Thousand-year soul rings are originally soul ring years that can only be absorbed by a thirty-level soul master at least.

However, Zhang San, who was only at level [-], was about to absorb a thousand-year soul ring. In the eyes of others, this was a very crazy move.

After all, how could a level [-] soul master be able to withstand the energy of a thousand-year soul ring?

All the soul masters Zhang San has seen, regardless of whether they are geniuses or not, have second soul rings that are more than eight hundred years old at most, and there is no precedent for absorbing soul rings that exceed the age of a thousand years.

After all, the energy contained in the yellow century-old soul ring and the purple thousand-year soul ring are no longer on the same level the moment they change color.

But this time, unlike the 400-year-old Night Demon Dragon soul ring he absorbed before, Zhang San felt no pressure on whether he could successfully absorb this soul ring. He seemed to subconsciously think that everything would fall into place.

This is indeed the case. During the absorption process, Zhang San basically encountered no pressure.

Looking inside, the little black ghost dragon in Zhang San's body is surrounded by the thousand-year soul ring above his head. Under the light of purple soul power, the ghost dragon's body continues to grow. The two behind it look like The little wings, as soft as pimples, have begun to grow like real wings, but their shape is still too small to look like they can fly.

Its bloated waist began to look much slender after its body became larger, but it was only the appearance that became slender. The real strength inside was not reduced at all, and even expanded several times.

The few Linjia on his body began to take shape, and his overall appearance became closer and closer to a true "dragon" shape.


From the perspective of the ghost dragon, Zhang San saw the phantom of the original owner of this soul ring, the Barbarian Foot.

During the normal soul ring absorption process, the beast spirit of the soul beast will control the soul power in the soul ring to attack the soul master's spirit to express its anger at being killed.

Therefore, absorbing a soul ring is not only about devouring the energy in the soul ring, but also fighting against the animal spirit in the soul ring, and finally devouring and digesting it for one's own use. Only in this way can one truly obtain the most important soul skill in the soul ring.

Compared with the tall and strong Barefoot Beast, the Ghost Dragon at this stage is still quite thin, and the Barefoot Beast is also a serious thousand-year-old soul beast. If we really want to fight the Ghost Dragon, even if we win, it will definitely be a long and miserable tug-of-war. Sheng, especially Zhang San's current physical condition is very bad, and he can't withstand much torture. If he really wants to fight against Zhang San, his body may explode and die before the two sides can decide the winner.

However, the ghost dragon representing Zhang San's will was not attacked by the Barefoot Beast.

Although their acquaintance was brief, their friendship was as close as life and death.

The Barefoot Beast showed no resistance to Zhang San's attempt to devour his soul ring.It doesn't hold any grudges about its own death.He even felt gratified that he could finally bring some help to this little human friend.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and then the spirit beast raised its head and roared, saying its final goodbyes to Zhang San. Then it turned into little lights and merged into the body of the ghost dragon.

While receiving recognition from Daman's beast spirit, Zhang San felt a dragon energy entering the ghost dragon's body together with Daman's soul power. This dragon energy was different from the dragon energy obtained by absorbing the Night Demon Dragon Soul Ring before. , the Night Demon Dragon's dragon energy was evil and gloomy, while the dragon energy of Daman was thick and peaceful, which even brightened Zhang Sanben's dark mind.

Sure enough, the system was right. Daman was a barbarian beast with the blood of a barbarian dragon. It was probably because of the dragon's blood in Daman's body that Daman was able to resist the invasion of the soul saint's demonic sound.

After merging with Daman's beast spirit, Guilong's body changed from slender to strong, his limbs became much thicker, and his black skin covered with scales and bumps also became thicker, which means that in the future, Guilong's martial spirit Zhang San will have a greater increase in physical strength and defensive ability.

As for the remaining task of absorbing the surging energy of the thousand-year soul ring, this is not a problem for Zhang San, who once advanced to the soul king.

Zhang San, who has past life memories, is not only experienced in this, but his mental power is also quite strong, enough to grasp this energy that transcends his own realm.

He even had enough energy left to control the efficiency of absorbing soul power, and at the same time, he was running the Xuantian Technique, allowing the soul power from the soul ring to fill his limbs and bones to heal himself.

Now his body is weak, and these external energies are so gentle and huge, like a spring rain that arrives in time, nourishing Zhang Sanben's dried meridians and severely injured body.

The quality and quantity of the soul power inside a thousand-year soul ring cannot be compared to that of a century-old soul ring. Even if he was familiar with it, the time he spent was still no less than the time it took him to absorb the Night Demon Dragon soul ring after a narrow escape.

After the purple soul ring hanging above Zhang San's right hand was completely integrated into his soul seal, Zhang San, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes this time, a glimmer of light flashed in Zhang San's eyes. When he moved his body, his joints crackled. This was because his body once again absorbed the soul ring and completed the advancement. grew up.

Now, not only has Zhang San's physical injuries been completely cleared, but Zhang San's height and weight have also increased significantly. If Zhang San looked like an eight or nine-year-old child before, then he now looks like He is a boy of eleven or twelve years old.

"System, how long has it been?"

Zhang San opened the Purple Demon Eye to check his physical condition and made sure that even his external injuries were healed.

And this time he did not encounter any dangerous situations and entered the second stage of the soul master - the great soul master very smoothly.

Even when he entered the great soul master stage, he did not just advance to level 21 like a normal advancement, but directly upgraded from level 20 to level 24 by four levels in a row.

Although this should not only be the effect of the thousand-year soul ring, but also the result of the explosion of the soul power obtained from Bai Sha, the efficiency of this soul power improvement is still a bit scary.

[Master, it has been two hours. 】

The system returned to its original cold appearance, but still answered Zhang San's questions honestly.

[In addition, Master, you still have rewards yet to be claimed. 】

"Reward? Oh, this."

When Zhang San saw the "Special Mission·Pursuit of Love Beasts" panel, the joy and excitement that had surged in his heart due to his successful advancement instantly cooled down.

Everything comes with a price.

But if he could, he would rather that the motionless big fool in front of him could continue to carry him and be chased by a group of soul masters, rather than sacrifice it in exchange for the improvement of his own realm.


There was an experience pill in the mission reward that was not collected. Zhang San said that after receiving it, a small white pill appeared in mid-air and finally landed in Zhang San's hand.

The usage and effect of this pill, at the moment it was produced, a piece of relevant information popped up in Zhang San's mind, and he basically understood it.

Just like its name, it is a prop to increase one's own cultivation. The method of use is also very simple, just swallow it.

After Zhang San swallowed it, he sat cross-legged and meditated again, using Xuan Tian Gong to digest the energy gushing from the pill in his body.

After the pill energy was completely digested, Zhang San looked at his soul power level again and found that he was already at level 25.

This is an achievement that ordinary people can hardly achieve after practicing for several years.In this short period of time, his level rose rapidly, but Zhang San did not feel much joy, but instead felt a sense of confusion and emptiness in his heart.

Can what he gained and what he lost really be equated?

"Daman, I have to leave..."

After Zhang San bowed deeply to the remains of the Barbarian Foot, he decided to leave this sad place.

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