Lu Ming

Page 72

Chapter 201 Fair Dealing

Early the next morning, the Thunder Sword team set off with several Ming guides to explore the surrounding mines.Pan Mingzhong's side started trading early: several delegations from the indigenous societies started to set off in the middle of the night.

The village communities under the Ketagalan tribe will come here for trade today and tomorrow if they have trade needs.So Pan Mingzhong didn't dare to be careless. After allocating the security and trade personnel, he carried the AK and started patrolling the area.

At noon, more and more natives came to trade. When Pan Mingzhong saw big customers coming in one after another with bamboo baskets on their backs, he ordered his subordinates to take out their flagship product: glass balls.

Crossover glass balls are not the kind of crap the Dutch buy Manhattans for.

The glass balls that pass through the crowd: round in shape, smooth on the surface, clear inside, high light transmittance, and each one is as big as a walnut. They are carefully polished and polished with leftovers from the glass factory in the kiln area, and some of them are drilled with high-speed drilling machines. Rope is a rare high value-added glass ball treasure.

The natives really know the goods.

The natives who had already finished changing the sulfur in their back baskets and were about to go home flocked to the glass ball booth.When a fat chieftain was dazzled by the sunlight refracted by a large necklace of glass balls, he hung the glass balls around his neck like a Drifting monk, then poured out something from the bamboo tube behind his back, and handed it to the Pan Mingzhong.

A dog's head gold the size of a cigarette case.

Pan Mingzhong is a kind person. After putting the dog's head gold into his trouser pocket quickly, he grabbed a few glass balls from the large glass bowl in front of him expressionlessly, and supplied them to the chieftains: comrades from the countryside should not suffer!The time-traveling power is high, so don't take advantage of it.

The basic exchange price was fixed at this moment.

Later that day, someone who secretly laughed for 10 minutes in the cockpit, while playing with the Goutoujin and Jinsha in front of him, reported his achievements to Lei Jian 10 miles away on the radio.

"The place where you stay is called Jinshan District, and it was called Jinbaoli in the Qing Dynasty. Why did you choose that name? Isn't it because there is alluvial gold in Sulfur Creek." Lei Jian tried his best to express that he didn't care in an understatement tone, and at the same time hurriedly ordered the team members to dig sand—— He also wants to go back and see the real Goutoujin, people who study geology are obsessed with this thing!

Originally, Liao Tianding thought that the people on the boat would exchange gold with high-quality iron pots, but who knew they could do it with glass balls...

Therefore, Comrade Liao Tianding, the local comprador, was also stunned at this moment.You must know that the natives here have been tempered by foreign trade for thousands of years. They know what goods are valuable, and it is usually difficult for outsiders to exchange them for the golden alluvial gold.

However, the time-traveling people did it.

Not only did it work, but the people on the boat also took out some beautiful "big paintings" for everyone to see.At the same time, they also asked Liao Tianding to tell the natives that everything on the painting could be traded in the future.

Several large photographs present pyrite, alunite and volcanic ash.

Both pyrite and alunite have clear production records in the Datun Mountain volcanic group.In addition, volcanic ash is a high-grade cement fine aggregate.The volcanic ash that has been calcined by natural magma and ground by eruption can be added up to 40% in cement to become Portland pozzolanic cement.

This kind of cement is naturally suitable for concrete projects in water and humid environments. It is the most needed building material for a certain force currently entrenched in the coastal warm and humid zone.


When the exhibition was about to end in the afternoon, the guests from afar gave the host an impromptu performance.

The sailor, 200 meters away, fired his rifle.Accompanied by thick white smoke, flames, and gunshots, are the broken bamboo tubes, wooden blocks and gravel on the stone platform in the middle of the exhibition.

The natives sitting in the bamboo hut beside them saw the power of hot weapons without paying the price of blood this time.

After the performance, Pan Mingzhong stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the natives leaving while discussing fiercely: I hope these people will be able to understand each other in the future.You must know that once the war starts, it will not be a simple suppression.With the urinating nature of the time-traveling people, uprooting is a must, and the next step is forced relocation. The Madou Society in Tainan is a ready-made example.


The Yuandou stayed in the bend at the mouth of the Sulfur Creek for three days.Because some "high value-added" goods were more than expected by the nearby natives, when the Yuandou returned to the voyage, there were still a lot of goods left with the representatives of Mingren Village.

These goods will be exchanged for sulfur from the natives one after another, and then transported back to Dazuan by the next batch of ships.

Lei Jian also completed the task here.He has marked the high-grade iron sand production areas near Sulfur Creek on the map; in addition, like the Xiuguluan River, he also took photos of the terrain near Sulfur Creek and handed them over to the big office Finally, someone will naturally study how to divide the base.

Three days later, before returning, the Yuandou went to the Spanish castle and made a brief announcement about the situation in Mingren Village.

…Bypassing the Fuguijiao promontory in the upper left corner of Taiwan, the Yuandou began its southbound voyage.

When it came to the mouth of the Danshui River, a certain ship deliberately slowed down and used a telescope to observe the castle that the Spaniards were building.

Due to the favorable wind going south, the Yuandou was very fast and arrived at Houlongxikou the next day.

Originating from the Jiali Mountains in Miaoli, Houlong River is the largest river in Miaoli, with an average width of more than 60 meters.In the 17th century, Houlongxi was the only way to enter Miaosu Mountain.Travelers chose Taiwan to take root in the first place for the Miaosu Oilfield by the Houlongxi River.

As for the Yuandou, which was eager to return, it only turned around and left after a little exploration at Houlongxikou this time. Oil exploration is different from iron ore exploration, and Yuandou needs to rest before returning.

As the exploration team is about to return, the dried wood stored in the cabin is useless.During the final voyage, the gas generator of the Yuandou began to operate at full capacity, sending the sandship back to Dayuan at the fastest speed.


Entering the Dayuan channel after half a month away, Pan Mingzhong and Lei Jian were still a little excited when they saw Haidilao passing by and still digging the sandbar slowly.

But the officials in the big office who heard that the exploration ship had returned home naturally did not dare to neglect, and held a meeting that day to quickly arrange the results brought by the exploration team.

After obtaining the information, the preparatory team jointly formed by the mining industry and the army will start work now.In the plan, the occupation of the Spanish Castle in Taipei and the development and remediation of the Sulfur Creek River Basin must be prepared for use in development.As for the iron sand on the Xiuguluan River, we have to wait for a while: Taipei, which can obtain sulfur and iron at the same time, has a higher priority for development.

Of course, these tasks will not be implemented until August at the earliest.

First of all, the coming summer, from June to August, is the time when Tainan has the highest rainfall/typhoons in a year.Therefore, all the factories, mines, factories, and residential areas under the jurisdiction of the crossing forces are currently undergoing disaster preparation work such as flood control, drainage, reinforcement and bundling.

Secondly, it is now mid-June. According to the information sent back by Fuzhou, Zheng Zhilong is already on his way to meet Xiong Wencan.It is foreseeable that there will be a series of sea and land battles waiting for the crossing army, so this is the number one event that has attracted the attention of most crossing people, and everything else has to be sidelined.

At the end of the meeting, after Xia Xianze hastily praised Pan Mingzhong, the topic quickly changed: "When are you going to Miaosu?"

Pan Mingzhong glanced at the bosses of various departments who were blinking and staring at him at the venue, and couldn't help swallowing: "7 days, rest for 7 days and then start!"

"African people are still grazing, but you are out of breath, 5 days!"

"Okay, 5 days..."

The sad Pan Mingzhong and Lei Jian had no choice but to shorten their rest time.Originally, I planned to spend two more days with my sister, alas, let alone a capitalist, the time traveler will not be merciless even if he squeezes his hands.


The sun is dazzling, the sky is blue, sparse clouds are floating overhead, accompanied by bursts of refreshing sea breeze, it is just a pleasant day in Dayuan Island.

The beach at the northwest corner of Dayuan Island near the strait is full of noise.

This beach is of commemorative significance: it was from here that the crossing people on the Dog's Eye rushed down to the beach, charged forward bravely, led the sailors to capture the Dutch's trading house, and started a great journey.

Now this beach has become a training ground.

Originally, the military training ground was near the business hall, but later some bosses thought it was noisy, so they drove the recruits here.Although it is a little bit out of the way, the facilities of the training ground are still very complete. Some obstacles and equipment used for military training in later generations can be found on the beach.

And what was held at the training ground today was the 400-meter barrier-crossing assessment, and the participants in the assessment were soldiers from the first company of the first battalion of the army.

As the first batch of soldiers recruited by the crossing forces, these people in the company can be regarded as the royal army of Hongmiao Zheng. it will be resolved.

The 100 soldiers who are sweating on the playground have another identity: students.

This group of people is very lucky. They were trained as military cadets. In the future, as the team grows, these people will be natural grassroots officers.Moreover, the conditions for their graduation are very loose: they only need to learn primary school language and math, and be able to calculate battlefield data proficiently, and they can graduate smoothly and get a military officer certificate.

After the whistle of "Drip...", another row of soldiers began to take big strides, rushing across eight groups of obstacles consisting of cross piles, trenches, low walls, high board diving platforms, ladders, single-plank bridges, high walls, and low pile nets. On the runway composed of objects.

Chapter 202 Teaching

These soldiers running on the beach in the 17th century are no different from the troops of later generations except that their average stature is too short.

The same board size, the same black and strong, also wearing big pants, cotton vest, what is exposed outside is the swollen upper arm muscles and thick calves.

Simple but not simple, that's what they said.

The simple thing is that most of these young people only wore a pair of cotton pants on the hot beach, and many of them even took off their two-finger vests.What's not simple is that this pair of cotton pants now represents the highest cotton spinning technology and weaving and dyeing technology in this plane.

A few arrow looms made by DIY with imported core accessories and self-made shells in the kiln area were successfully tested not long ago.The advantage of the arrow shaft loom is its good adaptability, so after the successful test run, the Songjiang lint in stock was quickly woven into canvas sails.

In addition to weaving canvas, the textile factory also trial-produced a batch of cotton gray cloth to make military uniforms.The color of the military uniform is light blue, and the dye is obtained by reacting natural indigo imported from Fujian with a small amount of benzene produced by a chemical laboratory.

Rare quantities and hard-won raw materials make an unremarkable military underpants into a high-tech product.In addition, considering that most of the transport capacity is occupied by transporting people and food, for a long time to come, the textile materials of the crossing forces will be mainly self-produced hemp crops.Therefore, this batch of experimental cotton military uniforms is extremely precious.


The 400-meter barrier crossing is the best place to test a soldier's comprehensive assault ability.

With the sound of a whistle, groups of soldiers began to run hard on the beach, their smooth feet stepping on the warm sand, bringing up patches of dust.

Today is the monthly assessment, and the scores have to be included in the total score, so the soldiers are all working hard, for fear of being overtaken by others and losing face to their squad.This nervousness is prone to mistakes, those who fall from the ladder, those who cannot climb the high wall, those who eat a mouthful of sand in the ditch and cannot climb up are so anxious that they scream...

Wearing a camouflage T-shirt, camouflage trousers, and combat boots, Wei Yuan, the company commander, was registering the results with a stopwatch and a whistle.Seeing the soldiers under him who had spent so much effort to train them running across the finish line one by one, although they were stern, Wei Yuan was quite proud of himself.

These ex-refugees, thin skeletons, have undergone physical and mental transformation through the congregation, and now they have become a future army with muscles and combat skills.More importantly, they now have a sense of honor and a sense of teamwork.

This is a bad era.At the same time, soldiers in Europe's Thirty Years' War were relying on looting and killing civilians to raise their own pay.The guard soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were reduced to serfs a hundred years ago; in the battalion system, one drill every five days is the elite, and one drill every three days is pro-military, similar to the cruel corporal punishment of inserting arrows into the camp, which is full of this place. In the army of the era.

Therefore, there is no need to instill any doctrines and principles in the soldiers of the time-travelers: eat well and dress well, practice on time, pay on time, distinguish beatings from insults, and cover quilts at night. ...

Thinking of the sense of honor, Wei Yuan raised his eyebrows suddenly.The next moment, he looked sideways and found that his monkey-like orderly was laughing at those who couldn't get over the high wall.

"Yang Er!"


"Which row is your organization in?"

"Report to the company commander, in a row!"

"Then why don't you run away and wait for my treat?"


Yang Er, who had a large purple birthmark on his face, rushed towards the starting line upon hearing the words.

The current Yang Er is no longer the image of the little monkey back then.Yang Er, who has just passed his birthday and is considered an 18-year-old adult, is a bit taller than others. His originally thin body has now become slender and strong, full of elasticity like a cheetah.

The young people soon began to "perform" the 400-meter barrier.I saw him easily jump over the short pile, "fly" over the ditch in the run-up, and after running all the way to the top of the high wall, he lightly tapped the top of the wall and turned his body over.As for the single-plank bridge that others can only run on rickety, it has become a smooth road for Yang Er.

The whole set of obstacle-crossing procedures, the little thief not only completed extremely fast, but also had a graceful posture and a great range of movements; in the eyes of others, it was an obstacle in the assessment project, but it really turned into a performance for him.


After the assessment was over, the total score was quickly calculated. This time, Yang Er's row ranked first.

Wei Yuan immediately announced the rewards for today's collective food addition.

Amidst the cheers, Wei Yuan looked at his watch and realized that it was still early to leave for dinner, so he said to Yang Er: "Let's play ball."Yang Er heard the words and immediately ran to the side of the courier cart carrying training supplies, and found two orange basketballs from inside.

Due to the lack of rubber, basketballs are now expensive imports... Generally speaking, the basketballs that travel across the country are used to "beat people", not to "play basketball".

Seeing the little thief yelling and running over with two basketballs in his hands, the 30 soldiers in a row gathered together laughing and laughing.When the two unlucky guys were hit by the basketball, the game officially started.

Anyone who is hit by a basketball will join the side that hits people in the outer circle.And the people in the inner circle who were crowded together and hard to dodge will become more flexible as the unlucky ones are constantly eliminated.

With hundreds of people watching and laughing loudly, there will soon be only a few people left in the inner circle.Because there are more than 20 people standing in the outer circle at this time, even if the two basketballs are smashed, they will be caught by the opposite person immediately, and then they will be smashed from the front and back at the same time. In this case, normal people will soon be overwhelmed.

The most dexterous is the thief.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, or how weird the angle of the basketball is, the thief can always put on some ugly but stretched figure in time to avoid the attack.

... Those who persevere to the end will be rewarded. Generally speaking, it is one day less duty.

After the soldiers in the three platoons played a game of "basketball" one after another, the sky was already filled with burning clouds, and the beautiful sunset on the seashore shrouded Dayuan Island.

After a password, Wei Yuan began to organize a team to comment.After a few short sentences, each platoon was brought back by the platoon leader organization.The soldiers ran to the beach one after another, put on their training shoes—actually sandals, put on their cotton vests, and then lined up, singing songs, and walked to the barracks.

And a company commander with a height of 1 meters walked to the express car.At this time, the little thief orderly had already tidied up the "local-foreign combination" car, so Wei Yuan sat down on the cast-iron floor of the car, making the car creak and squeal.

The next moment, Yang Er held the ebony handle and started the battery car.Under the setting sun, the car happily ran around the S-shape on the beach to the store, and a silent giant was sitting behind the car, smoking a cigarette.


That night, the canteen’s additional dish was scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The quantity was not much, only one pot.

The brothers in the first row were all smiling, and the officers who passed through naturally did the same thing: they gave their extra food to the poor bastards in the second and third rows.

This is not a clever way, but it is the most effective.From the recruits to the present, the collective sense of honor of the army has been gradually established in these small daily things.

After the meal, each class is free to move around.

Wei Yuan first went back to the Company Headquarters to have a meeting with the three platoon leaders who traveled across the country, and then went to Han Xiaobo to inquire about the latest information on Fujian. company department.

After returning to the company headquarters, he saw the little thief Yang Er sitting at the door enjoying the cool air boredly, so Wei Yuan smiled slightly, and said to the little thief: "Practice the sword tonight", and then went back to his room to take the knife he hung on the wall. on the dagger.

When he came out of the back room, Yang Er at the door was already waiting there with a wooden knife.After going out, relying on his 1.93 height, Wei Yuan raised the iron pan lamp on the porch, so that the light bulb could illuminate the front of the door.

"Attack and defense each 10 times, start!"

As Wei Yuan's words fell, Yang Er practiced the basic movements with the wooden knife.

Wei Yuan's grandfather was a martial artist in the Republic of China, so Wei Yuan learned a lot of routines when he was a child.Later, after Wei Yuan went to Africa to become a mercenary, he slowly let go of the things he learned when he was young-there are too few opportunities to use cold weapons in the 21st century.You know, in Africa, AKs and daggers are not used even by children, let alone long and short knives.

I don't want Wei Yuan's family craftsmanship to see the light of day after time travel.

There were too many places where cold weapons could be used in the 17th century, so bayonet combat training was an important basic training course in the Army's training syllabus.

As for Yang Er, who is chopping repeatedly with a wooden knife, it was after Wei Yuan heard the story of his dead busker father that he had the idea of ​​taking apprentices on a whim, and then he began to teach the little thief how to practice knives. Yes, it's a hobby.

And the wooden knife in Yang's second hand is not a standard military stab in the army, but only 60 cm in length, imitating the black crocodile sword in Wei Yuan's hand.

This kind of short knife with a seemingly beautiful curve is actually weird, and it is often used as a collectible in later generations.To really fight to the death on the battlefield, the person who uses this kind of knife not only needs solid basic skills, but also needs a paradoxical heart.

Wei Yuan is such a person.Usually people will be misled by his giant figure, thinking that he is a horse-running man... But he is not, as can be seen from the fact that he likes to play with black crocodile knives, which are very curved and mainly focus on swift stabbing, this man It's actually pretty dark.

So Yang Er was caught in a routine like this, and the sword skills he learned were different from others.

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