Lu Ming

Page 75

But the originally lazy young man's eyes widened in vain after gradually listening to the content of the two surnamed Zheng's secret conversation in the study.The next moment, he quickly put his feet away, turned to turn on the car radio on the table, picked up the hand microphone and started calling the main station.

The radio waves directly transmitted to a grocery store near Yamen Bridge on the Antai River, not far from Xiluoma Market.

This grocery store is a typical Ming Dynasty front store and back yard structure. The plaque on the door is called "Carrefour".The location of the grocery store is at the intersection of Antai Street, with Hebutou in front of the door, and Xiluoma Market is a short street behind the door, with convenient transportation and easy access.

Song Jia, the head of the intelligence station stationed in Fuzhou City by the crossing forces, originally wrote the letter in the study.When the on-duty officer came to make an emergency report, Song Jia couldn't help but turn pale with fright. She hurried to the information room, picked up her microphone and said in a deep voice, "Hei Mao, I'm Hei Hu. Now play the recording again for me."


And the recording that Song Jia heard at this time was already the recording after Er Zheng finished discussing the countermeasures... When the voice of Zheng Sancai dispatching his subordinates and asking them to go out of the city overnight to report the news came out from the microphone, Song Jia's head flickered. Cold sweat came down.

"Call the store and Fuya, report the situation, everyone change into night clothes, and gather in the front yard!"

After issuing the brief order, Song Jia hurried to her bedroom.And when the 10 intelligence agents at Fuzhou station were changing their clothes, Song Jia had already returned to the intelligence room with an aluminum alloy box, and was changing his clothes while talking with Xue Haiyuan with his hand microphone.

As the person in charge of a semi-public business store stationed in Fuzhou, Xue Haiyuan usually does not take part in this kind of work - the store is watched too closely by people from all walks of life, even to buy a shipment of goods, there will always be N spies. Inquiry content, so not suitable for other covert operations.

However, today is not possible, and tonight is an emergency. In this case, Song Jia has the right to mobilize all resources including Xue Haiyuan and Huang Juren.

After listening to Song Jia's narration, Xue Haiyuan was also extremely puzzled, and asked through the radio: "Where did this Zheng Huairen emerge from?"

"Maybe we have a dark thread that never showed up, so we won't let others have it?" Song Jia replied angrily while putting on a stab-proof vest on his upper body.

"Fuck me, this poisonous snake is so sinister! Tell me, what should I do?" Xue Haiyuan was also speechless at this time.

"What else can I do, you go to the Jinglou Gate, and I'll go to the South Gate."

"Where is Master Huang?"

"There is no answer to the call. They don't have a telegraph room there, so they would have rested in peace with Shengyi in their arms."

"It won't work, he has to arrange it in advance, otherwise something bad will happen tomorrow morning!"

"Understood, you still need to say, I will send someone to call him."

"Well, then I'll prepare. Remember to take the walkie-talkie with you when you go out."


Chapter 207 Killing the King ([-])

Just as Song Jia started preparations hastily, Zheng Sancai had already finished assigning tasks.

Coordinates Hengguangkang University Study Room.Zheng Sancai first called Lu Da and Lu Er, a pair of Fuzhou locals, into the door from the group of men waiting outside the door.Next, he took out two packs of 50 taels of broken silver and put them in front of the two brothers: "This silver is not a reward, it is for you to save on the road. In case you encounter soldiers and horses patrolling the city, there is also a city gate tower." The soldiers on board will be sent with broken silver."

The brothers of the Lu family agreed in unison.

"You guys are ghosts of geography. You know the roads well." Zheng Sancai said this, walked around from behind the table in front of the two brothers, and stretched out a slap: "500 taels. Just bring the news to the head of the house. I'm here for 500 taels." The two will reward you with silver, as for how much the master rewards you, it will be calculated separately."

Seeing the excitement of the two brothers was beyond words, Zheng Sancai couldn't help but said: "You two will separate later, Lu Da will go to the south gate, and Lu Er will go to the Jinglou gate. Don't worry, it will be the one who arrives later, and you will be rewarded with money." It’s also a lot, so don’t be greedy for merit on the road, and be careful.”

"Here!" The two brothers crossed their hands in unison.


After watching the two brothers walk out of the study, Zheng Sancai let out a sigh of relief, then turned his head and said to Zheng Huairen who was sitting beside him: "The master will know the great achievements you have made tonight, and your benefits will definitely be indispensable in the future. As for now, you still It's better to leave early. By the way, you still have to work hard on my sister's place, so don't be negligent."

Zheng Huairen got up when he heard the words: "Then I will go first, and the Ming people will send a buddy to find out the result."

Zheng Sancai, who walked out of the study room behind Zheng Huairen, looked at the dozen or so subordinates gathered in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, and after pondering for a moment, he beckoned a thin young man over.

Leading the young man to the corridor, Zheng Sancai said in a low voice: "The south gate is the key point, Bai Yu'er, just follow Lu Da and don't make any noise. After he leaves the city safely, come back and report to me."

The young man nodded, turned around and left the courtyard gate.

Zheng Sancai then said loudly to the others: "Look at the front and back doors, anyone who reports the news will be brought to me. If you have nothing to do, go rest and sleep with your clothes together."

After sending everyone away, Zheng Sancai took out a clay basin from the house and threw it in the courtyard, and started the last preparation: burning letters.

The malice shown by the government today made Zheng Sancai shudder.Even in the most ideal situation, Zheng Zhilong will have to escape the catastrophe this time, then there will inevitably be a series of battles in the future to achieve a result.

He couldn't judge how the government would treat Heng Guangkang. After all, after tonight, the two sides would be completely torn apart.

That's why Zheng San started burning the letters.


The shape of Fuzhou City in the Ming Dynasty was basically a perfect circle.The Dezheng Square where Heng Guangkang is located is located at the bottom right of the city.In other words, the two brothers Lu Dalu who were sent out to report the news arrived at their respective city gates at about the same time.

The south gate where Lu University goes is the most critical location: Zheng Zhilong is just across the wall at the Nanmen Guan Wharf. If all goes well, Lu University will be able to complete the task soon.

As for the Jinglou Gate that Lu Er went to, the route is completely different: Jinglou Gate is in the north of Fuzhou City, which can be regarded as the upper right corner, and outside the gate is the Minjiang Shipyard with many large and small shipyards.

The reason why Lu Er’s insurance was arranged is because the Minjiang Shipyard has a dark thread of the Zheng family; even if something happens at the south gate, Lu Er can use the private boat released by the Minjiang Shipyard to bring the news to Chengnan Wharf .

The basic layout of the Fuzhou Station is as follows: Xue Haiyuan, who is closest to the Jinglou Gate in the north, is responsible for intercepting Lu Er.

When Xue Haiyuan first came to Fuzhou, his main purpose was actually to buy a boat.At that time, the Dayuan Shipyard was newly built and lacked the capacity to build ships over [-] tons, so Xue Haiyuan built a commercial warehouse near the gate of the Jinglou, so that he could buy ships and batch goods by himself... Unexpectedly, the wrong thing happened today: Xue Haiyuan has plenty of time now, It can be arranged in advance in front of the gate of the well building and wait for the rabbit.

And Song Jia was a little nervous.

The area around Yamen Bridge (later called Macau Bridge) where Carrefour is located is roughly parallel to Hengguangkang Silk and Satin Village.

That is to say, the distance from both sides to the south gate is about the same, which belong to the two points of the triangle.So Song Jia is now sitting on his laurels: Lu Da set off before him, and he has to use a faster speed to catch up with the target.

However, Lu Da also thought so.


Lu Da, who was stimulated by the high reward of silver, wished to have two wings at the moment, and informed the head of the city outside the city early, and then his two brothers could reach the pinnacle of life overnight - he knew that the reward of silver was not empty Yes, sea masters have monstrous silver.

In addition, he is responsible for keeping the recognition flags that Heng Guangkang sells every month. He knows exactly how much silver is in the silver cellar in Heng Guangkang's backyard.

... Lu Da, who was hurrying in the night, relying on his familiarity, crossed the streets and alleys all the way, dodging the patrols, and with the help of the bright moonlight above his head and the brilliant starlight of the Milky Way in the distance, it only took half an hour, From Hengguangkang to the south gate of Fuzhou city.

Of course, the emotional Lu Da didn't notice the little tail behind him.


Looking at the dark South Gate not far ahead, Lu Da walked over slowly.The city gate is definitely hopeless, he does not have the ability to ask Mending to open the south gate of Fuzhou for him in the middle of the night: Even in the peacetime now, the city gate cannot be opened without the presence of a magistrate.

The purpose of Lu Da is the hanging basket on the tower.

The hanging basket is a very useful thing.During the war, the hanging basket can drop lobbyists/envoys/negotiators and other characters from the city wall to communicate with the enemy.

In the peacetime period, in a big city like Fuzhou, almost every few days, someone would have to leave the city urgently.Those who are in a hurry, those who seek medical treatment and medicine, the master with his braids up and his servants to find the second son on the West Lake boat, and those who go back to cry for funerals... There are all kinds of strange things and so on.

So when Lu Da took a few steps forward and came directly below the city cave, he saw the dim lantern above his head and heard the lazy voice: "Who is here?" Don't worry about it.

Two city guards wearing old livery and holding spears were leaning crookedly against the city wall at this moment, opening their sleepy eyes and looking at Lu Da.

The Ming Dynasty has been in peace for more than 250 years.Except for the Japanese pirates in Jiajing, who were shocked three times a night for several years, the city of Fuzhou has always been this lazy.These two are the only ones on the night shift, and most of the troops are sleeping in the ear room of the door opening.

After Lu Da heard the sound, he immediately stood still under the lantern, and said in an eager voice: "I'm out of the city. My master is sick, and I want to ask Li Yizhen from Guanxiang in the south of the city to see a doctor."

"Oh, look at the sick man, have you brought the fare?" When the two doormen heard that they were going out of the city, they immediately walked over with spears: According to the rules, they can get a little fare for this kind of thing Yes, so the two immediately became active.

"Bring it." Lu Da hurriedly reached into his bosom at this time, took out a handful of copper coins, and put it in an old, dark, cracked hand that had been stretched out in front of him.

After Mending retracted that hand, by the dim light of the lantern above his head, he found that his hands were full of high-quality Jiajing gold back money, and he immediately smiled, and his attitude became much more friendly: "Go up, the person on duty tonight It's Chief Ding, don't be negligent."

"Thank you very much." Da Lu didn't dare to delay any longer, left the two doormen who were tugging at each other to share the money, turned around and strode to the right.Anyone who has traveled to the city gate tower knows that to go up the gate tower, one has to go up the horse path next to it, either left or right.

Lu Da quickly climbed up the gate tower.

In addition to two more lanterns hanging and a few more soldiers on duty, the gate tower was also lifeless.Lu Da knew that the next thing was to meet the real master: the city gate guard.

The city gate guards in the Taiping period did not have high official positions. Like the one on duty today, it is the general Ding Hu.

When several subordinates surrounded Lu Da and entered the gate tower, the short and stocky Ding Bazong, wearing an old official robe and full of beards, was sitting on the top chair with a Yanling knife in his arms at the moment. Li closed his eyes and meditated.When he heard a human voice, he opened his eyes and opened his mouth to ask, "What's the matter?"

Lu Da: "Master Ding, my surname is Ma, my master..."

When Mr. Ding heard Lu Da say his surname, he knew that this man was full of oil and water.So he quickly forced a smile on his face: "This housekeeper, you have to spend money to go out of the city."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Lu Da reached into his bosom again, and what he grabbed this time was a handful of broken silver worth about ten taels.

Bowing down, he snatched the broken silver from Lu Da's hand, picked out a piece and bit it hard in his mouth, and found that it was indeed the best snow silk silver, President Ding laughed, and jumped up from his chair: "Little ones, Steward Ma has rewarded enough, carefully send the good people out of the city, don't neglect!"

The faces of several Cheng Ding immediately beamed with joy, and together with Ding Ba Zong, they surrounded Lu Da out of the door.

...Any industry has inside information, the so-called relying on the mountain to eat the mountain is also true.Outsiders who don't know the inside story want to get better service, there is only one way: spend more money.

The hanging basket system on the city tower is actually a large potter's wheel water lifter, which is not much different from the potter's wheel by the well platform of ordinary people.Today, Lu Da paid extra money, so he got extra care: the city men first let him sit in the hanging basket, and then the windlass rolled. After the hanging basket was pulled up beyond the height of the crenel, someone pushed the boom, and Lu Da In this way, it was moved to the outside of the city wall.

The next step is very simple, as long as the potter's wheel turns, Lu Da will be sent to the city, and the whole process will be safe and safe.As for those who are reluctant to spend more money and bargain, the city officials are usually too lazy to serve: the hanging basket is suspended outside the wall, and if you want to go down the city, you can climb over the crenel and climb into the hanging basket. Dead and broken...

You get what you pay for.

Therefore, Mr. Ding, who is very professional, is still with his hips on his hips and a knife, and told the person shaking the pulley: "Slow down, Steward Ma is a noble person, so he must not stand shaking!"


At the moment when Lu Da, the VIP customer of the city gate building, was slowly sinking, three figures suddenly rushed up on the horse path.

The positions of these three people are two in front and one behind.When they rushed over, one of them jumped straight while running and threw himself on the potter's wheel, and then the potter's wheel got stuck.

The other rushed over and rewarded someone with a flying kick, kicking the only armed man in the field, Ding Bazong, into a gourd - the others threw their tattered spears aside in order to serve VIP customers.

The last one was a pig spirit: the monster was covered in black skin and an iron helmet, with a thick and long black nose covering half of his face.

Without waiting for the stunned trash on the tower to react, Zhu Jing ran to the crenel in two steps, leaned out half of his body, and aimed at the hanging basket with a pair of iron tools in both hands.

The next moment, with the low "bang bang" sound, Lu Da in the hanging basket was beaten into a sieve, and blood began to drip down the hanging basket to the city.

Chapter 208 Killing the King ([-])

"Phew... it's almost here." Song Jia took back the P229 pistol in his hand while panting heavily, and replaced it with a new magazine.

When he raised his head, there was already a mess in front of him.

A few men in the city had already been frightened by the "pig essence", and ran back like crying for their father and mother, while Ding Bazong, who was kicked away, moved back on the ground holding his stomach, full of anger shouted: "Rebellion, rebellion, the pig spirit killed officials and rebelled, ring the bell, ring the bell!"

Realizing that he was being regarded as a monster, Song Jia laughed, and then took off the single-hole night vision device worn on his face.

Seeing that the pig essence took off his nose, several city officials calmed down a little. The next moment, a black lacquer badge flew towards Chief Ding: "Everyone, don't panic, this is a misunderstanding. We are the governor's yamen. Tonight I came here to arrest the imperial court's most important criminal."

After Ding received the waist card, he glanced at it briefly, and then said with an incredulous expression: "Official...official monster?"


Five minutes later, the still in shock, Lu Zong and his brothers had all returned to the tower.But at this moment, the tower was forced to light up several more lanterns because the "pig essence" thought it was too dark, and now the hall is much brighter.

A group of soldiers licking their lips formed a semi-circle at this time, looking at the hanging basket in front of them in embarrassment, the VIP customer Lu Da inside, and the "fuya criminal" who was searching for corpses.

In fact, in the formal official system, there is no such thing as "criminal officials" in the governor's yamen.However, the humble Zhima official Ding Bazong didn't know about this.

There is a misunderstanding about the governor.


The governors of the Ming Dynasty, except for the officers at all levels of the governor's standard battalion, had no civil servants under them.

To the imperial court, the governor itself is only a job content, not an official position.For example, in Lao Xiong’s letter of appointment, the official name on it is “Youqian Capital Censor, Governor of Fujian and other places and admiral of military affairs”, in which Youqian Capital Censor is the official, and the governor of Fujian and other places and admiral military affairs are dispatched. grade.

No matter how long Lao Xiong stays in the local area, in fact he still belongs to the central establishment in name, not the local establishment, and is only temporarily assigned to work in the local area, a bit like a working group for later generations.

Therefore, the civil servants of the governor, except for the clerks who handle documents, do not have other formal establishments.So, to be honest, Lao Xiong looks like a huge official, but he is actually a bare-bones commander—even if he is a county magistrate, the court even assigns an adjutant county magistrate.

But things still have to be done, and people still have to be found.Therefore, like Lao Xiong, he must recruit a group of staff to help with the work in his own name, or temporarily requisition some alternate officials from the local area to handle errands... Cough, the salary of these people has to be paid by Lao Xiong with his own salary.

In fact, it was not until the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty that the imperial court issued corresponding regulations, but they were still clerks recruited by the governor himself, not officials in the establishment.

Therefore, the name Song Jia and the others claimed to be "official officials in the governor's yamen punishment room" is a real fabrication: there is no six-room clerk corresponding to the six departments in Fuya.

Of course, the position can be nonsense, but the badge must be real.

In ancient times, all Zhengyin officials still had positions that needed to verify their badges. For example, the city gate guards usually kept red clay illustrated books.

Just like the comparison system of public and private seals of the Bank of later generations, including the official seals and badges of various departments, there is a ready-made edited illustrated book in the city gate building-without this book, the gatekeepers cannot distinguish between so many government seals. The authenticity of the clerical waist badge.

Therefore, the reason why Ding Basumu and his subordinates returned to the city tower to cooperate with Song Jia and the others in the autopsy was entirely because they saw the Fuya waist card for the inspection.


The scene is still very cold.

The "criminal officials" were taking out all the objects on Lu Da's body.In the empty city tower, only the voice of the "official demon" could be heard faintly at this moment—from the moment he entered the door, Comrade Zhu Jing had rushed to a dark corner by himself, muttering something to a black box.

But Ding Zuo and his brothers could not help but move two steps towards the light at this time, for fear that they would be harmed by the evil methods of the official demon.

After all the gadgets on Lu Da, the dead ghost, were found, Song Jia, who was dressed in black, finally ended the call and came out from the darkness.

Sitting on the top chair, Song Jia first looked at the mahjong-sized purple lacquer brand on Lu Da's body presented by his subordinates, and then looked at other odds and ends before nodding: "That's right, that's the person."

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