Lu Ming

Page 55


With the arrival of a large number of purchasers, the area around Tangzhuang, which was already not deserted, became chaotic and noisy overnight.

A large number of sailors and coolies come and go between the bays of the warehouse, the slaves in fresh clothes and angry horses accompany the butler-like people wandering in the cargo pile, the masons, carpenters, and stonemasons squat together, and the guys who eat in front of them mark their occupations , waiting anxiously for customers to come and pick up people.

Going north along the small river bend in front of the gate, there are a row of rental boats moored in the Tanghe River. There are always some big and small businessmen gathered in front of the gate of Tangzhuang. The business began to flood among the crowd. Is this how the original exchange came about?

Not long after, villagers paddling small boats also came to sell lotus leaf glutinous rice cakes.There are also more things drilling around in the crowd - thieves.The tax collectors in official robes also came—from the Bamboo and Wood Bureau.

Recently, Xiong Dao was tied hands and feet because of this sudden explosion of enthusiasm.

This will definitely not work: Tangzhuang does not need to turn the entrance into a building materials and home improvement market. The most important task of this freight station is to transport some special "goods" at night, and other businesses are incidental. If this continues, it will be difficult. How long will it take for someone to set up a tent nearby and spend the night on the spot... This is unbearable, the priority is clear.

So Xiong Dao began to rectify.

The goods selling glutinous rice cakes were purchased, and then the simple man was kicked into the river by the bully of Tangzhuang: "Get out! Burn the boat again!"

The thief who stole was picked up by the big man and walked away: "There is a wild lotus pond two miles away. Brother will take you to see the lotus."

As for the division of the Zhumu Bureau, Xiong Dao released Diao Xingshou... This group of people is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry, a group of customs chiefs, ambassadors, and Neige are watching the bamboo, wood and geese in the world every day. Pulling hair, and Lao Diao are old friends, we have a meal together, after discussing a deal, the gang of plague gods will be settled.

This is still a way to save face. The merchants in the late Ming Dynasty were actually very powerful, especially those with the support of gentry or relatives of the emperor.

Here is a short story in Wanli's "Dongguan Jishi" for reference: Huizhou wood merchant Wang Tianjun and others bought 16 pieces of wood with money... tax evasion of more than 3 silver... loss of 6 to [-] Two, the public (the minister of the Ministry of Industry) called dozens of people from Huizhou to kneel in the court... All the businessmen know that the public is invincible, and they poured their stolen goods into the East Factory.

Yes, you read that right. Dozens of red-cap businessmen evaded taxes wantonly. After being caught, they couldn’t deny it. They even framed Dongchang together...

Is it the collapse of the three views?It has always been side by side with the KGB and FBI in the military, and Dongchang, which is the chief representative of the brutal organization in TV novels, was planted by businessmen in the lobby of the Ministry of Industry.


After the irrelevant people disappeared, Xiong Dao began to rectify the related households: From now on, each group of craftsmen will only be allowed to leave a customer service member with a certificate to pick up customers neatly under the bamboo shed, just like the Unicom girl doing activities in the future square Like them, the rest of the craftsmen, big and small, all rushed back to Hangzhou City.

As for the merchants, Tangzhuang had to designate a red brick warehouse for them to toss about, with chairs and tea prepared in it, and Chu Maosheng served as the salon manager.

All food and water are now provided by Tangzhuang, and all foreign hawkers and merchants are driven away.

The most important point is: every day at four o'clock in the afternoon, Tangzhuang starts to close, all business stops, and the migrants have to take a boat back to the city. The only people left here are our own people in uniforms.

"It's finally like that..." Xiong Dao was standing on the stone platform at the gate of Tangzhuang at the moment, looking at the migrant households returning home by boat, he nodded with satisfaction.Recently, he has hardly done anything, just spends here every day to maintain order, and it takes more than ten days to tidy up the scene.

"Fortunately, we didn't delay the matter." Xiong Dao continued to observe the surroundings, and seeing the people on duty starting to patrol the empty market one after another, he turned and returned to Tangzhuang.

Tangzhuang is still the same as before, the difference is the back garden.The back garden that was transformed by the traversers at the beginning has been opened to Mingren's subordinates with the withdrawal of the traversers and most of the equipment.

Now Xiong Dao and his two concubines, secretary and dispatcher occupy a small building exclusively, with a few photovoltaic panels and antennas on the roof, and the rest of the ordinary small buildings have been assigned to the "guardians" to live in.

Tangzhuang and Moyunguan now share the same group of guards, most of whom are old people from Pingfengzhai.At the beginning of the diversion, the young bandits went to Dayuan Island and the fleet, while the middle-aged bandits stayed and became the little leaders of the guard and the beggar gang.

The guards later formed a mixed escort team with some beggars, and the members began to take turns in the Moyun Temple to receive training in fighting, night patrolling, and crossbow shooting; He took on the important task of guarding Moyun Temple and Tangzhuang.

Xiong Dao went back to the small building in the back garden and looked at his watch. It was already past 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He first asked his sister to bring dinner and finished it quickly. Then at 6 o'clock sharp, he turned on the car radio and started watching Lu Cheng over there is on the phone.

Not long after the call was over, Xiong Dao began to call the captains of the guards who were waiting outside to assign tasks one by one.

After the arrangement was completed, the thugs had to be ordered to leave. Master Xiong walked into the bedroom at this time, and began to take off his clothes with the two girls... Cough, let's change clothes.It wasn't until the sun was setting, the lone star was rising, and the sky was getting dark that the door of the building slowly opened...Master Xiong walked out of the building at the first.

At this time, Mr. Xiong changed his image as a wealthy businessman. He was wearing a CQB night combat uniform, a boonie hat, and his long hair fell into the hood from the back of his head; Mr. Xiong was holding a SCAR17 tactical assault rifle, with a M9 pistol, a low-light night vision device on the chest, and a walkie-talkie on the back waist, looking like a special police officer.

Behind Master Xiong are two special police girls.The girls wore black wedge-heeled leather shoes, black tight-fitting washed cloth trousers on their lower bodies, tactical daggers on their thighs, American Baal hand crossbows hanging on their waists, and infrared binoculars and night vision devices dangling on their chests. The pony tail flicks and flicks at the back of the head, the lines are tortuous and heroic.

After the team of one king and two queens went out murderously, Master Xiong patted a girl's butt with a lewd smile.

"The Yellow River reports the Yangtze River. Now the vision is good and there is no abnormal situation. OVER"

"Yangtze River received it, pay attention to observe, pay attention to observe OVER." Master Xiong walked out, while testing the walkie-talkie with his sister, and not far from the back garden, another girl also left him - the two girls were going to be in the watchtower Monitor the west and north of Tangzhuang, which is the direction of Hangzhou City.

As the Xiong Zhuangzhu kept walking out, people on both sides kept following.

"Have the coolies settled down?"

"To the owner, everything is closed!"

"Check the lock again and send someone to guard the door."



At this time, the reason why Mr. Xiong is so mobilizing today is very clear: there are "goods" arriving tonight.

Every night of "delivery" from Moyun Temple, Tangzhuang is also facing an enemy. The coolies will be locked in the house, and all other people must be dispatched to ensure the smooth progress of the "goods" handover.

After Xiong walked out of the gate of Tangzhuang, he saw that his men were ready, and the sailors on all four boats were also ready, so he went straight to the row of brick-and-concrete warehouses by the river.

Seeing the owner coming, the two guards opened the warehouse door.Xiongdao walked through the stacked rice sacks in the warehouse, opened a secret door in the corner, and then climbed up a narrow stone step to the roof of the warehouse.

The roof was built by our own people when the house was built. In the middle is a sunken machine gun nest, covered by wooden boards on the top.This is an important commanding height, and all areas including Tangzhuang and Hewan Wharf can be directly observed from the roof.

After Xiong Dao climbed onto the roof, he first observed the surrounding movement with the night vision goggles, and after confirming that there was no abnormality around, he began to calmly set up the assault rifle, then took out the walkie-talkie, and started to switch channels and communicate with each other one by one stand up.

There are four most important channels on the walkie-talkie: the two girls upstairs in Tangzhuangwang, Lu Cheng in Moyunguan, and the leader of the upcoming Moyunguan transport fleet: Comrade Hu Xian.

Chapter 169

Hu Xian, with penetrating handwriting, thick eyebrows and big eyes, broad shoulders and thick back, has a finger-sized mole on his forehead.This person was the first small leader of the beggar gang to support Zhou Tong, and he has been in charge of taking care of the refugees in Moyun Temple afterwards.

Comrade Hu Xian, in order to preserve his status as a new rich man, carefully disciplined the refugees, worked hard to win over his boss, and was loyal to the time-traveling forces. Unknowingly, this guy has been mixed into a very high position: fleet escort class.

The four medium-sized ships departing from Moyunguan started "loading" at 9:[-] pm.In this era, there are no street lamps, only will-o'-the-wisps. Three miles out of the city, it is already pitch black, with no trace of people, and it is all illuminated by the stars above the head.

The refugees with shaved heads and short coats lined up in the dark and were escorted onto the boat.There are temple guards holding crossbows and night vision goggles hanging on their chests everywhere. Regardless of whether the refugees are willing or not, the voyage to the light has already begun at this moment, and it is irreversible.

By the time the Moyunguan fleet loaded up and arrived at the gate of Tangzhuang, it was already past 10 o'clock at night.Led by the Gouyan, which was first purchased by the crossing crowd, the four large ships had already lined up along the river at this time, and the battery headlights were neatly lit on the deck of the ship, and the latecomers slowly docked under the guidance of the lights and walkie-talkies Beside the big boat, two by two.

The wide ramp is lowered from the big boat, which is a special stepped springboard for easy climbing.The next moment, the hatch opened, and the people inside were released one by one from the dark cabin.As soon as they came out, the gang was dazzled by the headlights, but this was intentional: in the past, there were always some "smart people" who planned to dive into the water after getting out of the cabin, and these people were either shot to death by crossbows or killed by They were caught and beaten violently, so the improved transfer process does not give these people a chance at all.

As soon as the fake monk Pu, who was dizzy and could not keep his eyes open, was pushed onto the diving board by someone, the order came from next to his ears, which made them, who had been training in Moyun Temple for a period of time, start to climb up subconsciously. Then the scratching hook on the top of the head also arrived, and with a pull from the back of the shoulder, the person boarded the big boat.

The "cargo" transfer process after many improvements is short and concise, simple and fast, simple but not simple.The sailors cooperated tacitly at this moment, and the process was proficient. One by one, the refugees who climbed up from the bottom of the bilge returned to the dark cabin in less than a minute.

During the entire transfer process, Xiongdao, who was in the best observation position, spent most of the time observing the dark wilderness in the distance with infrared telescopes.His attention was mainly focused on outsiders, such as some thieves who came to Tangzhuang to steal things. The commander of the fleet and Hu Xian were in charge of the fleet, so he didn't need to worry too much.

One and a half hours have passed since all the 600 refugees changed boats.At this time, four medium-sized boats began to enter the river bend under the guidance of lights, and then slowly turned around and returned to Moyun Temple.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this time, adjusted their status one after another, and waited for the arrival of the second batch of "goods".

Under normal circumstances, on the night before the sand boat fleet sets sail, Moyun Temple will always send different numbers of refugees, sometimes one wave, sometimes two waves: this depends on the amount of other groceries on the sand boat.

And tonight is destined to be a sleepless night: the tidal disaster that will come in July will cause a large number of hungry people around Hangjia Lake, so at present, Hangzhou Station needs to increase the traffic volume of refugees.

Including the refugees stranded in Moyunguan, as well as the young men and excavators who "stored" in Zhou Tong's hands, these people are all on the list. Evacuate all "placement positions" to accommodate newcomers.

Of course, in this way, it is necessary to take some risks.

By the time the fleet arrived at Tangzhuang again from Moyun Temple, it was already 3:10 in the middle of the night, which was much later than usual—the deck of the ship was also risked to be full of "cargo" this time, and these people were in groups of [-]. It was tied here with hemp rope.

This time it was a lot of trouble. After the bound people stumbled and climbed onto the sand boat, there was an extra procedure to untie the hemp rope, which not only wasted time, but also increased noise and confusion—a "smart man" finally found a gap, and from The boat gang Yuyue jumped down the Tanghe River.

... There will always be people with such rich imaginations, who probably think that crossing over spends money to fatten them up, and they are used to make human meat buns, and today is the day to be put in the cage, so they always look for opportunities to jump into the river.However, these were nothing in front of the prepared guards holding infrared crossbows - before the jumper fell into the water, he was shot through by two carbon fiber crossbow arrows in the air, and died at the bottom of the river without a sound.

The trick of scaring chickens and monkeys is always effective, although it is not what the knife-wielder wants.Then the speed of the transfer personnel suddenly accelerated, and finally when a trace of white belly appeared on the horizon, the last refugee was sent off the cabin.

"Huh..." People who had been busy all night can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Last night's operation was the largest transshipment in the history of the crossing fleet. A total of 1400 refugees were stuffed into the cabin. Except for a small amount of rice, there are only people in the sandboat, and no other groceries are loaded.

"Thanks for your hard work, old Xiong. We drank the wind all night on the roof." Wang Bo, the commander of the Sand Fleet and the captain of the Dog Eye, stood at the bow of the ship at this time, and said to Comrade Xiong Dao who came to see him off with a smile.

"I'll lie down and sleep when I go back, and you have to take shifts to sail the boat, which is hard work!" Xiong Dao nodded with a smile, and shook hands with Wang Bo tightly: "Be careful on the road, take care all the way!"

"Take care of yourself!"

The revolutionary comrades just waved goodbye.A few hours later, when those who came out of Hangzhou City came to Tangzhuang Building Materials Market, they would find that the four large sand boats parked in the river bend had quietly disappeared.


After Mr. Xiong sent the fleet away, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He yawned and went back to the house to catch up on sleep. Well, it was really hard to blow the cold wind all night.When the master woke up, it was already lunch time, and the Dragon and Phoenix special attack team had already changed back to the Mingshang template... The Batman hour is over.

After lunch, Xiong Dao sat in the study and drank tea while reviewing the work during this period: the overall situation is good, the market has finally been regulated, and the experiment of transferring a large number of people was successful last night. The time-suspended job picked up...

Xiong Dao thought of this, got up and took down a thick stack of letters and name cards from the bookcase, and began to look through them carefully.

Before that, Xiong Dao signed a contract with the sea merchant Lin brothers. After that, the results of Lin's transportation of iron materials to Dayuan were very good, and both parties were very satisfied.Originally, Xiong Dao was going to make persistent efforts, but who would have thought that one thing after another would cause him to suspend his plan, now that he has time, he plans to continue his homework.

In the afternoon of that day, a servant set off from Tangzhuang to post posts to several households in Hangzhou. In the early morning of two days later, Master Xiong set off from Tangzhuang with a few followers and went into the city.

Xiong Dao and his party disembarked from the Qingtai Gate, hired a sedan chair on the spot, and went straight to the Zhangzhou Guild Hall.

The Zhangzhou Guild Hall is on the street at the entrance of Chunyou Bridge, not far from Qingtai Gate. It didn’t take long for Master Xiong and his party to arrive at the entrance of the Guild Hall. Not long after the entourage went in to report, two businessmen in red Zhangsha gauze came out of the Guild Hall Come.

The two sides exchanged polite words first, and then Master Xiong ordered his followers to carry the four-color water gift, and everyone entered the hall together.The Zhangzhou Guild Hall covers a large area, and the functional buildings such as flower hall, restaurant, guest room, and auditorium are well equipped. After Mr. Xiong and his party entered, they opened a private room, and the three of them sat down to watch tea.

These two businessmen were both surnamed Xie, with bronze faces. The one in his forties was called Xie Fuqing, and the other in his thirties, with a dark face and brows, was called Xie Chushui.

The Xie family is a Zhangzhou maritime merchant, with great wealth and power, and the boat gang is also a bandit and a merchant. The business scale is much larger than that of the Lin brothers who went to the big officials before.The owner of the Xie family in Zhangzhou is named Xie Fubei, and among the two in the shop today, the older Xie Fuqing is the manager of the Xie family's Jiangnan branch, and is of the same generation as the owner, while the dark-faced Xie Chushui next to him , is the "adopted son" of the Patriarch of the Xie family.

"Adopted son" means "adopted son".

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Fujian maritime merchants had the custom of adopting sons. Maritime merchants bought boys from poor families as their sons, raised them and sent them to sea. There were many such cases.


"I just found out a few days ago that the people who occupied Dayuan Island were actually Master Xiong's gang. I have no eyes. I saw a hero today. I am disrespectful and disrespectful!" Start talking to Master Xiong.

"It seems that the news has finally reached Hangzhou." Xiong Dao was not surprised: "Where, the brothers also took advantage of the lax defense of the 'Helan people' and succeeded in a sneak attack. You can't be a hero."

After exchanging pleasantries like this, the atmosphere in the private room is a little different: now the identities of each other have been revealed, and both parties are agents arranged by a maritime (pirate) gang in Hangzhou.

Knowing each other's identities, the polite words can be omitted: "I don't know what is the purpose of Xiongtai's visit today?" Xie Fuqing asked seriously at this time.

Xiong Dao saw that he got to the point, so he nodded and said: "The popularity of Dayuan Island is not very high now. My brother heard that Xie's boat is going to return in the near future. I don't know if your boat would like to drop by to visit Dayuan? Hehe, how long is the delay?" After a few days, I am sure your lord will be happy to bring back some exotic goods from Dayuan Island to Zhangzhou."

"Haha, brother, you have a good plan." Xie Fuqing raised his head and smiled when he heard this: "To tell the truth, Mr. Xiong, the Xie family's cargo is going to Luzon with Beifengwei. It was fixed last year, so it’s really not good to make another trip.”

" that's the case, that's really brother, atonement for sin." Hearing this, Xiong Dao knew that he couldn't force it: it's the end of the north wind season, if Xie's boat is rushing to Manila, then The time is indeed very tight, and if you abduct a senior officer on the way, you may encounter headwinds and delay the voyage.

After figuring this out, Xiong Dao could only say one thing: "If so, please tell your family master that in the future, you welcome Xie's boats to trade." After saying this, he planned to leave after a few more polite words.

However, Xie Chushui, who was sitting by the side, said something that made Xiong Dao raise his eyebrows: "If it's raw silk, it's fine. The Xie family has often traded with officials and gangs in recent years. I'm afraid I don't have much goods before going." Great trade."

Chapter 170 Conflict between the enemy and us

"It's fine if it's raw silk. In recent years, the Xie family has traded with a large gang of officials. I'm afraid they don't have much goods to trade with the officials."


After Xie Chushui said this, Xiong Dao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and the next moment he smiled all over his face: "It's okay, it's okay, Dayuan Island is barren right now, just a handful of hemp rope, a bundle of It’s good that the porcelain bowl can be transported, don’t pick and choose, haha.” At this point, Master Xiong raised his head and laughed loudly.

At this time, Xie Fuqing also laughed awkwardly together, and by the way cast a stern glance at the clan nephew.Afterwards, the two sides exchanged some polite words, Master Xiong got up to say goodbye, and Mrs. Xie hurriedly got up to see them off.A group of people happily came to the door of the guild hall. Master Xiong said goodbye to the experienced Xie Fuqing and Xie Chushui who was inexplicably hostile to him, and returned to the sedan chair.


"Quishui, you haven't been in Hangzhou for long, and you haven't figured out the territory yet, so how can you say that kind of nonsense in front of this person?!" After seeing off the guests, just returned to the private room, Xie Fuqing glared Xie Chushui asked.

Xie Shuhui listened to the family uncle's questioning, and there was a sarcastic smile on Hei's face: "Fourth uncle, you still don't know some news. This group of people sold raw silk to the Japanese on Dayuan Island. They violated Zheng Yiguan's crimes." Bogey, I'm afraid time is running out, Fourth Uncle doesn't need to care about it."

After Xie Fuqing blinked his eyes and thought about it, he leaned on the back of the chair and sat down. Then he stared at Xie Chushui's eyes and asked slowly, "Why didn't Zheng Yiguan suppress this generation early?"

"Fourth Uncle, as you know, the Zheng family has recently been using Tongshan as their camp, dealing with the officers and soldiers, so they can't take action."

"Well, when Mrs. Zheng was free earlier, why didn't she go to Da Yuan to copy the red-haired man's lair?"

"Oh... this, it's probably... the red-haired man's guns are sharp..."

"How did the red-haired man go to Dayuan Island? Don't you know. You took two boats to Penghu to help you. How could you not know?"

Xie Fuqing paused at this point, then frowned and continued: "How many people are there in the officer's army and the Zheng family? How many people are there for Hongmao? If Zheng has a way, can he send Hongmao to the senior officials? "

"Perhaps you heard someone's ecstasy soup. You really thought that Xiong Dao and his gang had succeeded in a surprise attack on the officials? The corpses of red-haired men were scattered all over the field, and the city wall burst. How can this be a sneak attack?" Xie Fuqing said here , with a helpless face: "That group of people are big bugs!... Mrs. Zheng knows all too well that an official really has that ability, and he has already leveled up with a big official, so why should he stay in Tongshan to enjoy the wind?!"

At this time, Xie Fuqing became more and more angry and frightened.With the experience of a 40-year-old sea merchant, he was keenly aware of a little bit of risk just now. After further analysis, Xie Fuqing has completely figured out one thing: this reckless nephew of his family took the people from Dayuan Island As a chicken and a dog, he stood in line for Xie's family with just one sentence...

There seemed to be an inexplicable burnt smell wafting through the tip of his nose. Xie Fuqing was walking up and down the room irritably at this moment—for some reason, he always had a bad premonition: "I don't know some news? Damn! Then The second shopkeeper of Tangzhuang is a sworn brother of the leader of the Hangzhou Beggar Clan, and has eight thousand brothers under him, how many of these news do you know?".

Looking back at the nephew who opened his mouth wide, Xie Fuqing stopped talking and asked directly: "Is the cargo ready?"

"It's ready." Xie Shushui nodded.

"I'll write a letter to the head of the family right now. When you get the letter, go to Zhapu, and return to Zhangzhou with the old Shisan's boat the next day."

"Old Thirteen?" Xie Chushui asked in surprise, "Old Thirteen's boat is not ready yet?"

Xie Fuqing didn't want to say anything more to this brain-dead nephew, so he took the pen and ink on the desk beside him and started writing letters on the spot.After finishing writing, the envelope was sealed with sealing paint, and Xie Fuqing handed the letter to his nephew: "Whether it's old or not, I still have the final say on Jiangnan's affairs. You go now, and at the latest the day after tomorrow, you will have the final say." The reason for returning to the same boat with the old thirteen is in the letter, and the Patriarch has his own explanation after reading it."

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