My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 31: Charms Class (please vote and reward)

After a while, the students arrived one after another. Although it was the first day of school, no one was late.

This class is for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor together.

As soon as Sirius came in, his eyes fell on him, with his head held high and his eyes full of provocation. James's gaze on Snape's face also contained too much unkindness. Lupine and Peter had nothing to do with it. One is honest and the other is timid.

It seems that the "Marauders" have been initially formed?Snape looked at the four people who were gathered together intentionally or unintentionally, and confirmed this idea in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Ding - Ding -" The class bell rang. Flitwick waved his wand and his body floated up. He stood in mid-air and quickly nodded his name. When he found that he was not absent, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Hello classmates, starting from today, we will learn the necessary course of magic!" A high-pitched and kind voice sounded, and Flitwick began his teaching.

"Everyone knows that wizards can cast magic, so what is magic?" Flitwick asked such a question.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lily raised her hand.

"Oh? Miss Evans?" Flitwick gestured to Lily to answer.

"Using magic to interfere with nature, this is magic!" Lily answered simply, her pretty face full of confidence.

There was a hint of surprise on Flitwick's face, and he couldn't help but ask: "Can I ask, where did you know about it, Miss Evans?"

"What's wrong, Professor, am I wrong?" There was a hint of uneasiness on Lily's face, "It was Sif who taught me."

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong. In fact, what you said is very good. It can't be better!" Flitwick saw Lily's panic and comforted him with a smile, "However, this statement is a bit too much. It’s profound. I think, actually, you don’t quite understand it, right?”

Lily breathed a sigh of relief, blushed slightly and nodded.

"So, Mr. Snape?" Flitwick looked at Snape, "Since you are the one who taught Miss Evans, then it's up to you to explain it, okay?"

"Of course, Professor!" Snape stood up, nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then began to answer: "In ancient times, humans were not the masters of the earth. At that time, humans were still very weak. Whether it is natural disasters, diseases, or wars, human life can easily be taken away."

"Later, humans tried their best to obtain a special power that allowed humans to master part of nature, such as the four familiar elements - earth, water, fire, wind, and the evolved thunder, Yun et al., this part of the power is the original magic, which we call ancient magic."

"Later, the great wizard Merlin perfected this magic and used it in war, and made great achievements for the British royal family. This magic is called ancient magic."

"Whether it is ancient magic or ancient magic, it was gradually lost in the subsequent wizard wars. The incomplete inheritance left behind was supplemented and improved by some great wizards, and finally evolved into modern magic, which is ours. The magic learned. It is worth mentioning that the four giants who founded Hogwarts are the best among these wizards."

"Modern magic didn't happen overnight, but after several generations of hard work, it was perfected and changed, and finally became the magic we are learning now. The magic we often talk about usually refers to modern magic."

"Modern magic is actually just a general term. It is actually composed of multiple disciplines. Potions, alchemy, charms, magical biology, magical botany, divination, etc. are all important components of it."

"In terms of broad categories, there are three ways to distinguish white magic, black magic and neutral magic..."

Seeing Snape talking, the students' eyes changed when they looked at him, and they couldn't help but feel a little more respect. Even the four Marauders were like this. Lily's eyes were full of admiration and admiration. pride.

Snape talked for about 10 minutes before giving a rough outline of his thoughts.

"Mr. Snape." Flitwick looked at Snape appreciatively.

"Professor!" Snape responded, looking at him calmly.

"I feel honored to have a student like you in Ravenclaw!" Flitwick also had a look of pride on his face, "Your summary can't be completed by simply previewing it! Really , very good, even I can’t say it better than you!”

"I think, without a doubt, you got extra points for Ravenclaw, twenty points, this is the highest score I can give you!" Flitwick said loudly, "Excuse me, in class. You can only add so many points to students at most, otherwise, I would also like to add higher points for you, with an impeccable answer!"

After that, Flitwick took the lead in applauding. The students marveled and followed Flitwick in applauding Snape.

"Very good, actually, you don't need to know so clearly!" Flitwick said cheerfully, "However, Mr. Snape has brought us such an excellent answer, maybe you should have these in your notes content."

As he said that, he waved the wand in his hand again, and the blackboard was filled with dense text. Looking carefully, it was exactly what Snape said just now, with a small part added.

Snape looked at it and nodded with satisfaction, secretly admiring that it was indeed Flitwick. Even though he thought his answer was perfect enough, Flitwick still had some shortcomings.

Can't be proud!Snape reminded himself secretly.

In the following time, Flitwick began to really talk about the theoretical knowledge of curses, which was also within Snape's expectation.After all, magic is a subject that requires very high theoretical knowledge. Although whether in the movie or in the original book, magic seems to be easy to learn, in fact, it is not that simple.

The simplest example is the Levitation Charm, which is the second spell in the Charms textbook, but Harry Potter actually operated it for the first time on Halloween.

According to Flitwick's explanation, there are three elements in casting a spell, namely target, gesture, and spell. In addition to the target, both gestures and spells require attention to details.

One class lasted for one hour, and Flitwick spent almost all of this hour explaining a few basic gestures. The remaining time was used to solve some students' problems in class.

Although he had seen it more than once, Flitwick's explanation still gave Snape a lot of inspiration. According to Snape's own estimation, some magic that he had never been able to cast could now be tried. .

Perhaps, he should find Professor Flitwick and try to open a small stove?Snape secretly considered the success rate of this approach...

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