seven elves

Chapter 32 Catching the mole〈3〉

When the waiter brought in the barbecue and beer, the two of them couldn't wait to drink large glasses of wine, as if they were hungry ghosts who hadn't tasted fireworks in the world for more than ten years.

Especially Zeng Hancheng, who usually drinks a bottle of beer and eats a plate of fried rice noodles and saves money. Where has he seen so many dishes?It is simply a luxury level of enjoyment!

What Zhang Qiang is looking for is this kind of villain who is greedy for money, greedy for enjoyment, and forgets his own righteousness for the sake of profit. When he was drunk and forgetful, he said:

"Actually, it's not bad to work now! If you can get several thousand yuan every month, your life will be pretty good!"

Zeng Hancheng was so drunk that he couldn't even lift his tongue and said vaguely:

"I have worked hard in the factory for seven or eight years and have saved a lot of money. But last year I built a two-story house and I owe a debt of more than [-] yuan. I don't know when I can pay it off?"

"I have a way to make a fortune. Do you dare to take it?" Zhang Qiang asked while he was drunk.

Zeng Hancheng said: "Apart from murder and arson, there is nothing I dare not do!"

"Don't make it so scary. This matter is actually very simple and it is within your scope of responsibility. And every time you do it, you can get 1000 yuan in reward!" Zhang Qiang said very easily.

When Zeng Hancheng heard this, he was so excited that he almost knelt down:

"If I pay 1000 yuan each time, once a day, then I can earn 3 yuan every month? In this way, I can pay off the debt in five months!"

"Getting rich is that simple. The question is whether you dare to do it or not!"

Zhang Qiang believes that Zeng Hancheng will agree, because this is a very attractive way to make a fortune!

"Then tell me! See if I have this ability?"

Zhang Qiang finally said: "That's just put a small bottle of the preparation into the spray tank and mix it thoroughly. It's that simple!"

"If this preparation is put into paint, will it be discovered by others?" Zeng Hancheng asked.

Zhang Qiang said nonchalantly: "Don't worry? This preparation is colorless and odorless. Who can discover it?"

"But this is a violation of the law. Once found out, you will be jailed!" Zeng Hancheng hesitated.

Zhang Qiang took out 5000 yuan from his bag, put it on the table, and said: "If you don't dare to do it, I won't force you. There are many people who are willing to do it, so I will find someone else. You have to think carefully. After this, There is no such store in the village!"

Looking at the large stack of banknotes on the table, Zeng Hancheng was moved. He wavered in the face of interests. He decided to take the risk and wait until he paid off the 10,000+ debt before planning.

So he asked: "For the sake of money, I will work for you for half a year, and after paying off the debt, I will quit, okay?"

"Okay! You are free to work, and you are free to work as long as you want!" Zhang Qiang said very simply.

As the saying goes: It's easier to get on a ship than to get off. Once you get on a pirate ship and want to escape unscathed, is it so easy?

In fact, Zhang Qiang had already added a "psychedelic drug" to the wine. This is the latest research result of the "Magic Group". It is colorless and odorless and slowly penetrates into the human central nervous system. After drinking the wine with this drug for another month, , Zeng Hancheng is his "offline"!

"I don't understand either, why do you do such a thing that is harmful to others and not good to yourself?"

When Zeng Hancheng put the money into his underwear pocket, he asked one more question. He really didn't know why Zhang Qiang

Why do you want to do this?What are the benefits to them?

"This is a secret. You don't need to ask any questions. Just do it. Five days later, I will bring you another 5000 yuan!" Zhang Qiang did not give any explanation.

Zeng Hancheng said: "I will do this kind of work where you pay first and do the work later!"

"Okay! After twelve o'clock tomorrow night, I will throw a small bottle of preparation through the window. Just do it!" Zhang Qiang ordered.

Huaxing Electronics Factory monitors paint very strictly, because these electronic products are exported abroad. If there are any problems, they will be detained during customs security inspection. Zeng Hancheng did not know this, and was discovered the first time he committed the crime. The second time he committed a crime, he was caught on the spot and the stolen goods were confiscated. What awaited him was legal punishment.

Chizi asked: "Since you two are fellow villagers, do you know his address?"

"I don't know. We haven't contacted each other for three to five years. This is the first time he has come to me of his own initiative. I don't know what illegal things he is doing!" Zeng Hancheng said truthfully.

Chizi asked again: "Then did he leave you contact information? For example, a phone number or something!"

"No, he said he would send the money over in five days!"

Zeng Hancheng knew the seriousness of the matter, so he would be given leniency if he confessed, but he would be given stricter punishment if he resisted!Dare you hide the truth?

The security section chief said: "Then we can only send him to the public security agency for processing!"

"The criminal Zhang Qiang doesn't know yet that Zeng Hancheng has been captured. He will send something over tonight. After they are all captured, it won't be too late to send them to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow!" Chizi suggested.

Zeng Hancheng was afraid and said: "I will keep the secret, cooperate with your work, and strive for leniency!"

"Then you stay in the security department and don't think about getting away with it. That will add insult to injury!" Ako warned him.

Zeng Hancheng nodded and expressed his willingness to cooperate. At this time, he knew that even if he had wings, he would not be able to reach the sky.

Chizi knew: from the speed of the figure last night, Zhang Qiang was definitely not an ordinary criminal. To deal with him, he had to wake up very energetically.

He came to the opposite side of the spray paint workshop and lay in ambush secretly, watching all directions and listening in all directions. It was not until a quarter past twelve that the black figure appeared. He immediately used his leg skills and followed it quietly.

Under the hazy moonlight, Chizi discovered that Zhang Qiang was wearing a black night jacket and carrying a black suitcase on his back. It was probably used for packing. It seemed that this criminal was not only causing harm to a factory!

Sure enough, he walked around the factory area and distributed more than a dozen bottles of preparations before heading towards the outskirts. Chizi also used his leg skills and relied on the magnetic energy in his body to follow behind him, sometimes tightly and sometimes slowly. So that he won't be discovered or lost.

After walking more than ten kilometers, Zhang Qiang turned towards the mountainous area and entered a small narrow valley. Then he climbed halfway up the mountain and got into a cave.

Chi Zi walked to the entrance of the cave lightly. He found that this was a naturally occurring cave, and this mountain was full of black limestone, which had long been oxidized into strange scales. If there was a slight vibration, the loose stones would , will roll down from the top of the mountain.

There was not a single tree above the mountainside, only some vines and vines growing out of the cracks, covering the entrance of the cave. If Zhang Qiang had not seen Zhang Qiang push aside the vines and walk in, he would not have believed that there was another cave here. Woolen cloth?

It’s also true that God doesn’t hide the traitor. Zhang Qiang, a criminal, can’t escape!

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