Lu Ming

Page 56

Just when Xie Chushui picked up the letter and opened the door of the private room, Xie Fuqing turned his back to him and added coldly: "Shuishui, you must remember that your surname is Xie, not Zheng. Don't misunderstand what you said, so that you can't get it wrong." Wrong power!"

…Watching Xie Chushui walk out the door with a lot of worries, Xie Fuqing's bronzed face was still covered with frost. He got up and went back to the small courtyard rented by the head of the club. After thinking for a long time, he went back to the main room to write start a letter.

The content of the letter this time is very detailed. After Xie Fuqing finished writing, he sealed it and called the leader outside the door to come into the house: "Shitou, take this letter, and I will pay you another 20 taels of silver. You can send it to me tomorrow morning." To go to Zhapu, don’t take your own boat, just take another boat, return home as soon as possible, and hand over the letter to the elder.”

"Stone understands."

After sending the messenger away, Xie Fuqing called another long follower and ordered him to take his name badge to Tangzhuang to post a post, and after a set time, he would return to visit Master Xiong.

Xiong Dao Xiong, who had gone far, didn't know about Lao Xie's operation in the guild hall.To be honest, Master Xiong had already forgotten about Xie's uncle and nephew after he left the hall...

Things that do not belong to the scope of my work, remember to do so in detail?

From the moment Xie Shushui revealed that Xie's family was Zheng's raw silk supplier, the nature of this matter has risen from a conflict among the people to a conflict between the enemy and ourselves.And conflicts between the enemy and ourselves are not under the control of Xiong Dao, but under the control of Lu Cheng.


In the Ming Dynasty, the silk weaving industry in Fujian was well developed, especially in Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and other places where trade flourished. The silk fabrics produced by folk handicraftsmen were quite famous.

However, the silk weaving industry and the mulberry cocoon industry are two different things... In fact, Fujian does not produce silk.

Due to geographical and climatic reasons, the mulberry cocoon industry in Fujian is very underdeveloped. "Bamin Tongzhi" said: "The sericulture here is poor, and there are many people who produce it. The yarn and silk that the people need to weave are all funded by Wu Hang."

The same record is also found in "Xinghua Fuzhi": "The local silkworm leaves are thin, and the silk is mostly decayed. The yarn and silk woven by the people are all invested in Wuzhong."

In other words, Fujian is actually a trade model with two ends: while importing large quantities of Jiangnan raw silk from Wu County, Suzhou, and exporting finished silk and raw silk through the local processing industry.

For silk, Huzhou head silk is used as the top silk, followed by Zhe silkworm. There are plain weaving, flower weaving, cloud weaving, gold thread weaving...

Yarn, lake silk is also used, good ones include plain yarn, floral yarn, gold thread yarn...

Silk cloth, using lake silk, there are few weavers today...

that's all.


Including the raw silk that Zheng Zhilong trafficked to Japan every year, including the raw silk that the Dutch bought forcibly from Lao Zheng, 9% of these goods came from the same place: Suzhou Wu County...the world's largest silk wholesale market in the 17th century.

Cutting off the enemy's financial resources and attacking the opponent's transportation lines are the most basic operations among hostile forces.Zheng Zhilong, handsome guy Zheng Zhilong, who has long been listed as the number one enemy of the crossing regime in 1628, I’m afraid this will not be known. As early as the establishment of Hangzhou Station, it was already one of the key tasks in the plan to attack his raw silk transportation channels from the root. up.

Well, this is called stepping on iron shoes and finding no place: Facing the vast number of large and small sea merchants, the Hangzhou station could not spare the energy to investigate who is the supplier of the Zheng family. I did not expect to jump out of one today...


Later that day, a radio wave was sent from Tangzhuang to Moyun Temple.

Not long after, Moyun Temple also sent out two radio waves, one of which was destined for Da Yuan, and the other penetrated into the depths of the void, and its destination was unknown.

In the afternoon of the second day, the private port outside Zhapu Town.

Zhapu is located on the north shore of Hangzhou Bay, surrounded by mountains and sea, with a superior geographical location, and it is the only place to enter Hangzhou Bay.

The sharp-bottomed blessing boats sailing from Fujian generally do not go deep into Hangzhou Bay-the hydrological situation is complicated and there is a danger of being stranded.Therefore, Zhapu, Jinshan and other places at the mouth of Hangzhou Bay became the berths of some Fujian and Guangdong merchant ships.

The two lucky boats belonging to Xie's family are currently moored in a private port called Niutou Harbor outside Zhapu Town.

After setting off from Hangzhou yesterday, Xie Chushui drove non-stop in a small boat, and arrived at Zhapu Town, more than 50 miles away, in half a day.The captain of the same family, Xie Shisan, did not dare to neglect after being notified at that time. He randomly brought in some groceries from Zhapu Town early this morning to fill up the rest of the cabin. The two ships of the Xie family are now ready to go. to hit the road.

When the sailors on the ship were bored basking in the sun, two servants walked in from the private port, followed by a man who looked like a domestic servant.

These three dear friends walked along the various ships of various sizes in the harbor all the way, and they came to the Xie family's boat in a short time.

"Is the head of the gang here? Come out and answer!" After climbing onto the boat from the springboard, the yamen servant shouted in a local dialect.

Xie Chushui and Xie 13, who were talking in the stern cabin, heard the sound and came out of the cabin. Seeing that they were two servants from Zhapu County, they hurried forward to salute: "Then you are the ship's leader. Dare I ask what you two servants do?"

All in all, these Fujian and Guangdong ship merchants in the private port and the Zhapu county government belong to the well water and do not violate the river water. On weekdays, the ship merchants paid their filial piety in time, and the county government turned a blind eye to this place.

When the guard saw the Lord coming out, he stepped aside, raised his thumb and pointed behind his shoulder: "An errand with a letter from home."

A young man with a round face, a green coat and a soft hat who looked like a servant came out from behind the guard.

"I'm from Master Lu's family in Donghu Town, and I have a letter to take to Zhangzhou Mansion. I just found out that your ship is going to Fujian, so..." The young man stopped talking with a smile on his face.

When Xie Chushui heard this, he knew the whole story, and immediately laughed: "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, it's a common thing to send home letters, it's a trivial matter, just follow me."

...Although I don't know who this master of Laoshizi Donghu Lu is, Xie Shushui knows that if he can work as an officer in Zhapu County to inquire and deliver letters, this master must be a big local family. This can't be wrong.

Thank someone in a very good mood. At this time, I have decided not to charge the courier fee. Maybe I can have a relationship in the future, right?

When the young man came to the cockpit, he opened the bag that he had been carrying on his back, revealing a thick black lacquered wooden box, some letters, and two pairs of new shoes with satin muslin soles.

Chapter 171 Debon

"What's the name of the little brother?"

"Back to the first chapter, the little one is prosperous."

"Wangcai, not bad, not bad, good name."


In the stern cabin of Fu Chuan, Xie Shushui and Xie Shisan, as well as two servants from Zhapu County, were surrounding a guy named Wangcai to watch him pack the express delivery.

Wangcai, who has been smiling since he entered the door, is not only quick in his hands and feet, but also has a sharp mouth. He packs and answers at the same time without delay.

He gently wrapped a few family letters into the furoshiki, then put the cloth bag into the black wooden box, and then two pairs of Su Fang's satin cloth shoes were also pressed on the furoshiki.Next, Wangcai closed the wooden box, and then took out a pair of exquisite small copper locks from his arms. After locking, Wangcai took the key away, then pushed the black wooden box to Xie Shushui, and said with a smile: "When Gangshou reaches the ground, he will be able to see the one with the key to open the box."

"Well, it's easy to talk about, it's just that the package from Master Lu's house is going to be sent to someone's house in Zhangzhou?"

"Oh, back to Gangshou, it's the East of Zhangzhou City, Banzi Lane, Liu Yushi's Mansion."

"Banzi Lane? I know... Well, Liu Yushi's mansion must be a big threshold."

"To tell you the truth, my eldest wife is the younger sister of Liu Yushi, and every year she finds someone to send letters home."

"Oh, that's how it is. Don't worry, little brother, the package will definitely be delivered."

"Wangcai thanked Gangshou on behalf of my wife."

"Little brother, you are welcome."


In the end, Wangcai gave Xie Gangshou a courier fee of 5 taels of silver in mutual humility, and watched the black wooden box being put into the wooden cabinet in the stern cabin with a smile.

That's it.Wangcai and the two servants then bid farewell and disembarked. After the three walked out of Niutou Harbor, they continued on for more than three miles, and then got into a small boat moored in the river branch.

The boat drilled all the way along the water network extending in all directions in the Jiangnan area, and when it returned to the river wharf in front of Moyun Temple, it was already the climax of the moon.Taking down the two lanterns hanging on the bow, the three boat passengers, who had already changed back to ordinary people's attire, walked slowly along the bluestone steps. Soon after, they saw the closed mountain gate of Moyun Temple.

Holding up a lantern to illuminate their faces, the three of them pushed open the small door that seemed to be unguarded, and walked straight to the abbot's room at the back of the temple. Wangcai, the leader, knocked on the door lightly a few times: "Master, we are back."

"come in."

The room is very bright, and a solar-powered antique horse lamp illuminates every corner of the house.Lu Cheng, who was wearing cassock and exposed his belly, was sitting at the desk, looking at them with a smile.


"Well, it's not too late to come back, it seems that the mission went well?"

"Yes, on time."

"Well, remember to hand in the report tomorrow."


"Well, the layout is still too thin, and the resources are all bet here." When Lu Cheng said this, he pointed to his feet, then got up and took a few steps in the room, sighing softly: "Action like today, theoretically Jiaxing On the other hand, it is appropriate for someone to be dispatched nearby. You guys seem to be going well, but in fact it is a risk... Time is tight, and you have to chase after others, and the risk is very high."

After Lu Cheng analyzed this point, the expression on his face gradually became firm: "No, no matter how difficult the steps are, you have to move forward. Well, later on, all of you should be prepared, and you will take turns to train the senior staff recently."

Of course Wangcai and the others knew where the legendary master was. Seeing that the master had made up his mind at this moment, the three of them nodded at the same time, but there was still a trace of apprehension in their eyes.

"Hehe, I went to study hard, and once I got out of the Intelligence Bureau, I was considered a teacher. When you come back, we will open a branch station!" Lu Cheng said while patting Wangcai on the shoulder encouragingly: " Liu Wang, I am optimistic about you, you must go to the kiln area to take a good look over there, after reading it, you will know how strong our strength is!"


Wangcai's real name is Liu Wang.

Before the time traveler conspired to seize the Beggar Gang, Liu Wang, who was the employee of Mingxiang Building at that time, was first set up by some people, and finally under coercion and lure, Liu Wang was forced to take action and killed the officials of Renhe County with ricin Zhu Zheng ensured the plan of crossing the crowd to seize the Beggar Gang from the side.

Afterwards, Liu Wang got a silver reward and resigned from the Mingxiang House: Of course, the people who passed through would not let a person who knew who the real culprit behind the scenes was wandering in the street, so Liu Wang was arranged to do odd jobs in Tangzhuang.

After witnessing all kinds of inconceivable features of the time traveler at close range, the carefree young man became interested, and ran around in the pond every day, and was almost ran into the back garden by him twice.

Well, it’s good if you are interested, so the little comrade was finally assigned to Moyunguan, and became the apprentice of Lu Cheng, the first Jiangnan station chief. thief.

The above is the story of Liu Wang.


In the dark cabin, it was stuffy and cramped, and a figure was sleeping soundly in a hammock.Accompanied by the reminder of the biological clock in the body, the habits developed over the years made the voice of the sleepy man gradually quiet down, and the next moment, he woke up.

Gently touching the edge of the bed with his right hand, the short-bladed Tang knife that never left his body was held in the palm of his hand, and Chen Huoding slowly opened his eyes.

Lifting the Rolex Yacht on his left wrist, the blue luminous dial showed that it was already noon, so Chen Huoding turned over and landed gently, groped in the dark, put on a patched jacket, and walked out of the cabin barefoot.

He suddenly walked up to the deck from under the cabin, and the hot noon sun made him squint his eyes. He set up a pergola to look around, and Chen Erye went to the stern cabin.

The sandship "Debang" is currently berthed in a small bay on Zhoushan Island.

Zhoushan Island was very prosperous more than a hundred years ago, that is, during the Jiajing period.Located in the west of Zhoushan Island, facing Ningbo, Shuangyu Port was the largest maritime smuggling trade base in Asia in the [-]th century.The smuggling group headed by the maritime merchant Wang Zhi, united with the Portuguese and the Japanese, started trade with the mainland based on Shuangyu Port, and the scene was hot.

After that, the court's classic "Forbidden Sea" project opened.

The script is very old-fashioned: the government traps and kills Wang Zhi, bans the sea, and then the "Japanese Insurrection" begins with coastal Chinese merchants as the main force, and the Japanese as white gloves.

Of course, the story of Grandpa Qi's anti-Japanese war is indispensable.

However, the irony is that it was not Qi Jiguang who hacked and killed countless villains in the thousands of miles of seas for many years, but the four words: Longqing opened the sea, which finally put down the Japanese invasion at the strategic level.

There is no need for colonists 2.0 to smash the customs with a row of artillery. In the cold weapon era, a regime that liked to ban the sea could not stand it after forcibly cutting off the country's foreign trade.

Huge loss of social wealth, high military expenditures, and the decline of coastal provinces... So the court took advantage of Emperor Longqing's coming to power, and played a big discussion, so the people who advocated the prohibition of the sea suddenly realized it, and after paying After the cost of eight years of war in the southeast coast, Fujian Yuegang was opened... The Japanese invasion subsided...

With the opening of Yuegang in Fujian, the center of gravity of coastal trade in mainland China has also moved to the south, and Zhoushan Island, which was once popular for a while, has been completely ruined because of the government's filling of Shuangyu Port.

The time came to 1628, and the current Zhoushan Island, according to the words of later generations, had degenerated into a small town on the [-]th line-some fishermen, some farmers, plus the Weisuo City, it was the whole of Zhoushan.

The small bay where the "Debon" is moored in Zhoushan is called "Rotten Changzi Bay", and it is located in the area of ​​Zhoushan Cultural Park in later generations.

This location faces the mainland across the sea, and Ningbo is 10 kilometers away.The ocean here is narrow, and the north and south sides are full of scattered small islands of Zhoushan. The sea lanes are chaotic and the sea conditions are complicated.


Chen Huoding, the second head of the original Pingfengzhai, and now the captain of the "Debang", is walking to the stern cabin after waking up.Noon was the time for lunch, and sailors in twos and threes gathered on the boat to eat with wooden bowls. When they saw the head of the family coming, they all got up to say hello.

Before Chen Huoding finished greeting, he heard the high-pitched drake sound outside the boat: "Second Master, Second Master!".Chen Huoding poked his head over the side of the boat and saw a man with long hands and legs, a donkey face, and an extremely uncoordinated body and limbs. up the boat.

Although the person's body was uncoordinated, his balance was excellent. He probably had practiced his skills on sea ships all the year round. But the plate was not moved at all, the large yellow croaker slices, squid slices, grouper fillets and other delicious dishes on the iron plate were creaking.

Seeing the donkey-faced man with a smile on his face running towards him with good food, Chen Erye, who theoretically should have a heroic smile, sneered at this moment, turned around as if he hadn't seen this guy, turned his head and walked towards the stern cabin .

But the donkey-faced man didn't care, and followed the second master with a plate, smiling all over his face, while listening to the compliments of the sailors, "the sub-gang grilled a good fish", his male duck's voice lit up Started to compliment the boss: "Second Lord is worthy of being from the army. You must get up at noon after the end of the night. What a skill! But my Ma Liu is not bad at all. Look at this plate of fish! It's on fire, Second Master, you are really very lucky Already!"

Chen Huoding rolled his eyes all the way, and when he came to the door of the stern cabin, he stopped and thought for a while, then turned around helplessly, pointed to his feet: "Wait!" After speaking, he lifted the curtain and entered house.

After a while, the second master came out of the stern cabin and sat cross-legged on the deck in front of the door.After sitting down, he looked down at the seafood teppanyaki in front of him, then looked up at the donkey-faced man named Ma Liu on the opposite side, shook his head, and muttered: "I'm going to be empty!" and took it out of his arms. two bottles.

The two bottles were one tall and the other short, and the words "Wahaha Fruit Milk" could be vaguely seen on the shorter bottle. Then the second master turned the bottle upside down and sprinkled the red powder inside on the large yellow croaker on the iron plate.

The next moment, the two salivating foodies started grabbing the fish. While eating, they unscrewed the tall bottle with the vaguely "Nutrition Express Line" and poured rice wine into their mouths.

Chapter 172 Cover the sky

Needless to say, the name of the ship "Debang" is the work of Chuanzhong.

As the dark son stationed in the Zhehai area by the crossing forces, the mission of the Debang is simple: to recruit and screen sailors, and at the same time accept the commands of the traversers, roam around as a pirate ship, and attack ships of hostile forces.

The message code of the Debon in the system is a "wild game" with a strong time-traveling style.

The pirate ship Debon, the flag that was pulled out in the rivers and lakes is "covering the sky".Well, this idiot name was actually randomly chosen by the cross-travelers of a certain intelligence agency, and it is the same style as a certain grass head king in the late Ming Dynasty.


The head and second head of the "covering the sky" bandit gang wiped out the grilled fish on the iron plate in the scramble.After finishing the work, Erye Chen shook the small bottle to see how little chili powder was left in it. He muttered a few more words in heartache, and then hurriedly put the two worn-out plastic bottles into his arms.

Ma Liu, who was guarded by the second master like a thief, was also an old man in the Pingfeng village back then.This person was a fisherman on the coast of Yueqing when he was a teenager, and he was exiled to Pingfeng Village as an adult, similar to what happened to Chen Huoding.

At the beginning of the diversion, the cross-travelers considered that Chen Huoding and Ma Liu were the few people in Pingfeng village who had added navigation skill points, so they left them to fight wild along the coast of Zhejiang Sea, and by the way, taking advantage of their familiarity on the ground, they took advantage of their familiarity with the ground to fight in various guards. The fishing village pulls people to recruit workers.

In this way, the Debang roamed around Zhoushan every day, robbing it from time to time, and every once in a while, a fleet of sand boats would pass by the joint, here to send some people on board, and there to leave supplies for them.

Supplements are usually salt.With fine salt, no matter where the Debon stops, there will always be rice, vegetables and seafood from nearby fishermen and farmers.

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