Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 112 The Secret Realm of Rakshasa

However, most of the time, people's prayers are useless.

God has little interest in fulfilling people's wishes without any reason.

Even though Zhang San was sweating profusely and his hands and feet began to twitch, he could only maintain his current posture and wait for these priests to leave.

However, Zhang San didn't have that much soul power to keep himself in the "hidden" state, and he didn't have that much physical strength to keep himself hanging upside down on the wall like a spider.

In addition, Zhang San also believed that if he suddenly appeared in front of these Rakshasa priests, he would not get any good results.

However, the initiative in the matter was completely out of his hands.

How about trying to really use your "Ye Hidden Blade" and "Collapse Mountain Rush" combo skills to give these terrifying Rakshasa priests a surprise?

Zhang San rejected this almost death proposal in his mind first. His move can only be effective under the most ideal circumstances, especially since "Collapse Mountain Charge" has an obvious charged charge before use. This is Movement that was hard to ignore.

So before he used his skills, he would have been killed by the Rakshasa priests below.

And even if he can successfully use this move, it is still unknown how much damage it can cause to these Rakshasa priests who are very difficult to deal with at first glance.

Since there was nothing he could do on his own, Zhang San thought of the system, and he immediately shouted to the system in his heart:

"System! Send me away quickly! Go back to Baisha."

Although the system's random teleportation is not working well, he now has enough points to allow the system to send him to Baisha first, and I believe that person will not mind.

As a result, the system said:

[Sorry, Master, there is a strong spatial reaction nearby, and it is affected by space turbulence and cannot be teleported. 】


It’s over.

This system is indeed unreliable.

Today Zhang San finally understood that he should be self-reliant.No one can be trusted in this world except himself.

But the current situation seems to be that even he himself cannot be relied on, but if the system's transmission function is useless, then there is still the exchange ability.

With the points he now has, he should be able to exchange them for more powerful props, which might be able to solve the problem.

However, the items produced by the exchange will produce light, which will definitely attract the attention of the priests below, and he will probably still be in trouble by then.

While Zhang San was struggling with what he should do to survive, the Rakshasa priests below also began to plan something in their respective positions.

Under the command of the two blue and purple priests, the Rakshasa priests held white powder in their hands and drew a strange magic circle on the ground. After the magic circle on the ground was formed, the nine Rakshasa priests each stood in their designated positions.

Then they held the purple magic stones in their hands and raised them high, and poured soul power into these purple crystal stones.

After these nine purple magic stones were filled with soul power, they began to be filled with dazzling light.

Zhang San, who was nervous at first, was a little stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. He couldn't figure out what these Rakshasa priests wanted to do.

At this time, due to distraction and physical fatigue, Zhang San moved involuntarily, causing a small stone to fall off the stone wall that Zhang San was stuck to.

Originally, Zhang San's unusual movements were enough to attract the attention of these Rakshasa priests.

But fortunately, none of the nine Rakshasa priests looked at Zhang San. They were all concentrating on the matter in front of them.


Under the illumination of this strange purple light, the two rows of skull lamps on both sides of the door began to move. Their mouths, which no longer had any flesh and blood or even complete teeth, were constantly opening and closing, and they made piercing calls like ducks. Voice.

And the gentle blue flame inside the skull suddenly burst into flames.These strange flames first emerged from the eyes of the skulls, and then suddenly turned purple, and seemed to give these skulls wings, causing these purple-flaming skulls to break away from the lamp posts, and then made a piercing cry. , while flying and hovering in the air.

Zhang San believed that if he still had the chance to sleep and dream today, he would definitely dream of this weird scene and be tortured by it and stay sleepless for several nights.

However, the Rakshasa priests were obviously not afraid at all. They held the magic stones in their hands high and recited mysterious prayers devoutly.

Zhang San has not done much research on the language, but he can feel that this is an ancient language with a long history.

Nowadays, these Rakshasa priests use it as a sacrificial prayer to communicate with gods.

After the flying skulls in the sky circled for several times, the light from the purple magic stones in the hands of the priests began to focus on these skulls. After completing the guidance of the purple light energy, the nine skulls turned toward the nine on the iron gate. Hit the groove.

With crisp crackling sounds, the soul power released by the nine Rakshasa priests was converted into purple light pillars by the purple magic stone, and was all sent into the iron door under the guidance of the Feitian Skull.

The lifelike Rakshasa statue on the iron gate began to move. Zhang San seemed to see a huge and ferocious purple shadow rushing out of the door, and then wrapped up and swallowed the nine Rakshasa priests.

However, Zhang San blinked again, and the nine Rakshasa priests stood still, and the Rakshasa statue on the iron door disappeared. A gap of about two feet high appeared in the middle of the huge iron door. The gap was covered with a dark purple thread-like substance.

"Okay, the divine door has been opened!"

The two priests, blue and purple, stood in front of this door that was already full of energy, facing the priests, and said loudly to them:

"Now it's time to bring Her Royal Highness back from the secret realm."

"Then the task of receiving the envoy will be left to... huh?!"

Just when the purple-robed priest was about to choose a Rakshasa priest to enter the secret realm, he suddenly felt something strange happening behind him.

At this time, the purple-robed priest looked back and found that the thin purple silk thread in the gap of the door suddenly turned into a crystal shape, seeming to have sealed the entrance.


The nine priests were all shocked, they knew exactly what this meant.

"Who went in just now?!"

The Rakshasa Secret Realm allows only one outsider to enter the secret realm, except for the trialist chosen by the Rakshasa God.

Normally, one person is selected from among the Rakshasa priests to enter this quota.

However, this spot is now occupied by a completely unknown outsider.

"Oops! Who dares to enter the secret realm without permission?"

The purple-robed priest and the blue-robed priest were now extremely frightened and angry. Amid huge emotional fluctuations, their soul rings emerged.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.

The color and number of the soul rings of these two high-level priests are exactly the same, and they are both nine-ring titled Douluo.

Titled Douluo with levels above level [-] are among the few top experts in the entire Douluo Continent.

However, even if they were extremely skilled in cultivation, they would never dare to break through this seemingly thin amethyst barrier.

Because this is a rule and the power of God!

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