Lu Ming

Page 82

A speedboat expelled by the Japanese shogunate brought all the employees of the Dutch embassy in Japan, as well as documents from the shogunate ordering the termination of the Japanese-Dutch trade.After figuring out what happened in anger, Mr. Peter Nuiz was immediately confirmed by the Batavia Council as the culprit that caused the incident...

Of course, Nuiz is not wronged.

The bunch of bad things between Japan and the Netherlands have already been introduced in the previous article, so I won't repeat them here.In short, Mr. Nuiz did not handle the conflicts between the company and the Japanese well during his tenure as a senior officer... Not only did he fail to handle it well, but he also intensified the hostility between the two parties. Therefore, this pot must be He will carry it.

So Mr. Nuizi became cold.

As a result, the originally scheduled post of Commander and Diplomatic Representative of the Grand Naval Fleet was also far away from Mr. Nuiz.

History seems to have returned to the original track here: Hans Putmans, who was supposed to be the chief executive of the Dayuan Shangguan in the next year, took over from Nuyz again in this plane a year earlier. mr. post.

Hans Putmans is a native of Middelburg, the Netherlands.In history, after this king succeeded Nu Yizi, he conquered the natives of Taiwan, developed trade with the Ming Dynasty, and launched the naval battle of Liuluowan. During the years when this person was the chief executive, the Dayuan Commercial Hall not only turned losses into profits, but also made great strides. Foundation.Among the previous governors of Taiwan, Hans Putmans is undoubtedly the best one.

So at the beginning of May 1628, under the leadership of Hans Putmans, who was originally the chairman of the Batavia Council, 5 large and small Dutch ships formed a fleet and set off from Bacheng with their goods. To Dayuan Island.

However, after the fleet took one and a half months to arrive at the sea outside Dayuan, they did not drop anchor, but set up a formation ready to maneuver, waiting for the arrival of the messenger.

After that, the scene at the beginning of this article appeared: as Putmans wished, Mao Zheer, a low-level businessman resident in the company, came to the Middelburg in a small boat immediately.

However, when Maujer met Putmans, he was stunned by the first question he was asked: "If we go to war now, does the fleet have a chance to take back everything on the island?"

After listening to Putmans's thoughts, Maozer stared wide-eyed, then waved his hands and said in surprise: "Oh, my God, this must be an idea that only a lunatic could come up with! Your Excellency, please allow me to directly Bai tells you: there is no chance of attacking the island in front of you!"

"Businessman, do you think we are not strong enough?" Putmans stared closely at Maozier at the moment: "We have 15 ships, and there are 125 crew members and 251 soldiers on my flagship. The entire fleet Our soldiers add up to more than 1000 people, and we also have heavy artillery... Isn't this enough?"

"Not enough, not enough!" Majer blushed at the moment: "The soldiers on the island have long-range muskets and 1-pound guns, and they also have fast schooners that can travel without sails. God, don't you come Didn’t you see those two ships here before?”

"I don't think those two ships can pose too much threat. They are too few in number and their tonnage is too low." Putmans couldn't help but glanced out of the cabin at this moment—the two destroyers passing through the crowd are currently off the coast of Dayuan. Cruising, and did not enter the port.

"As for those rifles and 1-pound guns..." Putmans raised his beard slightly at this moment: "The fleet has a total of 20 24-pound guns. I think this is enough to suppress those strange weapons."

Maozer was completely speechless at this time. He could only lean on the table with his hands and asked in frustration: "Is the attack on Dayuan Island an order from Governor Korn? I thought the fleet came here for trade."

"There are goods on board, as well as shells. As for Governor Cohen... I am now carrying out your lord's order: to confirm the cooperation qualifications of trading partners."

"Okay, I think I understand." Mao Zheer raised his head and asked, "What do I need to do?"

"Tell me the detailed deployment of troops on the island, and then go back and tell those Ming nobles that I need to meet one of them."

"Okay, Your Excellency."

Chapter 221 Hostage

Riding on the first southwest monsoon in May, the Dutch fleet set out from Batavia came prepared this time.


The huge temptation thrown before the crossing forces has never been encountered by the Dutch in history.On this plane: The superimposed effect of the two crown trades of slaves and raw silk made the Dutch send a fleet far exceeding the historical scale to Dayuan Island this time.

Adhering to the common practice in the age of great voyages, after Commander Putmans came to the sea today, he naturally divided the expected goals of the fleet into three levels: normal trade, trade under the muzzle, and trade under occupation.

Male lions will only divide territory with male lions of equal strength, and the weak are not eligible to participate in the banquet.Therefore, Putmans' top priority today is not trade, but to test the opponent's strength.


Seeing the small boat carrying businessman Mao Zheer return to the entrance of the main channel, Putmans, who was standing on the flagship cockpit, began to order at this moment: the fleet moved out to one league.The next moment, with the passing of the flag, the ships of the Dutch fleet began to hang up part of their sails, and began to move the ships that had not anchored to the periphery.

One league is usually taken as 3 nautical miles in the ocean, which is equivalent to 5.556 kilometers.

Originally, the Dutch fleet came from the south, and their mooring position was more than 2 kilometers south of the channel mouth.Now, following Putmans' order, the 15 Dutch ships have traveled another 3 kilometers to the sea, and they have reached the level of Dayuan's channel entrance, and there is a faint meaning of blockade.

However, the two destroyers that had been cruising north of the channel mouth did not react violently: they were still slowly circling there, monitoring the Dutch fleet.

Soon, shortly after Maozier entered the channel, a small boat with a triangular sail rushed out of the channel like a sharp arrow. The Middelburg had just adjusted its position, and the small boat had stopped on the ship. side.

Climbing up from the ladder, in addition to Majer, there is no doubt that there is also a "big noble" in the perception of the Dutch.

These ancient nobles who were said to be from the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty were usually tall and tall, and their unique temperament made them distinguishable from others at a glance.

Putmans is no exception.Although he only knew some unique features of the traversers from reports and some people's narrations, as soon as this person boarded the ship today, he immediately distinguished the traveler from the two short, black and thin native followers behind him .

The smiling man approaching him was tall and had a peculiar manner.This person has short hair, wearing a weird short jacket, trousers and black leather shoes, a colorful cloth strip hanging around his neck, and black and white ornaments on the neckline and one ear... Generally speaking, it is the same as Compared with the nobles that Putmans had seen before, the decorations of these Ming nobles were not complicated.

The two sides quickly had a simple handshake ceremony, and then the guests were invited into the cabin.


After being seated in the cabin, the person who came quickly announced his identity: Tang Xiaoqiao, negotiator of the senior staff.It is worth noting that this handsome-looking negotiator with a somewhat familiar style speaks fluent Dutch at the moment.

Although some grammatical aspects were different from the red-haired ones, it was enough for the two sides to communicate, so the atmosphere in the cabin became more active.

"Sorry, it's a short voyage, but after more than a month of wandering, as you know, there is only rum left on board." After introducing his entourage to Tang Xiaoqiao, Commander Putmans passed a wooden cup pushed in front of the visitor.

"Oh, please forgive me, this is the worst rum I've ever had." After politely tasting the so-called sour rum in the glass, Tang Xiaoqiao couldn't help but complain.

"No way, this is sailing."

"I'm sure you'll be drinking high-quality rum soon."

At this time, Tang Xiaoqiao pointed in the direction of the senior staff with a smile on his face: "In order to welcome the trade season, we not only imported sugarcane from Fujian, but also raised the land on Weidao on the northern line, and built beautiful hotels and bars on it. Believe me, you will be able to drink the most authentic rum there."

Before the Dutch people in front of him could react, Tang Xiaoqiao, who was a bit talkative, said quickly: "Also, the name of the bar is 'Pirate Bar'. How about it? It feels very good, right? We need a few beautiful Dutch girls to serve us now." With a dwarf who can dance on the table... of course, Spanish chicks too."

"Don't you think there's something more important to discuss before the bar and the chicks, dear Don."

Looking at this yellow-skinned negotiator who was talking too much and didn't seem to feel that the atmosphere in the cabin was getting colder, Putmans had to open his mouth to interrupt the other party's conversation.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Tang Xiaoqiao, who put away his joking form, leaned on the back of the chair at this moment, raised his legs, and showed a smile of "I knew you wanted to do this" on his face.

Putmans said slowly with a cold face: "Negotiations on the trade agreement and the sovereignty of Dayuan Island."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaoqiao asked a little puzzled: "Trade agreement? Could it be that the agreement that Mr. Peter Nuiz brought to Batavia a few months ago was not signed by Governor Cohen in the end?"

Putmans was a little stuck at this time, but his tone quickly became tough again: "Governor Cohen has signed the agreement, but the new agreement also needs to be discussed."

"A new agreement representing your personal will?"

"Yes. The unreasonable agreement should be torn up, and we will sign a new one."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaoqiao showed the narrow smile of when he was full of gossip: "Hans, can I call you Hans?"

"Exactly, dear Don."

"Very well, then let me guess: Dear Hans, you must have the right to command every soldier in this fleet?"

"Don, I admire your aristocratic sensitivity. Yes, you have grasped the key to the problem. Now I can order this powerful fleet to attack Dayuan Island at any time and turn your new bar into an open air again. square."

"Understood." At this moment, Tang Xiaoqiao raised his hand and interrupted dear Comrade Hans' follow-up words: "Believe me, no one here knows more about the programs where the guns are mounted behind the gate than me."

When Tang Xiaoqiao said this, he put away his legs, and buttoned his suit while standing up: "The cabin is too stuffy, let's go out and talk?"

"Of course." A group of people immediately got up and followed Tang Xiaoqiao to the outside of the cabin.

"May I ask, why isn't Cai the one who came to negotiate today?" During this process, Mr. Johannes van der Hagen, an old friend of the Dayuan people, felt a little bit concerned that today's negotiator was not Cai Feiming, whom he was familiar with. Puzzled.

"Is there any need to ask? The latecomers have insufficient qualifications, and of course they have to take on more dangerous jobs!" Tang Xiaoqiao said here, with a sad expression on his face.

"The most dangerous job involves negotiation, and all participants must be prepared to be hostages." Putmans interrupted coldly at this moment.

Tang Xiaoqiao did not respond to Comrade Hans' aggressive statement.At this time, he had come to the stern of the Middelburg, and was blowing a cool sea breeze, observing the Dutch fleet.

"A very powerful fleet." After taking a few glances, Tang Xiaoqiao turned around and leaned against the side of the ship, then smiled and said to Putmans: "The source of your confidence."

"Yes, the fleet is power." Comrade Hans pushed back without hesitation.

Tang Xiaoqiao nodded casually, and then stretched out his finger to the side of the ship: "Before we discuss the issue of hostages, dear Hans, can you tell me, is there any valuable cargo on that ship?"

What Tang Xiaoqiao pointed at with his finger was the speedboat Cookken located at the right rear of the flagship.

The displacement of the Cookken is only 120 tons, which is the smallest tonnage in the Dutch fleet.

"There were only soldiers and artillery on that ship, and no cargo." The old driver Putmans, who had served as a court judge in Batavia and was also in charge of local Chinese affairs, saw through the other party's tricks immediately, so He clearly told Tang Xiaoqiao: there is no cargo on board, only brave warriors... Although the Cook Ken still contained some spices and animal skins.

"Fine, then that's it."


"Dear Hans, have you ever heard of an Italian cannon? Oh yes, it should be called a Roman cannon these days?"

At the same time as Tang Xiaoqiao's voice fell, a red dot suddenly "floated" over from Dayuan Island 5.5 kilometers away.

The red dot plunged into the water 5 meters ahead of the left front of the Cookken at a speed that no one could see clearly, and then there was a violent explosion in the water, and a column of water that was as high as the bow of the ship was ejected on the ocean surface... and At the same time, a series of rumbling sounds in the sky were long overdue.

"What is this?" Before the Dutch could react, the second red dot arrived as promised.This time the shell accurately hit the ship's side of the Cookken. At this moment, the 40MM high-explosive warhead detonated instantly, and the high-pressure gas converted from the explosive burst the ship's side, forming a continuously spreading sphere.The Dutch soldiers within the range of the sphere were instantly blown out, and their bodies were covered with shrapnel and ship board fragments.

As the second red dot hit, in the next few seconds, another 6 shells scrambled into the sky, and the Cookken was blown to pieces and burst into flames.

However this is not the end. After the 5-second reloading time was over, another series of 7 red dots flew over—this time the Cookken was completely finished, and it began to slowly sink to the bottom of the sea after being torn apart, counting from the first shell. From start to finish, the whole process takes less than 1 minute...

Comrade Putmans, who was stunned by the huge roar, explosion, and flames 200 meters away, finally came to his senses at this moment.Then, the panicked Dutchman drew his sword: "God, it's shelling! Look what you've done!"

Tang Xiaoqiao, who was always smiling, was still leaning against the side of the ship.After giving Comrade Hans 2 minutes to understand the situation, Tang Xiaoqiao stretched out his hand with a smile, and slowly pushed aside the blade in front of him: "Dear Hans, now, you and your fleet are my hostages. So, gentlemen, would you like to have a pint of rum at the Pirate's Bar?"

Chapter 222 The Dutch are at the top

There is a saying that goes like this: "The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny."

Poor Hans Putmans, his ideal lasted only half a day at the door of the Grand Priest.

Under the eyes of everyone, the Cookken was blown to pieces like a lantern thrown into firecrackers, and the scene of a huge explosion and a series of fireballs came into the eyes of everyone in the fleet.

In fact, most of the crew believed it was a form of magic.Because no one has ever seen a cannonball that can fly 1 league and hit the ship accurately. In addition, the red dots that flash in the air, including the explosion after hitting the target, are beyond people's understanding: they are more like wizards. Magic, fireball?

Only a few people on the flagship know the truth.

But they also only know part of the truth.At that time, everyone around Tang Xiaoqiao heard his order to fire, but no one knew how the opponent's gunner received the order...

A war with a huge gap in technology and technology ended in this way, and the whole process took less than 1 minute.The battle was short, but effective: as the Cookken sank, Dutch ambitions were simultaneously sent to the bottom of the sea.


So half an hour after the Cookken sank, the superficial brothers reconciled at an astonishing speed.Everyone talked happily about the rum and the dancers, as if nothing had happened-except for the embarrassment of Comrade Putmans who had just put on too much, everything else was fine.

As for the poor Cookken... the crew probably scuttled the ship themselves, God bless them.

When everything was settled, it was already evening.At this moment, the sky was dark and the rainstorm was coming as expected, so Tang Xiaoqiao left in a hurry.As for the Dutch fleet, it can only anchor and spend the night outside Dayuan Harbor today.

Early the next morning, after the rain, the Dutch fleet began to enter the Dayuan Channel.

The Middelburg, which was originally thought to be anchored only in the open sea, easily entered the channel this time.The Dazhuan channel, which was separated by sandbars in the early years, has now been cleared of obstacles, and the width of the main channel is now 30 meters, so the 550-ton Middelburg has not been hindered in any way.

What followed was a series of exclamations: Haidilao, who was still digging deep into the waterway, taught the outsiders the first lesson with his unchanging movements and tremendous strength.

The second lesson is the pilot boat.

The small pilot boat is full of wooden blocks, with a canopy on the stern.Beneath the crude canopy are cylindrical carburetors and gas engines, and cast-iron propeller systems.After seeing these strange ships that can move without sails, the Dutch once again confirmed the rumors that there are oriental magicians here.

After crossing the Dayuan channel and arriving at the entrance of the Taijiang River, the Dutch fleet all set sail.Next was the performance of the pilot boat: the roaring boat easily towed the Middelburg to the Beixianwei Island Wharf on the north side of Dayuan Island.


It has been a while since the start of large-scale construction on Ojima on the Northern Line.This year is different from last year. This year's Dayuan Port has already shown its name in the rivers and lakes, so with the coming of the summer southerly season, there will definitely be European ships coming to Dayuan Island one after another.

In order to receive these Europeans who were carrying goods, gold and silver, as well as various infectious diseases, the crossing people took good care of the Northern Line Oshima.

Before this, Beixianwei Island was very desolate. Because the terrain was too low, part of it was often submerged by seawater during high tide.

Later, with the birth of Haidilao, some low-lying areas on the island were successively filled with sea sand; and later, with the continuous extension of the sand embankment in the north, there was an arc above the head, and the northern end of the island, which is very close to the main island, Now the sea sand that has been completely dredged out by dredgers has become a sand embankment.

With sand embankments, there is water.

A stream closest to the sand embankment on this island flows into the sea, and a water station was built soon, and the cast iron water pipes produced by the kiln area came in handy.The water pipeline connected along the sand embankment injects fresh water into the underground storage tank in the northern part of the island, and the daily water problem of foreign sailors on the island is solved in this way.

With this water supply system, the planned physical isolation of a large number of outsiders is feasible.These outsiders include sailors and slaves from all over the world, and they will spend most of their waiting time on Beixianwei Island in the future.

From this aspect, it can be seen that the people of the time travel are afraid of various infectious diseases.You know, even the daily water on Dayuan Island is still transported by water boats every day, and the leaders do not enjoy the high-end configuration of sand embankment water pipes.

With water, there must be buildings.

The first building built on the island is naturally the pier.The pier on Beixianwei Island is separated from the pier on Dayuan Island by a waterway. It is also equipped with heavy machine guns, soldiers, and barbed wire.

The next step is to prepare a gold sales town.The sailors of this era are all scum who don't know if they will die tomorrow, so they have a strong spending power... The people who travel through time will not despise the money in their pockets just because these scum are uneducated.

As a result, a wooden town with 3 bars and 5 hotels has sprung up.The planned capacity of the town is 2000 people, with all supporting facilities including boiler room and bathhouse.In addition, the Dayuan Police Headquarters has also set up a police sub-station here, with a large number of manpower and equipment, ready to be used to deal with drunk sailors.

The above-mentioned buildings are mainly concentrated on the east side of Ojima on the northern line.This side is adjacent to the Taijiang River, with beautiful scenery, and you can also enjoy the beautiful night view of the other side after dark.

As for the west side of the island... a slave camp and a hospital that looks more like a prison.

Anyone whose body temperature is detected to be elevated will be taken to the hospital immediately, whether they are sailors or slaves.In the hospital, these people will receive simple maintenance and isolation observation.

Patients with the common cold are discharged from the hospital if they survive.As for those patients who were diagnosed with infectious diseases—no matter what kind of infectious disease it was, these people would be thrown out to sea.

As for medicines, what Traveler can provide right now is some simple topical hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol, and cotton gauze.As for the extremely rare laboratory-produced aspirin and sulfonamides, the sailors and slaves on the northern end of the island were not eligible to use them.

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