My name is Snape at Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Night 1 (asking for various data)

In Hogwarts, prefects have two rights. First, they can deduct points. Second, they can own a single-room dormitory. In the history of Hogwarts, many prefects have single-room dormitories. It was because of the dormitory that I was willing to run for prefect.

However, boys in Ravenclaw are very happy, because every boy in Ravenclaw has a single dormitory.As for the reason, it is very simple. The boys in Ravenclaw can be said to be the least.

This is also a major feature of Ravenclaw. There are not necessarily as many boys in the entire college as there are girls in a grade.This is why the Ravenclaw Quidditch team never won first place.

Snape had no interest in Quidditch, but he did like the single-room dormitory. It was undoubtedly a lot more convenient when studying magic.

Speaking of which, Ravenclaw's single dormitory is pretty good, with a lot of space and a small private bathroom. Although it's not as big as a public bathroom, it's no problem at all to take a bath alone.

After briefly washing up, Snape lay on the bed. He was still relatively tired, but for some reason, he couldn't sleep. He simply climbed out of the bed, walked out of the dormitory, and came to the common room.

At this time, the magic lights in the common room had been extinguished, and the stars on the ceiling were more conspicuous.Dots of starlight are projected onto the ground, looking extremely dreamy.

However, Snape's eyes were not on this. His attention had been attracted by the small figure sitting on the sofa.

"Lily?" Snape was a little confused, "Why are you here? Didn't you go to bed?"

"Sev——" Lily called out, her voice full of weakness, "I can't sleep, I...I miss my parents, and my sister..." There was a sudden change in her voice. Full of sobs.

It was the first time for the little girl to be so far away from her parents, so it was normal to have such emotions.Snape also understood very well, sighed, walked to her side, and sat down.

"You need to be strong, Lily." Snape said softly, "If an eagle wants to fly, it must leave its warm nest. Sooner or later, we will all have to leave our parents one day, right?"

"Although you have seen the magic of magic, it is just the tip of the iceberg. The wider magical world is waiting for us to explore and discover. I think that instead of missing, being able to learn magic well may make Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans was happier, and, of course, Petunia."

"Don't forget, I'm always here too!"

"Yeah!" The little girl bit her lower lip and nodded, letting Snape wipe away her tears. Then she hugged Snape and buried her little face directly in Snape's thin chest. superior.

Snape was startled for a moment, then gently held her long fiery red hair, and his eyes softened unknowingly.

Unknowingly, the little girl fell asleep in his arms.

Snape couldn't enter the girls' dormitory. He thought for a moment, stretched out his wand, and used a floating spell to carefully remove Lily from his arms, and gently placed it on the sofa. Then, he casually placed a handful of The chair turned into a blanket and covered Lily.

Looking at the little girl's sleeping face, for some reason, he felt so peaceful at this moment.

After a long time, Snape came to his senses and cursed himself for being useless. Then he moved a chair over, sat on it, took out a magic book, casually used a weakened version of the fluorescent spell, and began to calm down. I read the book quietly.

At this sight, I gradually became fascinated.

"Sev——, where is this?" Lily's voice suddenly sounded. Snape turned around and found that the little girl had just woken up and was still rubbing her eyes with her little hands.

"The Ravenclaw common room, I think we haven't left yet, if I remember correctly," Snape said with a hint of teasing.

"Hmph!" The little girl pouted and wrinkled her nose at Snape. It seemed that she had overcome the sadness of homesickness.

"Now that you're up, let's go back to the dormitory and go to sleep!" Snape smiled softly, "It's already stated in the course schedule. We have classes tomorrow morning, so don't be late!"

"You don't want to be late!" The little girl glared at him and was about to leave. She didn't know what she thought of, but she stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Snape looked at her doubtfully.

"Sev, I -" The little girl turned around, bit her lower lip, and almost touched Snape's side. She stared at Snape for a long time, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Snape's side. He pecked him on the face, and then ran towards the dormitory, leaving only one sentence, "Thank you!"

Was attacked?Thank you?Snape laughed dumbly and didn't care. He continued to read for a while, finally feeling a little sleepy, and then returned to the dormitory.


The next morning, Snape woke up early.Although he slept late last night, his mental state was quite good.

After leaving the dormitory door, there were already many students in the lounge. The most popular ones were the seats next to the bookshelf. They were already full of people. Almost all of them were holding books in one hand and wands in the other. There was a place under the wand. Holding a piece of parchment, a quill kept writing something on it.

"These are seventh grade seniors. They are about to face their graduation exams. Don't disturb them." The female prefect came to Snape's side at some point and reminded him with a smile.

"Good morning, senior." Snape greeted softly, "I thought you might want to sleep a little longer."

"I really want to do this!" The female prefect smiled and shook her head, "However, I am used to getting up early. Early morning is the time when memories are best, so we can't waste it."

After saying that, she asked Snape: "Want to come and read a book together?"

Snape nodded first, then shook his head: "This is indeed a very good idea, but I think I should familiarize myself with the entire campus first. It is very serious to be deducted points for being late due to lack of understanding. It’s an inappropriate behavior, don’t you think?”

"Of course, you are right!" The female prefect looked satisfied with Snape's answer, "I like your character and intelligence, maybe I should tell you my name."

"Of course, it's my pleasure!" Snape smiled slightly.

"I'm Susan Ollivander, just call me Susan!" the female prefect smiled.

"Ollivander? Is that Ollivander?" When Snape heard the name, he immediately thought of the master wand maker.

"Yes, I am my father's little daughter!" Susan nodded and said briskly, "I think I don't need to introduce myself any more, right?"

"Of course, of course!" Snape still felt a little unbelievable.Logically speaking, looking at Ollivander's appearance, why is it that Ollivander is 80 years old and has such a young daughter? If calculated, Ollivander gave birth to such a daughter when he was 50 years old?

Should I be envious?Snape didn't know what to say for a moment...

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