Lu Ming

Page 81

Sambar, Taiwanese black bear, mountain qiang, wild boar, and about 10 other vervet pheasants and blue pheasants - these are used for beggar chicken.

Unlike the cheerful prospecting team members, the eyes of the indigenous guides are generally full of fear and relatively silent.This state lasted until they began to describe the terrible iron pipe to the village chief: as soon as the outsider raised his hand, with the huge roar and smoke, the prey hundreds of meters away, including the pheasant that had already flown up the treetops , died just like that...

After hearing the guides' descriptions about muskets, the rest of the aboriginals finally had a basic idea of ​​the force of these outsiders... As a result, the relationship between the two sides became more peaceful: the aboriginal fighters quickly put away their arrogance.

Force is useful after all.

The aborigines, who became much more honest, then watched the performance of outsiders using metal knives to skin animals, and then they got the leather.

After the outsiders gave the trophies that theoretically belonged to the aborigines, they were treated to a feast of boiled meat.

After the meal, the opera meat came.

Pan Mingzhong sat across from a group of aborigines with a smile, holding an iPad in his hand, and began to slowly move the screen in front of the aborigines.

What is displayed on the LCD screen at this moment are pictures of groups of natural oil wells.There are viscous oil pits that are constantly bubbling; there are also black sandy ground with obvious color contrast and incompatible with the surrounding environment.

In fact, without waiting for Pan Mingzhong to play the video again, several people, including the Tagan brothers and sisters, reacted on the spot when they saw one of the pictures: they screamed and pointed to the distant mountains direction.


The package agreement between the exploration team and Touyuan Society was formally reached later in the day.

After the old village head of Touyuan Club became a scapegoat, he happily agreed to the request to take outsiders to explore the "black sand" tomorrow.

At the same time, the old village head also agreed to the agreement to transfer the right to use the land on the embankment to outsiders.Of course, this agreement was verbal, and it was mixed in the labor and employment conditions of "hiring natives with iron pots to lead the exploration".

...Pan Mingzhong finally reached an agreement on land ownership with the aborigines in a deceptive way.As for how to frame the textbooks in the future, that is beyond his control.

Another day later, the wall was completely completed, and at the same time, the exploration team made all preparations for entering the mountain.It was agreed that Pan Mingzhong would lead the team, Ning Wei would be in charge of exploration, and after Lei Jian guarded the house, a 10-person exploration team brought tools and went into the mountain with the native brigade.

In the Miaosu mountainous area of ​​later generations, most of the vegetation is secondary forest: new trees replanted after the original forest was cut down by later generations.In fact, Taiwan has embarked on a great cause of deforestation since the era of Japanese occupation. Except for a few forest parks in later generations, most of the vegetation is secondary forest.

And at this moment, Pan Mingzhong's team, who were following the brisk natives and shuttling through the dark virgin forest, would have been lost in the endless forest if it weren't for the radios carried by the team members and the positioning instruments in their hands.

The only good news is that the location of the "black sand land" is actually not far in terms of straight-line distance: it is right in front of the camp, in the col between the two mountains.

"Well, is this the place we're looking for?"

After finally reaching the end of the field, Pan Mingzhong asked nervously while looking at the black sandy land in front of him that was completely barren of grass and about 50 square meters while panting heavily.

Ning Wei didn't answer, but first knelt down and grabbed a handful of sand to look at it carefully: "There is a play, let's dig."

The simple four words are the beginning of labor: the team members began to dig in the center of the black sand with shovels in turn.

Fortunately, there are natives on the side.

When someone discovered that the natives were interested in shiny shovels, the rest of the digging was done by the enthusiastic natives.

Chapter 219 Road Repair and Slaves

In the first well in Taiwan during the Xianfeng period, the "pit master" of the Ming Dynasty only dug down to a depth of more than 3 meters and began to produce oil, with a daily output of 40 kilograms.

Although the specific location of that well has long been lost in the long river of history, it may not be the well under Pan Mingzhong's feet, but it doesn't matter: it is in the same oil producing zone, and the place where oil sand has already seeped out of the ground, after all, It can dig out oil.

Facts have proved that 3 meters is the critical point of the pressure of the oil layer: more than two hours later, as an excavation team shouted in surprise from the bottom of the pit, everyone rushed to the edge of the pit to take a look, and a fist-sized black The liquid is pouring out from the bottom of the pit.

From the beginning of Tangzhuang's decision to the unearthing of the black gold today, it took the people who traveled through a whole year and a month to finally make their dreams come true.

And when Ning Wei probed to see this scene, he hurriedly threw down a few folding canvas buckets: "Shengman, Shengman, pull it up."

Pan Mingzhong, leaning on his knees with his hands and looking down with his buttocks pouted, couldn't stop smiling at this moment, and burst out laughing.

The natives did not understand why the outsiders laughed.In their view, black oil is not a good thing.This kind of earth pit with black water will seep out from different places every few years, and sometimes it will gather into a small oil pit, which smells bad, and animals and plants will stay away from this place. Going around: they always feel that this is an ominous thing.

But today is different.Today, this dense forest is full of outsiders shouting happily. The natives first watched in confusion as they filled more than a dozen cloth buckets with viscous oil, and then these people performed strange worship rituals: group photo .

As a result, the historic scene of a group of primitive people with bare birds and carrying spears and the exploration team surrounding the black oil pit was frozen on the photo after a few "clicks".

After taking the photo, they will break up, which is the same as the graduation photo.

However, when Pan Mingzhong saw Ning Wei commanding everyone to pack up and leave quickly, he was still a little puzzled: "Let's go now?"

"Ah, why not spend the night here?"

"I mean... there shouldn't be any more exploration, laboratory tests or something... feels a bit sloppy?"

"Bullshit, the samples are already there, and the coordinates are recorded. What else is there to explore? Go home as soon as possible. Look at this damn place, you can't see the sun from the top, and you can't see the foot of the mountain from the bottom. You can't stay longer, it's murderous."

"Then what should we do next? Put in equipment to drill and extract oil?"

With a "puchi", Ning Wei finally burst out laughing.

While directing the team members and the natives to pick up the oil barrels and go down the mountain, Ning Wei preached to Pan Mingzhong: "Don't do anything next, call the contractor first."


"Well, Chen Dong's group of infrastructure construction workers come here at random." Ning Wei turned his head and said to Pan Mingzhong seriously: "If you want to get rich, don't you understand that you need to build roads first? If you want to produce oil, you should also build roads first. Others Don't even think about it."

"I'll go." Pan Mingzhong was a little depressed when he heard this: "There is a straight-line distance of 1.8 kilometers from the camp. If the road is built, there will probably be a little more detour, which is troublesome enough."

"Didn't you read the information before you came? The Japanese also built stone roads back then, and then relied on cable cars and cableways to transport oil down the mountain." Ning Wei sighed: "We are not as good as the Japanese, I guess The pavement was repaired in the early stage, and then you have to rely on your shoulders to pick it up."

"Can't we install a pipeline to transport oil directly down the mountain?"

After hearing such idiotic words, Ning Wei was forced to roll his eyes, and then stretched out a finger: "First, look at the products in the kiln area that are attacking water valves, and they seem to be able to produce oil pipelines and pressure valves. ?"

"Secondly, if the oil pipeline is to be launched, the annual output of the oil field must be at least [-] tons, right? Don't you think that our [-]-ton nano-oil field is a bit..."

When Ning Wei said this, he pinched the tip of his little finger with his thumb and made a "little shrimp" gesture.

"I understand, I understand. This is a primitive workshop, and it cannot be put on the stage." Pan Mingzhong understood now.

"In fact, the Japanese also repaired pipelines in the later stage, but at that time the well depth was less than 500 meters, and the annual output also reached [-] tons."

When Ning Wei said this, he showed a sighing expression: "We don't need to be so hard, because the whole world is in our hands. As long as our oil consumption can reach the kiloton level, then we can drive an ironclad ship to Borneo to dig Isn’t high-quality light oil bad? Who’s going to dig oil here, it’s too inefficient.”

"It seems reasonable."

"So, you don't need to set up a big stall here, and you can just hang around for two years. Later, when the big troops come, I will dig a few more [-]-meter wells, and the output will be enough for the gang in the kiln area."

"...You told me that I lost all passion."

"What passion do you need as a prospector?"

"Then you don't seem to have any passion for oil?"

"Nonsense, if you are passionate, you must ejaculate. Look at the well today, does it look like it is ejaculating?"


Accompanied by the chatter between the two, the cheerful "Tuyang Joint Mine Exploration Team" began to return home.Not long after, the radio waves launched from the Yuandou quickly attracted the attention of the senior staff—even during the preparation period when the battle clouds were densely covered, the news of the discovery of oil still hit the G-spot of most of the traversing people, so The Grand Office immediately dispatched a second reinforcement ship.

This time, not only infrastructure workers, but also a key person: the contractor came with the boat.As an authoritative person in infrastructure, a certain person wearing gold-rimmed glasses came to Miao Su in person two days later: Feng Guanjie.

Feng Guanjie's arrival directly caused a change in Miao Su's current situation: Pan Mingzhong and Lei Jian, including their exploration team and Yuandou Hao, retired after successful completion, and returned immediately to be appointed as senior officers.

As soon as Feng Guanjie landed, he served as the mayor of the oilfield town, and the deputy commander-in-chief of the takeaway oilfield construction headquarters - Ning Wei was the commander-in-chief.

Things quickly got on the right track with Feng Guanjie's arrival.On the second day after he arrived in Miaosu, 150 construction workers started to expand the camp.After the expansion of the camp is completed, these people will work with the natives who have reached an agreement to cut down the forest, and build a dirt road leading directly to the oil well according to the drawings given by Feng Guanjie after field exploration.

And Ning Wei, who had nothing to do for the time being, became the security captain.

His daily task now is to lead 50 soldiers to patrol and resolve disputes-more and more boats on Houlongxi have attracted the aboriginals from other nearby villages.Ning Wei now not only has to prevent the fighters from the Land Snake Head Court from fighting with each other, he is also responsible for arranging deals and negotiating with the new natives on the issue of hiring labor.


After Feng Guanjie settled the temporary camp and the dirt road, he quickly planned the design of the oil production town - the location was very clear, and it overlapped with the town on the map of later generations.

In order to make it easier to stop the ship, the Yuandou chose a small river bend in the south as its foothold.In fact, it is not the best place to set up camp: there is a tributary flowing into the Houlong River on the hill towards the oil well, and the estuary where this stream meets the Houlong River is the most suitable place for civil construction.

Of course, this small estuary plain in the 17th century is still under the control of dense vegetation, continuous puddles, terrifying leeches and mosquito legions: this is why some people dare not park their boats there.The oil town that appeared on the map in later generations needed to be developed in the 17th century.

"Come with 200 cannon fodder first." After surveying the small estuary plain with an area of ​​less than 100 mu, Feng Guanjie sent a telegram to the officers concisely.As his words fell to the ground, the officials who were extremely eager for oil unexpectedly did not bargain, but without hesitation sent 200 extremely precious cannon fodder - Javanese.

As soon as these 200 slaves arrived at Miaosu, they were sent to the most dangerous estuary area to clean up the vegetation, puddles, leeches and mosquitoes...

In fact, the working environment these slaves are facing at the moment is already quite good.Because two days before their arrival, a rumbling sand boat had already stopped at the mouth of the river.The vegetation on this small plain was bulldozed by people wearing full-body protective suits with chainsaws and shovels.

Therefore, what the slaves have to do now is to burn them first.When a large number of plants were lit, the slaves had to take advantage of the opportunity of the mosquitoes being smoked away to quickly fill up all the puddles and raise the foundation: it is the rainy season, and the future town needs to raise the foundation a bit.


This is how the hard pioneering work began.

The 200 slaves were quickly consumed in brutal conditions.After the estuary is settled, they will continue to clean up the river banks upstream and downstream, and eliminate all mosquitoes and leeches-this work will continue until they are all dead.

So, to be honest, the big office paid a lot of money for this oil field reclamation: 200 Javanese slaves who could not live for half a year cost 5 taels of silver, which is really not cheap.

As for the origin of these new slaves...

Let us turn back the time to the second day when the Yuandou set off to Miaosu to search for oil.

In fact, on the evening of the day after the departure of the Yuandou, the screen of the radar station installed in the southeast corner of the Dayuan Commercial Building showed a fleet of ships coming from the southwest.

Because someone who can travel through space is unwilling to take too much risk, the radars used by the travel forces are all civilian versions.In this way, the detection distance will naturally have a big gap with the military version: only less than 100 kilometers.

Fortunately, it is the 17th century, and the warning range of 100 kilometers is enough.

So when the officer learned that there was a fleet of no less than 15 ships coming from the south, he immediately sent two destroyers who were resting to go to sea to find out.

The news came back quickly by telegram.The flag of the opposing fleet is the VOC flag - the Dutch.

Chapter 220 Prepare with both hands

The dark clouds were dense, and the golden light broke through. The thick clouds in the sky had completely covered the sunlight.Although in terms of time, it is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the surrounding sea area including Dayuan Island is covered by a black cloud before the storm at this moment. Only a few rays of light that occasionally split from above the cloud layer will tell People, this is not the night.

The fleet of the Dutch East India Company, flying the red, white and blue VOC flag, had already parked in the sea off Dayuan, 2 kilometers away from the entrance of the channel.

"These exiled nobles have already dug the channel?" After retracting the telescope, Hans Putmans, a tall man with a resolute face, stood on the bow of the Middelburg and said in surprise: "There was no such thing in the last report." Mention the matter at length, otherwise I suppose my flagship should be the Levaton."

"These people have a lot of unique skills, Your Excellency." Johannes van der Hagen, an old friend of the time travel crowd, said respectfully at the side at this time: "Perhaps in Maujer's eyes, this is not the most important thing. After all, the report Too many magical things to mention."

"These questions should have answers soon... I've seen the comm boat out of the way, and Mr. Mozzer will be on it, right?"

"It must be so, sir."


What did the Dutch fleet come to do? This has to start from 5 months ago.

When the Sloten led by Peter Nuiz returned to Batavia 5 months ago, the whole Batavia was a sensation.

Governor Jane Peterszorn Cohen, who was the governor of Batavia at the time, inspected the goods, read the letters, and listened to the reports from Nuiz and the Walking Four, and immediately convened the city council. Batavia high-level officials reported the incident.

After the meeting, Nuiz and several people, including Van der Hagen, suddenly became stars in Batavia.Because Governor Cohen publicly presented letters and personal gifts written to him by the "Governor Governor" at the meeting: friendly business commitments and incomparably beautiful pearl jewelry.

All doubts disappeared in front of the raw silk and porcelain brought out of the Sloten's cabin.The stars shuttled between various receptions every day for a week, constantly describing every detail of the crossing forces to the big shots.In addition, whenever they take out those strings of pearl necklaces that have been inlaid by later generations, they will get endless amazement and appreciation.

No one cares about the loss of soldiers and shops.The federal republic is now in its golden age, and the Dutch East India Company, which has contributed a lot to this, is the world's first truly "borderless" trading company.These merchants who can do business with the enemy at any time, and sell their motherland by the way, don't care about that little human life, let alone the business house that is not even a castle.

Governor Cohen himself also meant the same thing: start a trade with that mysterious force.

As the greatest founder, hero, executioner, and genocide of the East India Company in South Asia, Cohen, who has always treated the aboriginals with no mercy, this time he found for the first time that A best-of-both-worlds solution for the Javanese.

In Batavia in 1628, life was not easy.

Historically, during the second term of Governor Korn, that is, during the two-year term of 1628 and 1629, the most powerful Matalan Sultanate on Java Island had besieged Batavia twice.In fact, not long after Nuyz and the others returned to Batavia, the news that the indigenous kingdom had assembled a large number of fighters had already spread in the city.

The Sultanate of Mataland was the most powerful indigenous kingdom in the Java Islands in the first half of the 16th and 17th centuries. The current leader is Sultan Mas Langsan.In history, the sultan almost unified all of Java, and extended his power to Palembang in Sumatra, and Banchen and Sukadana in Kalimantan.

And from this year (1628), Langsan Sultan, who believed that the country had reached its peak, began to order soldiers to gather soldiers, preparing to pull out the only nail on Java Island: Batavia City, the stronghold of the Dutch.

This kind of siege is very cruel. The two sides launched a series of low-intensity attacks and defenses around the city wall in a few months. Few people died of disease and various collateral injuries.

Governor Cohen is the prime example.At this moment, he still doesn't know that he will die of dysentery in the second siege of the native kingdom next year.People in the besieged city could not drink clean water, and even the 43-year-old governor died of dysentery in the end.

Therefore, Governor Cohen, who already had a premonition that the war with the natives was inevitable, saw the letter of intent to purchase the natives from the cross-travelers, so it can be said that he fell asleep and met a pillow.

The focus of superiors is different from that of others.What Cohen cares about is the large amount of military expenditure that Batavia spends on driving and massacring the natives every year.Now, if there is a channel that can turn the natives into money, then there is no doubt that the losses in wars with the natives in the future will be minimized, and even profits can be made-the example of black people is there, and anyone can see it.

In addition, due to the unique appetite of the mysterious force of the officials, the slave trade has well made up for the other side's share of spices that do not need too much... No matter how you look at it, the business list that Nuyz and the others brought back is all It is very suitable for the current business situation in Batavia.

So Governor Cohen is satisfied.

So, half a month after Nuyzi arrived in Hong Kong, he led five trading ships northward to the coast of Bangladesh and India.The maharajas of the Bengal region have saltpetre in their hands, while the Indian region has various furs and cotton, which are urgently needed goods by the officials.

When Nuiz returned to Batavia again, it was April 1628.

Five trading ships brought full loads of saltpetre, leather and cotton.At this time, the two-and-a-half-month siege of Batavia had just come to an end: the Kingdom of Mataland had just withdrawn its troops not long ago, and everything was moving in a good direction.

Then, the bad news came.


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