Lu Ming

Page 84

Chen Youguang is in charge of the most important project of the shipyard right now: the construction of a 400-ton motor-sail gunboat.And because of the importance of the project, Chen Youguang, who was originally staying in the brick-concrete building at night, was a little worried about the situation of the dock, so he went out and stood in the aisle to look in the direction of the dock.

Then things became tragic: a small tree next to the building was suddenly blown off by the strong wind, and the branch just fell on his head, causing him to die on the spot...

After the storm passed through the next day, a large number of time travelers rushed to the hospital on Dayuan Island to mourn the first old man who gave his life for the great cause of time travel.

And when Cao Chuan returned two days later, he was equally surprised when he heard the bad news.You must know that the protection work of the crossing people has been in place all the time: apprentices, workers, or slaves have done the slightly dangerous jobs; None of them.

In addition, the internal hospital located on Dayuan Island is not vegetarian.The seemingly small hospital is well-equipped, and the freezers store all kinds of high-end drugs that are not included in the medical insurance list, such as Gleevec (not made in India).

Let's put it this way, if Cao Chuan is able to get a thoracic surgeon to come today, then the hospital will be able to open a heart bypass operation tomorrow - the equipment is ready-made.

However, Chen Youguang died on the spot... What kind of hospital is useless.


After three days in the hospital's cold storage, the deceased was ready for burial.

As for the discussion of the accident, unexpectedly, there were no quarrels, verbal abuse or dumping on the forum this time.You know, on weekdays, when you encounter something big, someone will diss in a wave.

This accident will leave a shadow in everyone's mind for a long time.

The cemetery was temporarily opened, just behind the almost completed imperial city.According to Cao Chuan, since Dayuan Island is the starting point of everyone's struggle, everyone should be buried here in the future.

On the day of the funeral, there was a lot of people.The total number has increased to 210, and all of them attended the memorial ceremony except those who were in other places that day.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, a pair of heavy nanmu coffins began to be buried in the first tomb of the Huangcheng Cemetery.At the same time, all the subordinates, including the slaves, stayed silent for 3 minutes at their posts.

Regarding Lao Chen's death, apart from naming the 400-ton motor sailing ship that was about to be outfitted as "Youguang", the big office actually couldn't come up with any more compensation methods—because Lao Chen had no descendants.

Chen Youguang had a girlfriend before his death.However, this native girl who was bought from Hangzhou and only stayed with Chen Youguang for two months and was not pregnant, the big office naturally couldn't allow her to inherit Lao Chen's political legacy.

In fact, including everything that Lao Chen brought from later generations, girls have no right to intervene.

The final solution of the big office is to send the girl a sum of money, then arrange her to do some light work in the agency, and finally give her a free detached house in the Chikan New District.

This kind of hut is usually allocated to immigrants with complete families, and the number is relatively small, and this family of immigrants needs to use their future wages to repay the mortgage... Well, the interest is not too high, and there is property tax.

That's all of the above... The girl needs to move out of the high-end complex where the cross-travelers live.

This incident not only had a strong stimulus to others, but also had a far-reaching impact.

You know, if the girl is pregnant now, then there is no doubt that she will enjoy all the daily treatment that the time-travelers can enjoy.In addition, when the child grows up 18 years later, he/she will definitely inherit Lao Chen's seat in the House of Nobles immediately, and have a share of the basic wealth that all "first-round" descendants should have.

None of that exists now.


Due to the limited selection conditions at the beginning, most of the traversers who came to the new plane were single people.And with the continuous feeling, discussion and running-in among the people who have traveled through for more than a year, now on most of the ideological issues, everyone has actually reached a consensus.

This includes the right of inheritance: the future noble house will not leave a place for adopted children.

The first generation of time-traversing people is an extremely special generation, and it cannot be copied, because it is a small group with an absolute monopoly.This monopoly position is not only external, but also internal.

That is to say, the internal relationship of mutual monopoly has resulted in the inseparable attribute of the first generation of time travelers: no one can do without another.

For example: If someone is going to leave the group, invent some soap mirrors and earn a fortune for himself.Then he will face a price of 1 million for an anti-inflammatory drug in the future.No money?Just die if you don't have money - doctors don't have the time to fool the ancients, but doctors' skills and medicines are also monopolized.

This principle also applies to the army: if a person working alone needs the protection of the army, then 1 bullet is 1 million.

Breaking away from this group that provides mutual protection, the omnipotent traveler will suddenly find that he can't survive three days in this barbaric era.

So, the heir is the key.

There is nothing inseparable in this generation of people across the world, whether it is wealth or political status, this is a special form of "big pot rice" that cannot be copied.

...To a certain extent, all the time-traveling people are not normal people, and everything they do now falls within the scope of abnormality.

Therefore, in order to distribute the future dividends of the country, only the "normal" heirs generated by everyone in the original plane can use a normal national system to take over.By that time, all the unique political structures and secrets that belong to the time-traversing people will gradually disappear over the years, leaving no traces.

Therefore, after all, there is still a need for an heir group.

Chen Youguang is a painful lesson...

Ever since, after this funeral, there was an inconvenient change within the Transmigration Congregation: Many people accelerated the pace of their daily "man-making" because of this.Some workaholics who take the factory as their home also silently increased the frequency of going home.

There's no way, just look at Lao Chen's ending and you'll know that he should have an heir earlier to be at ease.Besides, most of the time-traveling people are between 20 and 35 years old, which is the time when they are in the prime of life and convenient to create human beings, so this matter cannot be delayed any longer!


While Chen Youguang's funeral was held, other funerals were also being held.

The disaster not only caused the death of one traveler, but the entire Tainan society suffered huge losses during the storm that lasted all day and night.The result of the post-event statistics is that more than 80 people died in various accidents, doubled the number of injured, and a large number of houses and equipment were damaged by storms and flash floods.

The first step in disaster relief is dealing with the dead.Under the current conditions, if the corpses are not disposed of in time, disease will soon occur.

Although Chikan Wharf has a gas cold storage to preserve fish catches, there is no mortuary in the Chikan General Hospital, which is common in later generations.Here all the dead are quickly cremated and there is no need for a morgue—a rule that has always been enforced.

The dead workers will naturally not be buried on Dayuan Island: there is a special cemetery in the hilly area upstream of Xingang Creek, which is used to place urns.If the death was a slave, the body would be dumped out to sea without an urn.

As for the voice of opposition?At first there was none.The early immigrants of Dayuan were all beggars from Hangzhou. Even if these people were in Daming, they still couldn’t escape the Huarenchang after their death, so no one made irresponsible remarks.

However, with the passage of time, more and more refugees of "various elements" gathered from all over the world, and some gossips emerged... The place is so big, why not let people rest in the ground?

So all those who spoke, those who listened, and those who echoed were all transferred to the lumberyard, and all gossip disappeared overnight.

The ultimate goal of traveling to this plane is to use these more than 200 people to assimilate all the natives, not to be assimilated by the natives.

The so-called "sense of identity", there is a key issue of primary and secondary, who agrees with whom?If the time-travelers, who have mastered Zentraedi technology and historical lessons, accommodate the natives for the sake of their so-called sense of identity, that would be the greatest joke in the world.

Traveling through the people does not need the legitimacy of the so-called bullshit rule, nor does it need the approval of the landlord class and the poor - all the rules must be re-customized here, and they have the power of fertilizer and cap guns. What they need in the Middle Ages is someone else's. Identity is to format the world, not to be assimilated by indigenous people.

As for those who don't cooperate?The Manchu approach was to kill from the north to the south.More cities have been massacred, so the braided hairstyles are naturally left out. You see, the natives still know how to agree, and those who don’t understand are dead.

Although the practice of traveling through the crowd is not as barbaric as that of the Manchus, it is essentially the same.In this wild world, if more than 200 people want to pass on their ideas, it is impossible not to do something heavy.

Therefore, the people of Tainan are currently under the rule of the time traveler. It can be said that the social atmosphere is quite harmonious: petty theft?to log.Fights?to log.Don't want to be cremated yourself?to log.

In short, all the bad habits of the immigrants, including cremation, including setting off firecrackers, including those who want to restore the power of the clan, are all scum in front of logging.

This is the secret to the stability of the society under the rule of the time-traveling people, and the way to not pick up lost things: go logging.

Of course, the practice of passing through the crowd is actually the same as Comrade Zhu Baba's cutting the heads of civil and military officials like melons: the first generation of people who fought the country with their own hands can naturally do whatever they want.

But future generations cannot.Emperor Jianwen couldn't cut down whichever one he wanted, so he just chopped down whichever one... In a word, it is useless to the country.

Then change to Zhu Di and dare.The so-called Polon is not difficult to get, but Xiang Yu can get it, which is probably the case.

As for the time-traveling people, they have no doubt that after everyone has turned their heads in the future, the society managed by future generations will definitely evolve to the step of "I want to see my personal lawyer".But the society at that time has nothing to do with them... After my death, it doesn't care about the flood.

Chapter 226

The dead are gone, and the living are still busy.

Post-disaster reconstruction started immediately, and the number one task ahead of all work was dredging the river.

Due to torrential rain and mountain torrents, the entire Tainan Plain is now a shallow marsh, with continuous puddles everywhere, some of which have been connected into temporary lakes.As soon as the typhoon passed, a large number of workers started to clean up the water with tools.

Water will attract mosquitoes, and when there are mosquitoes, malaria will appear.Therefore, digging canals to divert water and repairing river courses have become the top priority at the moment.The "Haidilao" No. [-] ship, which was busy in the Taijiang River, was also dispatched urgently, starting from the lower reaches of the Xingang River, and cleaning up the boulders and sediment that came with the mountain torrents along the way.

Of course, all of this is a palliative, not a permanent cure.The only way to change the drought and flood environment in a region is to build dams.

In the history of Tainan, it was not until the Japanese occupation period that Japanese engineer Yoichi Hatta designed and built the "Chianan Dazhen" series of water conservancy projects.And the core of this series is the Wutou Mountain Reservoir.

After the completion of the entire project, the Jianan Plain increased from the original 5000 hectares of paddy fields to 15 hectares.The irrigation area covered the three counties of Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan, and it was the largest water conservancy system in Southeast Asia at that time.

…Water conservancy projects are so alluring.Once the crossing forces also come up with such a project, how many immigrants can be supported by 15 hectares, or more than 200 million mu of rice fields?

However, this is of no use.

Historically, the Japanese began to introduce steam-powered machinery for large-scale civil engineering in 1920, including shovels, pressure water jets, and gravel transport vehicles; on this basis, it took seven years to complete a 3078 meters through the diversion tunnel connecting Wushanling to Zengwenxi.

And the current industrial strength of Transit is very deformed: it seems that there are high-tech, but the scale is generally small, and the entire industrial system is far from the scale of the Japanese back then, so it is impossible to build a dam.

The only way is to build a few small reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Xingang River for emergency. As for the large reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Zengwen River, the current crossing committees are beyond their capabilities.


The so-called destruction is ten thousand times easier than construction.

During the reconstruction period, tens of thousands of temporary scavengers vigorously started the dredging campaign.It was not until 5 days later that the surrounding silt and mud were cleaned up.

After the initial restoration of normal order, although a large number of workers began to return to the factory, the subsequent disaster reduction work is still busy.

The good thing is that today's time-traveling forces are no longer as short of people as they were when they first opened.Since colluding with the boss Xiong in Fuzhou, a certain force has operated through the Fuzhou station during this period of time. Under the default of the government, it has been operating immigration to Tainan, and the effect is quite good.

In the original history, there was a severe drought in Fujian in 1628, and there were many hungry people.With the support of Xiong Wencan, Zheng Zhilong, "People give three liang of silver, and three people give a cow"... In this way, tens of thousands of victims were fooled into going to Taiwan.In fact, Fujian doesn't have that many cows at all, and in the end it just pays some money to finish the job.

And the recruiting methods of the big officials are different from that of Lao Zheng.There is no money or cattle here, but Dayuan has clean and beautiful affordable housing, abundant food, miraculous medical treatment, and ample job opportunities—any hungry person can find a stable development space here.

When the first batch of hungry people was "fooled" until the big staff started working, soon someone went back and brought the whole family out.Because there is a rule from the senior officials: single people live in dormitories, and couples with children can apply for a wooden house with zero down payment.The more children you have, the better you can apply, and all children go to school for free, and take out meals.

The power of example is powerful.

As word-of-mouth gradually spread among the cross-travelers, more and more hungry people came to seek refuge one after another.On the other hand, Fuzhou Railway Station is open to all visitors: anyone can come, even poor asses.Of course, the wool comes from the sheep, and all expenses, including boat fares and huts, will eventually be slowly deducted from the immigrants' wages.

This is the reason why a certain force's population has skyrocketed recently: a large number of unplanned Fujian immigrants began to enter Daguan one after another, coupled with the immigrants from Hangzhou, the local assimilated aborigines, the crossing crowd suddenly discovered overnight that the total population under their rule The number actually exceeded the 6 mark.

This is very reassuring. You must know that the total number of people in many small counties in ancient times was only a few thousand.

Now that the manpower is sufficient, many of the previous small-scale work can be carried out smoothly.Now Dayuan's industrial layout based on the troika of industry, mining, infrastructure, and agriculture has been formed. A large number of middle-aged laborers are gathered in these three industries. The whole society is thriving and prosperous.


After dredging the river, a large number of people began to maintain the residential quarters after the disaster.The most affected by this typhoon is the first batch of dormitories built by the people who traveled through.

Since the business had just started and there were insufficient resources in all aspects, the roof structure of the dormitories designed by Zheng Yangyang was a little weaker.As a result of the typhoon, the roofs of a large number of old dormitories with mortise and tenon structures were blown off, and a few collapsed, and all the people in the houses were drowned.

And this maintenance will solve all problems at once: the roof of the old dormitory will be reinstalled according to the roof structure of the new dormitory, the structure will be strengthened, and all hidden dangers will be eliminated.

With the increasing number of immigrants and the increasingly complex composition, the residential areas on the Chikan side have also made constant adjustments.From the 10-person dormitory in Yishui at the beginning to the 40-person dormitory in the later period, and then gradually evolved a large number of small households living alone, the evolution of society is obvious.

And this evolution is inseparable from industrial development.From the early manual tamping of piles, to the later gas pile smashing machine, to the abandonment of the mortise and tenon structure, and the use of iron nails and wood screws on a large scale... These simple-lined dormitory buildings designed by the crossover crowd actually have a high technological content inside. always improving.

You know, if it weren't for the participation of more and more construction machinery and the "assembly" of these building block houses entirely by manpower, then the speed of construction of dormitories would definitely not be able to keep up with the speed of the influx of immigrants, let alone those specially designed for complete construction. Family-ready cottage for living alone.

Today's Chikan New District already has the appearance of those small residential towns of later generations: rows of small wooden buildings are divided into a flat chessboard by straight roads, and all communities are isolated by neat camphor trees along the road.On a clean and tidy road paved with gravel, a gas shuttle bus with a carriage is moving slowly, and it is full of workers with ruddy complexions, wearing linen T-shirts and cropped trousers.


The most lively place forever is naturally the Chikan Concrete Street with a width of 30 meters.The funny thing is that the width of this street was only 4 meters in the original design drawing... Later, it was found that the situation was not good, and the Chikan District Government urgently pulled down several rows of simple dormitories and widened the street.

Of course, no one can be blamed for this.You must know that when the people across the Taijiang River crossed the Taijiang River for the first time, the opposite bank was still a barren land full of weeds and mosquitoes; the designer originally planned this land according to the scale of a small town in the western United States, so the road is naturally less than wide. where to go.

Dayuan people... these immigrants who will become "imperial people" in the near future, the happiest thing now is to go shopping and shopping on Chikan Avenue after get off work at night.

Chihkan Avenue at night is like the pedestrian street of the later generations. The street is full of bright street lights, various government-run shops and barbecue stalls, and a large number of people wander here.

Generally speaking, the most popular people on the avenue are those awesome characters with girlfriends... who can seduce a small number of girls from textile factories and fire hat factories to go shopping, even if they seduce a Japanese girl, this kind of People are also awesome.

As for those dicks who can't make a fart with three sticks, are honest and honest, and haven't adapted to the unrestrained management style of Chuanzhong, they can only swallow their saliva and watch eagerly as the pigs with cabbage take out their work points tickets to invite girls to eat roasted stones Spotted fish.However, apart from cursing a few words that this guy will go bankrupt and eat big cakes tomorrow, they have no better way - anyone who dares to make trouble will be arrested and sent to log.


It is not easy to open a store on Chikan Avenue.Because the current commercial structure of the crossover is not free trade in essence, but a model of unified purchase and sales with extremely strict control.

All the people under the rule of Time Traveling, in terms of nature, they are somewhat similar to the state-owned enterprise workers: work and life are arranged by the upper class, and these people do not have many choices.

And the current business model of Transit is also very unique: the industrial products in the kiln area base, except for those cost-effective goods listed on the export list, the production of other daily necessities is not large, and the quantity is just enough for local people to consume. can.

The advantage of this model is that it takes into account both foreign exchange earnings from commodity exports and the accumulation of local industries.But there are also disadvantages: the private economy is temporarily suppressed.

That is to say, if a wealthy businessman from the Ming Dynasty intends to buy a government-run store on Chikan Street to open a grocery store, he will find that there are no local products to enter—all the groceries are directly distributed to various government-run stores. his share.He also couldn't buy such pretty items as kerosene lamps, because they were all prepared for big forces like the Dutch.

No way, in the extremely slow social environment of the 17th century, the people across the world could not get various industrial raw materials in large quantities, so they could only use this method to overcome the bottleneck period.

Of course, as the situation in Zhejiang and Fujian slowly unfolds, and with the continuous delivery of large-tonnage cargo ships from the Dayuan Shipyard, this tight unified purchase and sales situation will soon be produced by the kiln area. disintegrated.At that time, I am afraid that the people who travel through the sea will tie up some wealthy businessmen to revitalize the economy.

Chapter 227

"Is this the 17th century version of the 'full-mounted light artillery'?" The fat and white Wang Xiaohui stood on the bow of the "Youguang", watching the Napoleon cannon being slowly dropped by the steel cable, and could not help but click his tongue , shaking his head and showing a smirk.

"Come on, what do you know about the army?" Mu Longcheng, the captain of the "Youguang" in a straight white uniform, cast a glance at this fellow.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, we are now the chief of staff of the Joint Command. We are compatible with sea and land, so we can be considered a part of the navy, okay?" Wang Xiaohui was dissatisfied now.

"Two-way plug." Mu Longcheng muttered in a low voice.

...Wang Xiaohui was of course a member of the army before, but this gentleman's theoretical level in maritime affairs is also not low-the Fengfan Mouth Gun Party.Later, due to the lack of people in the transport fleet to Hangzhou, he temporarily took a few shifts.After going back and forth like this, this guy actually got an impression of "higher overall quality" in the eyes of the people in the big office.

Then, in a flash, he became the chief of staff of the newly established Joint Operations Command not long ago, responsible for formulating the upcoming battle plan for the Fujian Coastal Bandit Suppression...


As the most important armament work at present, the outfitting project of "Youguang" was launched as soon as the typhoon passed through.There are not only practical pressures to do so: the faster the outfitting work is done, the longer it will take for the Navy to get used to it.On the other hand, it is a bit tragic: Brother Chen Youguang died because he was worrying about the outfitting work, so this work must be completed as soon as possible to comfort the deceased.

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