Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 508 The Holy Grail War

Faced with Uchiha Li's question, King Enma smiled and replied: "It's very simple. Let Madara go to another world with you. I speculate that you will have special gains."

"Another world?" Uchiha asked dissatisfied.

King Yama said: "That's right, haven't you been looking forward to another opportunity like this? It just so happens that I have received a commission for you."

"You have to figure it out, my king!" Uchiha Li frowned, "According to my guess, the Otsutsuki clan will arrive soon. How can I have time to go to another world now?"

Quan Na said: "It doesn't matter. Regardless of success or failure, this commission from another world will take up to seven days."

"Tsk." Uchiha frowned, "Do you have to go?"

"This is a good opportunity." King Yama said, "I believe you will get a richer harvest than the last time."

Uchiha pondered for a while and then asked: "What about Minato and Kushina? Will they also be tried? Oh, and Tsunade."

King Yama shook his head and said: "I don't believe you don't understand. Minato and Kushina were summoned by you from the belly of the God of Death and the Pure Land, and they are not contaminated with the atmosphere of the underworld. For today's hell, They are on the run. As long as we don't take the initiative to send jailers to hunt them down, they will be safe for the time being, and Tsunade's state is even more different from others. She has always been a living soul, but she just lost her body."

"Tsunade aside, even if you don't hold Minato and Kushina accountable for the time being, they won't last long. Besides, if the other kings think about it, it will be hard for you." Uchiha rolled his eyes.

"You should have thought of these things a long time ago, and there is nothing I can do about it." King Yama said, "This trip to another world is already the limit for you to take Madara with you. Even if you take Minato and Kushina with you, things will change. Nothing."

Uchiha Li understood what he meant.

"Okay." He accepted the result, "It's just that for Minato... I may have to break my trust."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

After all, he and Minato got along well.

But that's it. For him, it's more important to get along with Madara more.

"That's right." He suddenly thought about the power of Yama that happened to be on Minato's hand, "Your Majesty, remember, Minato's right hand was contaminated with the power of Yama."

"Well..." King Yama also remembered, "That's true. It seems there is still a chance of improvement."


Uchiha glanced at him sideways.

As a god, he didn't believe that He wouldn't remember this.

"Anyway, please help me handle this matter. After all, I don't want to be a person who breaks his word."

He directly pushed the matter of the two couples to King Yama.


He shook his sleeves.

"Where is the client this time?" he asked, "Isn't it still Lord Gui Deng? I remember that the hell over there already controls several small worlds."

"It's not Mr. Ghost Light." Quan Nai stepped forward and handed him a scroll, "You will know after you take a look."

"Is it so mysterious?"

Uchiha Li unrolled the scroll and looked at an old-style parchment attached to the blank scroll.

"Holy Grail War?"

He looked up suspiciously.

"what is this?"

"You'll know after reading it." Quan Nai said.

Uchiha Li patiently read the paper again and finally understood what was going on.

"Hey, hey, are you so serious?" He frowned again, "That world is actually conscious, and it even personally created a mechanism for historical great men to transform into heroic spirits? Why is such a powerful world being invaded?"

"Have you finished reading?" King Yama asked.

"I've finished reading." Uchiha placed the scroll on King Yama's table. He shook his head, "It's just that I don't think I can complete such a commission, even with Senior Madara."

Quan Nai smiled and said: "How come you have no confidence now?"

"You should be aware of the seriousness of the incident." Uchiha looked at Izuna in confusion, "That is a crisis that can destroy the entire world, and even the consciousness of the world cannot save itself!"

"No, it's not as serious as you think."

King Yama saw that he seemed to have misunderstood something, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"I know something about the situation in that world, but it is not consistent with what you guessed."

He didn't seem to want to waste time explaining. The eyes behind the ghost face looked at Uchiha Li, and the basic information about that different world was passed on.

Uchiha Li blinked and digested the information delivered by King Yama.

"I see."

He suddenly laughed.

"In that case, it seems there is still a lot of room for maneuver."

King Yama nodded: "That's it. If it is a commission that cannot be fulfilled at all, even if the reward is generous, I will not let you continue at all!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. I misunderstood you." Uchiha continued to smile.

He now knows the specific information.

In that world, there are two great consciousnesses, or restraints, that override everything.

They are Alaya, who prays to avoid destruction as a human being, and Gaia, who prays to prolong life as a planet.

In the future that Alaya saw, in order to reach the Source Vortex, a person with abilities called a magician in that world accidentally summoned heroic spirits that did not belong to that world during the upcoming Fourth Holy Grail War.

It seems that such outsiders will break the original destiny trajectory and push the incident to the worst step.

The final result is not the destruction of the world as Uchiha thought before.

But human extinction.

Therefore, this commission has nothing to do with Gaia, it just comes from Alaya.


After sorting out the general information, Uchiha Li asked again: "I still don't understand how the commission from that world was delivered to you."

"The reason? It's all because of yourself."

King Yama suddenly chuckled a few times.

"Because you completed that huge barrier that doesn't even have a name now, and triggered too much power, which was sensed by the client in another world."

Seeing the surprised look on Uchiha Li's face, he continued jokingly: "Because there is no world consciousness that can be communicated in this world at all. As the highest-ranking god in the world, I am allowed by the law to carry out this entrusted exchange. .”

"What is a barrier without a name!"

Uchiha said dissatisfied.

"I'm already up! It's called the Ten-Star Alliance Pearl Formation!!"

What a terrible name! ! !

King Yama and Izuna looked disgusted at the same time.

"What do you mean!" Uchiha felt the two people's disgusted looks, and immediately shouted dissatisfied, "If you are not satisfied, just provide a nice name!"

King Yama waved his hand directly: "You can name it whatever you want, I don't care."

"Oh, it has nothing to do with me." Quan Nai looked indifferent.


Uchiha took a deep breath and couldn't help but cover his chest.

So irritating!

"Have you decided? Once you've decided, let's go."

At this time, Madara walked in from the back of the hall and jumped onto the high platform.

King Yama pointed at the parchment among the scrolls on the table.

"If the equipment is ready, leave your soul mark on it. Alaya from another world will summon you when you open the back door."

"I see."

Uchiha Li stretched out his right hand, and a spiritual light lit up on his thumb.

However, when his thumb pressed against the parchment, he stopped moving again.

"I say."

He looked at King Yama suspiciously.

"If I complete my mission, how will I come back?"

"What do you want to say?"

King Yama's tone was unkind.

Uchiha looked at him sideways and muttered: "My king, you really want to banish me to a different world."


King Yama raised his hand and took off the ghost mask on his face, rolled his eyes to the sky, then put it on again, turning his head away and ignoring him.

"You don't really want to banish me!" Uchiha Li continued to chatter, "But now that you have become a god for a while, it is no longer possible to occupy my body, so you want to be out of sight and out of mind? No. Yes!"

"To shut up."

Madara stretched out his hand and held Uchiha Li's right hand, pressing his thumb firmly on the parchment.

"Senior Madara..."

Uchiha turned around in disbelief.


"To shut up."

Madara looked at him coldly.

"Just kidding to liven up the atmosphere."

Looking at Madara's unkind eyes, Uchiha felt that he was about to feel aggrieved.

"Just wait, you should be summoned soon."

King Yama said this and continued to lower his head to sign the documents.

At this moment, complex formation patterns appeared at the feet of Uchiha Ri and Madara.

"Take care, brother, stay away."

Quan Nai raised her head and looked at the two people bathed in the light of the summoning array, her expression seemed a little worried.

"Ah, don't worry."

Spotted nodded.

“We will be back soon!”

Uchiha Li smiled brightly at this time and waved to King Yama and Izuna.

The next moment, the summoning array glowed brightly, and the two of them lost track at the same time.

King Yama had already put down his pen at this time and looked at the open space in front of the desk.

After a long time, His voice sounded from under the ghost face.

"Quanna, I don't know whether my king's decision is right or wrong."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty." Quan Nai has calmed down, "Just trust Brother Lihe."

"Ah, I can only believe them."

King Yama sighed.

"When I was still part of Uchiha, I never imagined that I would be in this situation."

"No one thought of it, right?" Quan Nai's voice also dropped. "That kid Li made a miscalculation after all, but it's not his fault. I think even Abe, who was reincarnated with confidence, Mr. Qingming didn’t expect it either.”

"Yes, it's not his fault. If I hadn't become a god and become more and more entangled with the law, I wouldn't be able to detect the crisis in the future."

King Yama followed.

"I hope it's not too late."

He said quietly.


When Uchiha Li's consciousness woke up again, he found that he was floating in a boundless sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hello, Onmyoji from another world."

A voice sounded from all directions.

This voice seems to be single, but also seems to be the overlapping of many voices, including men, women, old and young.

He spoke a language that Uchiha Li had never heard before, but he could directly understand what he meant.

"Hello, Alaya."

Uchiha Li directly conveyed his response with his own consciousness.

"You don't understand why I ended up asking for help from another world."

Alaya directly expressed Uchiha Li's doubts.

Before Uchiha had time to answer, his consciousness conveyed the next sentence.

"Yes, both I and Gaia have signed contracts with outstanding humans who have appeared in the past, present and future of this world, making them heroic spirits and guardians."

"But this Holy Grail War is different."

"In the original future, the most serious consequence of this Holy Grail War, the Fourth Holy Grail War, was to burn down an area of ​​a city."

"But now the future has been changed, and the world is about to be invaded by outsiders."

"I...unlike Gaia, I can send fewer heroic spirits than it does. And in this defensive war, the heroic spirits may not play a big role."

"Do you want to ask why Gaia didn't participate in the defense? This is normal. The target of the invaders this time is only humans and will not affect the planet itself."

“The planet and humans are not interdependent.”

"Yes, if you are summoned to appear in the war, you will also be a heroic spirit."

"But you are different."

"I will protect your soul and not leave any mark on this world."

"And you, who once saved the world, are also the ones who have received two gifts from other worlds."

"Of course, the first time is the original world for you. Didn't you know... Of course, you have won such an honor."

"In your world, Gaia and Alaya do not have the same concept of restraint, but the world sees in you the hope of avoiding destruction."

"So, your world was traded with mine."

"This is an exchange. You will get more training and training, and use the power of another world to accelerate your growth."

"The time has come, go ahead."

"The questions you are wondering will be answered in the following war."

"Please, Onmyoji from another world..."

The communication between Uchiha Li and Alaya was undoubtedly wonderful. While he was still thinking, the other party had already given the answer.

But he said seriously... In fact, this kind of exchange is actually a bit choking.


"Full, full, hurry up, full, full..."

A soft and careless voice sounded in the darkness, accompanied by the sound of thick blood drawing across the floor.

"What goes around begins again, followed by four..."

However, the person chanting the incantation was clearly unprofessional.

"Hey, it seems like five times?"

He didn't seem to take the mistake to heart and continued to chant.

"That...but when it is full, it is a waste of time...that's right..."

He seemed totally unskilled and still looking at the reference.

"Newspapers often call me a devil!"

The man suddenly started talking about something else.

"Hello, Ryunosuke Uyu is a devil!"

There seemed to be a child's muffled sound.

"Hey, kid, if a real devil appears, can you try to be killed by him?"

Amid the frightened voices of the children, he continued passionately: "What would it be like to be killed by a demon? It must be a unique painful experience, hahahahahahahaha..."

"it hurts!"

The man exclaimed, and the formation pattern drawn with blood on the floor suddenly lit up.

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