Lu Ming

Page 57

Therefore, Chen and Ma lived a good life.


After the grilled fish is finished, it's time to get down to business.

First of all, of course, to check the latest information, so the two entered the stern cabin.

In the stern cabin, there was a gentle-looking man, less than 30 years old, who was sending and receiving messages in front of a push-button telegraph.

The man's surname is Han, and his name is Han Zude.

Han Zude is one of the earliest batch of top students in Moyun Temple, and he is in the same class as Jiang Shang, who has gone to the university.However, unlike Jiang Shang’s all-round development, Han Zude, who is already 30 years old and was just a troubled paper shop guy, is a bit partial in his studies: he is very bad at writing essays, but he learns mathematics very quickly. Simply put , he has the head of a science student.

Considering that he is not young, and he has little potential for growth in the future, so when Lu Cheng was appointed as the station chief of Hangzhou station, he transferred Han Zude under his command.

After that, Han Zude began to learn basic knowledge while accepting intelligence agent training courses including sending and receiving telegrams.The current job on the Debang is already the third position in Han Zude's rotation.


Chen Huoding waited patiently for a while, and after seeing Han Zude sent the telegram, he leaned over and asked, "Scholar, do you have a letter?"

At this time, the scholar turned his face away and shook his head lightly: "No news." After finishing speaking, he got up and went to the working platform in the middle of the stern cabin. There were nautical charts and some ruler tools on the platform. The most precious thing, It is a rechargeable desk lamp.

Chen Erye and Ma Liu also came to the table.The two began to quietly watch the scholar measure and calculate on the table.

"We will see the outcome today."

After finishing the calculation, Han Zude straightened up, took a plastic ruler and began to draw on the chart: "Foklao's boat rested in the area of ​​Sipingtou Island last night. Well, according to the news from the base, Fuloo's boat departed on time this morning. If there are no accidents, Fu Lao should be in this area now."

Speaking of this, the scholar used a ruler to draw a circle around Jintang Island in Ningbo in later generations: "It's within a hundred miles here."

"Then why didn't the news board report the letter?" Ma Liu opened his mouth and asked.

"Hehe, our message board is too small." Han Shusheng smiled at the sun at this moment, and then made a gesture of "a little bit" with his fingertips: "The sound of the ear report on the Fuklao ship is too small, but the base can hear it with big ears." It turns out that the ears on our boat are small, and the Hokage can only hear it when he gets close. Well, soon, according to my calculations, there should be news within a few hours."


In later generations, on a certain treasure, the main room can easily buy a biscuit-sized magnet tracker with global GPS positioning function for only 81 yuan. Well, as long as it is pasted under the car, it can track dead ghosts and catch mistresses.

However, it is the 17th century now, and in the sky of the Ming Dynasty, there are only the Big Dipper and no Beidou satellites—all instruments with GPS functions are invalid.

Therefore, in order to play tracking and positioning and information communication in the 17th century, human beings can only rely on the most primitive and reliable telegraph, Morse code, and FM band, which have been eliminated.

Don't underestimate these old means of communication. In fact, the current mainstream means of communication for human beings is very fragile: in 2017, Hurricane "Harvey" swept across Texas, and coastal areas lost power, internet and signal overnight.At this time, the only thing that was not affected was the FM signal radio in the hands of the old men... The rescue team later relied on FM radio to communicate with each other.


The black wooden box Wangcai handed over to Xie Shushui had a set of biscuit-sized FM signal components installed at the bottom.This system consists of a lithium battery and an FM chip, which sends a specific signal to the outside world every 10 minutes.After the antenna installed in the back garden of Tangzhuang received signals one after another, Master Xiong's concubine could outline the target's general movement route, and then send the information to the Debang.

As Fuchuan got farther and farther away from Hangzhou, the signal received by Tangzhuang became weaker, and the positioning range became more and more blurred.But it doesn't matter, Fuchuan will soon enter the signal receiving range of the Debon, which is equipped with a simple hand-held locator.The principle of this instrument is similar to that of a radio, but because the antenna is too short, it is only possible to receive the signal when the signal source enters a range of 50 kilometers.

This is the advantage of being stuck in this sea throat area with a width of less than 10 kilometers: the Debon has plenty of time to arrange the next step-as long as it receives a signal.

Maybe it was because of the wrong wind direction. When the electronic alarm sound of "Didi" came from the locator, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Han Zude looked at the screen uploaded by the palm-sized locator, and hurried to the chart to start calculations. Poor Chen Erye couldn't understand the constantly changing KM numbers, small black dots, and ripple circles on the LCD screen. , so I can only worry on the sidelines.

"Chuanbi Island." A few minutes later, Han Zude dropped the pencil and said these three words with certainty.

"Ship speed?" The second master opened his mouth to ask a key question.

"Up to 4 knots."

After hearing the sound, the two masters of the Debon ship lay down on the chart at the same time, and began to gesture the distance with their fingers clumsily: "Is this going to go through the Luotou channel?"

"Yes, I can go to Peach Blossom Island at most before dark..."

"Set sail, go to Peach Blossom Island!"

Ten minutes later, Chen Huoding officially issued an order, so the sailors on the Debang quickly hoisted the sails and anchored, and headed straight to the southwest.


Xie's lucky boat was sailing around Chuanbi Island off the coast of Ningbo at 3:4 p.m.Knowing the general position and speed of the Fuchuan, the Debang can easily calculate the maximum sailing range of the Fuchuan in the next 4 hours: about [-] knots per hour, and the farthest Fuchuan can only go south before dark. Peach Blossom Island area.

This is simple. The Debang, which is located between Fuchuan and Peach Blossom Island, can now easily go to Peach Blossom Island to sleep. No matter where the Fuchuan stays overnight, the Debang can set off in the early morning of the next day. Sit back and wait, intercept it, hunt it down!

In the 17th century, all the Chinese ships traveling south and north along the coastline of the mainland had to seek shelter from the wind and spend the night after dark.The so-called "needle road" also contains information on harbors suitable for overnight stays on the route.

There is only one transmitter on the Debon, which needs to replace the battery regularly, and it is not equipped with a navigation radar. Therefore, in the Zhoushan Islands, which are densely covered with hidden reefs, the Debon dare not sail at night. In this way, the battle must take place during the day .

... Facts have proved that Chen Huoding's choice is correct: that night, the rabbit and the hunter rested on Peach Blossom Island respectively.It's just that the hunter is in the south of the island, and the rabbit is in the north of the island-the hunter has plenty of time to hurry, so he rushed ahead.


The feeling of thanking the water is not good.

After the fleet set sail early in the morning, it sailed southward smoothly along the waterway between Taohua Island and Xiazhi Island at first, without incident along the way.

However, when the fleet sailed out of the Xiazhi Channel, the situation suddenly became a bit uneasy: in front of the suddenly bright sea, a sand ship suddenly appeared.

Theoretically speaking, the appearance of a sand ship near the Zhoushan Islands is also very logical.

However, when the buddy in Wangdou told Xie Shushui loudly that when the sand boat in front was half-sailed, he went to sea to fight for his life at the age of 15. After going through wind and rain, Xie Shushui knew that trouble was coming.

Sure enough, when Xie Chushui tentatively ordered the fleet to lower half of its sails, the sand ship in front simply lowered its mainsail as well, leaving only two auxiliary sails half dead there to drive the ships forward.

The wind direction of the ships on both sides is the same at the moment. In this way, it is like a slow-moving cart sliding ahead in first gear—even though the two heavy trucks behind them carry a lot of cargo and are slow, the distance between them remains the same. slowly approaching.

Xie Chushui had already calmed down: Since he couldn't hide, he had no choice but to go up to him.He would like to see how the opponent's sandboat, which is no larger than 500 materials, can eat his own two 800 materials Dafu boats.

The next moment, the two blessing boats hoisted their sails, turned the rudder, and tried to bypass the side of the sand ship; at the same time, more than a hundred sailors on the two ships had gathered on the deck at this moment, all kinds of knives, axes and hooks were ready, and they were full of murderous looks .

On the leading Fuchuan, a small tiger squatting cannon was also mounted on the bow. Mr. Xie Guy, who participated in the Penghu War that year, was filling the tiger squatting cannon with black powder and gravel.

When everything was ready, the distance between the two sides was less than 500 meters, and the Fuchuan team was slowly approaching from the side and rear of the sandship. However, a strange scene happened: the pirates on the sandship did not come to join in a bloody battle, but Raised the half-sail, and maintained a posture of gradually paralleling with the Fuchuan team to move forward in a straight line. The parallel distance between the two sides at this moment has gradually approached the figure of 300 meters.

As for how the people on the Fuchuan confirmed that the other party was a pirate, it was very simple. A black-and-white recognition flag had already been hung on the sandboat—covering the sky.

Chapter 173

Just as the Fuchuan team slowly approached the Debang from behind, a serious internal strife broke out on the Debang...

Coordinates: Debon ship stern cabin.

There is a closet in the stern cabin. Only Chen Huoding has the key. Inside is an AK, an M9 pistol, and a row of magazines that only the captain of the Debang has the right to use.

At this moment, Chen Erye was taking the gun with a satisfied expression, inspecting it, and then stuffing the magazine into a small bamboo basket.

And Comrade Ma Liu who was standing next to him had an angry face and his eyes were wide open: "Second Master, it is agreed that I should take action this time!"

"Huh? When will we talk about it?" A black dwarf with a beard seemed to be suffering from amnesia at this moment.

"Second Master, don't mess around, don't let the brothers laugh!"

"They're all my brothers, so I laughed when I laughed." Chen Huoding had already checked the firearms, picked up the AK and was about to leave the cabin for a big fight. He didn't take Ma Liu, who was staring at the AK, seriously.

"Heisi!" Ma Liu, who was already out of anger, stretched his face even longer at this time, and took off his usual hypocritical mask, and the honorary title of second master was thrown away: "Don't shoot me today, I won't serve you anymore!"

"If you don't wait, don't wait. I can save some chili noodles."

...Looking at Second Master Chen who was about to go out, and at Scholar Han who was sitting in the cabin watching the fun, Ma Liu blushed, and had no choice but to use a big move—seeing him closely following Second Master, He bent down and whispered into the second master's ear: "Don't think that the master doesn't know what you're thinking, you black guy must want to join the gang? Heh heh, leave the uncle and the old brothers behind and join the gang!"

When Chen Huoding heard this, he suddenly stopped.

"Hey!" Seeing that the black fellow was caught by his words, Ma Liu hurriedly hit the iron while the iron was hot: "It was originally agreed to practice this time, so don't mess around. After I practice my skills, you go join the gang, brothers There is also a commission, right?"

Ma Liu was smiling all over his face at this time, while gently taking the AK from the somewhat sluggish second master, and then pulling away the bamboo basket, the honorific title came back at this time: "Don't worry, second master, God knows about this, you I know I know..."

Ignoring Hei Si who was still there in a daze, Ma Liu took a few steps with AK in his left hand and a bamboo basket in his right, and climbed onto the roof of the poop building as if walking on flat ground.

Standing on the top of the poop, Ma Liu with long hands and long legs was in high spirits at the moment. Looking sideways at the Fuchuan fleet that was almost parallel to the Debon, Ma Liu first laughed, and then shouted at the brothers on the deck: "Two hundred steps, parallel!"

... The sailors, who knew the ship's unique combat mode all too well, began to skillfully steer the sails and rudder after hearing the sound. Under the command of Chen Erye, who was a little absent-minded, the Debang slowly approached the blessing boat in the next moment.Just when the people on the Fuchuan thought that the pirates were finally coming to fight, the two sides began to parallel again at a distance of about 200 meters...

"What are these sluts going to do?" The people on the Fuchuan were once again confused.

Of course, they didn't have to be confused for a long time. According to the basics of movement learned after being kicked, beaten and scolded countless times by the black men on weekdays, Comrade Ma Liu was already aiming in a standard lying position. The next moment, the AK's gunfire flashed.


People in later generations are very happy, because everyone lives in a fairy tale world.

Thanks to the film rating committees of various countries, the people of later generations understand gunfights like this: gangsters shoot at close range with small pistols, and then the actors wear beautiful suits without bullet holes and slowly fall down. Some will cover their chest with their hands, not to mention blood, it doesn't exist.

Even more classic is the handsome guy protagonist fighting the gangster: first, the masked gangster who was "tens of meters" away used an AK to sweep wildly, and then the handsome guys retracted instantly behind the car door, behind the window, behind the corner... "da da da" , a row of bullet holes appeared in the camera, the next moment, the handsome guys showed their heads, raised their pistols and started to fight back...

The real situation is this: within 400 meters, the 7.62mm bullet fired by the standard AK rifle will easily and freely penetrate the car door, window, and wall corner, and then beat the people behind these obstacles into parts.

People who have actually been on the battlefield know that for every 100 people killed by AK, no more than 50% of them can keep their bodies intact.Arms and thighs flew around, and the kinetic energy of the bullet rushed out of the bowl-sized hole on the back, and blood and internal organs spewed out. This is the true power of Brother AK.

So the people on the Fuchuan began to be unlucky: the first wave of hits opened a gap in the neat human wall. The first two rounds of short bursts of the AK were empty, but the sailors lined up neatly behind the side of the boat did not lie down and call 911-Mingren did not have this awareness at all.

From the third wave, Ma Liu, who had adapted to the ups and downs of the muzzle, began to hit Fuchuan more than 200 meters away.As mentioned earlier, the wooden bulwarks could not stop the erosion of the 7.62mm bullets at all, but instead became an accomplice; bullets and plank fragments were flying around the deck at this moment, stumps were flying, blood was spraying, and the human wall discharged by the sailors The speed visible to the naked eye is rapidly collapsing.

At this time, the people who finally reacted began to practice crawling on the spot, but this was useless, and the powerful bullets were still penetrating through the wooden boards, taking lives.

"Boom" sounded, and Fuchuan finally launched a counterattack.

Under the compulsion of Xie Chushui, who had fallen into madness, the gunner ignited the fuse of the tiger squatting gun under the rain of bullets.

It was of no use, however: the Tiger Crouch Gun was designed to strafe enemy sailors with shotguns at close range the moment a boarding battle began.In other words, the tiger squatting cannon can achieve effective killing only if the range is controlled within 20 meters.And this is a one-shot deal, because after firing the cannon, the enemy has already started to jump, and there will be no chance for the gunner to reload.

Now, on the undulating bow of the ship, firing cannons at the sand ship at a distance of more than 200 meters, the effect can be imagined-the broken stones fell like flowers on the sea between the two sides, and did not take away a cloud.

Xie Shushui now finally understands one thing: why this damned sand boat is traveling side by side on the ocean.

However, the price of understanding this was so heavy that Xie Shushui himself was not able to escape the fate of being shot: the bullet then hit the tiger squat gun and reflected into his abdominal cavity.

Suppressing the severe pain in his abdomen, Xie Chushui clutched his wound tightly while shaking his head against the bulwark—he was trying to overcome the dizziness caused by massive blood loss.

The next moment, panting heavily, Xie Chushui looked at the messy corpses and limbs all over the floor, as well as the waves of blood flowing non-stop as the deck shook, he suddenly pulled a sailor over, and opened his mouth with difficulty: , Raise the flag, let the old thirteen go quickly, abandon...abandon the boat, and run for their lives!"

After saying this, Xie Shuishui let go of his hand, and began to stagger toward the stern cabin with his hands on the side of the ship—there was still a pistol there, knowing that he would be unlucky today, he planned to use it to earn a Then hit the road.


From the time the first bullet was ejected to the time when the remaining sailors on the Fuchuan jumped into the sea, the whole process seemed lively, but in fact it didn't even take 10 minutes.

In a short period of time, the Fuchuan fleet, which has experienced from heaven to hell, has already started the escape mode.The first Fuchuan was out of control at this time, like a truck driven drunk, and its course began to gradually deviate.

The remaining sailors were jumping into the sea one after another from the stern, swimming towards the intact lucky boat behind them.Then the owner of the second ship, Xie Shisan, was ordering the rudder to turn, ordering the boat to flee towards the mainland.

However, this is doomed to be useless: with only 100 sailors and some supplies, the Debon is actually an empty ship, just like an SUV running on the Gobi.And Fuchuan is like two heavy trucks full of sand and gravel. No matter how maneuvering it is, it will be easily overtaken by the SUV and maintain a parallel position 200 meters away.

The second battle also ended quickly.

This time, the sailors on the Debon bravely launched the gang-jumping tactic... Everyone was almost dead, and the 30 people in the past jumped to help clean up the mess.


Xie Chushui was trying to take a big gulp of air.He was now leaning against the stern wall, pale and covered in blood, his eyes fixed on the door.

There were loud shouts outside the cabin door, and he knew that the pirates were at the door, and someone would rush into the cockpit soon.But now he was powerless to fight back: the blood under his body took away all his strength.

Not long after, a pirate with a short knife rushed in.Leaning down to see Xie Chushui who was still panting, the pirate chuckled, then turned his head and shouted towards the door: "Second Master, there is still someone panting!"

... There was a strange "didi" sound outside the door.A short man with a beard walked into the stern cabin at this moment. This man was holding a strange-looking black brick in his hand, and the strange "didi" sound came from the black brick.

After entering the door, the short man didn't bother to thank the water, but lowered his head and stared at the things in his hand, looking around in the cabin like a geomancer.It didn't take long for the short man to come to the closet, and he opened the door, and under Xie Shuishui's contemptuous eyes, he grabbed out the silver ingots in the closet... No, it was an inconspicuous black box in the corner.

The next moment, Xie Chuishui Wushen's eyes widened suddenly: the black dwarf put the black box on the table, then took out a bunch of copper keys from his back waist, picked one out, and after a "click", the other key The delicate little copper lock was opened.

After Chen Huoding opened the wooden box, he threw the two pairs of satin cloth shoes to the guys at the cabin door, and then threw the letters from home out of the window, letting the sea breeze blow away.Next, the second master picked up the wooden box, fumbled around, and said "tsk tsk": "Good baby, I must send it back to Tangzhuang quickly, and I will use it when I go to sea!"


After Xie Chushui heard this sentence, he felt blessed at this moment when he was on the verge of death, and a series of pictures flashed before his eyes:

Uncle Xie Fuqing said helplessly, "The corpses of the red-haired people were scattered all over the field, and the city wall was blown apart. How can this be a sneak attack?"

Uncle Xie Fuqing said angrily: "The second shopkeeper of Tangzhuang is the sworn brother of the leader of the Hangzhou Beggar Clan... You can go now... The two boats will return to Zhangzhou together in the future!"

Ding Wangcai, the round-faced servant, said with a smile: "When Gangshou reaches the ground, he will be able to see the person who opened the box with the key."

Xie Chushui suddenly realized, stared at the black wooden box, and swallowed his last breath.

Chapter 174

Coordinates: Yingzui Bay, Daishan Island.

Time: The evening of the 15th day after the operation to kill Fuchuan.

Daishan Island is located in the north of the Zhoushan Islands. It has a large area but is extremely desolate.Yingzui Bay is located in the east of Daishan Island, facing the Pacific Ocean. It is named after a promontory shaped like an eagle's mouth.

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