Lu Ming

Page 76

After saying this, he relaxed a lot at this moment.

It was too dangerous just now.Even if it was 2 minutes later, or if Lu Da was not a VIP customer and the hanging basket didn't fall slowly, then he could only follow him down the city and chase him down with a single shot... It's unreal to think about it, he's not 007.

"I haven't asked for advice yet. I don't know the vice master's name?" After Song Jia figured it out, she turned her face and asked Ding Bazong with a pleasant face.

"Don't dare, my surname is Ding."

"Well, Boss Ding." Song Jia nodded: "I was in a hurry just now, and I saw that the court wanted to make a crime and was about to get away, so it was a little offensive. Please don't blame Boss Ding."

"Don't dare, don't dare, it doesn't matter where it is, it doesn't matter..."

Although Mr. Ding had seen clearly the black skin on Zhu Jing's body at this time, it was actually just a black coat with a strange fabric, but he still didn't dare to look at Song Jia directly... Who would dare to say that the clothes were not black skin? from?

"Well, then let's do the same."

When Song Jia said this, he reached out and picked up the bag of broken silver on Lu Da's body, then took out a piece, and casually threw it to a city man next to him: "Brother, please bring some clean water."

The thin Cheng Ding took the money reflexively, and after being stunned for two seconds, he grinned and ran away.Soon, the thin man brought a big bucket of water to the hall, and Song Jia and the three of them washed their bloody hands in the bucket.

The next step was simple. When Song Jia weighed the broken silver in his hand and asked, "Is there an oilcloth?", the oilcloth was brought to him.As for VIP Lu Da, the next moment he was properly packed into rice dumplings and stuffed into a hanging basket.

Seeing that everything was done smoothly, Song Jia stuffed most of the broken silver in his hands into Chief Ding's hands, and distributed the rest among the city's servants.

Seeing Mr. Ding with a good face, Song Jia smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Before dawn, some people from the standard camp will come here to clean up the situation. As for me, I will leave a subordinate here to take over, and I will not let Mr. Ding take care of you." Difficult to do, okay?"

Ding Ba always had something to say, so he could only nod his head desperately: Since the other party left someone here to hand over the corpse, of course he has half of the responsibilities and doesn't have to worry about it.Although I got kicked tonight, I got a few tens of taels of extra money in exchange. To be honest, I am very happy...

Ever since, Song Jia brought one of his subordinates back from the original road on the gate tower and came to the street.At this time, someone took out the single-hole night vision device from his waist bag again, and resumed his terrifying pig-spirit appearance.

First, he took a few glances at the beggars lying down on the corner of the street, and then slowly looked around. After finding nothing abnormal, Song Jia said to his subordinates: "Let's go."

While walking, he took out the walkie-talkie again: "Group C reports the position, OVER."

"Just entered the house, OVER."

"Very well, you have nothing to do tonight, rest, OVER."

...Group C is Xue Haiyuan's group.

Due to the short distance, it can be arranged in advance, so Xue Haiyuan's side is much smoother than Song Jia's.When Song Jia was still firing on the city gate, Xue Haiyuan's team had already intercepted Lu Er under the gate of the well building with a fake patrol, and killed Lu Er on the spot with a P229 pistol equipped with a silencer.

When Song Jia was still arguing with President Ding, Xue Haiyuan had already thrown Lu Er's body into the dry well and was walking home.

…Song Jia was very pleased to hear the news that Xue Haiyuan had successfully returned.As of now, most of the tasks for tonight have been successfully completed, and the next thing he has to do is the last step: Heng Guangkang.

So Song Jia adjusted the channel of the walkie-talkie again: "Group B reports the position, OVER."

"Group B is still 500 meters away from the scheduled position, OVER."

"Very well, pay attention to concealment, wait for me to join, OVER."

"Group B understands."


Song Jia, who was talking while walking, didn't even notice that among the few beggars under her feet, one was lying sideways at the entrance of the alley, shaking all over.

...Bai Yu'er did not expect to encounter such a situation tonight.

Although Bai Yu'er is young, only 19 years old, but he is already an out-and-out old Jianghu: he worked for Zheng Sancai at the age of 16, and he has seen a lot of troubles.

When Lu Da passed the first pass under the tower, Bai Yuer, who was following behind, had already found the best observation position by feeling: the alley closest to the tower, next to a few sleeping beggars.

When Lu Da walked up the city wall, Bai Yu'er, who saw everything in his eyes, actually didn't plan to stay for long.Unexpectedly, just as he was about to leave, three black figures quickly passed by him.

The moment he turned around, by the moonlight, he saw Song Jia's terrifying white fish, and he was frightened so that his whole body became cold and his hands and feet went numb.As for Song Jia, who was in a hurry, he obviously didn't notice this person who was lying halfway in the corner, no different from other beggars, so the two sides just passed by.

Generally speaking, whatever you are afraid of comes here: Bai Yu'er was horrified to see that monster running up the tower... By this time, Bai Yu'er had already understood that the monster was most likely going for Lu Da.

Then came the long wait.

After what seemed like a year, Bai Yu'er finally waited for the monster to come downstairs.

And Song Jia, who was wearing night vision goggles, was once again deceived by inertial thinking, ignoring the sleeping beggars at the entrance of the alley. ——Although he only had to bend down and take a closer look, and he could tell that the white fish in a muslin robe was by no means a beggar.

In this way, Bai Yu'er escaped the disaster of killing himself by mistake.

After a while, even though his heart was filled with fear, Bai Yu'er slowly got up and walked towards Heng Guangkang.He must report everything that happened tonight to Zheng Sancai.

Chapter 209 Killing the King ([-])

"Hengguangkang", the source of the crisis, must be eradicated, and it can only be carried out tonight.

If you don't do this, when the gate of the city opens tomorrow morning, when Zheng Sancai can't wait for the Lu brothers to return, or send someone to find Zheng Zhilong, then no matter what the outcome is, he will immediately realize that something is wrong.

From now on, the news that a certain force colluded with the government to secretly eradicate Zheng Zhilong will soon be spread by Zheng Sancai.At that time, it will be too late to kill—the work of so many colleagues in the early stage will be in vain.

Fortunately, Zheng Sancai doesn't have a circle of friends to send group messages tonight; moreover, in the current unilateral and transparent situation, he thought he had the initiative: Shui Xiuer's play is a temporary extra, so In his deduction, the other party must have had no time to respond, and the news should have been easily sent to Zheng Zhilong.

As long as Zheng Zhilong is safe and well, then everything still needs to be discussed.

Therefore, tonight is the best opportunity: Zheng Sancai has not yet reacted.


The time when Zheng Huairen and Shui Xiu'er had a secret conversation was around 11:1 at night.And when Zheng Huairen rushed to Hengguangkang, which caused Zheng Sancai to dispatch Lu Da, which triggered the exchange of fire on the city tower, it was already around 20:[-] at night.

Therefore, when Song Jia finally got rid of Cheng Ding and rushed to the intelligence room only 200 meters away from Heng Guangkang in a straight line, it was already 2:[-] in the middle of the night, the fourth watch.

Through the walkie-talkie, he whispered to open the courtyard door, and Song Jia and the only subordinate slipped in without a sound.

In order to cover up this small courtyard, there are three brothers making handmade cloth shoes in it.As for the intelligence officer in charge of monitoring, he said that he was the one with poor legs among the three brothers, so he seldom went out.

When Song Jia came to the courtyard, he found that all 6 members of Group B who had come from their old nest had arrived. Now counting him and his deputy, there were 8 people in the courtyard in total.After entering the main room, Song Jia first briefly praised the three-person team who stood by the monitor, and then he began to drink tea—he was exhausted tonight, and his old man needed to rest.

While resting, the leader of group B took out the Hengguangkang courtyard map brought from his old lair, and with the light of the tactical flashlight, Song Jia began to assign tasks according to the head.

After 20 minutes, the 8-member killer team who had rested quietly slipped out of the hut.

The first thing the team passed through was Heng Guangkang's back door.After leaving two people squatting to guard, the remaining six people quickly walked around to Heng Guangkang's front door, and then stood against the walls on both sides of the door.

At the same time Song Jia signaled his two subordinates to go up and knock on the door, he never expected that Bai Yuer, who happened to return to the corner of the street, saw his whereabouts again.


"Dong dong", there was a small knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Someone asked in a low voice from behind the door.

"The Zheng family paper shop is here to inform, open the door quickly." A local accent lowered his voice and replied.

The gatekeepers had been reminded by Zheng Sancai before this, so they knew that there might be people from all walks of life coming tonight, so Heng Guangkang's partial door was quickly opened.

As soon as the door opened, two people in green clothes and hats dressed as buddies rushed in.

"Master Zheng returned home in the second watch, and news came in the fourth watch?" Seeing that there were two people rushing in, the two gatekeepers, one on the left and the other on the right, were slightly surprised.

"It's a disaster, it's a disaster, Lu Dafang was beheaded by the government in the south gate tower, quickly take me to see Master Sancai!"... The two people who came to report the letter did not answer the question directly, but threw a shocking thunder .

The two gatekeepers were shocked when they first heard the bad news, and one of them subconsciously turned around, intending to bring someone to see Zheng Sancai—at this moment, the two lost sight of each other.

Then they die.

Two U.S. military M9 military thorns with a blackened surface were stabbed into the jaws of the two men.At the same time, four people rushed in from outside the door. The second in line was Song Jia who was holding a P226 pistol with a silencer in both hands.

After Song Jia and the others rushed in, they didn't stop at all. They rushed to the front of the door in the first few steps, and pulled up the bamboo curtain.

The sudden change of air current caused a candle on the table to sway endlessly, and the remaining guard of the Zheng family inside had already heard that there was something wrong with the noise outside, and was about to go out to check.As a result, as soon as he got up, he saw the door curtain being pulled open, and then a monster with a black nose appeared outside the door in an instant, holding an iron weapon at himself.

Before the man could yell, Song Jia blasted the opponent's head three times in a row at a distance of less than two meters...Suppressing the faint discomfort, Song Jia then turned into the vanguard, raised the gun and walked around the screen wall, Lead people to rush to the front yard.

... Except for Cao Chuan, no one in this world knows Song Jia's previous occupation: poacher.Song Jia, who had been on the African grasslands for several years, undoubtedly had a life in his hands.But he had never experienced execution-like close-range killings like today, so Song Jia was a little uncomfortable at the moment.


Shaking his head slightly, forcing himself to turn his attention to reality, Song Jia led five of his men into the front yard of Heng Guangkang—the front door was closed, and only one person was left there to clean up the mess.

Due to the special circumstances tonight, a lantern was hung in front of the doors of the left and right wing rooms in Heng Guangkang's front yard.After the team rushed in, the troops were divided into two groups in an instant, and the distribution method was very clear: Song Jia and another subordinate with military stabs and night vision goggles led the team separately.

The two groups of teams extinguished the lanterns in front of the wing in the next instant.

The night is the best friend of the high-tech side, so the team members were told in the previous training that they must turn off the lights as soon as possible in the night battle.

The next step was simple: Song Jia and another deputy pushed open the doors of the left and right wing rooms at the same time.

In this kind of dormitory-like duty room, the door is not locked at night: the on-duty staff will come in to rest at any time.So after Song Jia entered the door, all she had to do was aim at the head of the bed and shoot.

Although the four people in the room were sleeping with their clothes on at the moment, they couldn't react correctly in the dark room - the most awesome one just woke up instantly after hearing the gunshot, and then a carp Da Ting jumped off the bed, and then, he died.

There was even less movement in the other wing: all three people had their necks wiped in their sleep, and no one woke up.

After the front yard was tidied up, one broken back was left as usual, and then Song Jia and the other four continued to rush into the middle yard.

The middle courtyard has the fewest enemies: the big head is in the front and back yards, and the middle courtyard is where the big study and warehouse are located.At present, only the big study room is still lit with candles, and there is a burning earthen basin in front of the door.

When Song Jia entered here, he temporarily pushed the low-light night vision device hanging on his right eye to his forehead.As the name suggests, this kind of night vision device works best only under the low light conditions of the stars and the moon, and it will not work in the dark night where you can't see your fingers, or in a bright room.

The big study where Zheng Sancai is located is very bright now.Not only did he light several sticks of red wax that were as thick as arms, but also because there was an earthen pot for burning letters in front of the door and a lantern on the porch, so he didn't need the night vision device.

Taking advantage of the bright fire coming from the courtyard, Song Jia first gestured for everyone to go to the gate of the backyard, while he rushed into the big study with his gun raised.

After two "puff puffs", a boy in blue who was dozing off while nodding his head halfway on the twig was the first to be beaten to death.And Zheng Sancai, who was sitting behind the desk and was sifting through letters one by one, raised his head in surprise at this moment.

Song Jia didn't talk too much nonsense - chatting with opponents in a dangerous situation was something only villain bosses were qualified to do.The old man is very busy now, and there are enemies in the backyard waiting for him to clean up, so Song Jia pulled the trigger when he said the words "Zheng Sancai" in Mandarin.

The layout of the Zheng family's guards in the backyard is similar to that in the front yard. There are always two guards in the yard, and the rest sleep in the house.

But this time the difficulty is much higher.

There was a guard near the back door, that is to say, Song Jia and the others had to go through the entire back yard to attack the back door and the two guards in the courtyard.This is very risky, because in theory, as soon as they enter the backyard, the guards can see the coming people through the corner of the lantern, so as to sound a warning.

Song Jia definitely didn't want to turn the scene into a scene of shouts and killings, the impact of doing so would be too bad.What if any stakeholder living nearby hears the sound of killing and runs to find Zheng Zhilong tomorrow morning?Or if one of the guards in the backyard ran away in the chaos, he would not accept it.

After thinking about it, Song Jia beckoned a team member over, and ordered him to go to the study to change into Zheng Sancai's uniform, and put on his head.

Then with a loud cough, "Zheng Sancai" squeaked and pushed open the door of the middle courtyard.After the two guards heard the noise, they turned their heads and saw Ying Ying Zhuo Zhuo's lantern in the corner of their eyes, and his master was standing sideways at the gate of the courtyard.

Zheng Sancai, who was wearing a unique official robe, raised his hands at this moment, clapped loudly, then waved twice in the direction of the guards, turned around and returned to the middle courtyard.

Undoubtedly there were two of him, and under inertial thinking, they just walked over and stepped over the wooden door connecting the middle courtyard.


Bai Yu'er was completely desperate this time.

He now regards the appearance of that monster as a harbinger of some kind of impending doom—similar to the script of Hades sending out impermanent ghosts.So when Bai Yu'er saw Song Jia and the others rushing into the main entrance, and then the two door panels closed silently, he no longer expected the shopkeeper and staff of Hengguang Kangli to end well.

With trembling legs, he sneaked around near the back door of Heng Guangkang, and after observing patiently for a while, as expected, his premonition came true: when the sound of clappers sounded nearby, Heng Guangkang's back door was opened.

A man with a lantern came out.

This person, whom Bai Yu'er had never seen before, held a lantern and swaggered to welcome two people carrying some kind of boxes into the backyard, and then they closed the back door.

Bai Yu'er shuddered.Now his heart is clear: as a fish that slipped through the net, if he continues to stay in Fuzhou City, he may not survive a day.

After looking up at the sky, the next moment, Bai Yu'er ran towards the south gate—since the clapper of the fifth watch had sounded, the city gate would open naturally in a short time.

Chapter 210 Killing the King (VII)

The people who came in from the back door were the two intelligence agents who monitored the hut.

Now that Hengguangkang has been destroyed, there is no need for the monitoring cabin specially set up for Hengguangkang to exist from tonight.Including the two plum vases that were put into the study with great difficulty, all equipment and personnel will be employed in a few days.

Of course, in the past two days, the communication equipment has to be temporarily set up in Hengguangkang - a huge office with a lot of information and property to deal with.In addition, what Song Jia is more interested in is: Who will come to Hengguangkang in these two days?

The dove occupies the magpie's nest, waits for the rabbit, and opens the door to welcome guests: Since there is support from the government, Song Jia doesn't mind being a counterfeit shopkeeper in Hengguangkang for a few days.

As for a few days later... As long as I, Zheng, set off on time this morning, he will have to finish playing within a day or two.By the time the news reached Zhongzuo Institute, it would be good if the remnants of the Zheng family survived the next month, and the tactical status of the silk and satin village had already been close to nothing.

So, Song Jia and his group began to deal with the aftermath generously.

First is the corpse.All the dead were searched and carefully bound in linen: the satin house had all kinds of linen in stock.The most important item on these people is a small wooden sign used to confirm their identity. This thing is very important because it will be used in the finishing work that will follow today.

As for Master Song Jiasong, he was already sitting in the big study, using the car radio to report the situation to Carrefour's old nest and Huang Juren respectively.The old nest will use the telegraph to send the information back to Dayuan Island; not to mention Huang Juren, the government will take the lead in the next action, and Huang Juren must always control the situation.


Panting, Bai Yu'er came to the south gate where he had been away for a while.

He doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to go out of the city to find the master.As long as he gets to the head of the house, his life should be saved, right?So, Bai Yu'er once again lurked in the street corner where the beggars were sleeping, fixed his eyes on the south gate tower, and waited for the moment when the city gate opened.

The opening time of the ancient city gates was irregular during wartime, but it was regular during peacetime: the gates opened at dawn and closed at night.When Bai Yu'er came to the south gate, it was already midnight. In later generations, it would be around 5 o'clock in the morning - the city gate will open soon.

At this moment, there was a sound of rumbling footsteps outside the South Gate Bridge.Bai Yu'er, who turned his head abruptly, saw a large number of soldiers riding horses, carrying long knives and lanterns, led by cavalrymen, running towards the south gate with swords and spears on their shoulders.

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