the body of Zhang San possessed by the martial spirit, and the quality and coverage of the scales further increased.

In addition, this time the possessed Zhang San's limbs not only grew sharper and harder claws, but his hands and feet became thicker and more powerful.

At the same time, a pair of small wings about one foot long appeared on Zhang San's back. These wings proved that the ghost dragon was actually a flying martial spirit.

However, Zhang San’s martial soul Guilong is different from other flying martial souls that have certain flying abilities as soon as they are awakened. His martial soul is not in a complete form and needs to continue to evolve. In the previous life, he only had a short distance when he arrived at the Four Rings Soul Sect. The ability to fly.

Zhang San lowered his head and looked at his new appearance. He was a little relieved and at the same time couldn't help complaining about his torn clothes, pants and shoes:

"There's just something wrong with the beast martial spirit, it's useless clothes."

After completing the possession of the martial soul, Zhang San held his breath and mobilized the soul power in his body, and then two soul rings, one yellow and one purple, rose from the soles of his feet and floated over his head, finally floating behind him.


Zhang San used his mental power to pull his newly acquired purple soul ring to float in front of him, then closed his eyes and felt the faint and familiar breath of this soul ring, and said to himself:

"We will fight side by side from now on."

As if responding to Zhang San's words, this purple thousand-year soul ring suddenly emits a dazzling light.

Then Zhang San's whole body was enveloped by a powerful force. His animal-like legs easily crushed the ground under his feet, leaving clear footprints on the rocks. Moreover, Zhang San's arms were also full of power. He felt You can tear everything to pieces yourself.

When he came into contact with this power, Zhang San also had a very high fighting spirit in his heart, as if nothing could stop him in front of him.


Zhang San let out a beastly roar, blocked his arms in front of him, and rushed directly towards the thick stone wall in front of him.

boom! !

Amidst the splashing rocks and dust, Zhang San successfully broke through the obstacles in front of him and came to a quite wide space.

After the effect of the soul skill ended, Zhang San looked back at the damage he had caused, and he was actually a little frightened.

He directly knocked a gap in the entire ruins, and after he left the ruins, the ruins collapsed because the fragile balance was broken, completely burying the space where Zhang San had been.

This kind of power that can easily break rocks is Zhang San's second soul skill, Mountain Collapsing Chong.

The soul skill from the Millennium Soul Ring, Mountain Collapsing Crash, not only gives Zhang San a certain movement speed bonus, as well as extremely high defense and strength bonuses during the soul skill effect, it also has an invigorating effect, which can make him stronger to a certain extent. Forget pain and fear, ignore most controls, and deal complete damage.

"If this 'Collapse of Mountains' is activated together with the 'Blade of Hidden Night', even the defense-type Soul Sect will be instantly killed by one blow, right?"

Zhang San was also very surprised by the effect of his new soul skill.

And if you are in the "hidden" state of "The Hidden Blade of the Night", you can launch "Collapse of the Mountain" against unsuspecting enemies on the prerequisite of obtaining the movement speed attack and critical hit effect of the Hidden Night Blade. ”, the damage that can be caused is undoubtedly devastating.

However, what is directly proportional to its power is the consumption of soul power. The soul power requirement of "Collapse Mountain Rush" when fully released is five times that of "Blade of Hidden Night". If he really uses the two soul skills together, what will happen if he uses them together? After finishing this combo, Zhang San will be completely exhausted.

"This can be used as a hidden killer weapon."

If you are lucky enough, this set of combined soul skills can even instantly kill an unsuspecting or weak-defense Soul King or even Soul Emperor. Even Soul Saints are not impossible to pose a threat.

Of course, the prerequisite for such an effect is that the opponent cannot detect him first, and must stand obediently and wait for him to hit him. In addition, the opponent cannot even activate his martial spirit and can only use his physical body to resist his move. .

This is basically equivalent to requiring the opponent to tie up both hands and feet before fighting. Obviously, this is basically impossible to encounter in actual combat.

Besides, after using this combination of skills, Zhang San will be unable to fight against other enemies. It is a special move that is sure to kill when released, and it is the kind of special move that will kill both the enemy and himself.

But no matter what, Zhang San finally has the ability to threaten those truly strong people.

"Daman, I'm leaving."

Zhang San once again said goodbye to the Barbarian Beast sleeping under the ruins, and then took steps to carefully examine this strange space.

"Why does this place look so much like an altar?"

After gradually going deeper, Zhang San walked to an underground river. There was a wooden suspension bridge built on the underground river. After getting on the suspension bridge, Zhang San found that there were many iron chains hanging on the surrounding stone walls, with white hanging on them. Objects, a closer look revealed that these chains were all bones.

The white bones on these iron chains come from various parts of the bones, including human and animal bones, and they are all cut into a more regular shape, like some kind of ritual decoration.

In addition, various weird and horrifying-looking handicrafts appear from time to time on these stone walls. Most of these handicrafts are made of bone or stone, and a few are gold and silverware, but their shapes are all like some ugly monsters.

If he guessed correctly, he should be near the core altar of this Rakshasa cult stronghold now.

The underground space was quite vast, and there seemed to be no other people around. After traveling for a while, the system suddenly popped up a prompt.

[Master, a large amount of resentment has been detected. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Zhang San felt a little confused when he heard the broadcast. After all, there should be no signs of other living people here. How come there is suddenly resentment that can be absorbed?

[After the absorption is completed, you have obtained a total of 5231 resentment points. 】


Zhang San was shocked when he heard this number. These more than 5000 resentment points were something he had not collected even after staying in the orphanage for a month?

Just when Zhang San thought that was the end, he walked a little further, and the system prompted another absorption prompt.

Of course, Zhang San chose to absorb again, and the amount he obtained this time actually exceeded [-] points.After Zhang San continued to move forward with a confused look on his face, the system popped up a prompt again. For Zhang San's convenience, he let the system take the initiative to absorb it.

As a result, when Zhang San walked all the way to a large black iron door based on the growth rate of his resentment points on the panel, the system showed that his point balance was significantly low.

If he had so many points ahead of him, wouldn't Daman be able to save him?

Zhang San showed a bitter smile.

But there are no ifs in everything. Now if he wants to resurrect Daman, he can only continue to become stronger.

"Does the resentment get stronger the further you go in?"

Zhang San stood in front of this large iron door that was several feet high, muttering to himself.

The relief decoration on this iron door is a rather ferocious statue of a god, and this is the statue of the Rakshasa god.

On both sides of the gate, there was a row of faint blue lights, and the lampstands that held the fire were actually full of human skulls.

Everything indicates that there is something terrible behind the door.

Perhaps behind this door is death itself.

So, does he want to move on?

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