Lu Ming

Page 74

The conversation was also very pleasant.

Huang Ping gave Zheng Zhilong enough face this time.On behalf of the old bear, he stayed in Heng Guangkang for an entire hour.

During this period, the two sides chatted a lot.At the end, Huang Juren deliberately acted like a slippery official: when talking about the scenery of Fuzhou, he deliberately complained a few words about the local housing prices, saying that he owed a lot of money to the local businessman in order to buy a house, and reminded his friend Zheng Be careful when buying property in Fuzhou in the future, the housing prices here are inflated...

Friends Zheng is naturally interesting.When Mr. Huang came out of the silk and satin village afterwards, he was already smiling brightly, with golden wind in his sleeves.At this moment, he had two gift slips from Mr. Zheng in his pocket, one of which belonged to Lao Xiong, and the other was naturally the loan that Mr. Zheng gave him to buy a house—no interest, and no need to return it.

Surrounded by a group of soldiers who had reaped the benefits, Master Huang bid farewell to Chun Chun, the wealthy Zheng who had been upgraded to a close comrade in arms, and then he got into the sedan chair and went back to the Yamen.Not long after, when he returned to the door of Xiong Da's study, Huang Ping had already put away his greedy face of extorting bribes, and changed back to his original face.


At the beginning of the next day (9 o'clock sharp), Zheng Zhilong and his party came to Fujian Governor's Yamen to meet Xiong Wencan as agreed.

Although the gate of the governor's yamen will not be opened wide at this moment, the grand scene of Mr. Huang personally leading people out of the gate is still seen by the people who eat melons.Later that day, the news that the government was about to appease Zheng Zhilong, the giant canal in the Minhai Sea, spread like wildfire and spread everywhere.

After entering the Governor's Yamen, everything is normal.Apart from hearing a few tiny "clicks" outside the porch, Zheng Zhilong didn't feel anything unusual.

Soon, he saw Xiong Wencan sitting alone in the flower hall.

Whether it's an old bear wearing a Taoist robe at home, or a flower hall with private meanings, the young Zheng Zhilong is satisfied.You know, when Cai Shanji met him, he was sitting in the courtroom in official robes and posing.

The next moment, without hesitation, Zheng Zhilong took a step forward and knelt down: "Craftsman Zheng Zhilong kowtows to Lord Fujun."

"Zhilong, you don't need to be too polite, please get up quickly." Xiong Wencan, who was wearing a loose-pattern robe, leaned over and lifted up Zheng Zhilong whose knees were not on the ground.

"Caomin thank you, Master Fujun!"

"At a young age, it is not easy, not easy." Xiong Wencan gently stroked his long beard at this time, and said gently: "Zhilong, you are here today, and your ability to judge the situation is not small. hehe."

"What happened before was a last resort. Zhilong didn't dare to resist Wang Shi, and he will serve the court with all his strength in the future. But please rest assured, my lord, there is someone here, and the southeast half can rest easy!"

"Hehe, hehe, easy to say, easy to say."

Chapter 205 Killing the King ([-])

Zheng Zhilong spent much longer in the governor's yamen today than expected - Fujian governor Xiong Wencan, this time also gave him enough face.

Later that day, Zheng and his party returned to Hengguangkang full of joy.And at this time, since the news has not been deliberately blocked, there will naturally be an undercurrent of red-top-white in Fuzhou City.

The first person to come to the door was Tongzhi Lin Shudi.As the main character who has spared no effort to help Zheng's project, seeing that the victory is imminent, he naturally wants to ask Brother Zhilong for a wave of credit.

Lin Tongzhi was not disappointed.When he left from Hengguangkang, he not only got a gift list, but also got a promise: From now on, the cargo ships of Tong Zhijia will receive the flag from Zheng's house, and it will be free for life...

Several large and small maritime merchants who had already prepared for it also visited the door one after another to congratulate them.

You know, Zheng's trip to Fuzhou, even if it is the so-called "light car and simple", there are still a minimum of 5 lucky boats.

At least 5 elite members of the Zheng family were installed on these 800 ships, who were Zheng Zhilong's core soldiers.

It is impossible to say that people from three mountains and five mountains did not pay attention to this group of people.Even though Zheng Zhilong ordered to keep a low profile before entering the city, it is still normal for the brothers to go to Fuzhou city to drink some wine and have some fun.After going back and forth like this, more and more people knew that Zheng Yiguan of Juqu was going to the city to recruit security.

Of course, these are not things now.As long as the recruitment can be successfully completed, all maritime merchants in Fujian will have to act according to Zheng's face from now on. The current small scene is just a warm-up.


The next day is the right time, the familiar time, the familiar Yamen.The place where Old Xiong met Zheng Shi today seems to be a little closer: the big study.

Among the candidates who participated in this event, there was also an extra Huang Zanhua who held a folding fan and smiled throughout the process.Zheng Zhihu, the fierce general brought by Zheng Zhilong, also met with the governor for the first time.

Familiar scenes, familiar acting skills, familiar impassioned.

So when the governor heard the Jinghai plan of Zheng's pirate brothers to sweep up other pirate brothers, the old man was also very excited: finally found someone who can entrust Wanjun's heavy burden!The ardent expectation of the Holy Majesty before leaving Beijing, this old man is finally expected to be fulfilled!

When this person is excited, he is easily fooled.

Old Xiong was obviously fooled by the Zheng brothers at that time, so when the old man was happy, he took out a treasure that had leaked out of the palace in a small amount.

This treasure is a pocket watch.A cloisonné shell with a strong Chinese style, a transparent inner shell, a dial with Chinese characters, and a mechanical pocket watch that keeps ticking.

The invention of the pocket watch was not until the end of the 19th century in history, so the Zheng family brothers must have never seen this thing... According to Huang Juren, who was in charge of explaining, this silver dial was made by a master craftsman of the inner palace supervisor, and the time is accurate. The number is rare; only senior members of the second rank or above can "lose" half of the money from the handprint eunuch.

Brother Zhilong is a person who has seen the world, so he saw the exquisiteness and extraordinaryness of this object at a glance, knowing that this object must be made by a master craftsman, so he hurriedly got up to thank him.

"The old man went out to Beijing that day, and he saw that the eloquence of this thing is very good, so he brought it with him." At this moment, the old bear seemed to be a kind elder, and he said with a smile: "Since the small thing is accurate in time, it will stay with the governor. In the yamen, it is not very useful, it is better to pass it on to the younger generation. Zhilong, you will sail day and night in the future and serve the court. With this thing by your side, you can rely on it more than others."

To be honest, when Old Xiong finished speaking, Handsome Zheng was a little moved at this moment.Caressing the inscription "Pinghai Jingbo" on the outer circle of the watch case with his fingers, although Zheng Zhilong couldn't understand the meaning of the whole sentence, the first four words alone were enough to impress him.

"Zhilong should take this thing as a warning, live up to your lord's entrustment, arrive in the southeast, and repay the court's kindness!" At this moment, handsome Zheng sincerely bowed in front of the old bear, and could not feel the bursts of evil emanating from the pocket watch in his hand .


That afternoon, surrounded by a large number of his subordinates, Zheng Zhilong left the south gate of Fuzhou and returned to his ship "Tongan".

The reason for the haste was that before leaving Fuya, the Zheng family had already reached an agreement with Xiong Wencan: General Xiong would go out of the city in person in the morning tomorrow to see the Zheng family off.

Since there will be a love-sent scene on the pier tomorrow, the Zheng family will naturally make preparations in advance: including recalling all the staff, taking care of the housekeeping, and tidying up the deck... Make sure that when Xiong Da arrives tomorrow, he will see It is a mighty teacher, a neat teacher.

As for Zheng Zhilong himself, let alone.He must do all the work on the boat to welcome the leaders to inspect before the city gate opens tomorrow morning and the old bear leads a large group of people out of the city, so he will leave the city this afternoon.

With Zheng Zhilong leaving the city, the city of Fuzhou, which had been fluctuating slightly for the past few days, quickly resumed its usual slow rhythm.In fact, in the Middle Ages, most mediocre people did not feel any special atmosphere. Without the assistance of smartphones, it was difficult for events that could affect the historical trend to cause waves in ancient cities.

Xiong Qi is such a mediocre person.

After dismissing Zheng Zhilong in the morning, to be honest, the old bear also let out a breath of air behind his back—Xiong Wencan seems to be in a high position and mighty, but only he knows how much he has carried on his back after this series of choices relationship.

And Xiong Qi, as the only trusted family member who knew the reason, naturally relaxed as well—there is nothing better than the ancient personal attachment to reflect the meaning of the word "one damage, all damage".

In the morning, Zheng Zhilong was sent away, and in the afternoon, I accompanied the master to meet with the general of the Fubiao Camp. After assigning the affairs of going out of the city tomorrow morning, the master went to rest early today.As for Comrade Xiong Qi, after serving his master, he transformed into Uncle Xiong... He also needs to relax!

where to relaxSanfu Pavilion.

Sanfu Pavilion is located at the head of Xihua City, and is a well-known ecstasy place in Fuzhou.Since it's a good place to go, Uncle Xiong Qixiong, who is 35 years old and can be regarded as a strong man, must be destined for this place.

Theoretically speaking, if people like Qiye want to have fun on weekdays, they should go boating on Lefang Street by the West Lake in Fuzhou to enjoy the moon outside Ximen, and linger overnight.However, because Qi Ye has an errand, he often has to serve his master before dawn, so it is impossible to go outside the west gate: the city gate has not been opened, so it is too late.

Therefore, Sanfu Pavilion, which is located in the city and not too far from Fuya, has now become Qiye's designated consumption place.

As the saying goes, there are seven rank officials in front of the prime minister.And Xiong Qi, the personal long-term follower of a big official in the frontier, is actually more powerful than the lower class people: Qi Ye, who seems to be inconspicuous on weekdays, is at least in a romantic place like Sanfu Pavilion. , that is walking sideways.

So when the lights first came on, Qi Ye was already drinking in the pavilion of his good friend, Shui Xiu'er, a red lady in Sanfu Pavilion.

Shui Xiu'er was only 20 years old, and she was born slim, soft and charming. It was the best years of a prostitute's life.But at this moment, her cheeks were flushed, her eyebrows were moving, and she was staring fiercely at the few sparkling red and sapphires in her hand, staring nonstop.

The next moment, Shui Xiu'er raised her head and looked at Xiong Qi with a half-smile: "Master, why have you become generous recently? Maybe it's the old man who raised the monthly money?"

"What a sharp-mouthed villain, he dares to make fun of his benefactor, not to mention the benefits!" Xiong Qi, who had already downed three or five cups of Gu Yuemei, also had flushed cheeks and blurred eyes at this time, and said while seeing him, He stretched out his hand while smiling, and pinched Shui Xiu'er's face.

With a sound of "pa", Master Xiong hit the back of Su Su's hand lightly.

"You are the most out-of-shape person, and people are asking you something!" The beauty pretended to be angry at this moment, coquettish and white-eyed, and looked at Xiong Laoqi in confusion.

"Hey, my master's annual salary is only 700 dan of grain and rice, which one is enough for food?" Xiong Qi withdrew the back of his hand, sniffed lightly at the end of his nose, and then told Shui Xiu'er with a smile: "These few Tianzhu gems are from Zhangzhou. The bumpkin who came here gave it to you, so you can use it to make a few hairpins, so as not to turn around and say that the Lord doesn't hurt you."

"He's from Zhangzhou? I can't complain!" Shui Xiu'er seemed very excited after hearing this word: "The building has picked up a lot of Zhangzhou high-profile customers in the past few days, and all of them are generous. My mother is so happy that she smiles."

Xiong Qi laughed when he heard this, grabbed a peanut from the plate and threw it into his mouth: "Your plague-stricken mother should be happy today, and those people will leave tomorrow."

"Hehehe..." Shui Xiu'er heard the words, covered her little cherry mouth, and let out a string of silver bell-like laughter: "If that's true, mom will be watching the door by the pillar tomorrow."

After a man and a woman let out a burst of joyous laughter in the pavilion, Shui Xiu'er calmly stopped laughing, as if inadvertently sighed: "Speaking of it, it's not easy for Bao Mama to manage such a big mess. Alas, those Zhangzhou sea visitors may come back in the near future, so we don’t know.”

Xiong Qi had just finished drinking a glass of wine at this time, and said with a sneer, "Again? Hmph, stop dreaming."

Shui Xiu'er's eyes lit up: "Why can't I come?"

"Oh..." Although Qiye had drank a few glasses at this time, he still didn't drink too much. When he reached this point, he stopped talking, but changed the subject and talked about romance.

Shui Xiu'er saw that the benefactor had changed his sex, so naturally she couldn't keep asking.The next moment, the beauty raised her orchid finger, bent her willow-leaf eyebrows, and lifted the silver jug ​​on the table: "Come, my friend, I will have another drink with you."


Not long after, Qi Ye had already arrived, and he was dizzy, muttering nonsense, followed Shui Xiu'er into the bedroom.The maid who made the bed had already taken care of the bed, so Master Qi rolled the sheets with the beauty.

After more than an hour, under Shui Xiu'er's deliberate service, the seventh master had already gone to the empty building after several times, exhausted and exhausted.As for Shui Xiu'er, after waiting for Qi Ye to fall asleep, she first got up and lit a pillar of calming incense in the room, and then hurriedly put on a bright red soft gauze and walked outside the door.

Chapter 206 Killing the King ([-])

If the customers who came and went for fun were not uniformly dressed in ancient costumes, some people might think that this is a grand museum in the 21st century.

Now it is the first hour of the night, and one hour later, it will be the early morning. The long day will pass, and a new day will come quietly in the dark.

However, Sanfu Pavilion is at peak business hours.

The pavilions with carved railings and painted sills are covered with bright tulle palace lanterns. From time to time, there are benefactors wearing gold and jade, staggering and joking with the girls.In the rows of private rooms, the voices of actresses come and go, the voices of warblers and swallows are constant, and the sound of pushing cups and changing lamps can be faintly heard. This is a prosperous place in the world, a magnificent place.

Shui Xiu'er, a popular lady in the Sanfu Pavilion, is hurrying along the complicated and winding corridors.

In places like brothels and courtyards, all kinds of shady activities happen every day.Some are internal matters, and some belong to the privacy and private discussion services provided to guests, so there must be various hidden darkrooms and single-family courtyards.

Shui Xiu'er was dressed in a red gauze, and after turning around in the building, she opened the door and walked into an unremarkable private room.

This private room is located in a remote place, away from the bustling area, it is a place suitable for casual conversation.

In the room was a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a satin brocade gown with gold ingots, short and fat, like a meat ball, eating melon seeds.This person is Zheng Huairen, a native of Fuzhou.

…In the Ming Dynasty, due to the production of high-quality raw materials in Fujian, stationery has always been a strong exporter, and the main business of the Zheng family is the wholesale of various types of rice paper and bamboo paper.

Seeing Shui Xiu'er enter the door, Mr. Zheng's fat face was filled with a smile: "Miss, it's hard work, did that bumpkin leak any news?"

"Don't mention those vulgar people again." Shui Xiu'er sat down with a look of disgust on her face: "The girl has a good body, which is cheaper than vulgar ones."

Master Zheng heard the words, although he was full of contempt, but his smiling round face did not show at the moment: "I have wronged Miss Shuixiu, after this matter is settled, maybe I should invite some friends to cheer for the girl."

"Master Zheng, I'm afraid it's not that simple?" Shui Xiu'er opened her almond eyes slightly at this time, and looked at Zheng Huairen with a half-smile: "Don't be a fool if you want to be a slave, then the news that Zheng Zhilong wants to recruit has already spread all over Fuzhou. city."

"Hehe, this matter has already been negotiated. Then Mrs. Zheng will return to Zhangzhou tomorrow morning. If she comes back another day, she will be an official of the court." Master Zheng picked up the tea bowl and took a sip without seeming to care: "Today I invite you Making a move is just a businessman's wish to be considerate, it's not a big deal, you don't want to use a chicken feather as an arrow."

When Shui Xiuer heard this, her eyes rolled, she covered her mouth and giggled.While laughing, she stretched out a light-white finger, and nodded her nose: "But why does the little girl think that the trivial matter of whether Zheng Zhilong will be recruited will be pointed here tonight?"

After looking at each other with Shui Xiu'er for a while, and confirming that the other party's eyes are full of confidence, Mr. Zheng's amiable face suddenly disappeared, and he changed into a tycoon who sits on the ground and divides the spoils: "Tell me, what do you want? "

Shui Xiu'er also put away her fashion-forward manner, her pretty face turned cold, and she opened her small mouth: "I want to redeem myself!"

At this moment, Mr. Zheng heard such a large asking price, not only did he not get angry, but his eyes flashed. The next moment, he first took out a proof from his sleeve, and slowly pushed it across the table: "This is what was said in advance. A good Baofeng pawn shop deposits a ticket, 500 taels of silver, and it will be honored upon seeing the ticket."

When Shui Xiu'er carefully checked the monogram on the deposit ticket, Mr. Zheng bent down at this moment, and took out a small gold embroidered bag from under the seat, and poured out the gold bars inside: "100 taels of gold, today's Bring so much."

Speaking of this, Mr. Zheng took the pen and ink on the table, and with a few strokes, he wrote an IOU: "The IOU for 2000 taels, at dawn, you can send someone to my cabinet to collect the money."

After finishing speaking, Master Zheng slowly pushed the IOU in front of Shui Xiu'er: "There are more than 3000 taels of silver in total, enough to redeem both of you, tell me, what exactly did Xiong Qi leak?"

Shui Xiu'er was looking at the table full of these things called "Freedom", and couldn't help but reach out to take them, but the next moment, she was shocked by Master Zheng's eyes like looking at dead fish.

After a silent and awkward laugh, the beauty forced herself to calm down.Stretching out her hand to straighten her hair, and organizing her words, Shui Xiu'er began to slowly reveal the truth: "Just now I heard from that Xiong Qi that there is a group of pirates who have spread their troops on the ocean, and they will kill Zheng Zhilong when he returns. Kill this man."

"It's nonsense!" Mr. Zheng suddenly relaxed a lot at this moment, he leaned back in the chair, raised his legs, and said with a sneer: "Nowadays, all the shopkeepers with a lot of people gather in the center and left to wait for news. Let’s talk about the soldiers and horses? How many soldiers and horses will it take to eat 5 elite ships? Absurd!”

Having said this, Mr. Zheng said to himself again: "Could it be the official army?"

"No, no, the government wants to make a move, and it will do so in the city. Besides, the navy's manned boats... Tsk tsk tsk, it's not that they underestimated them."

After analyzing all the way, Mr. Zheng felt more and more that what Shui Xiuer just said was incomplete and untrue. The next moment, he leaned over viciously: "You won't make up nonsense to deceive your Master Zheng, right?"

Shui Xiu'er was already confused at this time, and she stammered and said: "That's what Xiong Qizheng said, how dare the slaves lie to the master... They are a bunch of sea bandits, murderous people from the state of Desolation... they are shooting guns and so on. .”

Just when Shui Xiu'er raised her head and desperately recalled the drunk man's words, after hearing a few loud bangs, Mr. Zheng disappeared out of thin air.


He brought down the chair, brought down the candle holder, and knocked open the door. Mr. Zheng's fat and round body stumbled and rolled down the stairs. Then he got into the sedan chair and shouted out of breath: "Go, go, there is a reward for arriving early, there is a reward for arriving early..."

Half an hour later, the two bearers who were running wildly collapsed in front of the Heng Guangkang silk shop, while the shopkeeper Zheng himself had already rushed to the door and began to smash the door desperately.

Hengguangkang manager Zheng Sancai, who was drinking celebration wine with his subordinates in the courtyard, hurriedly opened the side door when he heard the sound, and then saw a meat ball rolling in.

After everyone grabbed the meat ball in a hurry, Zheng Sancai lifted the lantern on the head of the passerby, and then said in surprise: "Why are you?!"

The squat Zheng Huairen was already sweating profusely, his legs and feet were weak: "It's a disaster, it's a disaster, please help me in."

After a while, Zheng Huairen sat slumped on a chair in the large study room of Hengguangkang Middle School, first gulped down a bowl of herbal tea, and then opened his mouth to tell the story of tonight.

After Zheng Sancai heard it, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "That sister will definitely not know about the people from Qizhou and Lianzhu Pao, it must have come from Xiong Qi's mouth. It's broken! The government must have something to do with the Dayuan Island group. If there is no collusion, the master will be counted!"

Zheng San arrived at this moment and suddenly realized.

And the chubby Zheng Huairen had already figured this out on the way here.Seeing Zheng San only now, he figured it out, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Will the general plan come out?"


At the same time, in a small residential courtyard not far from the silk and satin village, a young man dressed as a clerk in a coarse short robe was reclining in a chair at the moment, with his legs resting on the table, half-closed. Focusing, lazily listening to headphones.

Yes, that is headphones.

A small digital monitor on the desktop is clearly playing the sound of a conversation less than 200 meters away in a straight line.

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