seven elves

Chapter 31 Catching the mole〈2〉

When he came to the spray paint workshop, Zhao Xiaoman found the paint mixer. After comparing the two paints, he found that the paint was much brighter than the original paint and the smell was much stronger than the original paint. It was clear that there was something secretly in the sprayed paint. Some harmful substances have been added to the ground, but this is a thankless task. Who is willing to do it?

When he returned to the workshop office, the paint mixer said: "There is no benefit from adding harmful substances to the paint. Why do we do this? It's really puzzling!"

"Who has your factory offended during this time?" Chizi asked.

Zhao Xiaoman said: "No! My brother-in-law has always operated honestly and has never had a conflict of interest with that factory. There should be no retaliatory behavior!"

"Is that what competitors are doing?" Chizi analyzed.

Zhao Xiaoman asked: "It's hard to say this. Competition in the electronic product market is fierce now. If you defeat an opponent, you will gain an additional market share. But who is engaging in this malicious competition?"

"Sister Man! Let's go back first and come over to deal with it after we straighten out our thoughts!" Ako suggested.

Zhao Xiaoman said: "This is the only way!"

"You continue to spray paint to confuse the perpetrator. After you find the culprit, clean the paint on the casing and respray it. Don't alert the enemy too early and let the bad guys escape!" Ako ordered.

After Zhao Xiaoman drove the car for more than ten kilometers, Chizi suddenly shouted: "Sister Man! Stop the car, I want to get out!"

"Didn't you say you want to go back? Why do you have to get off the car again?" Zhao Xiaoman asked in confusion.

Chizi said: "According to my intuition, they will continue to cause destruction tonight. When it gets dark, I will sneak into the spray paint workshop, capture the bad guys, and find out the truth!"

"Then thank you for the hard work, and only you can handle this!"

Zhao Xiaoman knew: If this bad guy is not found out in time and he is allowed to continue committing crimes, without the casing, the electronics factory will have to stop production. If this continues, the losses will be huge, but he can only place his hope on the innocent body.

"I'll do the work, don't worry, wait for my good news tomorrow morning!" Ako said with certainty.

Zhao Xiaoman said gratefully: "It's nice to meet you!"

After the car drove all the way, Chizi walked into the town street and checked into a hotel. He wanted to have a good rest in preparation for a good action tonight.

Originally, his body was full of magnetic energy, and he was full of energy without eating or sleeping for ten or eight days. However, in order not to reveal his whereabouts and let the bad guys notice, he had to keep it secret. Even the paint mixer had to keep it secret. Can't let him know.

Although he has the function of never sleeping, rest is better than no rest. When he wants to sleep, he can sleep at any time. Sleeping is a blessing and eating is a good fortune!

When it got dark, Chizi left the hotel, used his legs to move, and took advantage of the cover of the night to rush straight to the factory. Soon he came to the opposite side of the spray paint workshop, lying in ambush in the dark, with eyes like lightning, waiting for the perpetrators. 's arrival

The exterior wall of the spray painting workshop is equipped with more than ten ventilation equipment made of iron sheets, which extend to the roof. This is to discharge the toxic paint smell to the outside, reduce the amount of inhalation of the spray paint workers, and ensure their health.

However, the toxic components discharged from the outside pollute the surrounding air environment and cause harm to humans and animals, so

, there are very few residential areas nearby, they are all a wilderness of lush grass, but this is not a long-term solution!

In the middle of the night, he suddenly noticed a dark shadow flashing outside the window of the spray paint workshop and then disappeared. Wow!What a handsome leg!

Chi Zi quietly walked to the door of the spray paint workshop, blew on it with his mouth, and unlocked the door. When he turned on the incandescent lamp in the workshop, he also opened the door and shouted:

"You, the criminal, are going to show your true colors!"

The perpetrator was holding a bottle of preparation and was about to pour it into the spray tank. Chizi suddenly stepped forward and grabbed his wrist. A cold air immediately spread throughout his body, making his hands and feet harden from the cold. Unable to move.

When the paint mixer and spray painter heard the shouting and arrived, the man was standing next to the spray tank holding a plastic bottle tightly with both hands. Everyone saw it and understood everything.

The paint mixer asked: "Zeng Hancheng! It turns out you are a mole! Everyone has gained the stolen goods, what else is there to quibble about?"

Zeng Hancheng was so cold that he was shivering all over and couldn't even speak. He stammered and hummed: "I am... being... used... by... someone... for profit...!"

At dawn, the subsidiary factory sent a car and asked Chi Zi to escort the mole back to the security department of the electronics factory. Zhao Xiaoman also rushed over after hearing the news. When he saw Chi Zi, he gave a thumbs up and praised: "Guan Yi! You are Well done for catching the mole so quickly!"

"Sister Man! I told you yesterday that I will take care of things, don't worry!" Chi Zi smiled.

It turned out that Zeng Hancheng was the squad leader of the spray paint workshop and had a key. He sneaked into the workshop at midnight and hid himself. When someone threw a small bottle of preparation in through the window, he immediately poured it into the spray tank and mixed it with the prepared paint. Unknowingly, it was a pity that he only committed two crimes before he was caught innocently.

Why did he do this?This is all caused by the expansion of his greed driven by profit!

Zeng Hancheng liked to go out at night to drink some wine, a bottle of beer, and a plate of fried rice noodles. He drank so much that when he returned, he fell on the bed and slept until dawn.

One night, a fellow named Zhang Qiang came to visit him and wanted to take him out to have a cool time. The two came to the "Skyless Sky" Plaza and entered a banquet. The fellow ordered more than a dozen barbecue items in succession. It opened his eyes.

Zeng Hancheng is in his 30s. He is a family man. His wife and children are farming in the countryside. His family is not very well off. Moreover, he only built a two-story building last year and he still owes a lot of debt.

He was always frugal, but when he saw Zhang Qiang being so generous, he said with envy: "Wow! Look at you dressed naked and with a gold necklace as thick as a finger hanging around your neck. You must have made a fortune!"

"If a person is lucky, it will be difficult for him not to get rich!" Zhang Qiang looked very confident.

Zeng Hancheng said: "You and I are fellow villagers, and we came out to work hard together. If there is any good way out, please help me! I will not forget you if I make a fortune in the future!"

"How dare I lead you astray for an honest person like you? You should just work an honest job? It's safer this way. Although you won't make a lot of money, you won't starve to death!" Zhang Qiang said intentionally.

Zeng Hancheng said: "Because I am too honest, I am still a pauper until now. People say that people who kill and set fire to gold belt are loyal and honest and sell firewood!"

In order to make a fortune, he turned to crime.

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