Lu Ming

Page 80

A tall, thin, middle-aged man with a trowel face, who looked a lot like Hei Boss, faced the primeval forest in front of him, and said dejectedly: "The terrain has completely changed, who knows where the oil pit is? "

Ning Wei, a former Yumen oilfield maintenance worker, is the only oilfield professional in the cross-country.

After hearing Ning Wei's complaints, Lei Jian, the deputy captain of the exploration team, asked back: "Don't you have the coordinates?"

"What we are looking for is an ancient pit where oil seedlings emerged during the Qing Dynasty. This thing has long since disappeared in history." Ning Wei shook his head when he said this: "The existing coordinates in my hand are all The thousand-meter wells drilled by CNPC in later generations will be useless in the short term.”

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, and talk about the whole settlement first." Pan Mingzhong, the exploration leader, has no time to think about where the oil pit is. His current responsibility is to arrange people to go ashore and build the camp first.

Soon, more than 20 workers with picks and shovels disembarked.These people are all drawn from the team that specializes in dredging the river in Chikan, and they are highly skilled and experienced.

Since it has entered the wet season, the river level has risen, so the river bend where the Yuandou is stationed at the moment is not far from the embankment.After the workers disembarked, some of them began to shovel stones on the narrow river beach to build the road, while others went directly to the embankment and began to dig a step road with picks.

After an hour, at 1 pm, the simple passage was repaired.Then came the moment of bravery and diligence: a large number of workers went up to the embankment with tools, and there were three main workers with chainsaws, and the piercing sound of sawing wood was soon heard on the embankment.

Whether it is shrubs, weeds or thick trees, all are quickly brought down in front of the chainsaw.At this time, Pan Mingzhong and Lei Jian were already fully armed, and they brought a few formal exploration team members who also carried AKs, and stood behind the workers.

At the same time, some logs of suitable size were also thrown over the embankment.The fresh water-containing wood will be stuffed into the gas stove to provide electricity to the shore, so as to save the high-quality retort wood stored in the hold.

Yuandou's engine room has been remodeled.While the chainsaw on the shore was working, the gas furnace system and a small generator started up simultaneously, and a bundle of wires was thrown ashore: away from the wires, cordless chainsaws quickly run out of power, especially In an environment full of giant trees in the 17th century.

At 6:[-] p.m., Pan Mingzhong promptly ordered the work to end.

More than 2 hours of non-stop frenzied labor have exhausted the physical strength of all workers, and if they continue to work, it will affect tomorrow's work.So after a password, the brigade withdrew to the Yuandou, leaving only two sentries stationed on the embankment.

The results of these two hours are still remarkable: a half-acre open space has been cleared on the embankment, and some dense vegetation further away has also been brought down.As long as the exploration team is given one day tomorrow, a small wooden village will rise from the ground.

Of course, before the stockade is erected, it is better for everyone to go back to the boat and spend the night honestly, so as not to be captured by wild men for barbecue.According to the records of the Qing Dynasty, Miaosu is the territory of the Pingpu Daokas people.However, no one can guarantee that there are no alpine cannibals nearby—Miao Su in the early 17th century has no records about the mountain aborigines.

That evening, several iron pots were set up by the river beach.The members of the exploration team took a break early after eating some dried venison soaked in rice.The three leaders of the exploration team climbed up to the machine gun nest after dark, put on night vision goggles, and began to take turns on duty.

Chapter 217 Contact Type N

After a hasty night, the people on board began to get up and prepare before dawn.

Today is the most critical day.According to Pan Mingzhong's speculation, the nearby natives are very likely to come to contact the crossing people today, not tomorrow at the latest.

As for whether it was a pig contact or a tentative contact, no one could guess.The people on the Yuandou can only remain unchanged and adapt to all changes, hurry up and repair a wall before we come out.

Wooden walls were built very slowly.Even for a small fortress, an internal area of ​​three or four hundred square meters is still needed, so most of the working hours today are spent on repairing the walls: leveling the ground, digging trenches, smashing logs...

These working wires can't help, because the Yuandou can't carry so many construction machinery, except for sharpening wood, the rest can only be done by a little bit of manpower.

So the whole morning, everyone spent in tamping wood.These logs with a sharp end and a height of only 1.8 meters have not been treated. After being bundled into a wall, the wall will be deformed due to the evaporation of moisture in the wood after a while.

But these problems are not a problem at the moment.The top priority of the exploration team is to gain a foothold here, the so-called golden three... one day.As for the future, as long as it can stand firm, the fort will naturally be expanded one after another, and the inner wall will be demolished soon.


After a busy morning, Pan Mingzhong saw that the wall was only a third completed, so he knew that today was a dead end, and he had to go back to the boat to sleep at night.Fortunately, so far, the sentry has not found any natives in the shooting area, which made Pan Mingzhong feel a little more relaxed: "Maybe the natives rarely come to this area?"

With mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, Pan Mingzhong ordered to call it a day and have dinner.After hearing the order, everyone immediately dropped their tools and gathered around the two large iron pots, happily waiting for the meal.

The next moment, Cao Cao came.

Pan Mingzhong, who had just sat on the ground, got up from the ground when he heard the sentry yell: "There is a situation in the south!" He picked up the AK and looked south.

To the south is the direction of the embankment.

What caught Pan Mingzhong's eyes at this moment were two figures standing by the embankment about 200 meters away.When he picked up the binoculars and took a closer look, he realized that it was a man and a woman.These two figures are one tall and one short, completely naked. The woman is still a child, about seven or eight or nine years old. The man is a little older, about twelve, three or four years old—this is what Pan Mingzhong guessed, from the primitive aborigines. Age is completely different from later generations.

"Lao Ning, go to the machine gun nest!" Pan Mingzhong started sweating profusely as soon as he saw the figures of the two children, he picked up the walkie-talkie and gave orders: the younger one is here, will the older one be far behind?

"Already in place, OVER!" Ning Wei's answer came quickly from the walkie-talkie.

"Everyone be alert, Lei Jian, Lei Jian, hurry up and observe!"

"I'm watching!" Lei Jian, who was not far away, was holding a large infrared viewer, aiming at the surrounding dense forest to search carefully.

There was a reason why Pan Mingzhong was so nervous. Now was the time when the camp's defenses were at their weakest.

The Yuandou was located on the water below the river bank, so Ning Wei in the machine gun nest had poor vision—he couldn't see what was going on above the river bank.Unless the enemy rushed down the river bank from the river bank, the heavy machine gun in his hand could be effective.

But Pan Mingzhong and the others were in a very awkward position at this time: the camp backed by the river bank was now like a gossip formation, with a few scattered sections of wooden pile walls leaking everywhere, which could not provide protection at all.Moreover, there are no heavy weapons on the shore, only a few AKs and a few [-]s. If a large number of savages suddenly rush out, things will be troublesome.

It turns out that someone was overthinking.

After Lei Jian scanned the woods with his instrument in detail, he told Pan Mingzhong clearly: there are no large numbers of enemies, only those two native children who came out of nowhere nearby.

"Huh..." Pan Mingzhong let out a sigh of relief, then ordered to strengthen the vigilance, and the rest continued to eat.

... After giving a series of orders, he first fumbled a few times from his canvas hiking bag, and then walked along the embankment to the two children.When the distance between the two sides was about 30 meters, Pan Mingzhong stopped... because the boy had already grabbed the girl's hand at this time, and he looked like he was about to get out of the way.

So Pan Mingzhong threw the candy in his hand.

The candies are purchased from the city of Fuzhou, including sweet-scented osmanthus and sesame candies.Pan Mingzhong first showed the candies wrapped in red paper in his hands to the two children, and then waved his hand, and the candies flew over.

Seeing a piece of red falling not far ahead, the skinny, dark-skinned little boy hesitated for a moment, then jumped forward and grabbed the piece of candy from the grass.

The next moment, Pan Mingzhong held up the candy in his hand, peeled off the red paper, and demonstrated to the two children how to eat candy.

The boy quickly stuffed the candy into his mouth.

After chewing a few candy bars, the boy smiled.Then he took the candy out of his mouth and stuffed it into the mouth of the little girl who looked up at him.


Children are always deceitful.

When there was only the last piece of candy in Pan Mingzhong's hand, he had already led the two children to him like a puppy.

The next moment, Pan Mingzhong stretched out his hand with a smile, and after a moment of hesitation, the boy also slowly stretched out his hand and took the piece of candy from Pan Mingzhong's palm.

After the uncle wins the children's trust, he can take them to see the goldfish... no, it's the iron pot.The two friends were then led to the camp, sat on a piece of wood next to the iron pot, and began to babble with the smiling uncle.

Although the uncle didn't understand what the two children said from the beginning to the end, he at least figured out one thing: the child's name.

These two are obviously brothers and sisters. The elder brother is called Tagan, and the younger sister is called Tanan.

Brothers and sisters Tagan and Tanan soon tasted the first bowl of venison soup soaked in rice in their lives.Primitives did not have iron pots, so they always skewered their prey and roasted them, wrapped the grains with plant leaves, or packed them in bamboo tubes and stewed them.

The Qiao family brother and sister received preferential treatment in the camp today.Not only did they eat boiled meat, but each of them got a windbreaker... In fact, it was the indigo gown worn by ordinary workers. Putting it on these two people, it became a windbreaker, covering at least above the knees.

After that, when Pan Mingzhong sent the two of them away, he hung a cloth bag on Tagan: inside was a small bag of salt, a glass ball, a small porcelain bowl, and a piece of sugar.

The next step is to wait anxiously.

It has been confirmed that there are native villages around, and now it is just waiting for them to come to the door.What was different from before was that the side of the traversers who had released their good intentions felt more or less relieved, and they were no longer in fear all the time.


At around four o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of natives finally appeared amidst the sound of warning sentries.

There were about 200 indigenous warriors holding spears, and they slowly came out of the woods.These people are no different from their relatives in Tainan and Taipei. They are also naked, and they also wear various trinkets around their necks. Some of them still wear corks on their ears and lips. The style is really primitive.

And Comrade Pan Mingzhong, who saw this scene, couldn't help but be delighted: the natives have no pigs, and he has already seen the Tagan brothers and sisters walking in the front row.

"Very well, it looks like they didn't come to fight." Pan Mingzhong said with a smile to Lei Jian beside him.Then he yelled to the team members who were already waiting in full battle behind him: "Attention everyone, don't shoot without my order!"

... When the large native troops came to a distance of only 50 meters from the camp, they finally stopped, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.The next moment, the old way of contact was performed again: three leaders who looked like came out, and met Pan Mingzhong in the middle of the field.

It was supposed to be a very historic and solemn touch, but in fact the whole process was lacklustre—because there was no translation.

The natives here in Miaosu belong to the valley population, and they are pure natives.Their language is not the Austronesian language of Dayuan's side, and it is obviously different from their relatives in Taipei. Therefore, the translator brought by Yuandou this time can only understand less than 10% of the local words.

What if there is no translation?Only use the most primitive way to talk.

The leader of the natives was a man with loose skin, wrinkled face, old and ugly.After he came over, he first danced and danced. At the same time, the old man uttered an aria-like ballad.

After the awkward dance, the old man seemed very happy to see Pan Mingzhong imitating his last move and posing with his hands spread out.

Then the old man took out the cloth bag that Pan Mingzhong had given to the little boy, and after taking out the small bag of salt and saying something, a strong soldier behind him threw a small black bear skin at Pan Mingzhong's feet.

... Everyone knows this action, so soon everyone started bartering under the auspices of an interpreter who learned the local language on the spot.

The natives here don't have much to trade with.They don't have sulfur, and there are not many furs: the seniors will consciously dry their furs and store all their furs for trading, but the raw ones here obviously don't have this concept.

But it doesn't matter.In Pan Mingzhong's view, as long as the natives are willing to trade, everything will be fine.

Before evening, the outsiders had exchanged salt, cloth, glass beads, and rough china bowls for all the goods of the natives: fur, dried meat, and millet.

After seeing some native warriors returning home with salt and cloth on their backs, Pan Mingzhong knew that the other party's wariness had dropped a lot, so he then took out the tried-and-tested ultimate trick to pass through the multiverse: treat guests to dinner.

Few natives are calm in the face of a large iron pot, especially when they eat stew with enough seasoning.

After the old chief had finished drinking the viscous broth in a porcelain bowl, the main event finally came: the next moment, the two sides began to use gestures to discuss one thing, the iron pot for land.

It's like Redmaid trading a glass ball for a Manhattan.

Chapter 218 Black Earth

Primitive tribes actually had a different view of the land from the colonists.In the eyes of the colonists, acquiring land was acquiring ownership.The tribal people who have fished, hunted, farmed and picked fruits on a certain land for generations are actually concerned about the right to use the land, not the ownership.

This creates the superficial phenomenon that the aborigines seem to be easy to speak: Manhattan is a typical example.

Of course, outsiders don't care about the indigenous people's thoughts—as long as they are given a foothold, the indigenous people will soon lose their right to live, and who cares about ownership and the like.

What Pan Mingzhong and the others are facing today is the same situation as the Dutch back then: industrial products for land.

This question is a bit difficult.

First of all, the traversers are latecomers, so they will not dig holes for themselves.You know, in later generations, the story of the greedy and cunning Dutchman trading a box of glass balls for Manhattan has been told by teachers to children all over the world for hundreds of years, and will continue to be told-as long as Manhattan is still alive. Most expensive place in the world.

This is where the problem lies.

People in later generations will not care that the island of Manhattan was desolate at that time, nor will they care that the Dutch are actually fair trade: the Indians voluntarily exchanged the right to use Manhattan for glass balls without coercion.However, the newspapers and textbooks of later generations will only shout: Look, these villains exchanged glass balls for tens of thousands of dollars per square meter, with a total value of more than one trillion dollars...

This question is unsolvable.No matter what kind of goods the red hair exchanged for Manhattan at that time, later generations would be attacked by the same public opinion... The Dutch are also very helpless.

Therefore, the time-traversing people cannot dig holes for themselves.So before Pan Mingzhong set off, he got a private warning from someone in the big office: In the future, exploration and development should not be done in the Manhattan model.As for how to do it, ahem... this old Pan is up to you.

So Lao Pan is scratching his head a little now.

It is necessary to exchange land from raw fans, and the model of commodity exchange cannot lead to passiveness in the future: this is tantamount to acknowledging the indigenous ownership of the land.

——The soon-to-be-established Transit Empire, although it will definitely recognize the private ownership of land, but it is aimed at the civilized world, such as explaining people... The bottom line is that the other party must have writing, a system, and a contract.

Regarding these species of birds that are exposed and do not even have words, the mainstream voice on the forum is still that of "Is it the king's land under the whole world": migration and forced labor in the city are the only way out for these aboriginals, as for the land... please Show title deed or contract.No?Without you talking about Cai Guoqing.

In fact, the main target of this policy is clear to everyone: the vast Southeast Asian aborigines, the vast Pacific Islanders, and the vast North American Indians... The students here are collateral damage.

This is the way the people of the time traveler treat different civilizations. Although it is hard to say, it is the truth.


In the end, when Pan Mingzhong was negotiating with the aborigines, he blurred the concepts between trade and land, and adopted delaying tactics: Although in the negotiations after the meal, everyone could see that the old chief was drawing a circle around the nearby land with his arms , and then he pointed to the iron pan.However, Pan Mingzhong temporarily rejected the old man's land trade plan on the grounds of language barrier.

When the two parties made an appointment to continue the transaction the next day, Pan Mingzhong sent the translator from Xingang Society to the indigenous village to investigate. The euphemistic name was: 24-hour intensive language training.

When the translation came back the next day, Pan Mingzhong roughly figured out the size of this group of natives.

The main ethnic group in Miaoli County in history is the Daokas ethnic group, and the communities under which they belong are the Pengshan Society and the Houlong Society.According to some scattered information brought back by the translator today, Pan Mingzhong judged that the person who came to trade with him yesterday should be a branch of the Houlong Society.

The scale of this branch community is about the same as that of Xingang Society.According to the translator, this village alliance called "Touyuan" has three or four villages nearby.This is also the reason why the natives were able to gather 200 fighters yesterday: Only with a village population base of 1000+ can there be 200 fighters.

When the two sides met again today, the atmosphere became more relaxed.From what the guide said, last night in the indigenous village, the witches even held a large worship ceremony to thank the gods for bringing salt to the village.

Pan Mingzhong nodded when he heard this: This group of people seems to be no different from those mountain people in Fujian and Guangxi, and they all belong to the population that is extremely short of salt.

And the crossing crowd has more confidence: the wall will be completed soon.Therefore, Pan Mingzhong asked the translator to tell the old man leader named "Mona" in accordance with the established policy: He needs the old man to send a guide to take him hunting so that he can use it to prepare lunch.

Hunting rights are very important rights, but the village chief Mo Na agreed without thinking too long: yesterday, several villages under the jurisdiction of Touyuan Society actually held a worship ceremony in unison.In the long life of the old man for 40 years, he can't remember the last time when a boat carrying salt and cloth came to the depths of Houlongxi.

So, these outsiders are guests who need to be looked after.

Soon, Pan Mingzhong was fully armed and prepared to set off with four exploration team members, who were guided by seven or eight indigenous warriors.

Seeing Old Pan Zai carefully strapping M9 pistols to the outside of his thighs, oil man Ning Wei was puzzled at this moment: "Can pistols be used for hunting? Why do you bring so many?"

"The pistol is used to hit the natives." Lei Jian next to him smiled and explained to him: "Old Pan's target is people. If the native guides do anything wrong, Lao Pan will kill people."

"Understood, demonstration action."

"Yes, you must show your muscles first, so that there will be peace."


The gunshots from the hunting team soon rang out in the silent river valley.People in the camp can actually know where they are without a walkie-talkie: a large number of birds will fly up from the dense forest from time to time.

Pan Mingzhong and the others set off at 9 o'clock in the morning, and by 11 o'clock, the hunting team had returned with a full load.

"This fucking species is too rich, it's all over the place." A tired and panting man said while throwing the black bear on his shoulders in front of the camp gate.

All hunting parties carry more than one game.

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