seven elves

Chapter 33 Magic Clothes

It was also the boldness of a skilled man. When the innocent man followed Zhang Qiang into the cave, there were five people inside who had already laid out food and drinks and were waiting for him. One of them, a short and thin man, said happily:

"The team leader is back, it's time to start the party!"

Zhang Qiang took off the "magic clothes", hung them on the hook on the cave wall, and said excitedly:

"In one month, I will have three more team members! You must practice your leg skills well and don't rely on me to go out alone. You must not only develop your downline but also deliver the goods in person!"

The short and thin man said: "I will practice hard and not let the team leader do everything myself!"

"Among the five team members, you have the best score, so you must work hard!" Zhang Qiang praised.

What he said about practicing leg skills was to dig a hole on the flat ground below the valley, tie a stone weighing more than ten kilograms to each foot, dig the hole one foot deep at first, and then jump up to practice leg strength.

Now, the short and thin man can jump into a three-foot pit. If he can jump into a five-foot pit after another year of practice and remove the stones from his feet, he will be able to walk like flying.

Zhang Qiang took a bottle of "hallucinogen", poured it into several bottles of beer, shook it well, and then drank one cup after another with everyone. He not only drank it for others, but also drank it himself!

In fact, this "hallucinogen" is also a functional drink. Long-term drinking can not only control the central nervous system of a person, make him more disciplined and obedient, and follow the command in all actions, but also replenish the energy in the body, even if he is working all day long. I can practice my leg skills under the valley and jump up and down in the deep pit without feeling tired.

However, after taking "hallucinogens" for a year, normal people will become "mutants". Not only will they lose their kindness and humanity, but even their bright red blood will turn black, unlike The devil is no different.

The so-called "magic group" are not real devils, but have taken "hallucinogens" and become "mutants". Such people are more powerful and cruel than the devil, and they do all kinds of evil things. They don’t feel guilty because they are no longer human.

The Magic Group is global, so it does more harm to human beings. It is headquartered in China, and it also owns a black technology company that specializes in high-tech products such as "magic clothes" and "hallucinogens". The core research They are scientists kidnapped from various countries, technicians from the experimental base, and experts in various fields.

Zhang Qiang and Zeng Hancheng were both from other provinces and from the same village. When his parents died when he was ten years old, he had to live with his brother and sister-in-law who had separated.

After all, he is his biological brother, and his brother treats him well, but his sister-in-law, who is called "Zhitianjiao" behind his back by the villagers, always dislikes him and makes things difficult for him. She often feeds him scraps. .

After graduating from elementary school, his sister-in-law asked him to drop out of school and go home to herd cattle. She scolded him: "The cattle are tall and the horses are big. They need a big plate to eat. They eat more than my mother and I. My son just turned ten years old and went to help in the fields." If you want to live, do you still want us to support you in vain?"

"You stinky bitch, you have a vicious heart. People say that the eldest brother is the father and the eldest sister-in-law is the mother. Can't you be nicer to me, your biological brother?" Brother still has the final say in this family.

My sister-in-law had no choice but to say: "What's the use of rural people reading so many books? Look at me, I can't read a bunch of Chinese characters, so why don't I still farm?"


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"It's because you have little education and don't understand the principles of life. You are like a scolding shrew. Chili padi is so spicy that you kill people. All the folks in the village are offended by you!"

The sister-in-law had no choice but to say: "When will you read it? Will you read it until your hair and beard turn white?

"You should at least graduate from junior high school. Doesn't the country call for nine-year compulsory education?"

After graduating from junior high school, Zhang Qiang worked at home with his brother and sister-in-law for two years. When he got older, he followed Zeng Hancheng out to work.

After working at Xinghua Electronics Factory for two years, he found that working as a spray painter in the factory was low-paid, tiring, dirty and smelly, so he left the factory to find a job.

How can a lazy person like him have the patience?After working in the factory for only a few months, he quit the job and spent all his savings before looking for a job again. Within a few years, he worked in more than ten factories, and even he felt embarrassed.

One night three years ago, he was so drunk that he fell into a patch of grass on the side of the road and fell into a deep sleep. He dreamed that he had risen from hell to heaven, with gold and silver everywhere, and beauties like clouds. He really enjoyed himself in a cool way. The saliva also flowed out, soaking a piece of clothes.

When he woke up, he found that it was Nan Ke Yimeng. He was kidnapped to the training base, given half a bottle of "hallucinogens", and passed out again. He didn't really wake up until three days later. At this time, he was completely controlled by others.

Drinking this "hallucinogen" is different from directly injecting it into the blood vessels. Drinking it has to go through the digestive system. The injection flows directly to the brain through the blood vessels and controls the central nerve. The effect is ten times that of drinking it.

Three days later, it was as if he had been drinking for a month. The boss of the training base forced him to practice leg skills for two years. He could jump into a five-foot pit while tied to two rocks weighing more than ten kilograms.

At this time, Zhang Qiang's leg skills were already very powerful. He could cross hills as if walking on flat ground, walk across flat ground as if flying, and fly over eaves and walls.

The boss let him stay at the base for half a year and taught him some tips on how to develop members. Then he gave him a "magic suit" and ordered:

"If you develop more than five members, you will be the team leader, and if you have more than ten members, you will be the squad leader. Bring a hundred half-pound bottles of this magic potion with you first, and come back to pick it up when you use it up. But if there is nothing urgent, Don’t come here too often to avoid being discovered!”

"Thank you, boss, for your help, but people say that a clever woman can't make a living without rice. I'm a pauper. I have no capital, so what big things can I do?"

At this time, if Zhang Qiang wants to be a thief, or a gangster, and rob the money obtained by the old K group members through illegal means, it will not be a problem at all, because he has good leg skills and has a magic suit as a cover, so others can't If you can't see him, he is the victim. If you can't see his true face, how can you call the police?Even if the police were called, it would be difficult to solve the case, but he would never dare to do these things without the boss's permission.

The boss said: "The funds for the activity have been prepared for you. It is a bank card opened with your ID card. The password is your birthday. You can use it more when needed, but don't spend it randomly. Once you find that it has been used for improper things, No mercy!"

He felt the same way the Magic Group punished its members over the past two years. Life was worse than death!

The place that the boss arranged for him to stay is this cave. This was all prepared in advance so that he could have a place to stay and train members here.

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