My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 Filius Flitwick (asking for everything)

After having breakfast in the Great Hall, Snape looked at the map left by Susan and began to wander around Hogwarts. The first class was at nine o'clock, which was still early. Just enough to familiarize him with the Hogwarts environment.

There's just so much to remember at Hogwarts.The classrooms are not static, and the stairs are also movable. Some rooms are still an empty classroom in the morning, but become a wall in the afternoon.

Therefore, although there is a map, it is only a reference.

After wandering around for a while, it was estimated that it was almost time, and Snape started to prepare to go to the Charms classroom.

"Hey, Sev!" Lily's voice suddenly sounded from the side. Snape turned around and saw the little girl running towards him.

"Slow down, I'm right here, don't worry." Snape reminded, "By the way, good morning."

"Good morning!" The little girl panted and ran to Snape, barely said hello, and then started panting next to him.

Snape was not in a hurry, just waiting for her to catch her breath.

After a while, Lily calmed down and looked at Snape dissatisfied: "I have been looking for you all morning, but you are walking here alone!"

"Well, my bad!" Snape wisely did not argue with her and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet!" Lily glanced at him aggrievedly, her little mouth pouting high.

"Let's go, let's go to the Great Hall to have breakfast first, and then go to the classroom together, what do you think?" Snape suggested with a smile.Naturally, Lily would not object. Judging from the way she held her stomach from time to time, she knew that she was hungry now.

After having breakfast with the little girl, the two walked towards the fourth floor together.

According to the curriculum, the first class is the Headmaster's Charms class, which needs to be taught together with the Gryffindor students.

The Charms classroom is on the fourth floor of Hogwarts and is an independent classroom.Although Snape felt that it was almost time, when he arrived at the classroom, he realized that they were still early.

However, it was not that there was no one in the classroom. At this time, there was already a small figure on the podium.

Looking at this man, Snape also had a trace of respect in his eyes. Although he was shown to be very ordinary in the original book and the movie, Snape knew how powerful this short figure in front of him was. A tremendous strength.

"Good morning, classmates! If I remember correctly, it's Miss Evans and Mr. Snape, right?"

"Yes, good morning, Professor Flitwick!" Snape bowed slightly, "Sorry to disturb you."

"No, no, no, not at all!" Flitwick shook his slender fingers with a smile, "You surprised me, very few students come to the classroom so early, there is still an hour before class begins! "

No wonder there aren't any students here, it turns out it's so early.Snape suddenly understood, said hello to Flitwick, observed a little, and then took Lily to find a suitable seat and sit down.

"Hey, Sev, is this professor very powerful?" Lily quietly glanced at Flitwick, who was still reading on the podium, and asked in a low voice next to Snape's ear.

sharp?Not only is it awesome!Snape couldn't help but think of the Curses Master's resume.

Professor Flitwick, whose name is Filius Flitwick, is a half-blood goblin.In the magical world, wizards are quite arrogant. Even humanoid magical creatures are not looked down upon by wizards, and the same goes for goblins.

Although goblins did resist several times in history, they had no effect at all. They also lost their inheritance and had to work for wizards, that is, guarding money.

That's right, the guards.

Some people often say that wizards are not good at managing money, otherwise they would never hand over economic power to goblins and let goblins take control of their lives.

This is only half true.Wizards are not Muggles, but human beings with powerful power. Power is the foundation. Money and the like, as long as you have power, everything will be available.

Wizards, especially pure-blood wizards, look down upon the descendants of humans and other magical creatures, let alone goblins, a race that has had a generational hatred against humans.

It is precisely for this reason that Flitwick's childhood and school career were very difficult, and he had very few friends.After graduating from Hogwarts, I didn't find any job.

Later, after he won the youth championship in the International Magic Duel Competition, people finally got to know this mixed-race goblin again.

Even so, no one was willing to hire him, and even if there were, it would be for low-paying jobs.

The young and frivolous Flitwick simply became an adventurer, that is, a wandering wizard. In recent years, he was hired by Dumbledore to become the Professor of Charms and the Head of Ravenclaw. It was finally stabilized.

However, Snape would not look down on him because of his bloodline. On the contrary, he recognized the professor who was only a little over one meter tall, and even said that he felt a little admiration for him.

Humor, intelligence, bravery, strength, tolerance...all kinds of excellent qualities can be found in Flitwick. Regardless of appearance, Flitwick is definitely a perfect wizard.

After casually telling Lily some of Flitwick's deeds, the little girl immediately had a great change in her view of the short professor, and there was more admiration in her eyes.

"Haha, please forgive me, but I heard everything you said!" Flitwick put down the book and looked at the two of them happily, "I am very grateful to Mr. Snape for recognizing me, to be honest , if it wasn’t a little against the rules, I would have added some points to you!”

"I'm just telling the truth." Snape said with a smile, "Without enough wisdom and strength, how could he be recognized by Professor Dumbledore, and how could he become the dean of Ravenclaw? This place is The representative of wisdom!”

"Okay, I like what you said!" Flitwick smiled from ear to ear, "I almost want to give you extra points."

"In this case, because of your approval, Ravenclaw gets five points!"

"Thank you for your generosity, Professor!" Snape stood up and bowed slightly, "Thank you for your recognition."

"This should be the first bonus point of the year, Mr. Snape!" Flitwick looked at Snape and said with a smile, "I look forward to your performance in my class!"

"Perhaps, I should say, please wait and see, you will not be disappointed!" Snape raised his eyebrows. Although his face was calm, his confidence was obvious.

"I'm looking forward to it, Mr. Snape!"

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