Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 507 Grasping the Lifeline

That night, when Uchiha fell asleep, he found that his consciousness was falling all the way.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe it was a long time, maybe it was only the blink of an eye, and he stood in the Yama Palace in his soul state again.

"Your Majesty."

He bowed respectfully to King Yama who was sitting on the high platform.

Then he looked left and right and saw that only King Yama and Quan Na were present in the hall, and his expression immediately changed.

"I said, what are you doing, my king?" He kicked his hands into his sleeves and complained dissatisfiedly, "You know clearly that I haven't slept well these days, but you came to disturb me when I was asleep!"

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, I have something to ask you." King Yama's laughter came out from the ghost face on his face, which was a bit muffled.

"You better have something important."

Uchiha Li rolled his eyes.

"No hurry, no hurry, you will know soon."

King Yama waved his hand.


Uchiha left, speechless.

"By the way, do you want to take a look at the chief auxiliary officers selected by other palaces?"

King Yama started waving again.

Uchiha looked at him indifferently.

Izuna on the side shook his head, stepped out under the high platform in one step, and handed the scroll in his hand to Uchiha Li.

"Take a good look. This is the approximate distribution of power in the Ten Hell Palaces in the future."

"Okay, since it's Senna-senpai."

Uchiha Li stretched out his hand to take it and read it.


He read in his mouth: "In the first palace, the assistant officer of Senju Hashirama is indeed Senju Tobirama, which is completely unexpected."

"Ha, that cripple from Senju Tobirama." Izuna sneered.

Only then did Uchiha remember that Senju Tobirama had one of his hands broken by the Qiudao Gama when he was reincarnated in the land of rain.

Under such circumstances, the soul has been damaged, and even now in hell, it is difficult for that hand to come back.

"So last time?" He thought for a moment, and suddenly understood, "Sure enough, in the previous competition, that hand was constructed with spiritual power? He is truly a research madman."

"Most of the jailers accepted by Senju Hashirama's first palace are the dead from Konoha." Izuna added.

"That's right."

Uchiha Li nodded and looked down at the situation in other halls.

"It seems that everyone has basically chosen their own people, and most of the jailers under their command are people they were familiar with during their lifetimes. The City King (Maitreya) and the Ping Ping King (Fen Fu) chose guys who were civil servants as assistants. official."

He smiled.

"But he is also from the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Wind. He can also be said to be one of our own."

After looking at the scroll carefully, Uchiha Li put it away and handed it back to Izuna. He raised his head and said to King Enma: "Hey, King, is it okay for the other halls to form cliques like this?"

King Yama didn't want to pay attention to him.

Of course Uchiha Li knew that there was nothing wrong with this.

Because the kings on the throne now seem to have chosen people they were familiar with, and their temperaments and temperaments seem to be the same as before.

But they who have been baptized by the law will never be selfish in their work.

Moreover, the affairs that each of the Ten Halls of Underworld are responsible for are not parallel.

When a dead soul comes here, it must start from the first hall, walk through the halls one by one, and finally go to the tenth hall to complete the reincarnation.

This is a linear process and basically unavoidable.

There is no possibility of fighting for rights between the palaces.

All kings can only judge the dead in strict accordance with the laws of hell within the rules and complete their own process.

As the Lord of the Underworld Hell, King Yama of the Fifth Palace has a high status and has the right to control other kings, but he cannot allow any mistakes in the judgment affairs of hell.

"Among the ninjas, the formal trial for those who become other than jailers will begin." Uchiha Li talked about other topics, "Ninjas, as swords of war, have committed many crimes. It is impossible to say that they can be caught in one fell swoop and thrown into the Abi Hell. Woolen cloth."

Quan Nai glanced at him and turned back to the high platform.

Uchiha Li continued: "But from another perspective, being a ninja is just to accept the task and become a murderous knife in the hands of those in power. Such a thing is also very complicated, is the murderous knife guilty? So what is behind the hiring of ninjas? What about people who don’t know how to judge the laws of hell?”

King Yama knew that he was just chatting, but he still replied decisively: "They are all guilty!"

Uchiha raised an eyebrow.

"And, even though the ninja code says that, it seems that ninjas must become tools without emotions." Izuna said coldly, "But everyone knows that ninjas are also human beings, and it is impossible to completely become tools. So ninjas are not simply tools. The knife, human beings should pay the price for their choices."

"And there are always a lot of notorious guys among ninjas, right?" Uchiha Riya said.

"Hmph, I'm just a murderous ninja." Quan Nai said, "If I didn't have such a position now, I would have been sent to hell and tortured."

"Senior Izuna, of course I have to take more care of you."

Uchiha said with a smile.

However, no one paid any attention to him this time.

Yama King and Quan Nai have already entered a busy working state again.

Uchiha stood there bored, then sat down on the ground again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Your Majesty, if nothing happens, please put me back quickly!" He couldn't help complaining again, "I'm obviously very sleepy now but I can't sleep here in my soul state. It's too uncomfortable, okay?"

The two people on the high platform turned a deaf ear.

Uchiha Li was really helpless. He couldn't even leave this hall without King Yama's permission.


He curled his lips in displeasure and stepped onto the high platform.


Then he patted King Yama's table.

However, King Yama just raised his head and glanced at him, then continued to lower his head.

The documents in his hand kept flipping through automatically, and King Yama kept sketching out his orders with a brush.

Uchiha Li turned to look at Izuna again.

"What should I do, Madara-senpai?" He began to grasp Izuna's lifeline. "The trial of the people stranded in Hell is about to begin. Wouldn't it be possible for Madara-senpai who has not become a staff member of Hell to escape?"

"That's up to you."

Quan Nai looked up at him.

"Me? Even if Madara-senpai signs a contract with me, he can't escape the judgment of hell." Uchiha Li didn't know why.

"Don't worry, there is a way."

Quan Na suddenly laughed.

"This is also the purpose of why you were pulled here this time."

"what should I do?"

Uchiha straightened his expression.

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