Lu Ming

Page 83


The Dutch fleet entered Taijiang under this situation.After being towed into place by the pilot ship, the Middelburg first unloaded most of the sailors and slaves in the bilge at the Northern Line Oshima Wharf.It will then be towed to the Chikan Wharf on the opposite bank, where the rest of the cargo will be unloaded.

The short, naked Javanese slave got off the boat, and soon staggered into the slave camp under the command of a large number of guards holding sticks and whips.

In order to prevent these hungry slaves from being stuffed to death, a large pot of mixed vegetable porridge has been prepared in the slave camp.After these people finished drinking the bowl of congee, they would be driven to the lime-sprinkled pool for disinfection, and then it would be their turn to distribute clothes, allocate dormitories, and check the body.

Since it was the first transaction, the doubtful Dutch only brought in a total of 800 slaves this time.Of course, in order to ensure the survival rate of the slaves, the Dutch originally shipped 1200 people.

After the "unloading" of several slave ships, both buyers and sellers were very pleased: after more than a month of sea voyage, the number of slaves who could finally disembark was 1.This number has greatly exceeded the expectations of the traffickers, which proves that the slave trade route proposed by the crossing crowd is feasible.

After hearing the news, Xia Xianze was in a good mood. At noon that day, he met Hans Putmans, the official representative of the Dutch East India Company, and received the trade agreement, the letter from Governor Cohen, and gifts from the latter.

After this, Putmans soon received a heaven and earth voucher amounting to 26 taels—a special fund for the slave trade.

Later that day, Comrade Cai Feiming, an old friend of the Dutch people, also made an appearance.Cai Feiming and his group first came to the garden-style Dutch business house that had already been built, and had dinner with Putmans and his group.

Next, Tang Xiaoqiao fulfilled his promise: in the largest pirate bar in Weidao on the northern line, the guests tasted the high-end rum brewed with the techniques of later generations.Afterwards, the Dutch, including Comrade Putmans, were all drunk, and then they were carried into a small boat and transported back to the business house—the bumpkins really drank too much.


The high-ranking people of the Dutch fleet were well received in the main staff, and the Dutch sailors also lived well.

When the cargo was unloaded that day, most people had already disembarked in the small town: there were gas cranes at the Chikan Wharf, so there was no need for so many sailors.The sailors who came to the town were immediately driven into the bathhouse by the local police: those who had not taken a bath could not register for beds in the hotel.

When the swearing sailors entered the bathhouse, they were quickly stunned by the plume of warm water pouring from the cast iron pipes above their heads.After these people took a bath under the command of the "bathroom security guards" who were carrying batons and wearing big underpants, they were surprised to find that the bathhouse actually gave them a new set of clothes, and then they were told that the old clothes had been taken to be cleaned disinfect.

New clothes were distributed by force, and the cheapest linen was used.As for the style of the new clothes... People who have gone to the sauna in future generations will understand, yes, it is the loose shape with a belt and a pair of big pants.

Note that all the above services are paid items.

Ever since, when the scumbags registered their beds in the hotel and walked out of the street, a funny scene happened: the streets of the whole town were full of scumbags from all over the world wearing slippers and brown sauna suits.

Of course, there are not only Dutch people in the town.A large number of Japanese sailors with short stature, long hair, who are very accustomed to sauna suits and straw slippers, are looking at the red hairs coldly on the other side of the street.In addition, there are some Chinese sailors who came here from Fujian and Hangzhou.

Ever since, there were many gang fights that night as expected.

The newly established Oshima Police Station on the Northern Line was exhausted that night, arresting a large number of drunks in bright bars and streets illuminated by gas street lamps, and then escorting them all back to the police station...

Chapter 223

The arrival of 14 Dutch sailing ships at the same time was a bit overwhelming for the Port Authority, which was the largest influx of ships at one time since the opening of the port.

Fortunately, the two gas cranes at Chikan Wharf are relatively powerful, so it only took one and a half days for the general cargo on these ships to be unloaded.

Smarter outsiders have now seen some tricks: whether it is a dredger, a pilot boat or a crane, these disturbing machines are all equipped with cylindrical iron furnaces, the difference is only the number of iron furnaces and the number of iron furnaces. It's all about size.Therefore, these machines should all be driven by burning wood. This is a mysterious way of converting power, and the operator must be an oriental magician...

Most of the goods brought by the Dutch this time were purchased according to the list given by the traveler.The most important goods among them are naturally slaves and saltpeter.Among the other goods Indian products accounted for a large part of the quantity: cotton and hides.

In addition to people, the local goods from Batavia also include sumac, tin lead, rice and various spices.

The above-mentioned goods were all unloaded at noon the next day after 24 hours of continuous operation in the Chikan port area, so the poor Dutchman was dumbfounded again: the port area was brightly lit at night, and the Taijiang River was shining brightly. Pilot ship.The cranes in the dock area are non-stop throughout the night, working continuously without stopping under a bright light like the sun.

The Dutch who witnessed all this on Beixianwei Island all planned to go to the other side of the Taijiang River to take a look afterwards: the human desire for light is baked into the genes, and the 17th-century people who were used to not being able to see their fingers could not resist this. kind of temptation.

However, it is not so easy to go to the other side.All people on Beixianwei Island must first stay here for 20 days, and then undergo infrared temperature measurement every day.Only those who have no criminal record are eligible to go to the police station to apply for a trip to the other shore after passing all these customs.

Of course, the above troubles have nothing to do with the Dutch high-level.In the early morning of the next day, after waking up in the newly built red-brick garden-style shop on Dayuan Island, the new owner of the shop, His Excellency Putmans, and other businessmen first experienced the magic of the toilets of later generations—whether it is The running water, the smooth concrete walls, or the toilet with a metal water tank above the head all amazed the users.

Next is breakfast time.Everyone began to enjoy a hearty breakfast consisting of fried eggs, venison sausage, smoked fish, rice noodles and fuju on the long table in the restaurant.Except for the fact that there is no bread, the rest of the food tastes quite good, and the navigators are full of praise.

Speaking of bread... the time traveler is also at a loss what to do.Taiwan's climate is not suitable for growing wheat, and the small amount of flour shipped from Hangzhou has been monopolized by the northerners who love to eat beef noodles and noodles with fried sauce, so the Dutch can only eat noodle soup now.

The agricultural company has planted some wheat test fields, but no one has hoped for a good harvest, because the agricultural company's attention is all on barley and rye: the barley variety is mainly malting barley, and the rye is imported. Simmental embryo cattle are eaten, so the situation of flour shortage cannot be changed in the short term.

... Back to the Dutch.

After breakfast, it's time to work.After the Dutch people went out, they walked along a short cement-paved "Commercial Street" to visit Cai Feiming.

Cai Feiming's new office is in Building 1 of this street.After the Dutchman entered, he first expressed his thanks to Tang Xiaoqiao: Everyone had a good drink last night.Next came the science popularization session in the bathroom: Cai Feiming had to point to the tall red brick water tower outside the window, and began to popularize the principles of tap water for the redheads.

After popularizing the truth that water flows downhill, Lao Cai told them: the current bathroom is only a semi-finished product, because the core parts of the brick press are still waiting in line for import.

But this problem will be solved soon: at least when the Dutch return to Batavia in a few months, the master will definitely be able to produce smooth and shiny samples of tiles to paste on the walls of the shop, and then sell them to redheads.

After talking about the gossip, everyone went to Chikan Wharf together.

Accompanied by Professor Luo, Director of the Port Authority, the key customers spent the morning visiting Chikan Wharf, Chikan Avenue, Chikan District Government, and Taijiang Shipyard.By noon, the cargo warehousing lists of all 15 ships were also calculated in time.

Now that the warehousing list has been calculated, there will naturally be another round of hemorrhage here: most of the goods brought by the Dutch will be directly purchased by a certain force, and only a small number of Dutch people will keep them for sale, such as spices. .

As a result, Putmans had another pile of heaven and earth coupons in his hands... The Dutch finally went shopping.

The industrial product exhibition hall on Chikan Avenue is filled with a wide variety of industrial products.

From humble red bricks, cement, to beautiful glass bowls, and then to all kinds of raw silk, silk, porcelain, in short, all the commodities that a certain force can sell for money are displayed here.

In addition, with the departure of the Yuandou oil exploration ship not long ago, the big killer weapon used by the traveling crowd to become famous: the kerosene lamp was also displayed in time in the exhibition hall.

Only by collecting all seven dragon balls can the dragon be summoned.It was more than a year after the time-traveling forces came to Taiwan that they finally assembled the three major elements of iron sheet, glass, and kerosene to produce an invincible kerosene lamp.

In the dark age of the 17th century, kerosene lamps with bright flames, no fear of wind, and no smell of oily smoke were well-deserved killers.This kind of commodity can pass through the global market without hindrance, breaking the pockets of all local rich people.In addition, the kerosene lamp has the most wonderful point: kerosene is monopolized by the power of the time travel.

It can be said that the current conditions of Time Travel are infinitely better than that of Rockefeller back then: Time Travel not only can make a fortune in kerosene, but kerosene lamps are also very popular.We must know that it is the 17th century, and human beings are far from the age of giving away mobile phones for phone bills. Therefore, how much can an oil lamp made of iron sheets and glass cover sell for?

Why do you need 100 taels of silver?

100 taels? 100 taels is the cost, starting from 200 taels!Don't think it's too expensive and don't discount it.You have to study the shopping psychology of the big gentry, and the owners who are willing to pay 100 taels of silver for oil lamps don't care about paying an extra 100 taels.Do you know what a successful person is?Successful people buy whatever they want, they buy the most expensive ones and not the best ones!

Cough... the above metal version is economical and practical, and it is not expensive; in the future, the time-traveling forces will launch an all-copper business model, an all-silver luxury model, an all-gold premium model, a full-glazed VIP model, etc. etc.

The Dutch clearly know what to do.After a group of people squeezed into the small dark room to watch the performance of kerosene lamps, Comrade Putmans, a big money man, immediately said that this thing is very wonderful, and 300 lamps will be ordered first.

Most of the 300 lamps are available, if not, the kiln area can be done after a few days of work: all the iron parts and glass covers have ready-made molds, and the assembly line molding will come out.

The problem now is that there is not enough kerosene.

Kerosene is just one of the by-products of petroleum.At present, Miaosu has just opened, and even the production of oil itself is very scarce, so it cannot supply such a large market.Fortunately, the red hairs will not leave for a while, so Cai Feiming hastened to explain: This item is sold according to production, and the big money only needs to estimate a small amount now. Before the fleet returns in the future, Then match the lamp according to the actual kerosene stock.


And so it was settled.Afterwards, the Dutch ordered a large amount of raw silk, porcelain, glass products, and some cement for pressure storage.

One of the traditional goods is missing: Songjiang cotton.

With the increasing production capacity of industrial products of the crossing forces, it is quite uneconomical to re-import cloth from Songjiang.First of all, the current transportation capacity of the crossing forces in the south of the Yangtze River has been concentrated on transporting refugees, grain and raw silk, and the transportation level of cloth has been repeatedly lowered.

Secondly, even if there is a spare space, it is more cost-effective to import cotton: the small textile factories in the kiln area can produce high-quality machine canvas for sails and work clothes, which is far superior to the wood fabrics of the ancients.

This is the characteristic of industrial countries: only raw materials are imported, not finished products.

... Hong Mao just got a large amount of heaven and earth vouchers that were not hot yet, and just spent them again.

This kind of transaction between the Dutch and the crossing forces is actually a replica of the transaction between the industrial country and the agricultural country in the later generations: the products of the industrial country have high added value, so they are small in size and high in unit price.In this trading pattern, agricultural countries can only balance trade by increasing the quantity of products.

Therefore, when the businessmen returned to the shop at night and settled their accounts, they suddenly felt that the money was not enough...

The red-haired people found out sadly: even though there were thousands of slaves to balance the trade, these thieves who did not play their cards according to common sense, this time came up with all kinds of small and high-value good things to seduce people.If everyone buys according to today's estimated cargo list, then by the day the fleet returns, one-third of the ships will return empty...

No way, the total value of slave saltpeter leather rice is far less than the total price of kerosene lamp raw silk porcelain, but the volume of the former is much larger.

Therefore, the Dutch, who originally thought that they could save some precious metals this time and rely on goods alone to balance the trade, had to take out the silver coins at the bottom of the press box in the cabin again to buy the industrial products of the seniors.


As the saying goes: When God closes the door, he will open a window elsewhere.

God also said: There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

So, just when the Dutch had habitually decided to pay out their money to be a winner, things took a turn for the better.

First, the three beautiful schooners were fully loaded and rushed out of the Taijiang River in a murderous manner-this scene was watched by the Dutch who walked around every day.

Within two days, when the three schooners returned to Taijiang, Comrade Putmans was summoned urgently by Cai Feiming.

After the two parties met, Cai Feiming's first words were: "Are you going to accept the job?"


"Is there a job that needs to dispatch a fleet to be a thug? The salary is high."

"Oh... hit who?"

"Fight the pirates."

"Is it an official?"

"An official died yesterday"


Chapter 224 Bad news

Putmans knew Comrade Yiguan quite well. After all, it was not long before the scene where Mr. De Weiss, the ex-officer of the senior official, led the remnants of the defeated generals fled back to Batavia.

Now that the original Dutch translator and the current pirate leader had died, Putmans was slightly surprised.

However, the more surprising thing was yet to come: Cai Feiming told him clearly after this that the officials planned to hire all 14 Dutch ships to go to Xiamen to eliminate pirates in about a month.

... Putmans, who was in chaos, had to ask Cai Feiming to provide more detailed information.He couldn't understand this logic: what is the reason for the cross-border people who already have raw silk purchase channels to go to the other side of the strait to fight pirates?

You must know that the Dutch fought life and death along the coast, attacked the government today, and cooperated with the government to fight Zheng Zhilong tomorrow. All of these had a clear purpose: to obtain the right to trade raw silk.So when the cross-traveling forces full of raw silk clamored to go to the other side of the sea to do things, the Dutch were confused.

Naturally, Cai Feiming wouldn't tell Hongmao the twists and turns in it.He simply told Putmans: The ancient aristocratic force entrenched on Dayuan Island still maintains a relationship with the Ming Dynasty, so the elimination of pirates is a political reason; Monopoly of raw silk trade.

Hearing what Cai Feiming said, Putmans actually understood.In European history, there are more stories about kings cheating big nobles, and big nobles beat kings in the face, so he quickly put the situation into it: the emperor of Ming Dynasty was trying to weaken the strength of the crossing people, so he assigned them to destroy the pirates.

Thinking of this, Putmans showed a clear smile on his face: "As far as I am concerned, helping the distinguished gentlemen to eliminate pirates is a noble cause. Of course, this matter needs to be discussed with those sailors. Talk it over, after all, you know, those people only have money and beer in their eyes."

"Is it because you only have money in your eyes?" Cai Feiming nodded with a smile on his face at this moment, then took out a document from the table and handed it to Hongmao: "This is a few sets of salaries for hiring the Dutch fleet to go out to fight. We can pay for the plan, goods and money, take it back and discuss it with the crew.”

"Very well, this document is timely and I will get back to you shortly."


To be honest, the Dutch are unwilling to help from the bottom of their hearts.Because time has changed, and now that the people across the world already have the right to trade raw silk, the Dutch, as third-party buyers, are naturally unwilling to go one step further and monopolize the raw silk trade.

This is the same reason that they were unwilling to help Zheng Zhilong fight against opponents in history: once any commodity is monopolized, the buyer will be in a dangerous situation.The Dutch are the world's coachmen, and they are well aware of this.

But the will of the Dutch was of no avail.

Since the Dutch in history failed to prevent Zheng Zhilong from dominating the country and monopolizing coastal trade, the same is true of today's transmigration forces, even more terrifying than Zheng Zhilong: the transmigration people use hard power. There are clouds in front of the heavy machine gun.

Therefore, on the surface, Cai Feiming was seeking the opinion of the Dutch on the matter of fighting pirates. In fact, this matter cannot be shirked—just think about the goods in the dock warehouse and future trading qualifications. If you promise, you have to promise.

And this time the Dutch can't even do foreign work.De Weiss' fleet was able to take the lead in the three-way battle against Zheng Zhilong last year, but Putmans can't do it today...won't it be possible to return to the big crew to load afterward?If you don't fight hard, not only will you be rewarded for your merits after the war, but you will also have to settle accounts after the fall.

So after a little analysis in the shop that night, the red hairs knew that they couldn't hide this time—except for going to bargain tomorrow and trying to squeeze more oil and water from the crossing crowd, there was not much they could do. many.

So, after a fierce quarrel on the second day, the matter was finally settled: the Dutch fleet will go to the other side of the sea to find trouble with the pirates at some point in the future.

This point in time is currently uncertain.Because Zheng Zhilong just died, the officials are still waiting for the reaction of the Xiamen group of robbers.According to the predictions of the traversing crowd, it will take about 15 days at the earliest for the preliminary news to come over there, and the timing of the real action is not unusual in a month—anyway, the time is on the side of the traversing forces, and it is delayed. The longer the time, the more chaotic the mobs become.


At the same time that Da Yuan was keeping a tight eye on the situation on the other side of the sea, the first typhoon in 1628 blew over.

Typhoons in the 17th century are not well documented, at least in Taiwan.Therefore, when the wind circle blows from the direction of the Philippine Sea, the traversing forces without satellites and supercomputers can only give an early warning half a day in advance.

Half a day was obviously a little tense.Fortunately, since entering May, all the industrial and mining enterprises under the crossing forces have started disaster prevention preparations one after another, so when the storm came, most of the factories had stopped operating according to the plan, and the workers also began to give construction emergency reinforcement.

However, some people who first arrived in Baodi still underestimated the power of the typhoon.

The typhoon that lasted for a day and night mercilessly ran over from the front. When the central wind force of level 12 blew across the Tainan Plain, a large number of wooden dormitories in the Chikan area were blown off the roof, and some houses collapsed. China's piers and shipyards have also been hit hard.

These are not the most important: the flood and heavy rain that come with the typhoon are the big killers.

Due to the pioneers' spare no effort to transform, the rivers, including Newport Creek, were once very quiet: the sandbars and boulders in the river have been cleaned up, the channel has also been dredged, and the water flow is very gentle.

However, when the typhoon came, the torrential rain caused by the torrential rain rushed down from the central mountain range, and the water level of all the waterways in Tainan suddenly rose sharply. Many smaller streams and rivers could not bear the flow very quickly, and the next moment, the flood began to overflow.

Then there was the time when the house leaked and rained all night: at night tide, the water level of Taijiang River soared, and the streams and rivers that originally flowed into the lake from the plain were flooded by seawater. Suddenly turned into water.

... All of the above are the proper meaning of the question. Whether it is the crossing people or the coastal people under their command, including the foreign sailors on Beixianwei Island, they all have sufficient experience and psychological preparations for this kind of disaster.

However, the only thing everyone didn't expect was that someone died.

A time traveler died in the storm.

Chapter 225 Funerals and Reflections

The name of the dead traveler was Chen Youguang, 37 years old, and one of the chief engineers of the shipyard.

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