Lu Ming

Page 73

With a "snap", someone got a scabbard on his ass: "How many times have I said, the center of gravity, the center of gravity is the first! What are you doing with such big movements, are you cooking!?"

As soon as the offensive and defensive posture reached the third round, the little thief began to be taught by someone again.Poor Yang Er is full of helplessness: there are only 6 simple movements of cutting, chopping, chopping, stabbing, blocking, and blocking. He has practiced countless times since he started learning the art, but the abbot is not satisfied. To be beaten.

"My father didn't teach me that way!" A certain thief rubbed his butt and muttered.

Chapter 203 Preaching

"My father didn't teach it that way!" A certain thief said.

"What?" Hearing that the boy dared to question him, the master was furious, raised his scabbard, and chased the thief all over the field to fight.

After the two masters and apprentices ran around the entrance of the company gate for two laps, the master's anger finally subsided a little: "Come here! Your wings are stiff, how dare you talk back!"

Yang Er walked over with a bitter face.

Wei Yuan stopped hitting him now. After thinking about it, Wei Yuan made a preparatory move with his legs apart and a knife in front of him: "Attack!"

Yang Er's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he slashed across with a swing of the wooden knife.At the same time, Wei Yuan slashed at Yang Er's neck with the same movement.The next moment, Yang Er's wooden knife stopped on Wei Yuan's chest, and Wei Yuan's sheathed black crocodile had already stopped on Yang Er's neck.

"Come again!" Wei Yuan's words were short and forceful.

Hearing the sound, Yang Er took a step back and continued to chop.After repeating this several times, the further back, the more times Yang Er was cut in the neck first.

"Do you know why you are always half-timed?" Twenty minutes later, the two sat on the steps of the door panting.

"The movements are fragmented."

With a "slap", someone slapped again: "You know you are still stubborn in front?"

"Where is the battlefield? It is the place where you can see the blood when you draw a sword, and see life and death in an instant! There is no room for superfluous movements."

Wei Yuan patiently explained to the little thief: "The movements must be simple and unadorned. Simple and fast, when others are dazzled, the opponent has already fallen down clutching his neck, but you seem to have not moved, this is the time to fire!" This principle is similar to the bayonet we practiced, you must attack quickly, and then quickly adjust your focus to return to defense."

After Yang Er thought about it, he pointed to the knife in Wei Yuan's hand: "I have a good knife, if I slash hard, my opponent will be killed."

"Hehe" Wei Yuan shook his head and laughed, "I'm afraid you've seen too many repertoires where heroes fight each other in Hangzhou?"

"You are a soldier now, and your opponents in the future will not be those heroes." Wei Yuan raised his head and looked at the night sky in the distance: "In the future, when we meet, there will be those who fight in formations, and those who will be ambushed in dense forests." Yes, it may be a group battle on the swaying bow. In short, they are all powerful enemies who don't care about life and death. You said that you slashed down hard with one knife... Hehe, before you can draw your knife out of the bone, you will be killed by others .”

Looking at the thoughtful young man, Wei Yuan patted him on the shoulder: "I forgot about the tricks when I was a kid, it's not used in battle."

Yang Er was a little sad: "Oh, my father said back then that when I was older, he would teach me the essence of the Yang family's sword skills! It's a pity that he died half a year later..."

Hearing this, Wei Yuan smiled wryly and shook his head.He will not tell Yang Er that the so-called ancestral "Yang Family Sword Art" is actually fabricated.Because Yang Er still thinks that he is the descendant who inherited the mantle of Yang Zhi, the green-faced beast of Shuibo Liangshan...

Back then, his father who was a busker probably told him a casual story after seeing the birthmark on his face to amuse him. Unexpectedly, after so many years, the little thief still couldn't forget it.

"...Go for a walk." Wei Yuan stopped talking about Yang Eryi's foster father, but stood up and walked outside the shop.

The Taijiang River in summer is bustling and noisy. Standing on the side of Dayuan Island, you can faintly hear the noise from Chikan Street on the other side.Walking along the bright dock area, Wei Yuan looked at Yang Er who was holding two knives beside him, and asked him with a smile, "Do you know what your adoptive father and I are interested in you?"

Yang Er shook his head blankly.

"Talent, you have one talent that is unique in a million: excellent motor skills."

Yang Er was still at a loss because he couldn't understand the word.

Wei Yuan no longer tried to explain, but told the little thief directly: "You just need to remember, whether it's running, jumping, playing, or walking to practice martial arts, you have to be more comfortable than others, and your movements are flexible."

Yang Er understood now, and the little thief said excitedly: "I can't blame the big flowers in Hangzhou for not being able to catch me. It turns out that there is no one in a million!"

Wei Yuan shook his head, and said something that the little thief couldn't understand: "You are delaying the times. Otherwise, if you have practiced since childhood, it will be no problem to play as a point guard in the CBA in the future."

"Now, you just learn the skills of killing honestly and go to the battlefield to fight for your life. Kid, work hard, there will be a young model club sooner or later!"

Yang Er understood most of this sentence, so he nodded vigorously.The young man had a wide range of thoughts, and the next moment he became excited again: "Then you have to agree, I work hard to learn art, and this knife must be passed on to me!"

"Do you think this is a 200 yuan Yangjiang imitation product?" Wei Yuan sneered: "Boy, this is customized by Cold Steel Company, the only one in the world, want it? Wait until I close my eyes."

Yang Er only understood that this knife was no longer his share.Slightly pulling the black alligator out of his arms, looking enviously at the streamlined sharp blade and the serrations on the back of the knife, the little thief was very frustrated: "How can I use this wooden knife to kill the enemy?"

"Well, you are still making up the first two strikes now, and if you move too much, you will have a flaw. Practice hard, and when your movements are stable and dare to kill, I will go to the steel factory to find someone to give you a car." Wei Wei Yuan looked at the little thief playfully: "Do you dare to kill someone?"

The little thief replied honestly: "It can be done with a gun, but it can't be said with a knife."

"Hehe, it's not your fault." Wei Yuan patted his head lovingly: "Don't be naughty, don't be timid, you have already died in the stinky ditch in Hangzhou City. Take your time, sooner or later you The habit of timidity is reversed."

No matter what era, if you want to stand out, you need to work harder and sweat more than others.The little thief Yang Er, this talented little beggar, is walking on such a road now. Although he still resists this fate in his heart, everything is already doomed and cannot be changed.


Wei Yuan and Yang Er took a long walk at night.However, what they didn't expect was that the leisure that night would not be there again for a long time to come.

At noon the next day, information came from across the strait: Zheng Zhilong had arrived in Fuzhou.

From this moment on, all the regular troops of the crossing forces, regardless of sea or land, entered the period of combat preparation.

In terms of the navy, including the latest destroyer with the hull number 303, the traversing forces now have 3 ships capable of high-speed naval warfare.

Right now the three destroyers are in the process of intense drills and testing equipment.

Considering the upcoming actual battle, the armament of the three destroyers has been further enhanced.

The first is artillery fire.The deck, which originally had only two naval Napoleon guns, has been readjusted: a 12-pounder Napoleon gun is installed at the bow and stern, and two 2-pounder guns are installed in the middle of the ship.

On land, the Napoleon Cannon had a proficient rate of fire of four rounds per minute.On the undulating deck, 2-3 rounds are allowed.Even so, the two 2-pound broadside guns can still shoot continuously within a kilometer, forming a huge deterrent to Zheng's Fuchuan; if the two sides approach within 12 meters, then with the addition of the 500-pound gun, Luck becomes the enemy's only survival condition.

In the past two days, the three destroyers tested not only their armaments but also their power systems in the sea off Dayuan.

In the Ming Dynasty, although coal was not a mainstream fuel in the south, it still occupied a certain share in daily life.In Fujian in the Ming Dynasty, although charcoal was mainly used in metallurgy, some brick kilns and porcelain kilns, especially the various earthen kilns near coal-producing counties like Longyan, used a considerable amount of coal.

After receiving Xiong Wencan's secret consolation not long ago, Da Yuan has received no less than 10 batches of coal carriers.The coal with a total of [-] tons was not taken to be fired by the kiln area, but was all processed into gasification coke.

Gasification coke is different from metallurgical coke specially used for steelmaking and ironmaking.Metallurgical coke requires special high-temperature smelting to improve viscosity and hardness and reduce sulfur content.

The requirements for gasification coke are much less: this kind of coke is small in size and low in strength, and is not suitable for blast furnace smelting, but it has good gasification reactivity and low ash content, and is a kind of coke specially used to produce gas.

Today, the bilges of the three destroyers are loaded with gasification coke.

The amount of gas that gasified coke can provide far exceeds that of wood.If you want to let your own ships intercept and kill them across the sea, but don't want to lack power at critical moments, then the best way is to use this expensive fuel.

In addition to the navy's preparations, all the regular soldiers of the army in the past two days-in fact, the first battalion of the army with a total of only 300 people will also send people on board in turn for adaptive training.Topics include shooting, bouncing gangs, melee combat, and island searching.

On the day of departure, the Army will assign 50 soldiers in the best condition to each destroyer to assist in the battle.

Of course, at the end of all the preparations for war, there are naturally various weapons of later generations used to guard the house-the reinforced stern cabin has now become a landmark building of a certain force's ships.Because the instruments in the cabin and the machine gun nest on the top of the cabin are the foundation for the people who travel through the world.

Regarding the elimination of Zheng Zhilong, it can be said that all factions are highly unified in thinking and are willing to pay the price for it.So what is the price?The price was the two fingers that Xia Xianze raised up at the Zheng's analysis meeting a long time ago.

When someone froze and said: "This person must be eliminated early", his fingers made a "V" shape.

The "V" shape not only represents victory, but also represents two, which means two boxes of imported materials.

This is by far the biggest price that the transmigration forces are willing to pay in order to kill a person alone.And the military who divided up the quota of these two boxes of supplies knew very well that there would never be such a good opportunity in the future.You know, except for some one-off RPG and RDX weapons, many of the other weapons with the signature of destroying Zheng are reusable, such as machine guns and sniper rifles.

The fangs have been polished to a sharp state, and now we are waiting for the news from the other side!

Chapter 204 Killing the King ([-])

The best way to defeat a powerful force is to kill the opponent when it is still in its seedling stage.

Travelers are in such a period.

Even in the 17th century, there are many forces stronger than Zheng Zhilong, who can drive the Zheng family to extinction.However, due to geography and relationships, at present, the needle point is as good as a wheat awn, and only Zheng Zhilong has the ability to cause huge damage to the transmigration forces.

Zheng Zhilong is really not strong.

Not to mention those huge ships with hundreds of cannons like the "Sea King" built by the European ghosts and animals in their lairs, even if they are second-class battleships with 50-80 side cannons, even if the total is only a quarter, If you start a war with the Zheng family on the ocean far away from the shallow coast, then the Zheng family will definitely be wiped out.

As for the army, let alone - the two scenes of Guo Xingye encircling Nanjing and the Qing army's assault on Xiamen have completely missed the pirates' land warfare skills.

As long as time travel is given for a few more years, whether it is the maniacal manchurian white-armored soldiers in land warfare, or the Omi ghost beast British and Dutch fleet, these opponents who are much stronger than the Zheng Zhilong Group will be scum in front of the travel people.

However, at this point in time, on the eve of the transformation of a certain force, Zheng Zhilong, a traditional pirate group with cold weapons, has now become the biggest enemy facing the high-level time-traveling force... Without it, it can only be said to be a coincidence.


On the other side of the sea, while the horses were preparing their horses and fighting hard, there was no trace of murderous aura in the city of Fuzhou.

The five Dafu boats coming from Xiamen have already stopped at the official wharf outside Fuzhou City.

And the owners of these five ships, currently the biggest pirate leader in the South China Sea, whose nickname is Yiguan and whose real name is Zheng Zhilong, are sitting in the study of the "Hengguangkang" silk shop at the moment, talking to his distant relative Zheng Sancai .

Zheng Zhilong, who was born in 1604, is only 25 years old now, and he can really be called a young hero.But this thief, who frightened the people of Zhangquan and caused headaches to the government, was actually a very handsome man: with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, a straight nose and forehead, a slender figure, and a heroic spirit all over his body, without the slightest hint of a pirate.

There is a saying in later generations that is very suitable for Zheng Zhilong when he was young: it starts with appearance and falls into talent.This young man who can lead thousands of pirates at the age of 24 is undoubtedly talented and charismatic.

Of course, everything has two sides.

The fact that an official comrade can be mixed up to this level is also inseparable from the fact that he is a refined egoist.Throughout Zhilong's life, he believed in Catholicism, Mazu, and Buddhism;

When Zhilong first debuted in his early years, he received Catholic baptism in Macau.At that time, foreigners named him Nicholas, so he had Nicolas Cage...wrong, it was the new name Nicholas Yiguan.

After that, Zheng Zhilong traveled to various parts of Southeast Asia, and then took refuge in his second owner in Japan: Li Dan, a sea merchant.

Introduced by Li Dan afterwards, Zheng Zhilong went to work as an interpreter for the Dutch.He was said to be an interpreter, but he was actually the pirate leader who led the fleet to intercept the Spanish messenger in the strait.

After Li Dan's death, Zheng Zhilong gradually took over his influence. After the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1624, Zheng Zhilong moved his business focus to Taiwan, and then attached himself to his fourth employer: Yan Siqi, the leader of the "Japanese conch" Japanese pirates.

After Yan Siqi's accidental death in 1625, Zheng Shuai took over the owner's business again.This time, he raised the pirate banner of "Eighteen Zhi", and began to fight along the coast of Fujian. With the strategic idea of ​​"promoting peace through fighting", he fought repeatedly with the officers and soldiers, desperately facing the fifth master, Demonstrates his ability to "trick or treat".

Yes, historically he succeeded.Before taking refuge with the sixth master of the Qing Dynasty, he reached the pinnacle of his life with the fifth master of the Ming Dynasty.

And handsome Zheng, who is sitting in Heng Guang Kang drinking tea today, will naturally not know that history has undergone a small change here.On the contrary, he is in a pretty good mood at the moment.

Under the various means of beating and dragging, the government has come forward through the new governor, revealing the intention of appeasement.And this time, both parties have done enough homework beforehand, so they will definitely not return in vain like the previous few times.

Regarding this point, Zheng Zhilong is still sure. His fact that he came to Fuzhou City in person today is a proof in itself.


"Sancai, has there been any movement in the governor's yamen recently?" Zheng Zhilong, who came to Hengguangkang to settle down at the beginning of disembarking, opened his mouth to ask about the movement in Fuzhou city before vacuuming.

Hearing the chairman's question, Zheng Sancai, the manager of the Fuzhou branch who sat beside him, naturally did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly replied: "The news of recent recruiting has spread in Fuya."

"Well, it should be so. When will Huang Zanhua arrive?"

"We'll be there in the afternoon."

"This person is Xiong Fujun's confidant, don't neglect him, and prepare a heavy gift. I have to wash and change clothes later, and I will have a sincere talk with Huang Zanhua in the afternoon."

"Three will know."

After a few instructions, Zheng Zhilong took a sip of tea, and then mentioned a certain force that made him afraid: "What's going on with that group of senior officials?"

"I haven't found any relationship between that generation and the government." After Zheng Sancai replied, he got up and took out a piece of light yellow thin bamboo paper from the table: "The business of the Kunren is booming, and I bought it from Fuzhou this month. About 20 ships of iron and coal, and a few ships of beggars."

Zheng Zhilong took a look at the bamboo paper, then flicked the paper with his fingers, raised his head and said with a smile: "Duandi is a good business, take away the iron and carbon, bring back the private salt cement, and exchange rough goods for rough goods. Well, right now, it's a good business." It's important, let him go."

Before he finished speaking, a young man with big shoulders and a round waist, his brows somewhat similar to Zheng Zhilong said loudly: "If the recruitment is done well, you can seal Kunren's business afterwards."

The young man's name is Zheng Zhihu, the eldest brother of Zheng Zhilong.In history, Zheng Zhihu was brave and courageous, with outstanding martial arts skills, and he was known as "dragon wise and tiger brave" in the world.

In the eighth year of Chongzhen, in the battle of Zheng Zhilongping to destroy Liu Xiang, Zheng Zhihu "had a steel knife in his mouth, held a rattan shield, and jumped on the stern rope", and jumped onto Liu Xiang's boat to fight.This person "steals all the way" and almost killed all of Liu Xiang's pirates, but in the end he fell carelessly and was caught by a fishing net and thrown into the sea, where he drowned.

Liu Xiang was then defeated and committed suicide.

In short, Zheng Zhihu is a fierce general, a strong man in hand-to-hand combat.

... After hearing what his brother said, Zheng Zhilong first shook his head with a wry smile: Zheng Zhihu was born with a huge voice, and a word made the room buzz.

"Discuss this matter later, don't startle the snake by making mistakes."

"Hmph, I'm afraid he won't succeed!"

"Others have sharp guns and cannons, but we only have a body. Even if we want to do something, we must contact the Dutch and Portuguese people to make a perfect plan."

When Zheng Zhilong said this, he stood up and wanted to go to the back house to wash and change clothes.At the end, he turned around and told Zheng Sancai: "In the past few days, all the hidden lines of relations inside and outside the city will be activated. Don't be stingy with money. If there are words from the Fuyamen, report them to me in time."

"Big master but don't worry, three people know the importance."


In the afternoon, a sedan chair stopped outside Hengguangkang's gate.

Accompanying the governor's yamen's popular Zanhua Huang Ping Huang Master came here, of course, was a team of Fuya's soldiers, and Xiong Qi, Wen Can's trusted family member, was also included.

However, Zheng Zhilong, a hero of a generation, was only wearing a blue plain robe at this moment, and surrounded by many entourages, he went out to meet Mr. Huang.

The meeting between the two parties was naturally carried out in a friendly atmosphere.

Since Zheng Zhilong made a fuss before this, one of the reasons why he was not on the stage was that Cai Shanji, the prefect of Quanzhou, treated him slowly, so Huang Ping's attitude today is naturally kind and easy-going.

And Zheng Zhilong, a hero who can be a domestic slave of the six surnames, naturally wouldn't brainstorm to play with the tsundere president at such a critical moment, so when the two parties met, the atmosphere was quite enthusiastic.

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