Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 506 The sky never sleeps

Uchiha Li, whose vision was in space, saw a more magnificent scene than ordinary people saw.

The moon and nine satellites, which borrowed the power of the Ten Palaces and Ten Kings of the Underworld, surround the earth, forming a wonder of ten stars.

In the field of vision that can only be seen clearly by borrowing the power of gods, a layer of subtle fluctuations slowly wraps around the entire earth with the help of ten satellites including the moon.

Is it finally done?

Uchiha thought to himself.

Then, his vision dropped all the way, from the universe to the moon, and his consciousness returned to his body.

There is still one last step left.

Uchiha Li opened his eyes and quickly formed seals with his hands.

The huge shadow of Yama King wrapped around him formed a seal.

As the movement of the seal stopped, the scroll of the hell picture floating in the air shone brightly again, and then turned into dots of light floating in the air.

Uchiha's hand seal changed again.

"Farewell to King Yama!"

The huge shadow of Yama floating above his head disappeared.

Uchiha Li turned around and looked at everyone on and off the altar, opened his hands, and announced loudly.

"Everyone, the barrier is complete!"

The rotating Kagura dance stopped, and the continuous chanting also stopped. The shrine maidens and monks, as well as the ninjas and monsters under the altar, all knelt on the ground, and said in unison: "Farewell to King Yama. !”

Uchiha Li smiled and flicked his wide sleeves.

"The statue has been invited, and the sacrifice begins!"

After saying that, he jumped down from the altar and landed floatingly on the ground.

He will not be in charge of the subsequent sacrifices in shrines and temples.

He walked up to Yuan and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Yuan took the initiative to hold his hand, and the two walked to the edge of the floating island.

At this time, the talisman bridge built by Uchiha Li had fallen apart because it was not maintained with spiritual power.

Uchiha Li and Yuan looked at each other and jumped into the air at the same time.

The gorgeous butterfly wings spread out behind Yuan. The butterfly wings flapped and emitted the same faint light on such a night. During the flight, streams of light like broken stars fell from the butterfly wings.

Uchiha Li controlled the natural energy with his spiritual power and flew with Yuan. The two figures crossed the night sky and flew towards the castle.

Behind the two of them, Sasuke directly used his complete Susanoo and flew with his teammates.

The monsters also began to help each other, and Yukai, Fuuta and other monsters who were good at flying took other monsters back to the castle.

After returning to the castle, Uchiha felt that he was exhausted from hunger, so he took Yuan and went straight to the kitchen.

Just after checking the food in the kitchen, Sasuke's team and the youkai who were following behind him came over.

So, a late-night dinner party began.

The teenagers and youkai began to vent their excitement that they had not dared to express just now, talking loudly about Uchiha's unprecedented feats today.

Uchiha was noncommittal about this.

After finishing his share of food, he quietly left the restaurant with Yuan who hadn't eaten.

Since Uchiha wanted to eat, the two of them walked in the corridor decorated with a row of colorful floor-to-ceiling windows.

"We are finally ready." Yuan looked at the night sky outside the window, "Does this indicate that war is coming soon?"

"Maybe that can't be called a war. After all, according to the prophecy of the miko, there are only two enemies this time?" Uchiha said with a smile.

Yuan didn't think so.

"The Otsutsuki clan cannot be overestimated." She emphasized, "The arrival of just two Otsutsukis a thousand years ago has completely changed our world."

Uchiha Li understood what she meant and comforted: "Don't worry, I didn't despise them, and I can't despise them."

"The situation today seems to be much better than a thousand years ago, but I always feel that ninjas are not reliable." Yuan continued, "The chakra they possess is too easy to be targeted by the Otsutsuki clan!"

"It's really not safe." Uchiha Li's voice was a little ethereal, "My decision... seems to have taken a completely different path from the original decision of Seimei-sama. I don't know whether it is good or bad."

Thousands of years ago, Seimei was afraid that the Otsutsuki clan would come out to destroy the world, so he chose to endure and plan.

Thousands of years later, Uchiha Li wanted to bet the whole world and start a complete war with the Otsutsuki clan.

Yuan smiled: "Didn't Xinggui tell you whether his decision was right or wrong?"

"Star trails don't tell me much."

Uchiha stopped and looked through the glass window at the stars in the universe.

"Ever since the original destiny path deflected hugely, the star path has become a bit chaotic. Now, it cannot let me see things too far away."

Yuan stood side by side with him and sighed: "It's really bad, isn't it?"

"Maybe." Uchiha said, "But some things must be done, which are more important than life and death. If we don't choose war, sooner or later this world will become the nursery of the Otsutsuki clan again."

"I believe in you, Li." Yuan turned to look at him, "You have always been a miracle."

Uchiha Liya looked at her, and the distant stars reflected in her eyes, flashing with jumping warmth.

"Thank you, I believe that too."

He lowered his head and blended his breath with hers.

"Since I met you, miracles have happened all the time in my life."

After saying that, he kissed her.

On another floating island in the distance, a grand sacrifice is being held, and ethereal music is looming.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of fireworks exploding sounded.

Sasuke's team and the monsters rushed out of the castle at some point, setting off fireworks in the open space.

Brilliant fireworks of various colors bloomed in the sky, faded, and countless tiny streams of light fell.

Those flickering lights of fireworks passed through the French windows of the castle, creating an outline of light for the two people kissing each other in front of the window.

Yuan closed his eyes, his butterfly-wing eyelashes trembling slightly.

She seemed to be unable to tell whether the sound that kept hearing was the sound of fireworks or her own beating heartbeat.

After a long time, their lips parted, their foreheads pressed against each other, breathing slightly.

Then they all looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.


Outside the window, Sasuke released a huge fire blast into the sky to act as fireworks. Several vivid fire dragons came and flew across the sky, winning many applause.

Among the monsters, those who were good at using fire were not to be outdone, and they all used their own abilities.

Suddenly, fire dragons swept across, firebirds flew, sparks flew, and it seemed like a nightless sky outside the castle.

Yuan's head rested on Uchiha Li's shoulder, and the two of them looked at the cheering monsters leaning against them quietly, with a pleasant smile on their faces.

The fire went out and lit up again.

Sasuke in the distance turned his head, seemed to see the two of them, raised his hand and waved.

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